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State of the Coast Web Site
February 1998 - November 2001

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On November 9, 2001, NOAA retired its State of the Coast Project Web site after 45 months on-line. Launched in February 1998 in response to then Vice President Gore's challenge that Federal agencies develop a "report card" on the state of the Nation's environment, the project produced 17 essays on a variety of coastal topics, three CD-ROMs, and a short video featuring former members and associates of the Stratton Commission. The essays remain available here as PDF files. The CD-ROMs and video are no longer available.

The essays were organized in a pressure, state and response framework. The "state" of the environment, the centerpiece of the framework, focuses on conditions of environmental systems. Conditions result from a combination of human-induced pressures on the environment and societal responses to environmental degradation. The essays are factual presentations; inferences are minimal.

To access an essay, click on its title below. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader (download Adobe Acrobat Reader) to view the essay. The date that an essay first appeared on the State of the Coast Web site follows its title in parentheses. Note that audio responses, previously available on the State of the Coast Web site in each essay's Expert Interpretation section, will not be available within PDF files.

Pressure Topics

State Topics


Response Topics



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America's Oceans and Coasts: safe, healthy, and productive

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