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Yellow Tangs


The Ocean Principals Group, consisting of senior representatives from all civilian and military agencies with ocean-related activities, manages the Federal role in the Year of the Ocean. It has also made possible a national Year of the Ocean effort through establishment of a joint project agreement with the Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment. This agreement provides a mechanism for coordination among "stakeholders" from government, private industry, non-government organizations, and the academic sector.

The Ocean Principals Group has identified seven themes-- Maritime Transportation, National Security, Ocean Resources, Marine Environmental Quality, Recreation and Tourism, and Weather, Climate and Natural Hazards-- and four cross-cutting issues-- science, technology, and research; Legal Framework, Management of Ocean Areas, Uses and Resource; and Education and Exploration. Stakeholders will be engaged in an examination of these themes and issues and in the development of an agenda to take advantage of the opportunities for action that the Year of the Ocean provides.

[NOAA Logo]
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
[US Coast Guard Logo]
The U.S Department of
[NASA Logo]National Aeronautical and
Space Administration (NASA)
[Mineral Management Services Logo]
U.S Department of
the Interior, Minerals Management
Service (MMS)
[US Army Corps of Engineers Logo]
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
[The Oceanographer of the Navy Logo]
The Oceanographer of
the Navy,
Department of Defense
[Office of Naval Research (ONR) Logo]
Office of Naval Research (ONR),
Department of Defense
[The Office of Policy & International Affairs Banner]
Office of Policy and
International Affairs,
Department of Energy
[Office of Fossil Energy Banner]
Office of Fossil Energy,
Department of Energy
[U.S Geological Survey (USGS) Banner]
U.S Geological Survey (USGS),
Department of Interior
[Office of Marine Law and Policy, Dept. of State Banner]
Office of Marine Law and Policy,
Department of State
[U.S Agency for International Development (AID) - Global Environmental Center, Dept. of State Banner]
U.S Agency for International Development (USAID),
Global Environmental Center,
Department of State
[U.S Maritime Administration Logo Banner]
U.S Maritime Administration,
Department of Transportation
[National Environmental Protection Agency Banner]
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
[National Science Foundation (NSF)]
National Science Foundation (NSF)
[Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)]
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
[Smithsonian Institution]
Smithsonian Institution
[The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Logo]
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
[The White House Council on Environmental Quality Logo]
The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
[Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)]
Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
[US Coast Guard Logo]
The United States
Coast Guard

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