
Civil War Prisioners of War

Records of the Commissary General of Prisoners

During the American Civil War, hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war were held by both the Union and Confederacy. The records found in Record Group 249 include records relating to the parole of Federal prisoners, records of prisoners held in Confederate prisons including Andersonville, records of Confederate prisoners of war held in Union prisons, and records of claims filed by Union prisoners of war.

Search Instructions:

To read the descriptions of records from the RG 249 in ARC, click the yellow Search button in the upper left corner of this page.

Change the search type to Advanced Search.

Limit the search results to 1000.

Scroll down to the Record Group Numbers Filter and click the Lookup button.

Type 249 in the keyword box and click the Go button.

Click the All button.

This will return you to the main search page.

Click the Go button to search for all descriptions.  The search will bring back 347 series descriptions associated with the record group.

Click the Display All Hits button to see all of the descriptions.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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