The Library of Congress

Learning Page Chat, November 20, 2003: The People ... Native Americans

Tapped In, ASO (After School Online)
LeniD joined the room.

BJ: Hi, Leni!

LeniD: Hello!

BJ: if you are new to Tapped In discussions, please read the 10 steps above this chat window. If you have any questions about the 10 steps, let us know before the LOC chat begins.

LeniD: Thanks, BJ. Folks, I have a great deal to share with you...please speak up now if you need any help from BJ in using Tapped In :-)

LeniD: BJ, will you get us started, please?

BJ: Welcome to tonight's Library of Congress LEarning page Chat... the topic tonight is Native Americans.

BJ: We usually start discussions with introductions.

NancySa: hi.  i'm nancy...pre-service teacher at university of houston  :)

AmyLD: I am a student at the University of Houston

KathyHoa: Hello, My name is Kathy and I am a pre-service teacher at the University of Houston

JohnSunC: hello, I am a pre-service teacher, too from the university of houston

KenM: Hi, I'm Ken and I'm also a pre-service teacher from the University of Houston

FeliciteP: Hello everyone, my name is Felicite and I am a Pre-Service teacher at the University of Houston.

BJ: I'm an art teacher In Pennsylvania and a helpdesk volunteer for Tapped In

FrederickN: I'm Ricky and a preservice teacher at the university of Akron

KathleenR: Kathleen, high school Resource Room teacher, NYC and doctoral candidate

MarbeliaS: Hi I'm a pre-service teacher from the university of houston

JennyM: I'm Jenny a veteran teacher in Indianapolis

JulieCH: hi, julie pre-service language arts middle/secondary endorsement at University of Oregon

TammyB: Hi I'm Tammy and I teach 8th grade History in SC

MireyaM: I'm a preservice teacher at the University of Houston.

SharonLH: Hi, I'm sharon, also a pre-service teacher, at the University of Oregon.  Will be teaching high-school English... (and probably Social Studies)

TimFl: I am a preservice teacher in Oregon

AmandaC: Hi. I'm Mandi.  Fourth grade teacher from South Carolina.

MoniqueP: I'm s pre-service teacher at U of H

MGst17: Hi - I'm a Digital Reference Librarian at the Library of Congress

LeniD: I'm Leni Donlan. I was a teacher "out West" for longer than I care to tell you :-)  I am now the coordinator of the Learning Page project at the Library of Congress

SusanR: I am a K to 8 Occasional Teacher from Canada

BJ: Because this is such a large group, please hold comments until Leni asks for them

LeniD: I'd like you all to get comfortable and ready to give me your full attention.

LeniD: I have a great deal to share!  Ready?

BJ buckles her seat belt

LeniD: Good idea, BJ!

SusanR listens intently

SharonLH: Ready.

LeniD: Tonight, I'd like to share resources about Native Americans from the Library's many Web sites.  I'd also like to hear where and how in your curriculum you deal with this sensitive topic.

LeniD: Let's begin with some "background information" from the Learning Page Feature Presentation, Immigration...The Changing Face of America.

LeniD: We'll zoom in on the section about Native Americans:

BJ: click on the hyperlink to open a new window

LeniD: Note the timeline on the right... and the globe on the left...
The globe links to an interactive map that showing the decimation of Native American lands in the United States. (requires the Flash plug in)

LeniD: How are we doing?
KathyHoa: great
FrederickN: great
JulieCH: good
CindyGst1: got the map
MatthewT: Good
SanaM: great
AmandaC: slow going
LeniD: Excellent :-)  Are you viewing the map, then?
KimberlyBo: good
MireyaM: good
AmandaC: yes
KathyHoa: yes
KimberlyBo: yes
KathleenR: yes
JulieCH: yes
NancySa: yes
MGst17: yes
MireyaM: yes
FeliciteP: yes
CindyGst1: yes
LeniD: Wonderful!
LeniD: What does this map tell us about "Manifest Destiny"?
SanaM: yes
KenM: yes I am, that is amazing and sad
LeniD: I agree, ken.
JohnSunC: nice map, nice html coding on the time line
SloanH: no
LeniD: Thanks, John. Problems, Sloan?
FrederickN: great map and nice visual tool
KenM: Manifest Destiny was an unjust process brought on by ethnocentrism
JulieCH: manifest destiny
SloanH: yes.
LeniD: It had devastating outcomes for the Native American.
KenM: the way one culture imposes it's will on another, a true travesty

