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3.24.25  BMF International Miscellaneous Tax Returns  (01-01-2009)

  1. This chapter provides instructions for entering and verifying data from control documents and Forms 3520, 3520-A, 8288, and 8804 using the Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) system.

  2. Data Transcribers will also need to refer to IRM 3.24.38, BMF General Instructions, for general procedures.  (01-01-2009)
Control Documents

  1. Following are the control document(s) from which data may be transcribed:

    1. Form 813, Document Register

    2. Form 1332, Block and Selection Record

    3. Form 3893, Re-entry Document Control  (01-01-2009)
Source Documents

  1. Following are the source documents from which data may be transcribed:

    1. Form 3520, Annual Return to Report Transactions With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts

    2. Form 3520-A, Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust With a U.S. Owner (Under section 6048(b)).

    3. Form 8288, U.S. Withholding Tax Return for Disposition by Foreign Persons of U.S. Property Interests.

    4. Form 8804, Annual Return for Partnership Withholding Tax (Section 1446).  (01-01-2009)
Forms/MFT/Program Numbers/Tax Class/Doc. Code

  1. Form Program Number MFT Tax Class Document Code
    3520 12310 68 3 83
    3520-A 12320 42 3 82
    8288 11330 17 1 40
    8804 11340 08 1 29  (01-01-2009)
Required Sections

  1. Section 01 will be entered and verified in all cases.


    Effective on January 2, 2003, Form 3520-A will only accept an EIN number in Field 01TIN (Line 1b).  (01-01-2009)
Yes/No Check Boxes

  1. For all edited "Yes/No" check boxes, enter as follows:

    1. "1" if the "yes" box is checked.

    2. "2" if the "no" box is checked.

    3. "3" if both boxes are checked.

    4. Press <Enter> if no boxes are checked.  (01-01-2009)
ISRP Transcription Operation Sheets

  1. The following exhibits represent specific data entry procedures.

Exhibit 3.24.25-1  (01-01-2009)
Block Header Data Entry

Block Header Data Entry
Source Document or Record:
Forms 813 and 1332 for Original Input Documents
Form 3893 for Re-Entry Documents
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) SC Block Control ABC   The screen displays the ABC that was entered in the EOP Dialog Window. It cannot be changed.
(2) Block DLN DLN <Enter> Enter the first 11 digits from:
(a) Form 813—the "Block DLN" box.
(b) Form 1332— the "Document Locator No." box.
(c) Form 3893— box 2.
The EOP will verify the DLN from the first document of the block.
(3) Batch Number BATCH <Enter> Enter the batch number from:
(a) Forms 813, 1332— the "Batch Control Number" box.
(b) Form 3893— box 3.
If not present, enter the number from the batch transmittal sheet.
(4) Document Count COUNT <Enter> Enter the document count as follows:
(a) Forms 813, 1332—the circled serial number. If a full block (100 documents) or if a number is not circled, enter 100.
(b) Form 3893—from box 4.
(5) Prejournalized Credit Amount CR <Enter> Enter the amount from:
(a) Form 813—shown as the "Total" or if adjusted, as the "Adjusted Total" .
(b) Form 3893—from box 5.


Enter Dollars and Cents.

(6) Filling <Enter>s   <Enter> <Enter> <Enter> <Enter> <Enter> Press <Enter> 5 times.
(7) Source Code SOURCE <Enter> If the control document is Form 3893, enter from box 11 as follows:
(a) R = "Reprocessable" box checked.
(b) N = "Reinput of Unpostable" box checked.
(c) 4 = "SC Reinput" box checked.
(d) None of the boxes checked, consult your supervisor who will determine if a source code is required.
(8) Year Digit YEAR <Enter> If the control document is Form 3893, enter the digit from box 12.
This is a "MUST ENTER" field if the Source Code is "R" , "N" , or "4" .
(9) Filling <Enter>   <Enter> Press <Enter>.
(10) RPS Indicator RPS <Enter> Enter a "2" if on:
(a) Forms 813 or 1332—"RPS" is edited or stamped in the upper center margin, or "RRPS" appears in the header of Form 1332.
(b) Form 3893—box 13 is checked.

Exhibit 3.24.25-2  (01-01-2009)
Section 01 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
Form 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT:   Section "01" will always be generated. No entry is required.
(2) DLN Serial Number SER# <Enter> Enter the last two digits of the 13 digit DLN from the upper portion of the form. If the serial number has been generated by the system, verify that it matches the document being entered.
(3) Check Digit CD <Enter> Enter the Check Digit if present.
(4) Name Control NC <Enter> If the Check Digit is not present, enter the Name Control.
(5) TIN TIN <Enter> Enter the TIN from line 1b.
(6) Address Check ADDRESS CHECK? <Enter> Enter "Y" or "N" as appropriate.
(7) TIN Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the TIN.
(8) Street Key STREET KEY <Enter> Enter the Street Key.
(9) ZIP Key ZIP KEY <Enter> Enter the ZIP Key.
(10) Tax Period TAXPR <Enter> Enter the edited tax period from the upper right corner of the return.
(11) Received Date RDATE <Enter> Enter the date as stamped or edited on the face of the return.
(12) CAF Indicator CAF <Enter> Press <Enter>.
(13) Conditions Codes CC <Enter> Enter the edited codes from the margin to the right of the "Amended Return Checkbox"
(14) Correspondence Received Date CRD <Enter> Press <Enter>.
(15) Individual/Partnership/Corporation/Trust/Executor Check Boxes/Line B IPCBX <Enter> Enter the edited alpha to the right of line B.
(16) Checkbox/U.S. Transferor 1STBX <Enter> Enter the edited "1" to the left of the first box under "Check all applicable boxes:" if present.
(17) Checkbox/U.S. Owner 2NDBX <Enter> Enter the edited "1" to the left of the second box under "Check all applicable boxes:" if present.
(18) Checkbox/U.S. Person-Distribution 3RDBX <Enter> Enter the edited "1" to the left of the third box under "Check all applicable boxes:" if present.
(19) Checkbox/U.S. Person – Gifts 4THBX <Enter> Enter the edited "1" to the left of the fourth box under "Check all applicable boxes:" if present.
(20) Service Center Name where U.S. 1040 Filed SC <Enter> Enter the edited code from above line 1b.
(21) Spouses ID L1D <Enter> Enter the SSN from line 1d.
(22) In Care of Name Line C/O NAME <Enter> Enter the in care of name.
(23) Foreign Address FGN ADD <Enter> Enter the foreign address information as shown or edited from the entity area.
(24) Street Address ADD <Enter> Enter the street address information as shown or edited on Line 1c.


