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Join the Signers of the Declaration

Sign the Declaration of Independence

Welcome to the National Archives Interactive Signing of the Declaration of Independence.
We hope you enjoy the experience of signing the Declaration of Independence along side our forefathers.

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Interactive Signing may take up to two minutes to load on a 56k modem.

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The Interactive Signing of the Declaration requires Macromedia Flash Player version 5 or higher. The Flash Player is a free download, if you already have the Flash Player please select either a color print or a black and white print.

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Learn about Our National Treasure, interesting and informative facts about the Declaration and its history.

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Making of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 1) Making of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 2) Making of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 3) Making of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 4) Making of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 5) Making of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 6) Making of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 7) Impact of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 8) Impact of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 9) Impact of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 10) Impact of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 11) Impact of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 12) Impact of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 13) Impact of the Charters (Exhibit Case Number 14) Declaration of Independence Constitution of the United States Bill of Rights
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