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In support of the West Coast Governors’ Agreement (WCGA) on Ocean Health (WCGA) Action Plan and the legislative mandates of the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act (HABHRCA) NOAA's Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR) partnered with the west coast states to develop and convene the West Coast Regional Harmful Algal Bloom Summit. This workshop was built upon more than 10 years of CSCOR support for HAB research and management on the West Coast as well as CSCOR’s experience convening research and management-related HAB meetings and workshops nationwide.


Workshop (Invitation Only) - February 10-12, 2009

Public Session (Open to Public) - February 12, 2009 5:00pm-7:00pm

click here to view the public session agenda


Portland, Oregon at the Portland Marriott Downtown – Waterfront

Goal of the Workshop:sign

The goals of the Summit are to: 1) assess the present state-of-knowledge of the distribution, causes, and impacts of HABs along the West Coast; 2) identify the clients and needs for a coordinated Tri-State HAB monitoring, alert, and response network ; 3) identify necessary monitoring, alert, and response system elements, including how this system would link to the ocean observing networks; and 4) determine how to build a predictive HAB system for the U.S. West Coast region.


Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a global threat to living resources and human health.  The frequency of HAB events is increasing and their geographical distribution now impacts all coastal states. HABs have had significant ecological and socioeconomic impacts on the California, Oregon, and Washington coastal communities for decades.

The types of HABs that continue to threaten West Coast water quality, living resources, and the health and economies of its communities are widespread and often extend beyond state boundaries.  To ensure protection of marine resources and human health from the HAB threat, a regional approach to coastal ecosystem management is needed.  Recognizing the need for regional collaboration in managing HABs, the West Coast Governors’ Agreement (WCGA) on Ocean Health is currently integrating Actions to promote interstate coordination of research and monitoring efforts in their Action Plan.

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