Gear Up!

There's more to lose than the game. Use protective eyewear.

Healthy Vision Month

May is Healthy Vision Month, a national eye health observance devoted to promoting the vision objectives in Healthy People 2010.  The focus for this year is Healthy People 2010 Vision Objective 28-9: Increase the use of personal protective eyewear in recreational activities and hazardous situations around the home.

Healthy Vision Month is sponsored by the National Eye Health Education Program of the National Eye Institute (NEI).  NEI is one of the National Institutes of Health, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The goal of Healthy Vision Month 2008 is to inform people about the need for children aged 7 to 14 (and all others) to prevent eye injuries by using protective eyewear when playing sports.  Please help us work with parents and coaches to persuade children to use protective eyewear during sports-related activities.