MireyaM: The whole concept is discriminatory because it was only beneficial to white men at first.
JulieCH: it killed millions of Native Americans
SanaM: great animation

LeniD: If you want to learn more about the government's actions, visit the American Memory collection, A Century of Lawmaking.. Indian Land Cessions in the United States, 1784-1894.

LeniD: This Learning Page presentation on Immigration is a good place to begin studies of this topic.
LeniD: Your students may enjoy the quiz about Native American place names.

FeliciteP: Where can we find the quiz?


LeniD: Are you able to access this, folks?
KathyHoa: yes thank you
JenniferGr: This seems very comprehensive.  It would definitely be a good classroom resource.
AmandaC: yes
KenM: yes I can, thank you
NancySa: yes
FrederickN: I think you have to make it from the maps.
JulieCH: yes, i like this quiz, and great colors on the graphics
JohnSunC: it's is sad the native indians were decimated, then they only remained on lands that were not appealing due to the geography
SanaM: i really like the organization of the Web page
ChristinHL: wow
SusannaL: The website is very nice
AmandaC: I love the timeline on the right side.
ChristinHL: this is great for kids
KenM: that quiz is wonderful interactive tool
JillG: i like the quiz
LeniD: Thanks!
SusannaL: I do too
JillG: the website is nice
KathyHoa: It is very interactive
KenM: it's given me some great ideas

LeniD: And don't forget to try this simple (classroom tested) recipe for Indian Fry Bread from the Great American Potluck!

ChristinHL: this is a fun recipe to share with kindergartners
SanaM: i would definitely use this in a higher grade classroom
MireyaM: This page could be used for lessons.
NancySa: i like that it also gives a variety of recipes from different regions

LeniD: Also on the Learning Page - The American Memory Timeline Feature Presentation:
LeniD: Of special note for our topic tonight are...
Colonial Settlement:
and The New Nation:

FeliciteP: This is a really nice site.  I myself can learn a lot from it!
KimberlyBo: This page would be good practice for students.
JulieCH: i like the organization
JillG: unfortunately, so often Indian History is pushed to the side or just considered boring or tedious
ChristinHL: this website is neat, especially for the students to do research on
JillG: I like this though. it is interesting and gives great ideas
AmyLD: That sounds great
SanaM: Didn't we push the Indians away, that is what I think we tend to ignore
LeniD: Thanks for all your positive comments!  I'll give you a bit of time to take a look at these url's :-)
JillG: I agree with Sana
KenM: wow these are some great resources. I'm getting so many ideas just by looking at these url's

BJ . o O ( if you haven't done so already, click on the ACTIONS drop down menu and scroll down to DETACH. That will make your chat window larger and easier to read )

FrederickN: Great useful website so far
SloanH: I a running a little behind, but I am finding each of the Web site's.
KathyHoa: there are so many different resources on Native Americans here!
FeliciteP: Does this site give the real history of John Smith and Pocahontas?
MireyaM: There is a lot of factual information that can lead to great discussion in a classroom.

LeniD: Another Feature Presentation, Elections: The American Way ...

