Training for Teachers
Professional Development Workshops
Staff education specialists, all with classroom teaching experience, offer in-service programs for school districts (when travel and expenses are provided), and Staff-led Workshops at regional and national professional meetings.
Videoconference workshops are also available through IP and ISDN-based videoconferencing systems.
Summer Institutes
Each summer we offer "Primarily Teaching," a workshop introducing K-16 educators to archival research and techniques for using documents in the classroom. In the summer of 2008, we will offer multiple sessions of "Primarily Teaching."
NARA's education office has been working in successful partnership with educators for more than 25 years to promote the use of primary sources in the classroom, produce engaging and teachable document-based materials, and demonstrate active-learning techniques that bring documents to life for students at every level. Additional opportunities for collaboration in these areas with members of the historical community are welcome and sought.