Integrated Science Program (ISP)

TIIMES & ISSE are evolving to create the Integrated Science Program (ISP). This new program will initially focus on the current scientific objectives of TIIMES & ISSE while working across NCAR to facilitate projects and activities, and promote new integrated directions, through close partnership with NCAR's Laboratories and the community.

The ISP Mission:
The Integrated Study Program will promote the scientific frontiers that are dependent on an integrated approach, across NCAR laboratories and across disciplines. In particular, ISP will focus on thematic areas where the mission and expertise at NCAR, and in the university atmospheric and related sciences, can enable advances in social and environmental sciences and promote advances that are unlikely to occur within single NCAR laboratories or divisions. These areas specifically include, but are not limited to, earth system-society interactions, societal resilience to weather and climate hazards, the hydrologic sciences, and biogeochemistry.

Additional information on the creation of the Integrated Science Program at NCAR (web or pdf)

The ISP website is currently being developed. Please check back for updates.

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programs within ISSE

One of ISSE's goals is to act as integrative force across NCAR. While contributing to ISSE's main research themes, these larger multi-year research programs and initiatives, lead by ISSE scientists, cross divisional boundaries at NCAR and present examples of integrative research.

Geographic Information System Initiative (GIS)

North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)

NOAA's Regional Integrated Sciences & Assessment (RISA) Program. (RISA)

Collaborative Program on the Societal Impacts & Economic Benefits of Weather Information (SIP)

NCAR Climate & Weather Impact Assessment Science Program


Programs Within ISSE

NCAR Geographic Information System (GIS) InitiativeGeographic Information System Initiative (GIS) recognizes systematic methods for organizing and sharing geospatial information are essential to advancing earth system science and other aspects of geosciences. GIS explores crucial issues related to integrating weather and climate data with complementary information from the physical sciences, social sciences, and related areas of the geosciences.

narccaNorth American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) is an international program that will serve the high resolution climate scenario needs of both the United States and Canada, using regional climate model, coupled global climate model, and time-slice experiments.

NCAR RISA CollaborationRISA-NCAR Collaboration: ISSE is building collaborative ties with NOAA's Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment (RISA) Program. Researchers at NCAR and RISA Centers around the country will initially focus on three topics: (1) downscaled climate change projections through NARCCAP; (2) Water-weather-climate interactions; and (3) Capturing & assessing RISA science-stakeholder interaction.

Societal Impacts ProgramSocietal Impacts Program: With funding from the U.S. Weather Research Program, NCAR established the Collaborative Program on the Societal Impacts & Economic Benefits of Weather Information (SIP). SIP is a focal point for assembling, coordinating, developing, and synthesizing research and information on societal impacts & economic benefits of weather information.

NCAR Weather and Climate Impacts Assessment Science Initiative NCAR's Climate & Weather Impact Assessment Science Program focuses on critical scientific gaps in the weather and climate arenas that have proved challenging for decision-makers and scientists alike: 1) characterizing uncertainty; 2) extreme weather & climate events; and 3) the role of climate in human health.

Seminars & Coffee Talks

July 13-17, 2009

ISSE's Summer Colloquium on Climate & Health >more

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NEWS and Announcements

Michael Glantz (CU), Jennerifer Boehnert, Tom Bogdan (NOAA), Mary Hayden, Stefanie Herrmann (ASP), Joanie Kleypas, Margaret LeMone (MMM), Rebecca Morss, and others, their new book hits the stands, May 2008: Heads Up! Early Warning Systems for Climate, Water and Weather-Related Hazards Read more

Joanie Kleypas, Daily Climate, 25 February 2009: Saving the Oceans 'Mission Possible' Read more

Joanie Kleypas & Richard Feely (NOAA), by Anne-Marin Nisumaa, EPOCA, Winter 2009: "OCB Ocean Acidificaiton" Read more

Patricia Romero Lankao, Science Daily, 24 Dec. 2008: "Developing Countries Lack Means To Acquire More Efficient Technologies" Read more

Patricia Romero Lankao, by Bill Scanion, Rocky Mountain News, 9 Dec. 2008: "Growing Third World blocks emissions goals" Read more

Joanie Kleypas, by John Pickrell, Cosmos, Dec. 2008: "Occean of Acid" Read more

Linda Mearns & Kevin Trenberth, Newsweek, 6 August 2008: "How to beat the Heat" Read more

David Yates, Science Daily, 28 July 2008: "Scientists test system to forecast flash floods along Colorado's front range" Read more

David Yates, by James Baetke, Daily Camera, 26 July 2008: "Flash-flood research could improve forecasting" Read more

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