KenM: I like it because for one of the few times you are getting the Native American's perspective on things
MoniqueP: A lot of information about Native American that we receive is false. It is very sad that people try to cover up"real" history
JillG: It seems like it is hard to say no, the white man is not wrong for what he did
ChristinHL: this is especially appropriate for thanksgiving
NancySa: I wish I would have known about this students having a presentation about nat. amer. would have been a great resource
JulieCH: not wrong?
LeniD: John Smith and Pocahontas are coming up :-)
JillG: I just recently found out most of the information about Pocahontas was wrong
ChristinHL: I know
JillG: false
MarbeliaS: I know
FrederickN: JillG why are we not wrong?
ChristinHL: I had to teach a lesson on native americans today
KathyHoa: I like the different features and activities on the page
TammyB: I just saw the real history of Pocahontas, that's great, Disney did a number on that piece of history
JillG: it would be nice to here the truth
ChristinHL: this would have been helpful
KathyHoa: there are many interesting puzzles and activities for students
JillG: the indians were here first
CarolynDL: This page is a great resource for teaching about the native americans
SanaM: i like how it flows into the American Revolution
KenM: LeniD, that last URL was so interesting. It seems like the Native Americans had the idea of democracy before the American colonists had
KimberlyBo: The quiz was difficult for me-it would be great for the students.

LeniD: Are you looking for "ready made" lessons to use with your students? Here are two that can stretch from upper elementary to high school...
Indian Boarding Schools

LeniD: Reservation Controversies

KenM: the Indian Boarding schools could be easily connected to LEP students
JenniferGr: I really like the voting link, because it shows how the voting process affected many different types of people.
MireyaM: Land acquisition is hardly ever fair.
JillG: so, we confine them to reservation. that sounds fair...
KenM: sometimes feeling forced to assimilate
ChristinHL: I love these sites!
SanaM: wow ...great lesson plans
MarbeliaS: These sites are really great.
GailP: Thanks Christin and Sana!
KenM: As the Native Americans were being forced to assimilate, today's immigrants are sometimes pressured to do so also. I would love to connect that into the classroom

LeniD: If you are looking for a bibliography to use for the study of Native Americans, you will find "Read More About Its" with several American Memory collections, and a bibliography from the Learning Page Community Center:

MireyaM: I'm not sure if human beings will ever learn to live in peace with one another. What actually is a balanced point of view?
AmandaC: There is so much available.  I wish I had know about it earlier in the school year.
GailP: And we would like to invite you to add your own entries to our bibliography. That will help make it balanced!
LeniD: Right, Gail :-)

SanaM: i still think that this would be a bit past elementary level
GailP: I've worked 30 years - mostly elementary - and I think you can easily choose "parts" of what lessons have to offer.
JohnSunC: check out the title "civilizing the Native sprit"
JillG: I agree with MireyaM that man probably will never live together in peace
JillG: which is a shame
MarbeliaS: that's true
KimberlyBo: The bibliography would be a great resource to find more information
ChristinHL: thank you for the biblio. I really needed "true" books to use in the classrm
TammyB: Anybody ever read The Education of Little Tree, great piece of lit. to use

LeniD: How about some resources that your students can use independently?
From America's Library (for children) - Chief Little John and the "Trail of Tears":

ChristinHL: teaching about thanksgiving and native americans are so hard now
CarolynDL: the learning page has some good info for students
KenM: The Trail of Tears, that's an awesome idea for a lesson
SanaM: i have noticed that students love stories about native americans

LeniD: Jackson Signed the Treaty of Fort Jackson

MarbeliaS: there some great lessons in there
ChristinHL: the books that you find are so stereotyping
KenM: you really get the sadness from this time for the Native Americans
MarbeliaS: i know students really like to hear about native americans
NancySa: they offer several interesting stories  :)
JohnSunC: that is a great lesson, often force not choice is a determining factor, that shapes cultures