If inputting a foreign address, enter the foreign city, province, and postal code in this field exactly as edited.

(25) City CITY <Enter> Enter the city from Line 1e.


If inputting a foreign address, ONLY enter the edited foreign country code.

(26) State ST <Enter> Enter the standard state abbreviation from Line 1f.


If inputting a foreign address, enter a period (.) in this field.

(27) ZIP Code ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from Line 1g.


If inputting a foreign address, leave this field blank. Press <Enter> to continue.

(28) Country Code COUN <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 1h.

Exhibit 3.24.25-3  (01-01-2009)
Section 02 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "02" .
(2) Name of Foreign Trust L2A <Enter> Enter the name from line 2a.
(3) Identification Number L2B <Enter> Enter the identification number from line 2b.
(4) TIN Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the TIN
(5) Street Address L2C <Enter> Enter the street address information as shown or edited on line 2c.
(6) City L2D <Enter> Enter the city from line 2d.


Do not use Major City Codes.

(7) State L2E <Enter> Enter the standard State Abbreviation from line 2e.


If inputting a foreign address, enter a period (.) in this field.

(8) ZIP Code L2F <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from line 2f.
(9) Country Code L2G <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 2g.
(10) Did Foreign Trust Appoint U.S. Agent 3Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes on line 3.
(11) Name of U.S. Agent L3A <Enter> Enter the name from line 3a.
(12) Identification Number L3B <Enter> Enter from line 3b.
(13) ID Number Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the zero (0) if edited after the ID Number.
(14) U.S. Agent Street Address L3C <Enter> Enter from line 3c.
(15) U.S. Agent City L3D <Enter> Enter from line 3d.


Do not use major city codes.

(16) U.S. Agent State L3E <Enter> Enter the standard state abbreviation from line 3e.


If inputting a foreign address, enter a period (.) in this field.

(17) U.S. Agent ZIP Code L3F <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from line 3f.
(18) U.S. Agent Country Code L3G <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 3g.
(19) Name of U.S. Decedent L4A <Enter> Enter the name from line 4a.
(20) Address of U.S. Decedent L4B <Enter> Enter the street address information as shown or edited on line 4b.
(21) City of U.S. Decedent CITY <Enter> Enter the city from line 4b.


Do not use Major City Codes.

(22) State of U.S. Decedent ST <Enter> Enter the standard state abbreviation from line 4b.
(23) ZIP Code of U.S. decedent ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from line 4b.
(24) Country Code COUN <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 4b.
(25) TIN of U.S. Decedent L4C <Enter> Enter the TIN from line 4c.
(26) TIN Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the TIN, if present.
(27) Date of Death L4D <Enter> Enter the date from line 4d.
(28) EIN of Estate L4E <Enter> Enter the EIN from line 4e.
(29) Line 4f Checkbox 4FCKBX <Enter> Enter from line 4f as follows:
(a) "1" if the first box is checked.
(b) "2" if the second box is checked.
(c) "3" if the third box is checked.
If more than 1 box is checked, use the first box checked.
(30) Preparer's SSN PSSN <Enter> If an edited zero (0) is present following the TIN on the "Preparer's SSN or PTIN" line, enter the TIN.
(31) Preparer's EIN PEIN <Enter> If there is no edited zero (0) following the TIN on the "Preparer's SSN or PTIN" line, enter the TIN.
(32) Preparer's Telephone # TEL# <Enter> Enter the preparer's telephone number.

Exhibit 3.24.25-4  (01-01-2009)
Section 03 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "03" .
(2) Name of Trust Creator L5A <Enter> Enter the name from line 5a.
(3) Address L5B <Enter> Enter the street address information as shown or edited on line 5b.
(4) City CITY <Enter> Enter the city from line 5b.


Do not use Major City Codes.

(5) State ST <Enter> Enter the standard state abbreviation from line 5b.
(6) ZIP Code ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from line 5b.
(7) Country Code COUN <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 5b.
(8) Identification Number L5C <Enter> Enter the digits from line 5c.
(9) TIN Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the TIN, if present.
(10) Country Code — Trust Created L6A <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 6a.
(11) Country Code — Law Governs L6B <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 6b.
(12) Date Trust Created L6C <Enter> Enter the date from line 6c.
(13) Will Any Other Person be Treated as Owner 7AY/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 7a.
(14) Name of Other Foreign Trust Owner — 1 7BI <Enter> Enter the name from line 7b(i).
(15) Address — 1 ADD <Enter> Enter the street address information as shown or edited on line 7b(ii).
(16) City — 1 CITY <Enter> Enter the city from line 7b(iii).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(17) State — 1 ST <Enter> Enter the standard state abbreviation from line 7b(ii).
(18) ZIP Code — 1 ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from line 7b(ii).
(19) Country Code of Residence 7BIII <Enter> Enter the 2 edited characters from line 7b(iii).
(20) Identification ID — 1 7BIV <Enter> Enter the ID from line 7b(iv).
(21) TIN Type — 1 TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the TIN, if present.
(22) Relevant Code Sec. 1 7BV <Enter> Enter the digits from line 7b(v).
(23) Indicator More Than 1 MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if shown to the right of line 7b(v).

Exhibit 3.24.25-5  (01-01-2009)
Section 04 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "04" .
(2) Was the Transfer 8Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 8.
(3) Can any Part 9AY/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 9a.
(4) If No 9BY/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 9b.
(5) Will You Continue 10Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 10.
(6) Did You Transfer 11AY/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 11a.
(7) Was the Obligation 11BY/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 11b.
(8) Date of Transfer 1 11BI1 <Enter> Enter the 1st date shown on line 11b(i).
(9) Maximum Term 1 BII1 <Enter> Enter the 1st Term shown on line 11b(ii).
(10) Yield to Maturity 1 BIII1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st Yield shown on line 11b(iii).
(11) FMV of Obligation BIV1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV shown on line 11b(iv).
(12) Date of Transfer 2 11BI2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd date shown on line 11b(i).
(13) Maximum Term 2 BII2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd Term shown on line 11b(ii).
(14) Yield to Maturity 2 BIII2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd Yield shown on line 11b(iii).
(15) FMV of Obligation 2 BIV2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV shown on line 11b(iv).
(16) Date of Transfer 3 11BI3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd date shown on line 11b(i).
(17) Maximum Term 3 BII3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd Term shown on line 11b(ii).
(18) Yield to Maturity 3 BIII3 $ <Enter>
Enter the 3rd Yield shown on line 11b(iii).
(19) FMV of Obligation 3 BIV3 $ <Enter>
Enter the 3rd FMV shown on line 11b(iv).
(20) More Than 3 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if shown in the right margin of line 11b(iv)
(21) With Respect to Each 12Y/N <Enter> Enter the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 12.

