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3.24.3  Individual Income Tax Returns (Cont. 3)

Exhibit 3.24.3-91  (01-01-2009)
Section 19 — Form 1040NR — Form 1116

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 1116
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "19" always.
(2) Additional Forms 1116 Attached PTI RT <Enter> Enter the edited digit from the margin to the far right of the title "Part I" .
(3) Gross Income from Foreign Source L1A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part I, line 1a, Total Column.
(4) Applicable Deductions and Losses LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part I, line 6, Total Column.
(5) Taxable Income from Foreign Source LN7 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part I, line 7, Total Column.
(6) Total Foreign Tax Paid LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part II, line 8.
(7) Total Foreign Tax Available for Credit L13 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part III, line 13.
(8) Adjustment to Taxable Income L15 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part III, line 15.
(9) Net Taxable Income from Foreign Source L16 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from Part III, line 16.
(10) Maximum Allowable Credit L20 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part III, line 20.
(11) Tentative Foreign Tax Credit L21 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part III, line 21.
(12) International Boycott L28 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part IV, line 28.
(13) Foreign Tax Credit L29 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Part IV, line 29.

Exhibit 3.24.3-92  (01-01-2009)
Section 20 — Form 1040NR — Schedule J

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Schedule J
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "20" always.
(2) Elected Farm Income LN2 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 2.
(3) 3 Year Old Schedule J Tax LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(4) 2 Year Old Schedule J Tax L12 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 12.
(5) 1 Year Old Schedule J Tax L16 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 16.
(6) 3 Year Old Actual Tax L18 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 18.
(7) 2 Year Old Actual Tax L19 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 19.
(8) 1 Year Old Actual Tax L20 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 20.

Exhibit 3.24.3-93  (01-01-2009)
Section 21 — Form 1040NR — Form 2441

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 2441 (Form 1040NR)
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "21" always.
(2) Provider Name Control L1A <Enter> Enter the first edited Name Control from line 1a.


This Name Control may be BMF and include alphas, numerics, hyphens, and ampersands (&). Ignore any other special characters.

(3) Provider TIN L1C <Enter> Enter the TIN from line 1(c) relating to the edited Provider Name Control.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(4) Qualifying Individuals PT2Q# <Enter>
Enter as follows:
(1) If one SSN is present on line 2, enter "1" .
(2) If two or more SSNs are present or "See statement" , "See attachment" , or other variation is present on line 2, enter "2" .
(3) If no SSN is present on line 2, enter "0" (zero).


If an edited "X" appears to the left of the name, do not count the SSN.

(5) Child Name Control-1 2NC1 <Enter> Enter the 1st Name Control as shown or edited from line 2(a).


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt in Section 01 and advance the cursor.

(6) Child SSN-1 SSN1 <Enter> Enter the SSN from line 2(b) relating to the first Name Control.
(7) Child Amount-1 2AMT1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2(c) relating to the first Name Control.
(8) Child Name Control - 2 2NC2 <Enter> Enter the 2nd Name Control as shown or edited from line 2(a).


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt in Section 01 and advance the cursor.

(9) Child SSN-2. SSN2 <Enter> Enter the SSN from line 2(b), relating to the second Name Control.
(10) Child Amount-2 2AMT2 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2(c) relating to the second Name Control.
(11) Qualified Expenses LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(12) Earned Income Primary LN4 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4.
(13) Earned Income Secondary LN5 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5.
(14) Dependent Care Benefits L14 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 14.
(15) Qualified Expenses Incurred L18 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 18.
(16) Dependent Care Exclusion L29 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 29.

