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National Gallery of Art - EXHIBITIONS

Past Exhibitions

Giambologna's Cesarini Venus

September 26, 1993-May 15, 1994

Overview: A focus exhibition featured the Cesarini Venus by Giambologna as well as other works in bronze by the sculptor. Loans came from the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence; the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and the National Trust, Anglesey Abbey, England. The Cesarini Venus had been recently restored and was on loan from the Embassy of the United States of America, Rome, the first time the marble had left Italy since it was created.

Guest curator was Anthony Radcliffe of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, a leading author on Giambologna and the 1993-1994 Samuel H. Kress Professor at the National Gallery of Art's Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA).

Attendance: 184,797 (232 days)

Location: West Building, Main Floor, Galleries 11, 12, 17

Brochure: Giambologna's Cesarini Venus, by Anthony Radcliffe. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1993.

Other venue:
Musei Capitolini, Rome (only Cesarini Venus)
July 6-August 31, 1993

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