Exhibit 3.24.25-6  (01-01-2009)
Section 05 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "05" .
(2) Did You Make any Transfer 13Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" boxes, line 13.
(3) Date of Transfer 1 13A1 <Enter> Enter the 1st date from line 13(a).
(4) Description of Property Transferred 1 B1 <Enter> Enter the 1st description from line 13(b).
(5) FMV of Property Transferred 1 C1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 13(c).
(6) U.S. Adjusted Basis 1 D1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st U.S. Adjusted from line 13(d).
(7) Gain Recognized 1 E1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st Gain from line 13(e).
(8) Excess if Any 1 F1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st Excess from line 13(f).
(9) Description of Property Received 1 G1 <Enter> Enter the 1st Description from line 13(g).
(10) FMV of Property Received 1 H1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 13(h).
(11) Excess of (c) over (h) 1 I1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 13(i).
(12) Date of Transfer 2 13A2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd date from line 13(a).
(13) Description of Property Transferred 2 B2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd description from line 13(b).
(14) FMV of Property Transferred 2 C2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 13(c).
(15) U.S. Adjusted Basis 2 D2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd U.S. Adjusted from line 13(d).
(16) Gain Recognized 2 E2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd Gain from line 13(e).
(17) Excess if Any 2 F2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd Excess from line 13(f).
(18) Description of Property Received 2 G2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd Description from line 13(g).
(19) FMV of Property Received 2 H2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 13(h).
(20) Excess of (c) over (h) 1 I2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 13(i).
(21) More than 2 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if shown in the right margin of line 13(i).
(22) Total Column F TOTF $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from the Total of line 13(f).
(23) Totals Column I TOTI $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from the Total of line 13(i).

Exhibit 3.24.25-7  (01-01-2009)
Section 06 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "06" .
(2) Sale Document 14ACK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 14a as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.
(3) Year Attached for Sale Document AYEAR <Enter> Enter the year on line 14 in YY format.
(4) Loan Document 14BCK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 14b as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.
(5) Year Attached for Loan Document BYEAR <Enter> Enter the year on line 14b in YY format.
(6) Subsequent Variances 14CCK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 14c as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.
(7) Year Attached for Subsequent Variances CYEAR <Enter> Enter the year on line 14c in YY format.

Exhibit 3.24.25-8  (01-01-2009)
Section 07 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "07" .
(2) Name of Beneficiary 1 15A1 <Enter> Enter the 1st Name from line 15(a).
(3) Address of Beneficiary 1 ADD1 <Enter> Enter the 1st address from line 15(b).
(4) City of Beneficiary 1 CITY1 <Enter> Enter the 1st City from line 15(b).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(5) State of Beneficiary 1 ST1 <Enter> Enter the 1st State from line 15(b).
(6) ZIP Code of Beneficiary 1 ZIP1 <Enter> Enter the 1st ZIP Code from line 15(b).
(7) Country Code 1 COUN1 <Enter> Enter the 1st edited country code from line 15(b).
(8) U.S. Beneficiary 1 CY/N1 <Enter> Enter from the 1st "Yes/No" check boxes, line 15(c).
(9) Identification # 1 D1 <Enter> Enter the 1st ID# from line 15(d).
(10) ID Type 1 TYPE1 <Enter> Enter the 1st edited zero (0) following the ID# from line 15(d).
(11) Name of Beneficiary 2 15A2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd Name from line 15(a).
(12) Address of Beneficiary 2 ADD2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd address from line 15(b).
(13) City of Beneficiary 2 CITY2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd City from line 15(b).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(14) State of Beneficiary 2 ST2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd State from line 15(b).
(15) ZIP Code of Beneficiary 2 ZIP2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd ZIP Code from line 15(b).
(16) Country Code 2 COUN2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd edited country code from line 15(b).
(17) U.S. Beneficiary 2 CY/N2 <Enter> Enter from the 2nd "Yes/No" check boxes, line 15(c).
(18) Identification # 2 D2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd ID# from line 15(d).
(19) ID Type 2 TYPE2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd edited zero (0) following the ID# from line 15(d), if shown.
(20) Name of Beneficiary 3 15A3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd Name from line 15(a).
(21) Address of Beneficiary 3 ADD3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd address from line 15(b).
(22) City of Beneficiary 3 CITY3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd City from line 15(b).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(23) State of Beneficiary 3 ST3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd State from line 15(b).
(24) ZIP Code of Beneficiary 3 ZIP3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd ZIP Code from line 15(b).
(25) Country Code 3 COUN3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd edited country code from line 15(b).
(26) U.S. Beneficiary 3 CY/N3 <Enter> Enter from the 3rd "Yes/No" check boxes, line 15(c).
(27) Identification # 3 D3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd ID# from line 15(d).
(28) ID Type 3 TYPE3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd edited zero (0) following the ID# from line 15(d), if shown.
(29) More than 3 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if shown in the right margin of line 15(d).

Exhibit 3.24.25-9  (01-01-2009)
Section 08 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "08" .
(2) Name of Trustee 16A <Enter> Enter the Name from line 16(a).
(3) Address of Trustee BADD <Enter> Enter the address from line 16(b).
(4) City of Trustee CITY <Enter> Enter the city from line 16(b).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(5) State of Trustee ST <Enter> Enter the state from line 16(b).
(6) ZIP Code of Trustee ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from line 16(b).
(7) Country Code COUN <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 16(b).
(8) Identification Number CID <Enter> Enter the ID# from line 16(c).
(9) ID Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the ID# from line 16(c), if shown.
(10) More than 1 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if shown in the right margin of line 16(c).
(11) Name of Other Persons 17A <Enter> Enter the Name from line 17(a).
(12) Address of Other Persons BADD <Enter> Enter the address from line 17(b).
(13) City of Other Persons CITY <Enter> Enter the city from line 17(b).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(14) State of Other Persons ST <Enter> Enter the state from line 17(b).
(15) ZIP Code of Other Persons ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from line 17(b).
(16) Country Code COUN <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 17(b).
(17) Description of Powers 17C <Enter> Enter the description from line 17(c).
(18) Identification Number DID <Enter> Enter the ID# from line 17(d).
(19) ID Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the ID# from line 17(d), if shown.
(20) More than 1 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if shown in the right margin of line 17(d).
(21) Summary of All 18ACK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 18a as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.
(22) The Trust Instrument BCK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 18b as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.
(23) Memoranda or Letters CCK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 18c as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.
(24) Subsequent Variances DCK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 18d as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.
(25) Trust Financial Statements ECK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 18e as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.
(26) Other Trust Documents FCK <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 18f as follows:
(a) "1" if the "Yes" box is checked,
(b) "2" if the "No" is checked,
(c) "3" if the "Attached Previously" box is checked.
If more than one boxed is checked, press <Enter>.