LeniD: John Smith Became a Leader of Jamestown

JulieCH: who needs textbooks!
SanaM: the beliefs they have and stories they tell are very interesting
KimberlyBo: students are generally interested in history of native americans
JillG: this is some good, exciting material
MarbeliaS: i agree
MatthewT: I agree Kimberly
JohnSunC: there you go , a true story about Pocahontas
MattAL: this is all very interesting stuff
GeorgeBumD: i also agree with kimberly
AdamGst2: My name is Adam Mohr I am from Western States Chiropractic College
KenM: a child would so much rather be read a story than to be presented a dry bland lecture. These books are a great idea
LeniD: What a thoughtful group you are!  I'm appreciating your comments, folks :-)

LeniD: Also from America's Library, Meet Amazing Americans ...Pocahontas

FeliciteP: Everything is moving so fast, I'm glad that we are e-mailed a copy of this!
CarolynDL: my students are fascinated about the native americans and it is hard to find things that kindergarten students can use that is not stereotypical
JillG: it's great for students to have a chance to learn about Indians in a way other than writing boring reports
KathyHoa: The America's Library for children is great!
MattAL: i really enjoyed the quiz, very interactive
ChristinHL: the girls would love this site about pocahontas
KathyHoa: It is easy to navigate and very easy to read
MarbeliaS: yea these sites are great
AmandaC: Our fourth grade reads a novel about Pocahontas.  I think it looses the real information about her.  These bits of information a much better...and allows you to cover more people.
CindyGst1: thanks leni
ChristinHL: it has something for both boys and girls
GailP: We're so happy to hear all of your comments about America's Library!
CarolynDL: the info about pocahontas is really interesting

LeniD: Today in History offers the following - The Creek Indians Surrender:

SanaM: it is great to find online resources to further expand the research on native americans
ChristinHL: it's easy to navigate as well
ChristinHL: very student friendly
FrederickN: Its great to see such a wide variety of sites
MatthewT: navigation is very important for students, I agree with ChristinHL
JenniferGr: effective teaching is all  about gaining students' interest which could easily be done with the information provided on these sites
CarolynDL: I like the america's library because of the ease of use and wide variety of sites
ChristinHL: that's absolutely right jennifer

LeniD: Wounded Knee Massacre:

SanaM: Leni: thank you so much for providing us with these great Web sites
JillG: yes, thanks for the resources!
GeorgeBumD: these look like some nice sites
FeliciteP: I think that students would be interested in the truth, it's just all in how you present it.

LeniD: Custer's Last Stand:

SloanH: There's so much out there.  The problem is finding time to check them all out.
MattAL: thanks a lot!
GeorgeBumD: time is always crucial!
NancySa: I like the information that they's brief...but it covers the main points
CarolynDL: thanks for the resources they are great
MarbeliaS: that's true
LeniD: I'll just keep showing you more, more more... :-)
SanaM: i like the "today in history"
MattAL: keep 'em coming
GailP: Go, Leni!
MichelleT: This are great resources
JulieCH: yes, no time!
KenM: wow, these books really demonstrate how the U.S. were the aggressors in this push for expansion westward
AmandaC: Sloan,  You are right there is so much to choose from.
KimberlyBo: It would be interesting to find out what students think is true before you teach them.
MarbeliaS: Thanks Leni

LeniD: Chief Joseph Surrenders:

JillG: wow, I love that story
JohnSunC: history that relates, to every day nice
MireyaM: Maybe the catch is presenting the correct information without attacking all of the negativity that goes with trying to correct previous wrong information.

LeniD: Citizenship Granted:

GeorgeBumD: also, a great text to pull information from is A People's History of the United States
FeliciteP: That's a good way to start a lesson Kimberly.
KenM: I think it's so important to demonstrate that no country, even one as esteemed as ours, is perfect. We have blots on our history as well.
LeniD: Agreed, George. We use that for research for Learning Page projects:-)
GailP: I think it is important to give the kids the "primary source" information and let them think about what it really means to them!
AmandaC: The quotes from Today in History are such a great beginning point to have students inquire about what was going on.
GeorgeBumD: super!
FeliciteP: That's what I think Mireya.
MoniqueP: We have to much false history
SloanH: Great stuff!
CindyGst1: now i know why our instructor instructed us to visit