Exhibit 3.24.3-94  (01-01-2009)
Section 22 - Form 1040NR—Form 3800

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 3800
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "22" always.
(2) Investment Credit L1A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1a.
(3) Welfare to Work Credit L1B $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1b.
(4) Research Credit L1C $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1c.
(5) Low Income Housing Credit L1D $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1d.
(6) Disabled Access Credit L1E $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1e.
(7) Renewable Electricity Production Credit L1F $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1f.
(8) Indian Employment Credit L1G $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1g.
(9) Orphan Drug Credit L1H $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1h.
(10) New Markets Credit L1I $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1i.
(11) Credit for Small Emp. Pens. Plan Startup Costs L1J $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1j.
(12) Credit for Emp. Provided Child Care Facilities and Services L1K $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 1k.
(13) Railroad Track Maintenance Credit L1L $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1l.
(14) Biodiesel Fuels Credit L1M $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1m.
(15) Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Credit L1N $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1n.
(16) Distilled Spirits L1O $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1o.
(17) NonConventional Sources Fuel Credit L1P $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1p.
(18) Energy Efficient Home Credit L1Q $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1q.
(19) Energy Efficient Appliance Credit L1R $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1r.
(20) Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit L1S $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1s.
(21) Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Credit L1T $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1t.
(22) Mine Rescue Training Credit L1U $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1u.
(23) Agricultural Chemicals Security Credit L1V $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1v.
(24) Employer Differential Wage Payments L1W $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1w.
(25) Passive Activity Credits Included LN3 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 3.
(26) Passive Activity Credits Allowed LN5 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5.
(27) Carryforward LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(28) Pre-1936 Building Credit BOTLF $ <Enter> Enter the edited amount from the bottom left margin.
(29) Certified Historic Structure Credit BOTRT $ <Enter> Enter the edited amount from the bottom right margin.

Exhibit 3.24.3-95  (01-01-2009)
Section 23 - Form 1040NR — Form 4136

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 4136


Do not enter any amount that does not have a corresponding CRN.

Elem No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "23" always.
(2) Amount of Claim #1 AMT1(D) $ <Enter> Enter the first amount from Column (d).
(3) Credit Reference #1 CRN1(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the first amount.
(4) Amount of Claim #2 AMT2(D) $ <Enter> Enter the second amount from Column (d).
(5) Credit Reference #2 CRN2(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the second amount.
(6) Amount of Claim #3 AMT3(D) $ <Enter> Enter the third amount from Column (d).
(7) Credit Reference #3 CRN3(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the third amount.
(8) Amount of Claim #4 AMT4(D) $ <Enter> Enter the fourth amount from Column (d).
(9) Credit Reference #4 CRN4(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the fourth amount.
(10) Amount of Claim #5 AMT5(D) $ <Enter> Enter the fifth amount from Column (d).
(11) Credit Reference #5 CRN5(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the fifth amount.
(12) Amount of Claim #6 AMT6(D) $ <Enter> Enter the sixth amount from Column (d).
(13) Credit Reference #6 CRN6(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the sixth amount.
(14) Amount of Claim #7 AMT7(D) $ <Enter> Enter the seventh amount from Column (d).
(15) Credit Reference #7 CRN7(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the seventh amount.
(16) Amount of Claim #8 AMT8(D) $ <Enter> Enter the eighth amount from Column (d).
(17) Credit Reference #8 CRN8(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the eighth amount.
(18) Amount of Claim #9 AMT9(D) $ <Enter> Enter the ninth amount from Column (d).
(19) Credit Reference #9 CRN9(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the ninth amount.
(20) Amount of Claim #10 AMT10(D) $ <Enter> Enter the tenth amount from Column (d).
(21) Credit Reference #10 CRN10(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the tenth amount.
(22) Amount of Claim #11 AMT11(D) $ <Enter> Enter the eleventh amount from Column (d).
(23) Credit Reference #11 CRN11(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the eleventh amount.
(24) Amount of Claim #12 AMT12(D) $ <Enter> Enter the twelfth amount from Column (d).
(25) Credit Reference #12 CRN12(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the twelfth amount.
(26) Amount of Claim #13 AMT13(D) $ <Enter> Enter the thirteenth amount from Column (d).
(27) Credit Reference #13 CRN13(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the thirteenth amount.
(28) Amount of Claim #14 AMT14(D) $ <Enter> Enter the fourteenth amount from Column (d).
(29) Credit Reference #14 CRN14(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the fourteenth amount.
(30) Amount of Claim #15 AMT15(D) $ <Enter> Enter the fifteenth amount from Column (d).
(31) Credit Reference #15 CRN15(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the fifteenth amount.
(32) Amount of Claim #16 AMT16(D) $ <Enter> Enter the sixteenth amount from Column (d).
(33) Credit Reference #16 CRN16(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the sixteenth amount.
(34) Amount of Claim #17 AMT17(D) $ <Enter> Enter the seventeenth amount from Column (d).
(35) Credit Reference #17 CRN17(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the seventeenth amount.
(36) Amount of Claim #18 AMT18(D) $ <Enter> Enter the eighteenth amount from Column (d).
(37) Credit Reference #18 CRN18(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the eighteenth amount.
(38) Amount of Claim #19 AMT19(D) $ <Enter> Enter the nineteenth amount from Column (d).
(39) Credit Reference #19 CRN19(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the nineteenth amount.
(40) Amount of Claim #20 AMT20(D) $ <Enter> Enter the twentieth amount from Column (d).
(41) Credit Reference #20 CRN20(E) <Enter> Enter the CRN from Column (e) for the twentieth amount.