Exhibit 3.24.25-10  (01-01-2009)
Section 11 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "11" .
(2) Did You at Any Time 19Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 19.
(3) Date of Original Obligation 1 19A1 <Enter> Enter the 1st Date from line 19(a).
(4) Tax Year Qualified First Reported 1 B1 <Enter> Enter the 1st Year from line 19(b) in YY format.
(5) Amount of Principal Payments 1 C1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st amount from line 19(c).
(6) Amount of Interest 1 D1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st amount from line 19(d).
(7) Does the Obligation Still Meet 1 E1Y/N <Enter> Enter from the 1st "Yes/No" check boxes, line 19(e).
(8) Date of Original Obligation 2 19A2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd Date from line 19(a).
(9) Tax Year Qualified First Reported 2 B2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd Year from line 19(b) in YY format.
(10) Amount of Principal Payments 2 C2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd amount from line 19(c).
(11) Amount of Interest 2 D2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd amount from line 19(d).
(12) Does the Obligation Still Meet 2 E2Y/N <Enter> Enter from the 2nd "Yes/No" check boxes on line 19(e).
(13) More than 2 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" from the right margin of line 19(e).

Exhibit 3.24.25-11  (01-01-2009)
Section 12 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "12" .
(2) Name of Other Trust 20A <Enter> Enter the name from line 20(a).
(3) Address of Other Trust BADD <Enter> Enter the address from line 20(b).
(4) City of Other Trust CITY <Enter> Enter the city from line 20(b).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(5) State of Other Trust ST <Enter> Enter the state from line 20(b).
(6) ZIP Code of Other Trust ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from line 20(b).
(7) Country Code of Residence COUN <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 20(b).
(8) Identification Number ID <Enter> Enter the ID# from line 20(d).
(9) ID Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the ID# from line 20(d).
(10) Relevent Code Section E <Enter> Enter the code from line 20(e).
(11) More than 1 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" from the right margin of line 20(e).
(12) Country Code Trust Created 21A <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 21(a).
(13) Country Code Laws Govern 21B <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 21(b).
(14) Date Foreign Trust Created 21C <Enter> Enter the date from line 21(c).
(15) Do You Have a Copy 22Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 22.
(16) What is the Gross Value 23 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 23.

Exhibit 3.24.25-12  (01-01-2009)
Section 13 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "13" .
(2) Date of Distribution 1 24A1 <Enter> Enter the 1st date from line 24(a).
(3) Description of Property Received 1 B1 <Enter> Enter the 1st description from line 24(b).
(4) FMV of Property 1 C1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 24(c).
(5) Description Transferred 1 D1 <Enter> Enter the 1st description from line 24(d).
(6) FMV of Property 1 E1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 24(e).
(7) Excess 1 F1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st excess from line 24(f).
(8) Date of Distribution 2 24A2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd date from line 24(a).
(9) Description of Property Received 2 B2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd description from line 24(b).
(10) FMV of Property 2 C2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 24(c).
(11) Description Transferred 2 D2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd description from line 24(d).
(12) FMV of Property 2 E2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 24(e).
(13) Excess 2 F2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd excess from line 24(f).
(14) Date of Distribution 3 24A3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd date from line 24(a).
(15) Description of Property Received 3 B3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd description from line 24(b).
(16) FMV of Property 3 C3 $ <Enter>
Enter the 3rd FMV from line 24(c).
(17) Description Transferred 3 D3 <Enter> Enter the 3rd description from line 24(d).
(18) FMV of Property 3 E3 $ <Enter>
Enter the 3rd FMV from line 24(e).
(19) Excess 3 F3 $ <Enter>
Enter the 3rd excess from line 24(f).
(20) More than 3 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" from the right margin of line 24(f).
(21) Total FTOT $ <Enter> Enter the total from line 24(f).

Exhibit 3.24.25-13  (01-01-2009)
Section 14 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "14" .
(2) Did You Receive a Loan 25Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 25.
(3) FMV of Loans 1 25A1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 25(a).
(4) Date of Original Loan 1 B1 <Enter> Enter the 1st date from line 25(b).
(5) Maximum Term 1 C1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st maximum from line 25(c).
(6) Interest Rate 1 D1 <Enter> Enter the 1st interest rate from line 25(d).
(7) Is the Obligation 1 E1Y/N <Enter> Enter from the 1st "Yes/No" check boxes, line 25(e).
(8) FMV of Obligation 1 F1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 25(f).
(9) Amount Treated as Distribution 1 G1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st amount from line 25(g).
(10) FMV of Loans 2 25A2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 25(a).
(11) Date of Original Loan 2 B2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd date from line 25(b).
(12) Maximum Term 2 C2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd maximum from line 25(c).
(13) Interest Rate 2 D2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd interest rate from line 25(d).
(14) Is the Obligation 2 E2Y/N <Enter> Enter from the 2nd "Yes/No" check boxes, line 25(e).
(15) FMV of Obligation 2 F2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 25(f).
(16) Amount Treated as Distribution 2 G2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd amount from line 25(g).
(17) More than 2 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" from the right margin of line 25(g).
(18) Total GTOT $ <Enter>
Enter the total from line 25(g).
(19) With Respect to Each 26Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 26.
(20) Total Distribution Received 27 $ <Enter>
Enter the total from line 27.
(21) Did the Trust 28Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 28.

