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National Marine Sanctuaries Act
16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq. Linking to a non-federal government web site.This link does not imply endorsement.

Specific Natural Resource Trustee Authorities:

Section 1432 Linking to a non-federal government web site.This link does not imply endorsement.:

  • defines natural resource damages to include—
    • the cost of replacing, restoring, or acquiring the equivalent of a sanctuary resource
    • the value of the lost use of the resource pending its restoration
    • the cost of damage assessments, and
    • reasonable costs of monitoring

Section 1443 Linking to a non-federal government web site.This link does not imply endorsement.:

  • establishes liability for destruction, loss of or injuries to sanctuary resources
  • authorizes the pursuit of civil actions for response costs and damages
  • requires that recovered response costs and damages be used—
    • to finance response actions and damage assessments
    • to restore, replace or acquire the equivalent of the injured sanctuary resource, and
    • to manage and improve national marine sanctuaries

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