LeniD: And from the Library's American Treasures Exhibit comes - An American Pastime:

KimberlyBo: We definitely have blots in our history and it is important to teach these-and learn from past mistakes.
TammyB: Amanda, I agree about the Today in History quotes
SusannaL: how do you teach correct history without stepping on administrators toes?
SanaM: i really like the real life portraits
AmandaC: Teach and ask forgiveness later.
GeorgeBumD: good question susanna
GeorgeBumD: it is always important to consider who is writing history and from what perspective they see events
KenM: exactly KimberlyBo, or history may repeat itself. I mean what else is history for?

LeniD: Cherokee Newspaper:
LeniD: Courting Flutes:

GailP: The standards say teach using a variety of sources :-)
MattAL: I really agree, Kimberly
FeliciteP: I agree Susanna.
KathyHoa: Students can actually see real exhibits online!
AmandaC: Textbooks write what they want you to know...very political...LOC gives you just the facts!!
NancySa: good point george
KimberlyBo: Thank you!  I have to go.  Great insight.
TammyB: Cherokee Newspaper kind of blows the savage theory, huh
KenM: these hidden Native American treasures are ideal for cultural appreciation
JulieCH: and teach to all of the intelligences
JillG: i agree with susana and matt
KimberlyBo left the room (signed off).
SanaM: yes, history can be shared with a lot of view points but the true one is the most important one
JillG: teach the basics and use lots of sources
FeliciteP: Right George, there are several versions of each story.  It just all depends on who you ask.
GeorgeBumD: definitely!

LeniD: If you teach about Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest...
LeniD: Don't miss the Learning Page Collection Connection, American Indians of the Pacific Northwest (which will take you right into the American Memory collection):

While in the collection itself, do NOT miss the Special Presentation, Ten Illustrated Essays. They are wonderful!

JillG: i agree that the true one is the important one to teach, but, as felicitep said there are several versions. Most people will tell you their version is true
JenniferGr: I think it is important to show the students a variety of view points so that they can get the full picture.
FeliciteP: You are right Amanda.  They have to write what they know will not cause controversy.
SanaM: i like how the lesson plans are organized alphabetically
DorisGst19: We are just starting to study indigenous peoples of the western hemisphere in our fifth grades, also connecting to nonfiction, so I will be checking out these great American Memory resources.
LeniD: Point of view is part of life...and part of history.
JulieCH: pictures are worth a thousand words! especially history pictures!
JillG: i agree with lenid
SanaM: i agree  julie
LeniD: It is important that our students understand that events are seen in many ways by different viewers, yes?
CarolynDL: the info in the LOC is a great way to teach kids about the rich native american cultures
MireyaM: That's what we do in everyday life. We listen to several stories, and then we decide what we want to believe. I think that we should teach children to do the same thing.
GeorgeBumD: are any of you introducing your students to the notion of oral traditions
SanaM: these pictures are very realistic

LeniD: Take a look at this Exhibit - In the Beginning was the Word ... The Russian Church and Native Alaskan Cultures

FeliciteP: But it's hard to know what the true one is Sana if you weren't there.  We can only piece together the stories and hope that we are getting the truth.
KenM: this is true LeniD. We need to teach our children that in order to be informed they must hear from more than one source
SanaM: in these Web sites, you can start at one point and end up somewhere completely different, but it is nice how much information you can gain on they way
JillG: yes, it is important to show students every side of the story
SharonLH: As always...
FeliciteP: I've heard of that idea George. Have you tried it in your classroom?

LeniD: Don't miss the Ameritech collaboration with the Denver Public Library - History of the American West!