Exhibit 3.24.3-96  (01-01-2009)
Section 24— Form 1040NR — Form 4137

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 4137
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "24" always.
(2) SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN from the Social Security Number box.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(3) Total Cash and Charge Tips Received LN2 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2.
(4) Total Cash and Charge Tips Reported LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(5) Cash and Charge Tips less than $20 LN5 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5.
(6) Total Social Security Wages and Tips on W–2 LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.

Exhibit 3.24.3-97  (01-01-2009)
Section 26 — Form 1040NR — Form 4684

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 4684
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "26" always.
(2) Gross Casualty and Theft L16 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from Section A, line 16.

Exhibit 3.24.3-98  (01-01-2009)
Section 27 — Form 1040NR — Form 4797

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 4797
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "27" always.
(2) Gross Proceeds from Sale/Exchange of Real Estate LN1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1.
(3) Section 1231 Gain/Loss L7G $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 7, Column (g).
(4) Nonrecaptured Net Section 1231 Losses L8G $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8, Column (g).
(5) Total Sales of Business Property L9G $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 9, Column (g).
(6) Positive Amount from Gain on Sale of Animals BCM $ <Enter> Enter the edited amount from the bottom center margin.

Exhibit 3.24.3-99  (01-01-2009)
Section 28 — Form 1040NR — Form 4972

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 4972
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "28" always.
(2) Was Distribution of One Kind LN1 <Enter> Enter from line 1.
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(3) Did You Roll Over Any Part LN2 <Enter> Enter from line 2.
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(4) Was This Distribution Paid/as Beneficiary LN3 <Enter> Enter from line 3.
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(5) Were You a Plan Participant at Least 5 Years LN4 <Enter> Enter from line 4.
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(6) Prior Year Distribution Indicator L5A <Enter> Enter from line 5a.
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(7) Death Beneficiary Indicator L5B <Enter> Enter from line 5b.
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(8) Capital Gain LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(9) Current Annuity Value L11 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 11.
(10) Adjusted Taxable Amount L12 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 12.
(11) Estate Tax Amount L18 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 18.
(12) Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions L30 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 30.

