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01 May 2009 

VOA News:

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President Obama Marks 100 Days in Office

01 May 2009

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. This week we look at President Obama's first one hundred days in office.  

The tradition of marking the first one hundred days of a new president began with Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  He was sworn-in as president seventy-six years ago during the Great Depression -- the worst economic crisis in the country's history.  

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
In his first one hundred days in office, President Roosevelt worked with Congress to pass a series of measures. They were designed to re-build trust in the American economy, and help the unemployed and those in danger of losing their homes and farms.

Since then, the first three months of a presidency have been compared to Roosevelt's. Presidents are judged on their ability to quickly demonstrate leadership and win congressional approval of their proposals.

The media and political observers have spent a lot of time examining Mister Obama's first one hundred days in office.  But many of them admit the one hundred day mark is a meaningless number.  Others say it is too soon to be judging the work of the president.

On Wednesday, Mister Obama marked his one hundredth day by speaking at a school in the state of Missouri.  He said he is proud of the successes, but that more has to be done.

President Obama speaking at the White House Thursday about efforts to save Chrysler
President Obama speaking at the White House Thursday about efforts to save Chrysler
BARACK OBAMA: "Now, after one hundred days, I am pleased with the progress we have made.  But I am not satisfied.  I am confident in the future.  But I am not content with the present – not when there are workers who are still out of jobs, families who still cannot pay their bills."

Mister Obama has dealt with many issues since becoming the nation's first African-American president on January twentieth. He has faced economic problems and worked to strengthen relations with other countries.  Congress passed his seven hundred eighty-seven billion dollar economic recovery plan.  The president has also taken steps to rescue the struggling financial and automotive industries.

Since taking office, Mister Obama has ordered the closure of the American detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He set a time limit for withdrawal of most American troops from Iraq, while increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan.

Mister Obama also made efforts to improve America's international image.  He received criticism from the Republican Party for offering talks with Iran and Cuba.  Republicans also criticized him for shaking the hand of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

The party opposes his plan to cut taxes for middle class Americans and use of government spending to increase economic activity. Party leaders warn that will result in a huge increase in the national debt.

Yet studies show Mister Obama's public approval rating is above sixty percent.  The president also increased his support in the Senate this week.  Long-time Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter announced he is leaving the Republicans to join the president's Democratic Party.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. I'm Steve Ember.


1. Obama, pleasing people president!

Whilst I appreciate that leading such a large country in sucha a big mess is not an easy task, my impressions on Obama is that he is trying to please all people! This is not leadership it is popularity contest!
Submitted by: Florin Farcut (Australia)
05-03-2009 - 10:27:02

2. hi

T am happy to Obama is became presedent. i like thank you...................................................
Submitted by: Hamid (Afghanistan)
05-03-2009 - 08:45:35

3. Will President Barack Obama be one of the best presidents of the U. S.

He is making history. It's obvious. As long as the earth still exsists, the United States of America still exsists, people will talk about him, the first African American president of the U. S. I am happy a lot of people in over the world like him and think that he will make the U. S. and the world better. I like the fact that he kept his promisess in his campaign and he is working hard to make them become true, for instances, affordable healthcare for everyone, lower taxes for middle-class people, withdrawal American troops from Iraq( Iraq has its government, so let them be responsible and solve their own problems, America has helped them enough).... I like the way he and his government want to talk with the whole world, not just with friends, but with some countries which did not say yes with the U. S. all the time. To be the real leader of the world, you must know how to deal with anyone and show them your leadership, not just..." bomb, bomb, bomb..." every time they do not agree
Submitted by: sunrise2102 (Vietnam)
05-02-2009 - 21:14:03

4. obama actiong

this is my first comment,dont know write someting.only way is to read ,and learning english more and more.thanks .
Submitted by: markarl (china)
05-02-2009 - 13:40:44


thanks a lot VOA.. i get english learning anymore...
Submitted by: kezia dian elita (indonesia)
05-02-2009 - 13:02:12

6. We trust in President Obama

Mister Obama is making great efforts to bring America's friendly image to everyone all over the world. That is the truth!
Submitted by: thuhuhong (vietnam)
05-02-2009 - 10:09:07

7. Our era may not be so homologous as is assumed

I personally feel it is not fair to compare the 100 days of President Obama's administration with that of Mr. F.D.Roosevelt's, because the background sceneries of their political and cultural bases are totally different. Present day America is much more complicated than 60-70 years ago. General public must have learned lessons through many wars and crises over the years and they ought to have grown maturer than their forefathers of a few generations ago. I feel it may take a little longer for Mr. Obama to lead his nation into a securer future.
Submitted by: touiann (Japan)
05-02-2009 - 08:51:20

8. student

very good!
Submitted by: arum (China)
05-02-2009 - 05:42:34


Obama is a good president and is actually trying to help. But i think he needs to be make more of an effort to help the poor people before chrysler. for example my family is poor and we barely make it by each month we only get enough money to pay the bills and thats it we don't extra money to get other stuff like shoes clothes.etc. im still wearing the same clothes from last year they fit but they wont in another month or 2.
Submitted by: Autumn Lansdale (California)
05-01-2009 - 21:17:54

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