Exhibit 3.24.25-14  (01-01-2009)
Section 15 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "15" .
(2) Date of Original Loan 1 28A1 <Enter> Enter the 1st date from line 28(a).
(3) Tax Year Obligation Reported 1 B1 <Enter> Enter the 1st year from line 28(b) in YY format.
(4) Amount of Actual Payments 1 C1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st amount from line 28(c).
(5) Amount of Actual Interest 1 D1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st amount from line 28(d).
(6) Does Loan Still Meet 1 E1Y/N <Enter> Enter from the 1st "Yes/No" check boxes on line 28(e).
(7) Date of Original Loan 2 28A2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd date from line 28(a).
(8) Tax Year Obligation Reported 2 B2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd year from line 28(b) in YY format.
(9) Amount of Actual Payments 2 C2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd amount from line 28(c).
(10) Amount of Actual Interest 2 D2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd amount from line 28(d).
(11) Does Loan Still Meet 2 E2Y/N <Enter> Enter from the 2nd "Yes/No" check boxes, line 28(e).
(12) More than 2 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" from the right margin of line 28(e).
(13) Did You Receive/ Grantor Statement 29Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 29.
(14) Did You Receive/Nongrantor Statement 30Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 30.

Exhibit 3.24.25-15  (01-01-2009)
Section 16 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "16" .
(2) Total Distributions 31 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 31.
(3) Number of Years Nongrantor 32 <Enter> Enter the digits from line 32.


Enter any portion of a year to be a complete year.

Shown AsEnter As
3 months1 year
9 months1 year
1 year, 2 months2 years
(4) Total/ 3 Preceding Years 33 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 33.
(5) Multiply 39 by 1.25 34 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 34.
(6) Average Distribution 35 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 35.
(7) Amount Treated As Ordinary Income 36 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 36.
(8) Amount Treated As Accumulation 37 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 37.
(9) Compute Number of Years 38 <Enter> Enter the digits from line 38.


Enter any portion of a year to be a complete year.

Shown AsEnter As
3 months1 year
9 months1 year
1 year, 2 months2 years

Exhibit 3.24.25-16  (01-01-2009)
Section 17 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "17" .
(2) Total Distributions Received 39 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 39.
(3) Tax-Exempt Income 40 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 40.
(4) Amount Earned 41 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 41.
(5) Amount Accumulation Distributions 42 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 42.
(6) Amount/ Capital Gains 43 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 43.
(7) Amount from Trust Corpus 44 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 44.
(8) Any Other Amount 45 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 45.
(9) Foreign Undistributed Trust 46 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 46.
(10) Foreign Weighted Undistributed 47 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 47.
(11) Compute Years of Trust 48 <Enter> Enter the digits from line 48.


Enter any portion of a year to be a complete year.

Shown AsEnter As
3 months1 year
9 months1 year
1 year, 2 months2 years

Exhibit 3.24.25-17  (01-01-2009)
Section 18 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "18" .
(2) Accumulation 49 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 49.
(3) Tax on Total Accumulation 50 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 50.
(4) Applicable Number of Years 51 <Enter> Enter the digits from line 51.


Enter any portion of a year to be a complete year.

Shown AsEnter As
3 months1 year
9 months1 year
1 year, 2 months2 years
(5) Combined Interest Rate 52 <Enter> Enter the digits from line 52.
(6) Interest Charge 53 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 53.
(7) Tax Attributable 54 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 54.

Exhibit 3.24.25-18  (01-01-2009)
Section 19 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "19" .
(2) Did You Receive More 55Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 55.
(3) Date of Gift 1 55A1 <Enter> Enter the 1st date from line 55(a).
(4) Description of Property 1 B1 <Enter> Enter the 1st description from line 55(b).
(5) FMV of Property 1 C1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 55(c).
(6) Date of Gift 2 55A2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd date from line 55(a).
(7) Description of Property 2 B2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd description from line 55(b).
(8) FMV of Property 2 C2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 55(c).
(9) More than 2 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" from the right margin of line 55(c).
(10) Total FMV CTOT $ <Enter>
Enter the total from line 55(c).
(11) Did You Received 56Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 56.

Exhibit 3.24.25-19  (01-01-2009)
Section 20 FORM 3520 (Program 12310)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "20" .
(2) Date of Gift 1 56A1 <Enter> Enter the 1st date from line 56(a).
(3) Name of Donor 1 B1 <Enter> Enter the 1st name from line 56(b).
(4) Address of Donor 1 CADD1 <Enter> Enter the 1st address from line 56(c).
(5) City of Donor 1 CITY1 <Enter> Enter the 1st city from line 56(c).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(6) State of Donor 1 ST1 <Enter> Enter the 1st state from line 56(c).
(7) ZIP Code of Donor 1 ZIP1 <Enter> Enter the 1st ZIP Code from line 56(c).
(8) Country Code of Donor 1 COUN1 <Enter> Enter the 1st edited country code from line 56(c).
(9) Identification Number 1 D1 <Enter> Enter the 1st ID# from line 56(d).
(10) ID Type 1 TYPE1 <Enter> Enter the 1st edited zero (0) following the ID# from line 56(d).
(11) Date of Gift 2 56A2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd date from line 56(a).
(12) Name of Donor 2 B2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd name from line 56(b).
(13) Address of Donor 2 CADD2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd address from line 56(c).
(14) City of Donor 2 CITY2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd city from line 56(c).


Do not use Major City Codes.

(15) State of Donor 2 ST2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd state from line 56(c).
(16) ZIP Code of Donor 2 ZIP2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd ZIP Code from line 56(c).
(17) Country Code of Donor 2 COUN2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd edited country code from line 56(c).
(18) Identification Number 2 D2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd ID# from line 56(d).
(19) ID Type 2 TYPE2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd edited zero (0) following the ID# from line 56(d).
(20) Corporation/ Partnership 1 56E1 <Enter> Enter the 1st entry from line 56(e) as follows:
(a) "C" for Corporation.
(b) "P" for Partnership.
(21) Description of Property 1 56F1 <Enter> Enter the 1st description from line 56(f).
(22) FMV of Property 1 56G1 $ <Enter>
Enter the 1st FMV from line 56(g).
(23) Corporation/ Partnership 2 56E2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd entry from line 56(e) as follows:
(a) "C" for Corporation.
(b) "P" for Partnership.
(24) Description of Property 2 56F2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd description from line 56(f).
(25) FMV of Property 2 56G2 $ <Enter>
Enter the 2nd FMV from line 56(g).
(26) More than 2 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if shown in the right margin of line 56(g).
(27) Do You Have/ Nominee 57Y/N <Enter> Enter from the "Yes/No" check boxes, line 57.