Exhibit 3.24.3-100  (01-01-2009)
Section 29 - Form 1040NR—Form 5329

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 5329
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "29" always.
(2) Spouse Indicator TOPLF <Enter> Enter the edited "1" or "2" to the left of the form title area.
(3) Type Indicator RTMAR <Enter> Enter the edited digit from the right margin of the entity area.
(4) Additional Tax on Early Distributions LN4 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4.
(5) Additional Tax on Distributions from Education Accounts LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(6) Tax on Excess Contributions to IRA L17 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 17.
(7) Tax on Excess Contributions to Roth IRAs L25 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 25.
(8) Tax on Excess Contributions to Coverdell ESAs L33 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 33.
(9) Tax on Excess MSA Contributions L41 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 41.
(10) Tax on Excess Contributions to HSAs L49 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 49.
(11) Tax on Excess QRP Accumulation L53 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 53.
(12) IRA Condition Codes BOTRT <Enter> Enter the edited digit(s) from the bottom right margin of page 2. If page 2 is not present, enter from the bottom right margin of page 1.

Exhibit 3.24.3-101  (01-01-2009)
Section 32 — Form 1040NR — Form 6251

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 6251
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "32" always.


Enter the section, if present, even if there are no lines to transcribe. Enter a zero in the MUST ENTER field.

(2) Certain Interest on Home Mortgage LN4 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4.
(3) Investment Interest Expense Deduction LN8 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 8.
(4) Depletion LN9 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 9.
(5) Net Operating Loss Deduction L10 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 10.
(6) Interest from Private Activity Bonds L11 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 11.
(7) Qualified Stock L12 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 12.
(8) Exercise of Incentive Stock Options L13 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 13.
(9) Estates and Trusts L14 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 14.
(10) Electing Large Partnership L15 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 15.
(11) Gain/Loss on Disposition of Property L16 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 16.
(12) Depreciation of Assets L17 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 17.
(13) Passive Activities L18 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 18.
(14) Loss Limitations L19 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 19.
(15) Circulation Costs L20 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 20.
(16) Long-Term Contracts L21 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 21.
(17) Mining Costs L22 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 22.
(18) Research and Experimental Costs L23 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 23.
(19) Income from Certain Installment Sales L24 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 24.
(20) Intangible Drilling Costs L25 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 25.
(21) Other Adjustments L26 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 26.
(22) Alternative Tax L27 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 27.
(23) Alternative Min. Tax L32 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 32.

Exhibit 3.24.3-102  (01-01-2009)
Section 33 — Form 1040NR — Form 8615

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8615
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "33" always.
(2) Parent's Name Control PARNC <Enter> Enter the Name Control as shown or edited from the "Parent's Name" line A. If two Name Controls are present, enter the first one.


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt in Section 01 and advance the cursor.

(3) Parent's SSN PARSSN <Enter> Enter the SSN from the "Parent's Social Security Number box," line B.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(4) Parents Filing Status FSC <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) Enter "1" if the Single box is checked.
(b) Enter "2" if the Married filing jointly box is checked.
(c) Enter "3" if the Married filing separately box is checked.
(d) Enter "4" if the Head of household box is checked.
(e) Enter "5" if the Qualifying widow(er) box is checked.
(f) If no boxes or multiple boxes are checked, press <Enter>.
(5) Child's Investment Income LN1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1.
(6) Deductions LN2 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2.
(7) Parent's Taxable Income LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(8) Investment Income All Other Children LN7 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 7.
(9) F8615 Tax L18 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 18.

Exhibit 3.24.3-103  (01-01-2009)
Section 37 — Form 1040NR — Form 4835

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 4835
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "37" always.
(2) Income from Production LN1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1.
(3) Cooperative Distributions L2A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2a.
(4) Agricultural Program Payments L3A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3a.
(5) CCC Loans Reported L4A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4a.
(6) CCC Loans Forfeited L4B $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4b.
(7) Crop Insurance Amount Received L5A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5a.
(8) Other Income LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.

Exhibit 3.24.3-104  (01-01-2009)
Section 38 — Form 1040NR — Form 8839

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8839
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen, otherwise enter "38" always.
(2) Child 1 Name Control 1A1NC <Enter> Enter the Name Control as shown or edited for the first child, line 1, Column (a).


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt in Section 01 and advance the cursor.