SanaM: i would definitely try this in my classroom

LeniD: And don't miss this Special Presentation about Native American Women:

JillG: the tricky part comes in when showing students different views of the story and letting them think for themselves from there
SharonLH: Giving students the power to think for themselves is the most important part of our jobs.
MichelleT: this information really will educate my students on a realistic Native American history
FeliciteP: Right Jill.
GeorgeBumD: a bit, but actually i teach spanish.  we've worked with understanding the fact that dialects existed before official languages in nations.
LeniD: You are right, Jill...and that's what teaching is all about :-)
FrederickN: That's what I was thinking Jill
NancySa: great info on nat. amer. women and children
FeliciteP: We have to teach them not to believe everything that they read, but to instead research the facts.
KenM: that's great. It occurs way too often that women are ignored in our social studies curriculum. We really need to stress more women's accomplishments
KathyHoa: I agree KEN!
NancySa: i agree with you ken
LeniD: Right, Ken :-)
CarolynDL: how true.  It is so important to let students think and discover for themselves
FrederickN: right ken
MarbeliaS: right!
AmandaC: I love this segment about NA women.
KenM: the word controversial really has me wanting to read about Edward Curtis. How much more engaged can you get than that?
GeorgeBumD: i have to leave, but thank you all for your input!

LeniD: And then...there is the collection, Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian:
The Curtis collection includes such treasures as - Edward S. Curtis in Context
a wonderful subject guide
and a geographic guide

NancySa: these links have great images!  :)
KathyHoa: wow...there are a lot of image here!
LeniD: I'll give you time to poke around a bit :-)
AmandaC: amazing picture
GailP: You might also want to check out the Lewis and Clark Community Center - many of the resources we featured there connect perfectly with the Native American theme.
MarbeliaS: This is great
JohnSunC: nice photography, and explanations
SanaM: there are great geographical locations that help you find where all these indians were located
FeliciteP: Yeah Ken, that word always makes you wonder.
NancySa: this is a great site...includes a variety of tribes that are often hard to find in books
SharonLH: Thank you for everything, all.  Must jet!
JenniferGr: I have never seen such great NA photographs.  These really tell their story!
KenM: wow, how cool is that. A chat on Lewis and Clark. I see a lot of great ideas coming out of that collaboration session

LeniD: There is much, much more...
Go the the Learning Page Community Center - The People...Native Americans
to find all that I have shown and more!

CindyGst1: this is really a neat way of exploring all the things you can do... like someone said, it takes time
KenM: there is so much out there. There's really no excuse for me not to present an engaging lesson with all these resources at my disposal
NancySa: I like all the extra links that are given on each site
LeniD: It does take time. On the Learning Page, we try to pull the resources together for you in interesting and useful ways.
SanaM: wow, I really like the idea of live chat
SanaM: is registration free?
KenM: a live chat would really get the ideas flowing
TammyB: All these resources will make my job a lot easier
KenM: collaboration with other teachers always helps