Exhibit 3.24.25-20  (01-01-2009)
Section 01 FORM 3520-A (Program 12320)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520-A
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT:   Section "01" will always be generated. No entry is required.
(2) DLN Serial Number SER# <Enter> Enter the last two digits of the 13-digit DLN from the upper portion of the form. If the serial number has been generated by the system, verify that it matches the document being entered.
(3) Check Digit CD <Enter> Enter the Check Digit if present.
(4) Name Control NC <Enter> If the Check Digit is not present, enter the Name Control.
(5) E.I. Number EIN <Enter> Enter the E.I. Number from the preprinted label or from E.I. Number block.
(6) Address Check ADDRESS CHECK? <Enter> Enter "Y" or "N" as appropriate.
(7) Street Key STREET KEY <Enter> Enter the Street Key.
(8) ZIP Key ZIP KEY <Enter> Enter the ZIP Key.
(9) Tax Period TAXPR <Enter> Enter edited tax period from the upper right portion of the return.
(10) Received Date RDATE <Enter> Enter the date as stamped or edited on the face of the return.
(11) ERS Action Code ACTCD <Enter> Enter the edited digits from the lower left margin.
(12) CAF Indicator CAF <Enter> Press <Enter>.
(13) Condition Codes CC <Enter> Enter the edited codes from the middle of Form 3520-A question line 2 of Part I.
If a "G" Condition Code is present or the ERS Action Code is in the "600" series, end the document after this element.
(14) Name of Foreign Trust NAME <Enter> Enter the name from line 1a.

Exhibit 3.24.25-21  (01-01-2009)
Section 02 FORM 3520-A (Program 12320)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520-A
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "02" .


"ADDR" , "CITY" , "ZIP" are not always prompted. If Section 02 is present, however, "COUN" is always entered.

(2) In Care of Name Line C/O NAME <Enter> Enter the in care of name if shown.
(3) Foreign Address FGN ADD <Enter> Enter the foreign address information as shown or edited from the entity area.
(4) Street Address ADD <Enter> Enter the street address information as shown or edited from Line 1c.


If inputting a foreign address, enter the foreign city, province, and postal code in this field exactly as edited.

(5) City CITY <Enter> Enter the city from Line 1d.


If inputting a foreign address, ONLY enter the edited foreign country's code.

(6) State ST <Enter> Enter the standard state abbreviation from Line 1e.


If inputting a foreign address, enter a period (.) in this field.

(7) ZIP Code ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from Line 1f.


If inputting a foreign address, leave this field blank. Press <Enter> to continue.

(8) Country Code COUN <Enter> Enter the edited country code from line 1g.


If Section 02 is present, this field is always entered even if the remaining address fields are not prompted.

Exhibit 3.24.25-22  (01-01-2009)
Section 03 FORM 3520-A (Program 12320)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520-A
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "03" .
(2) Did the Foreign Trust appoint a U.S. agent? L2CKBX <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) If the "Yes" box is checked, enter a "1"
(b) If the "No" box is checked, enter a "2"
(c) Enter a "3" , if edited.
(3) Name of U.S. Agent L3A <Enter> Enter the name from 3a.
(4) Agent ID# L3B <Enter> Enter the ID number from line 3b.
(5) Agent ID# Type 3BTYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) if present.
(6) Name of Trustee L4A <Enter> Enter the name from line 4a.
(7) Trustee ID# L4B <Enter> Enter the ID number from line 4b.
(8) Trustee ID# Type 4BTYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the ID#.
(9) Did the Trust Transfer Property? LN5 <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) If the "Yes" box is checked, enter a "1"
(b) If the "No" box is checked, enter a "2"
(c) Enter a "3" , if edited.
(10) Preparer's SSN PSSN <Enter> If an edited zero (0) is present following the TIN on the "Preparer's SSN or PTIN" line, enter the TIN.
(11) Preparer's EIN PEIN <Enter> If there is no edited zero (0) following the TIN on the "Preparer's SSN or PTIN" line, enter the TIN.
(12) Preparer's Telephone # TEL# <Enter> Enter the preparer's telephone number.

Exhibit 3.24.25-23  (01-01-2009)
Section 04 FORM 3520-A (Program 12320)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520-A
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "04" .
(2) Net Short– Term Capital Gain/Loss PG25A $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part II, line 5a.
(3) Net Long– Term Capital Gain/Loss L5B $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part II, line 5b.
(4) Ordinary Gains/Losses LN6 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part II, line 6.
(5) Total Income LN8 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part II, line 8.
(6) Total Expenses L15 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part II, line 15.
(7) Net Income/Loss L16 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part II, line 16.
(8) FMV of Total Distributions 17A $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part II, line 17a.

Exhibit 3.24.25-24  (01-01-2009)
Section 05 FORM 3520-A (Program 12320)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520-A
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "05" .
(2) Name of Owner 17BI <Enter> Enter the name from Part II, line 17b(i).
(3) Owner ID# 17BID# <Enter> Enter the ID# from Part II, line 17b(ii).
(4) Owner ID #Type 17BTYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) if present following the ID#.
(5) Date of Distribution BIIIDATE <Enter> Enter the date from line 17b(iii).
(6) FMV/17b(iv) BIV $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 17b (iv).
(7) More Than One Owner Indicator BMORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if present in the right margin of line 17b.
(8) Name of Beneficiary 17CI <Enter> Enter the name from line 17c(i).
(9) Beneficiary ID# 17CID# <Enter> Enter the ID# from line 17c(ii).
(10) Beneficiary ID# Type 17CTYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) if present following the ID#.
(11) Date of Distribution CIIIDATE <Enter> Enter the date from line 17c(iii).
(12) FMV/17c(iv) CIV $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 17c(iv).
(13) More than one beneficiary indicator CMORE <Enter> Enter the edited "1" from the right margin of line 17c.

Exhibit 3.24.25-25  (01-01-2009)
Section 06 FORM 3520-A (Program 12320)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520-A
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "06" .
(2) Cash BOY Total PT31B $ <Enter>
Enter the amount Part III, line 1(b).
(3) Cash EOY Total 1D $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part III, line 1(d).
(4) Total Assets BOY Total 11B $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part III, line 11(b).
(5) Total Assets EOY Total 11D $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part III, line 11(d).
(6) Total Net Worth BOY 20B $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part III, line 20b.
(7) Total Net Worth EOY 20D $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part III, line 20(d).
(8) Total Liabilities and Net Worth BOY 21B $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part III, line 21(b).
(9) Total Liabilities and Net Worth EOY 21D $ <Enter>
Enter the amount form Part III, line 21(d).

