Unsure if You Successfully Registered for Assistance?

If you believe that your online registration was not saved, you should continue on to "Review Your Application".  You will need to create an account to check if your application is there. Follow the instructions and your account will be created for you. You will get a PIN and password, via e-mail, for checking the status of your application.

You must wait 24 hours after receiving your PIN and Password to return and login to check your registration.

In most cases, you will find your application and that means you do not need to register again.

If you do not see your application AND it has been at least 24 hours since you received your pin and password, we recommend registering again. Please remember, if you do not wait 24 hours before re-registering, multiple registrations may be recorded and that will delay processing your case.


Last Modified: Thursday, 30-Mar-2006 09:03:53 EST