NHLBI Research Career Development Programs in Vascular Medicine (K12s)

Currently Recruiting Candidates!

NHLBI Program and Initiative:

Research Career Development Programs in Vascular Medicine (RFA HL-05-002)

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) recently funded seven K12 centers in the U.S. to offer comprehensive clinical research training for physicians wanting to specialize in vascular medicine. This evolving discipline is devoted to clinical evaluation and management of individuals with arterial, venous and lymphatic diseases. Beyond clinical training, this program is designed to prepare clinicians for academic leadership roles as mentors and clinical researchers in vascular medicine.

This NHLBI initiative is to facilitate the idea that vascular medicine will shortly become a bona fide specialty addressing an ever increasing population of patients. Training its new leaders in hypothesis-based research and systematic clinical assessment will help ensure a solid foundation for this emerging specialty and thereby advance the public health.

The programs below are actively recruiting fellows; please contact them for further information about their individual K12 programs:

Stanford University - John Cooke, M.D., Ph.D.
Phone: (650) 725-3778; Email: john.cooke@stanford.edu
Brigham & Women's Hospital - Mark A. Creager, M.D.
Contact Joanne Normandin; Phone: (617) 732-5267; Email: jnormandin@partners.org
Wake Forest University Health Sciences - Kimberley J. Hansen, M.D.
Contact Julie Wonders; Phone: (336) 713-5256; Email: jwonders@wfubmc.edu
Mayo Clinic Rochester - John A. Heit, M.D.
Phone: (507) 284-4634; Email: heit.john@mayo.edu
Northwestern University - Mary M. McDermott, M.D.
Phone: (312) 695-6420; Email: mdm608@northwestern.edu
University of Pennsylvania - Emile R. Mohler III, M.D.
Phone: (215) 662-3275; Email: mohlere@uphs.upenn.edu
Boston University Medical Center - Joseph Vita, M.D.
Phone: (617) 638-8742; Email: jvita@bu.edu

The above funded K12 programs will offer the following:

  • One year of core clinical training
  • Didactic training in clincial research
  • Two years of mentored research experience
  • Three years of financial support for salary and fringe benefits for at least 75% effort
  • Limited funds for research expenses, supplies, equipment, technical personnel, travel, tuition and fees.

Potential candidates must meet the criteria below:

  • Currently be physicians with an M.D. or D.O. degree and completed residency training
  • Must be citizens or non-citizen nationals of the United States, or be lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence (in possession of a current valid Alien Registration Receipt Card I-155 or other legal verification of such)
  • Must not be or have been a Principal Investigator on an R01 or R21 award or on a component of a Program Project (P01), Center grant (P50, P60, or U54), mentored career development (K-series) grant, or other equivalent research grant award. However, those that may have had support on a NRSA grant (F or T) and/or NIH small grant (R03) would be eligible.

The long-term programmatic goal for the K12 program is for candidates to develop the skills necessary to become leaders in vascular medicine and compete independently for research support. If further mentored research support is needed before applying for an R01 or equivalent grant, K12 graduates are eligible to apply for an NIH “K” award for up to 3 more years.

NHLBI Program Contacts:

Michael Commarato, Ph.D.
Phone: 301-435-0535; Email: commaram@nhlbi.nih.gov

Diane Reid, M.D.
Phone: 301-402-3824; Email: reiddm@mail.nih.gov

Jane Scott, ScD, MSN, FAHA
Phone: 301-435-0535; Email: scottj2@nhlbi.nih.gov

August 2007

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