(3) Child 1 Year of Birth 1B1YR <Enter> Enter the digits shown in YY format (99, 02, etc.) from line 1, Column (b) for the first child.
(4) Child 1 Disabled 1C1BX <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is marked on line 1, Column (c) for the first child.
(5) Child 1 Special Needs Indicator 1D1BX <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is marked on line 1, Column (d) for the first child.
(6) Child 1 Foreign Child Indicator 1E1BX <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is marked on line 1, Column (e) for the first child.
(7) Child 1 Identification Number 1F1ID <Enter> Enter the ID Number from line 1, Column (f) for the first child.
(8) Child 2 Name Control 1A2NC <Enter> Enter the Name Control as shown or edited for the second child, line 1, Column (a).


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt in Section 01 and advance the cursor.

(9) Child 2 Year of Birth 1B2YR <Enter> Enter the digits shown in YY format (99, 02, etc.) from line 1, Column (b) for the second child.
(10) Child 2 Disabled 1C2BX <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is marked on line 1, Column (c) for the second child.
(11) Child 2 Special Needs Indicator 1D2BX <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is marked on line 1, Column (d) for the second child.
(12) Child 2 Foreign Child Indicator 1E2BX <Enter> Enter a "1" if the box is marked on line 1, Column (e) for the second child.
(13) Child 2 Identification Number 1F2ID <Enter> Enter the ID Number from line 1, Column (f) for the second child.
(14) Child 1 Adoption Expenses 5CH1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5, Child 1 Column.
(15) Child 2 Adoption Expenses 5CH2 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5, Child 2 Column.
(16) Credit Carryforward L13 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 13.
(17) Total Employer Benefits L23 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 23.
(18) Employer Excluded Benefits L30 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 30.
(19) Employer Taxable Benefits L31 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 31.

Exhibit 3.24.3-105  (01-01-2009)
Section 39 — Form 1040NR — Form 8853

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8853
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen, otherwise enter "39" always.
(2) MSA SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN from the top right of page 1.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(3) Did you make an Archer MSA? L1A <Enter> Enter from line 1a:
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(4) If yes, were you uninsured? L1B <Enter> Enter from line 1b:
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(5) If line 1 is yes, indicate Self or Family. L1C <Enter> Enter from line 1c:
(a) "1" if the Self Only box is marked.
(b) "2" if the Family box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(6) If married, did spouse make Archer MSA? L2A <Enter> Enter from line 2a:
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(7) If yes, was your spouse uninsured? L2B <Enter> Enter from line 2b:
(a) "1" if the Yes box is marked.
(b) "2" if the No box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(8) If line 2c is yes, Indicate Self or Family. L2C <Enter> Enter from line 2c:
(a) "1" if the Self Only box is marked.
(b) "2" if the Family box is marked.
(c) "2" if both boxes are marked.
(9) Employer Contributions LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(10) MSA Contributions LN4 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4.
(11) Limitation Amount LN5 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5.
(12) Compensation/High Deductible LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.

Exhibit 3.24.3-106  (01-01-2009)
Sections 40, 41, and 42 — Form 1040NR — Form 8814

SECTIONS 40, 41, AND 42
Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8814
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter as follows:
(a) "40" for 1st Form 8814.
(b) "41" for 2nd Form 8814.
(c) "42" for 3rd Form 8814.
(2) Child's Name Control CNC <Enter> Enter the Name Control as shown or edited from the "Child's Name" , line A.


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt in Section 01 and advance the cursor.

(3) Child's SSN CSSN <Enter> Enter the SSN from "Child's Social Security Number" box, line B.
(4) Taxable Interest L1A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1a.
(5) Tax Exempt Interest L1B $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1b.
(6) Ordinary Dividends L2A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2a.
(7) Capital Gains Distributions LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(8) 8814 Tax L15 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15.

