The Library of Congress
Lesson Overview

migrant mother
The Great Depression and the 1990s
Student Resources

General Great Depression Sites

FDR Cartoon Database: Contains cartoons from the presidency of FDR. Many of the cartoons are about the Great Depression and in particular, the New Deal.

Groups effected by the Great Depression

Voices from the Dust Bowl, 1940-1941, American Memory


American Life Histories, 1936-1940, American Memory:

The Moneyed

American Life Histories, 1936-1940, American Memory:
Recovery: A Finance Officer from the U.S. Treasury discusses bank closures, the cause of the Great Depression and how he, personally, was not hit too hard by the depression.


American Life Histories, 1936-1940, American Memory:

Afternoon in a Pushcart Peddlers Colony: Memoir of a colony of artists, musicians, plumbers and other unemployed who make their living as pushcart peddlers in New York City.

Surviving the Dust Bowl: Rich resource based on the PBS film "Surviving the Dust Bowl" with a timeline, maps, and other related links.

FSA/OWI Color Photographs, 1938-1944, American Memory


Afro-American Mosaic, exhibition: Overview of how the WPA helped black artists

New Deal Sites

Building America: FDR's New Deal: Pictures and articles on various aspects of the New Deal

The New Deal Network: An excellent site with extensive document and photo libraries. Both libraries contain primary source materials on how various groups were affected by the Great Depression and the New Deal.

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Last updated 02/05/2004