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02 May 2009 

VOA News:

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'Hair' – More Than a Rock Musical

02 May 2009

Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

A listener named Rita wants to learn about expressions with the word "hair." So we will tell a story.

Yesterday when I woke up, I looked in a mirror.  I looked very neat and organized.  Not a hair was out of place.  But today when I woke up, I knew I was going to have a bad hair day.  My hair was standing up in all the wrong places.  I thought I would be unhappy all day and things would not go well. I work at home so I just hoped that my computer would work right and not have a bad hair day also.      

An advertisement for the musical "Hair"
An advertisement for the musical "Hair"
I was very tired because I did not sleep well last night. I made the mistake of watching a horror movie on television.  The movie really made my hair stand on end.  It was about a house possessed by evil spirits. The thought of having to live alone in a house like that was so frightening it was enough to curl your hair. I will say it another way: watching that movie was a hair-raising experience.

I prepared a meal for my children but they were behaving badly. I turned on the television so they would be quiet. I did not want them to be difficult or to get in my hair while I was working on the computer.

My children were making so much noise that I could not work.  I was getting angry.  In fact, I was ready to pull my hair out.  I told them to please be quiet or I would punish them. But they knew I would not harm a hair on their heads.

I decided to make myself some strong coffee so I could work better. But my drink was so strong that it could put hair on your chest. 

Finally, I got back to work. I was writing a proposal for a project. I knew that I was very close to finishing the proposal.  Success was very close – within a hair's breadth. My supervisor called me to discuss the project.  She wanted to argue about very small differences and unimportant details.  But I told her not to split hairs.

Later, I got a telephone call from a friend whom I had not seen in a long time. In fact, I had not seen hide nor hair of him in months.  So I was glad to know that he was all right.

I worked all day and finished my project. So I decided to celebrate, have some fun and let my hair down.  I played some old recordings, and my children and I danced around the room. The recordings are from my favorite musical, a show called "Hair." It takes place during the nineteen sixties when many young people wore their hair very long.


This VOA Special English program was written by Shelley Gollust.  I'm Faith Lapidus. You can find other WORDS AND THEIR STORIES at our Web site, voaspecialenglish.com.


1. what a interesting story

wow It's too funny and interesting! I didn;t know that there are so various expression for hair! hehe Thanks VOA for letting me know about a lot of things that I didn;t know hehe
Submitted by: Raina (South Korea)
05-04-2009 - 03:17:33

2. What are the idioms mean?

Thank you very much Ms. Gollust for the idiom expressions with hair. I could guessing the meaning of the idioms, but it will be kind of blurs to me if no one help me identify them.
Submitted by: Xandra (China)
05-03-2009 - 13:18:35

3. Amazing program

Words and their stories hits heart of the language. Keep this program forever, Thank you.
Submitted by: Amnuay Hirunsalee (Thailand)
05-03-2009 - 10:49:03

4. I saw the musical live

There really are lots of expressions using "hair" in English. I'm impressed with whoever wrote the article, because every single expression is being used "to a hair." I can't think of if we have as many expresiions in our language as in English. It was in the late 1960's, I think, when I saw the world-famous musical live at a theater on Bfroadway. The piece certainly was an epoch-making work of the time. I still remember it vividly to this day.
Submitted by: touiann (Japan)
05-03-2009 - 09:25:39

5. greeting

Submitted by: Thu (Vietnam)
05-03-2009 - 07:45:54

6. Never-let-your-hair-down Learning

Amazed to get to know so many excellent phrases involving the word "hair". However, it might be a hair-raising experience to memorize all of them. With comprehensive understanding and consistent practice, I will definitely find out that success is within a hair's breadth. Nevertheless, I won't let my hair down because I firmly believe that study is boundless.
Submitted by: Liu Sijia (China)
05-03-2009 - 02:28:49

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