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Carbon Disulfide Safety and Health Topics:
Carbon Disulfide

General Description
    Synonym: Carbon bisulfide

    OSHA IMIS Code Number: 0540

    Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number: 75-15-0

    NIOSH, Registry of Toxic Effects (RTECS) Identification Number: FF6650000

    Department of Transportation Regulation Number (49 CFR 172.101) and Guide: 1131 131

    NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, Carbon Disulfide: chemical description, physical properties, potentially hazardous incompatibilities, and more
Exposure Limits
    OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for General Industry: 29 CFR 1910.1000 Z-2 Table -- 20 ppm TWA; 30 ppm Ceiling for 30 min; 100 ppm Peak

    OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for Maritime: 29 CFR 1915.1000 Table Z-Shipyards -- 20 ppm, 60 mg/m3 TWA; Skin

    American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 10 ppm, 31 mg/m3 TWA; Skin; BEI

    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Limit (REL): 1 ppm, 3 mg/m3 TWA; 10 ppm, 30 mg/m3 STEL; Skin
Health Factors
    NIOSH Immediately Dangerous To Life or Health Concentration (IDLH): 500 ppm

    Potential symptom(s): Dizziness, headaches, poor sleeping, fatigue, nervousness; anorexia, low-weight; mood changes, psychosis; polyneuropathy; Parkinson-like syndrome; ocular changes (blurred vision, retinal microaneurisms, reduced color discrimination); coronary heart disease; gastritis; kidney, liver damage; eye, skin burns; dermatitis; decreased sperm count and libido in men; menstrual disturbances in women

    Health Effect(s): CNS Damage (HE7); Reproductive Impairment (HE5); Chronic effects on heart, kidney, liver, skin (HE3)

    Affected organ(s): CNS, PNS, cardiovascular system, eyes, kidneys, liver, skin

    Note: Measurement of carbon disulfide-induced cross-linking of hemoglobin has been proposed as a biomarker of chronic exposure that is measurable before symptoms of toxicity occur, but this is still in the experimental stage.

    Date Last Revised: 05/09/2003

    Literature Basis:
    • Abadin, H. and Liccione, J.J.: Toxicological Profile for Carbon Disulfide (Update). Atlanta: ATSDR/PHS/USDHHS (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996-739-324, 1996.
    • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Technology Transfer Network Air Toxics Website: Carbon disulfide
    • (reduced color discrimination)
      Vanhoorne, M., De Rouck, A. and Bacquer, D.: Epidemiological study of the systemic ophthalmological effects of carbon disulfide. Arch. Environ. Health 51(3): 181-188, 1996.
    • Wang, C., Tan, X., Bi, Y., Su, Y., Yan, J., Ma, S., He, J., Braeckman, L., De Bacquer, D., Wang, F. and Vanhoorne, M.: Cross-sectional study of the ophthalmological effects of carbon disulfide in Chinese viscose workers. Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 205(5) : 367-372, 2002.
    • (proposed biomarker)
      Valentine, W.M., Amarnath, V., Amarnath, K., Erve, J.C., Graham, D.G., Morgan, D.L. and Sills, R.C.: Covalent modification of hemoglobin by carbon disulfide: III. A potential biomarker of effect. Neurotoxicology 19(1): 99-107, 1997.
Monitoring Methods used by OSHA
    Laboratory Sampling/Analytical Method:

    sampling media: Charcoal Tube (100/50 mg sections, 20/40 mesh)
    analytical solvent: Toluene
    alternate solvent: (95:5) Methylene Chloride/Methanol
    maximum volume: 25 Liters   maximum flow rate: 0.2 L/min (TWA)
    maximum volume: 3 Liters   maximum flow rate: 0.2 L/min (STEL)
    minimum time: 30 Minutes   maximum flow rate: 0.2 L/min (Ceiling)
    minimum time: 5 Minutes   maximum flow rate: 0.2 L/min (Peak)
    current analytical method: Gas Chromatography; GC/FPD
    method reference: OSHA Modified NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (OSHA Modified NIOSH 1600)
    method classification: Fully Validated

    On-Site Sampling Techniques/Methods:

    device: Detector Tube
    manufacturer: Matheson-Kitagawa
    model/type: 8014-141SB
    sampling information: follow manufacturer’s instructions
    upper measurement limit: 50 ppm
    detection limit: approx. 1 ppm
    overall uncertainty: unknown
    method reference: on-site air secondary (SEI Certified)

    device: Detector Tube
    manufacturer: Gastec
    model/type: 13
    sampling information: 0.5 to 4 strokes
    upper measurement limit: 100 ppm
    detection limit: 0.3 ppm
    overall uncertainty: 16.4% for 2.5 to 10 ppm, 8.2% for 10 to 50 ppm
    method reference: on-site air secondary (SEI Certified)

    Wipe sampling: Wipe with charcoal pad, seal in glass vial for shipment.

    * All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Revised: 14 October 2003
 Safety and Health
  Chemical Sampling Information:
  Carbon Disulfide
  General Description
  Exposure Limits
  Health Factors

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