Exhibit 3.24.25-26  (01-01-2009)
Section 07 FORM 3520-A (Program 12320)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520-A
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "07" .
(2) Page 3 Tax Year L5TXYR <Enter> Enter the tax period from line 5, page 3.
(3) Name of U.S. Owner 6ANAME <Enter> Enter the name from line 6a.
(4) Owner TIN BTIN <Enter> Enter the TIN from line 6b.
(5) Owner TIN #Type BTYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) if present following the TIN.
(6) Service Center Where U.S. Owner Files 6HSC <Enter> Enter the edited SC code from line 6h.
(7) Gross Value of the Portion of the Trust LN9 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 9.
(8) Gross rents and Royalties LN3 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 3.
(9) Capital Gains/Losses LN5 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 5.
(10) Ordinary Gains/Losses LN6 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 6.
(11) Foreign Taxes L9A $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 9a.
(12) Other Expenses L13 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 13.

Exhibit 3.24.25-27  (01-01-2009)
Section 08 FORM 3520-A (Program 12320)

Source Document or Record:
FORM 3520-A
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "08" .
(2) Name of U.S. Beneficiary PG4 6A <Enter> Enter the name from line 6a.
(3) Beneficiary ID# 6BTIN <Enter> Enter the ID number from line 6b.
(4) Beneficiary ID# Type 6BTYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) if present following the ID#.
(5) Description of Property —1 7DESC1 <Enter> Enter the 1st description from line 7a.
(6) FMV 7(b)-1 7BFMV1 $ <Enter> Enter the 1st amount from line 7(b).
(7) Description of Property –2 7DESC2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd description from line 7a.
(8) FMV 7(b)–2 7BFMV2 $ <Enter> Enter the 2nd amount from line 7(b).
(9) More than 2 Indicator MORE <Enter> Enter the edited "I" if present from the right margin of line 7.
(10) Foreign Trust Checkbox 9CKBX <Enter> Enter the edited alpha to the right of line 9. If not edited:
(a) If the "Individual" box is checked, enter "I" .
(b) If the"Partnership" box is checked, enter "P" .
(c) If the "Corporation" box is checked, enter "C" .

Exhibit 3.24.25-28  (01-01-2009)
Section 01 FORM 8804 (Program 11340)

Source Document or Record:
Form 8804
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT:   Section "01" will always be generated. No entry is required.
(2) DLN Serial Number SER# <Enter> Enter the last two digits of the 13-digit DLN from the upper portion of the form. If the serial number has been generated by the system, verify that it matches the document being entered.
(3) Check Digit CD <Enter> Enter the Check Digit if present.
(4) Name Control NC <Enter> If the Check Digit is not present, enter the Name Control.
(5) E.I. Number EIN <Enter> Enter the E.I. Number from the preprinted label or from E.I. Number block.
(6) Address Check ADDRESS CHECK? <Enter> Enter "Y" or "N" as appropriate.
(7) Street Key STREET KEY <Enter> Enter the Street Key.
(8) ZIP KEY ZIP KEY <Enter> Enter the ZIP Key.
(9) Tax Period TAXPR <Enter> Enter the edited tax period from the upper right portion of the return.
(10) Checkbox/Partners Are All Nonresident Aliens CKBX <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is checked at the top right corner of the return.
(11) In Care of Name Line C/O NAME <Enter> Enter the in care of name if shown.
(12) Foreign Address FGN ADD <Enter> Enter the foreign address information as shown or edited from the entity area.
(13) Street Address ADDR <Enter> Enter the street address information as shown or edited from the entity area.


If inputting a foreign address, enter the foreign city, province, and postal code in this field exactly as edited.

(14) City CITY <Enter> Enter the city from the entity area of the return.


If inputting a foreign address, ONLY enter the edited foreign country's code.

(15) State ST <Enter> Enter the standard state abbreviation from the entity area of the return.


If inputting a foreign address, enter a period (.) in this field.

(16) ZIP Code ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from the entity area of the return.


If inputting a foreign address, leave this field blank. Press <Enter> to continue.

(17) Condition Codes CCC <Enter> Enter the code from the "IRS Use" box, "cc" line.
(18) Received Date RDATE <Enter> Enter the date as follows:
(a) Stamped or edited on the face of the return.
(b) From the "IRS Use" box "RD" line.
(c) Printed by a cash register in the upper right corner.
(19) CAF Indicator CAF <Enter> Press <Enter>.
(20) Correspondence Received Date CRD <Enter> Press <Enter>.

Exhibit 3.24.25-29  (01-01-2009)
Section 03 FORM 8804 (Program 11340)

Source Document or Record:
Form 8804
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen, otherwise enter "03" .
(2) Remittance RMT <Enter> Enter the green rockered amount from the balance due area of the return or an attached cash register receipt.
If no amount is edited or the edited amount is illegible, check the control document (Form 813 or Form 3893) for the correct amount.
This is a MUST ENTER field if a Prejournalized Credit Amount (prompt CR) was entered in the Block Header.
(3) Number of Foreign Partners LN3 <Enter> Enter the number from line 3.
(4) Net Ordinary Income L4A <Enter> MINUS (-) Enter the amount from line 4a.
(5) Reduction to line 33a for state and local taxes L4B <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4b.
(6) Reduction to line 4a for certificates L4C <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4c.
(7) Subtract the sum of lines 4b and 4c from 4a L4D <Enter> MINUS (-) Enter the amount from line 4d.
(8) 28% Rate Gains L4E <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4e.
(9) Reduction to line 33e for state and local taxes L4F <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4f.
(10) Reduction to 4e for certificates L4G <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4g.
(11) Subtract the sum of lines 4f and 4g from 4e L4H <Enter> MINUS (-) Enter the amount from line 4h
(12) Unrecaptured Sec. 1250 Gains L4I <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4i.
(13) Reduction to line 33i for state and local taxes L4J <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4j.
(14) Reduction to line 4i for Valid Partner L4K <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4k.
(15) Subtract the sum of lines 4j and 4k from 4i L4L <Enter> MINUS (-) Enter the amount from line 4l.
(16) Qualified Dividend Income L4M <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4m.
(17) Reduction to line 33m for state and local taxes L4N <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4n.
(18) Reduction to 4m for certificates L4O <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4o.
(19) Subtract the sum of lines 4n and 4o from 4m L4P <Enter> MINUS (-) Enter the amount from line 4p.
(20) Gross 1446 Tax liability at 35% L5A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5a
(21) Tax Liability 4h at 28% L5B <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5b.
(22) Tax Liability 4l at 25% L5C <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5c
(23) Tax Liability 4p at 15% L5D <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5d.
(24) Total Section 1446 Tax L5E <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5e.
(25) Extension/Credit Elect Amount L6A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6a.
(26) Tax Paid/Withheld 8805/1042S L6B <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6b.
(27) Yes/No Indicator 6b 6BRTMAR <Enter> Enter the edited "1" or "2" from the right margin of line 6b.
(28) Tax Withheld 1042-S/8288A L6C <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6c.
(29) Yes/No Indicator 6c 6CRTMAR <Enter> Enter the edited "1" or "2" from the right margin of line 6c.
(30) Total Payments L7 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 7.
(31) Estimated Tax Penalty LN8 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8
(32) Balance Due/Overpayment L10/11 <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 10 or line 11 as follows:
(a) Enter the amount from line 10, if present, and press <Enter>.
(b) If there is no entry on line 10, enter the amount from line 11 and press MINUS(-).
(33) Credit Elect to Next Year L13 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 13.
(34) Preparer's SSN PSSN <Enter> Enter the preparer's SSN or PTIN.
(35) Preparer's EIN PEIN <Enter> Enter the preparer's EIN.
(36) Preparer's Telephone # TEL# <Enter> Enter the preparer's telephone number.