CarolynDL: beautiful pictures of native americans.
AmandaC: I agree, the chat is really showing me more than I could find quickly on my on.
MarbeliaS: I agree
NancySa: yes
CarolynDL: I agree
FrederickN: Me too
JillG: I agree
FeliciteP: Ken sometimes that's a double edged sword as in we have so much information out there that we can use, but on the other hand it is hard to choose what is appropriate for our students.
MireyaM: This is a great site!
JillG: it is very helpful to have others' creative ideas
LeniD: We are glad the chat was helpful.
FrederickN: and what is factual
KathyHoa: This page is shows all the resources on one page
MarbeliaS: this is a great site
LeniD: Your feedback and ideas are helpful to US!
CarolynDL: how true too much info can be overwhelming.
MGst17: SanaM - registration is free
KenM: well Felicite we all know for the most part what can be used and is engaging. We can choose what is appropriate and not appropriate our ideal for our children
SusannaL: I enjoy the site
LeniD: You will have all these links in the transcript to explore at your own pace,
CarolynDL: thanks for all the great links
FeliciteP: So right, Ken.
KathyHoa: I agree Ken!
KenM: I'm definitely saving this transcript
JohnSunC: As an elementary teacher I find that we are encouraged to teach the P.C. version of American Indian history.  Until middle school the curriculum does not reveal the level of genocide or injustice done by the american culture.
AmandaC: that is great.  there's no way i could keep up
FeliciteP: Thanks LeniD!
SanaM: i agree with you john
MoniqueP: I learned a lot of helpful information
CindyGst1: do you guys use a big screen overhead with your classes to present things from the computer?
LeniD: On December 18, we will be sharing resources for Science and Invention. Mark your calendars! :-)
KenM: This is true John. It's just that textbooks like to clean up our mess.
NancySa: we do
MarbeliaS: me too, thanks LeniD
MireyaM: It is a great idea to have these sessions. Teachers all over should participate.
KathyHoa: Thanks Leni!
SanaM: thanks leni
JillG: awesome
FrederickN: thanks leni
KenM: which is wrong because we wont' learn from our mistakes like that
LeniD: You are all very welcome. We thank YOU for joining us tonight.
AmandaC: occasionally I get the use of a big screen
KellySu: thanks Leni
MichelleT: I'm am going to share this transcript with the other teachers at my school
JohnSunC: With all these Web sites I know I could pick a few and design a web quest related to American indians.
MireyaM: I have received several sites.
FrederickN: great idea John
KathyHoa: That is a great idea MichelleT
SanaM: it was great chatting with you all tonight
MarbeliaS: Thanks for all these great Web sites
KenM: LeniD, this was the best chat yet for me
CindyGst1: I think we have one but until now I really did not know what to do with it.
GailP: Start small - it will be doable!
CarolynDL: neat idea about the WebQuest
FeliciteP: Like I said before, the textbooks have to write what the Government believes is the truth, and what they think is the right truth for us.
JohnSunC: LeniD do you have any suggestions or places where we can get web quests?
MGst17: All you teachers are AWESOME!
KenM: all these resources just sparked that creativity light
JenniferGr: Thanks a lot!  I now have a ton of new resources.
AmandaC: good WebQuest question
JillG: thanks for all the great ideas and thoughts
DorisGst19: In quickly checking over some of the sites mentioned here, I see lots of Native American Indian groups/tribes. How can one ever teach/study this group of people with so many choices? What are the essential questions we should be having students investigate and how best can we use these resources?
JillG: split up into groups maybe
JillG: certain parts of the country or certain achievements
LeniD: John, some of the Learning Page lessons are WebQuests...and the WebQuest site in San Diego is the Mother of this resource, of course :-)
JillG: it is hard though
GailP: Doris - that is a great question! I'd love to hear your answers!
FeliciteP: That's a great question Doris.
BJ: go to
JohnSunC: we can use some of these Web sites to teach the tip of the iceberg then lean on to in-depth discussions about culture, thought process, oppressions effects on people.  etc..
BJ . o O ( Bernie Dodge's WebQuest site )
JohnSunC: thanks bj
FrederickN: thank you everyone I have to go now
AmandaC: Kathy Shrock has good info about building your own WebQuest
SanaM: i really enjoyed surfing through these Web sites
LeniD: Thanks, Sana. :-)
SanaM: i'm sure these Web sites would be great resources to create your own WebQuest
FeliciteP: LeniD do you feel that teachers should still use textbooks though they usually don't give the whole truth?  Do you think it would be better to have students research topics on their own? Or you as the teacher could provide them with several sites to view.
BobL: Are any of you using the LOC with your students at this time? What do the students think?
LeniD: Felicite, i always want to put students in charge of their own learning.