Exhibit 3.24.25-30  (01-01-2009)
Section 01 FORM 8288 (Program 11330)

Source Document or Record:
Form 8288
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT:   Section "01" will always be generated. No entry is required.
(2) DLN Serial Number SER# <Enter> Enter the last two digits of the 13-digit DLN from the upper portion of the form. If the serial number has been generated by the system, verify that it matches the document being entered.
(3) Check Digit CD <Enter> Enter the Check Digit if present.
(4) Name Control NC <Enter> If the Check Digit is not present, enter the Name Control.
(5) TIN TIN <Enter>
Enter the TIN from the preprinted label or from TIN block.
(6) TIN Type TYPE <Enter> Enter the edited zero (0) following the TIN.
(7) Address Check ADDRESS CHECK? <Enter> Enter "Y" or "N" as appropriate.
(8) Street Key STREET KEY <Enter> Enter the Street Key.
(9) ZIP Key ZIP KEY <Enter> Enter the ZIP Key.
(10) Tax Period TAXPR <Enter> Enter the edited tax period from under "title of form" .
(11) Computer Condition Code CC <Enter> Enter the edited characters from the bottom left margin of line 2, Part I or Part II.
(12) Received Date RDATE <Enter>
Enter the date as stamped or edited on the face of the return.
If a "G" Condition Code is present and return is a non-remittance, end the document after this element.
If a "G" Condition Code is present and return is a remittance, press <F6> and continue to Section 03.
(13) Part Number PART <Enter> Enter "1" or "2" representing the Part used.
(14) CAF Indicator CAF <Enter> Press <Enter>.
(15) Correspondence Received Date CRD <Enter> Press <Enter>.
(16) Part I or Part II Name NAME <Enter> Enter the name from Line 1 Part I or Part II.

Exhibit 3.24.25-31  (01-01-2009)
Section 02 FORM 8288 (Program 11330)

Source Document or Record:
Form 8288
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "02" .
(2) In Care of Name Line C/O NAME <ENTER> Enter the in care of name if shown.
(3) Foreign Address FGN ADD <ENTER> Enter the foreign address information as shown or edited from the entity area.
(4) Address ADDR <Enter> Enter the street address information as shown or edited in Part I or Part II.


If inputting a foreign address, enter the foreign city, province, and postal code in this field exactly as edited.

(5) City CITY <Enter> Enter the city from Part I or Part II.


If inputting a foreign address, ONLY enter the edited foreign country code.

(6) State ST <Enter> Enter the standard state abbreviation from Part I or Part II.


If inputting a foreign address, enter a period (.) in this field.

(7) ZIP Code ZIP <Enter> Enter the ZIP Code from Part I or Part II.


If inputting a foreign address, leave this field blank. Press <Enter> to continue.

(8) Telephone Number TEL# <Enter> Enter the telephone number from Part I or Part II.

Exhibit 3.24.25-32  (01-01-2009)
Section 03 FORM 8288 (Program 11330)

Source Document or Record:
Form 8288
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if it is already present on the screen; otherwise enter "03" .
(2) Remittance RMT <Enter> Enter the green rockered amount from the top center margin of the return.
If no amount is edited or the edited amount is illegible, check the control document (Form 813 or Form 3926) for the correct amount.
This is a MUST ENTER field if a Prejournalized Credit Amount (prompt CR) was entered in the Block Header.
(3) Description of Property LN2 <Enter> Enter the description from Line 2, Part I or Part II.
(4) Date of Transfer LN3 <Enter> Enter the date from Line 3, Part I or Part II.
(5) Number of 8288–A Attached LN4 <Enter> Enter the number from Line 4, Part I or Part II.
(6) Amount Subject at 35% (Part II) /L5A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5a, Part II.
(7) Amount Subject at 10% (Part I/II) LN5/L5B <Enter> Enter the amount from Line 5, Part I or Line 5b, Part II.


Left of slash is Part I, Right of it is Part II.

(8) Reduced Rate Edited Indicator /5C <Enter> Enter the edited "1" if shown on line 5C, Part II. Do not enter the amount.
(9) Large Trust Election Checkbox (Part II) /5DBX <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is checked on Line 5d, Part II.
(10) Bypass Indicator (Part I/Part II) 5RT/6RT <Enter> Enter the edited digit from the right margin of Line 5, Part I or the edited digit from the right margin of Line 6, Part II.
(11) Withholding at Reduced amount Checkbox (Part I) 6BBX/ <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is checked on line 6b, Part I.
(12) Amount Withheld (Part I/Part II) Total Tax 7/6 <Enter> Enter the amount from Line 7, Part I or Line 6, Part II.
(13) Preparer's SSN PSSN <Enter> Enter the preparer's SSN or PTIN.
(14) Preparer's EIN PEIN <Enter> Enter the preparer's EIN.
(15) Preparer's Telephone # TEL# <Enter> Enter the preparer's telephone number.

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