GailP: We have an online newsletter called the Source - If you have some great ideas to share, we'd love to hear from you!!
MGst17: If you have questions, you can go to the Library's web site <>; in the bottom left corner you will find a Ask a Librarian service.
NancySa: with our students...they researched their native american tribes using a variety of sources, including the text...we did not limit them to only one resource
KenM: I would use the textbook strictly as a resource, not the main attraction
LeniD: Textbooks are but one resource...the teacher's job is to provide as many resources as possible and to help guide students in their thinking.
FeliciteP: I want to do that too.
DorisGst19: Lately I've focused on writing, using a  compare and contrast focus with graphic organizers. At fifth grade some students are at a literal, concrete level while others can delve into more abstract, or 'big' questions. I can see using pictures from these sites to make a visual compare/contrast instead of a written project or response.
AmandaC: Depending on what I am doing, I share the LOC with my 4th graders.  As I grow more comfortable with it, they use it more
FeliciteP: I think students learn more when they are interested in something and involved in their own learning process.
CarolynDL: I agree
KenM: so true Felicite, so true. It has to be fun and engaging or they'll fall asleep and look elsewhere
FeliciteP: Great idea Doris.
KenM: not only that, but they'll be turned off by school
LeniD: Right on, Ken and Felicite.
KenM: the teacher plays such a huge role in the classroom
LeniD: What a great audience you were!  Any further questions for us?
KenM: I cant help but be animated. If the kids see that they'll more than likely be excited at what we're trying to teach
NancySa: provided us with so much information in such little time....THANKS!!!  :)
FeliciteP: I like the idea of the teacher as a facilitator instead of a director telling students what to do and how to learn.
AmandaC: Thank you for all of this wonderful information!!
SusanR: Thank you Gail and Leni..a wealth of historic photographs and documents to use in a classroom setting
AmandaC: I agree Felicite
CindyGst1: no this has been great
SanaM: it was great chatting with all you guys
KenM: thanks so much Leni, we have so much for our teacher toolbox, we're rearing to go
LeniD: Thanks!
MarbeliaS: Thanks this has been great
TammyB: Thanks so much for all the information!
LeniD: See you on December 18 when we share resources for teaching about Science and Invention!
LeniD: Good night :-)
GailP: Come back next month - with Science in mind
AmandaC: Good Night
JohnSunC: At the elementary level it is our responsibility, to spark interest in history and seek truth or at least a journalistic many sided story of the past
JenniferGr: Thanks again.  I can't wait to explore this site some more.
KathyHoa: Thank you Leni and everybody.  I have received so much information tonight!
FeliciteP: Thanks LeniD and everyone else for participating. It's always great to get input from other people who are as passionate about teaching as I am.
MGst17: Great job Leni & Gail - good night
NancySa: Thanks everyone for their comments and wonderful ideas!  Bye.  :)
TimFl: thanks for the great information. Good night!
MichelleT: I will let people know about the science event
DorisGst19: I've always liked using visuals, which is one great aspect of using American Memory collections. Students could select photos from the collections, then tell the story including the impact of Europeans on their way of life. I'm very practical and like to see an end product to excite kids.
LeniD: Bye :-)  Thanks, Michelle.
FeliciteP: Goodnight and goodbye everyone!
JohnSunC: good night, see ya in the next discussion
CarolynDL: visuals help a lot in kindergarten. they can understand a lot if they can see it rather than just my telling them
LeniD: True, Carolyn...even K can use these resources.
GailP: Carolyn - Great point - start early with visuals :-)
DorisGst19: Thanks, Leni! I only wish our current curriculum would allow us the freedom to use more of this outstanding resource. We are very focused on writing at the moment.
FeliciteP: Visuals help keep their attention as well.  I know that I am also a visual learner, I need to see something in order to fully understand it.
LeniD: Yes, Doris. This is a common concern :-(
CarolynDL: some of the pictures in americas library and the learning page are wonderful resources for me to use in my K class
GailP: We are thrilled to hear such positive comments!
GailP: Thank you all for visiting AND contributing to this great discussion.
DorisGst19: Leni, Gail, and all other devoted teachers, I have to get back to the reality of grading papers. Thanks for a great chat!
BobL: See you Dec 18th!
CarolynDL: thanks again for all the great info and resources. goodnight everyone
GailP: See you in a month! Again - thanks for coming!


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Last updated 09/26/2002