Exhibit 3.24.3-107  (01-01-2009)
Section 44 — Form 1040NR — Schedule H

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Schedule H
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "44" always.
(2) Name Control NC <Enter> Enter the Name Control as shown or edited from the Name of Employer box.
(a) If two Name Controls are present, enter the first one.
(3) SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN from the Social Security Number box.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(4) EIN EIN <Enter> Enter the EIN from the Employer identification number box.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(5) Total Social Security Wages LN1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1.
(6) Total Medicare Wages LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(7) Income Tax Withheld LN5 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5.
(8) Total SS/Medicare/WH Taxes LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(9) Advance EIC LN7 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 7.
(10) Total Taxes LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(11) FUTA Indicator PG2MAR <Enter> Enter the edited digit from below the Yes/No boxes at the top of page 2.
(12) State Code–1 13/18A1 <Enter> Enter the first State Code as shown or edited, or the State Code for the state present from line 13 area or the first state present from line 18, Column (a).
(a) If the State Code is "circled" or "Xed" , do not enter the State Code, but do enter the remaining fields from that section.
(b) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter Section B only.
(c) If the State Code was entered from Section A, then the data for Element (13) and Elements (16) thru (18) should also be entered from Section A.
(d) If the State Code was entered from Section B, then the data for Elements (13) thru (18) should be entered from Section B.
(13) State Reporting
Number 1
14/18B1 <Enter> Enter the alpha-numeric State Reporting Number from line 14 or the first number shown on line 18, Column (b).
(a) Only alphas, numerics, and hyphens (-) are allowed.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or special characters shown.
(d) Enter a period for an illegible character.
(e) If more than 15 positions, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(f) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter Section B only.
(14) State Code—2 18A#2 <Enter> Enter the second State Code as shown or edited or the State Code for the state present from line 18, Column (a).
(a) If the State Code is "circled" or "Xed" , do not enter the State Code, but do enter the remaining fields from that section.
(15) State Reporting Number 2 18B#2 <Enter> Enter the second State Reporting Number from line 18, Column (b).(a) Only alphas, numerics, and hyphens (-) are allowed.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or special characters shown.
(d) Enter a period for an illegible character.
(e) If more than 15 positions, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(16) Contributions Paid 15$/19I$ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15 or line 19, Column (i).
(a) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter the amount from line 19, Column (i).
(17) FUTA Wages 16$/21$ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 16 or line 21.
(a) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter the amount from line 21.
(18) FUTA Tax 17$/25$ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 17 or line 25.
(a) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter the amount from line 25.
(19) Tentative Credit L20 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 20.
(20) Multiple ID Code BOT RT <Enter> Enter the edited digit from the bottom right margin.

Exhibit 3.24.3-108  (01-01-2009)
Section 47 — Form 1040NR — Form 8812

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8812
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter 47 only.


Enter the section, if present, even if there are no lines to transcribe. Enter a zero in the MUST ENTER field.

(2) Nontaxable Combat Pay L4B $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4b.
(3) Total SS and Medicare Taxes LN7 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 7.

Exhibit 3.24.3-109  (01-01-2009)
Section 48 — Form 1040NR — Form 8606

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8606
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "48" always.
(2) Spouse Indicator TOPLF <Enter> Enter the edited "1" or "2" to the left of the form title area.
(3) Name Line NAME <Enter> Always press <Enter>.
(4) Net Amount Converted to Roth IRAs L16 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 16.
(5) IRA Basis Before Conversion L17 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 17.
(6) Taxable Amount of Conversion L18 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 18.
(7) Basis in Roth IRA Contributions L22 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 22.

Exhibit 3.24.3-110  (01-01-2009)
Section 51 - Form 1040NR - Form 4952

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 4952
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "51" always.
(2) Smaller of 4d or Net Capital Gain L4E $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4e.
(3) Include in Investment Income L4G $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4g.

Exhibit 3.24.3-111  (01-01-2009)
Section 52 - Form 1040NR - Form 8889

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8889
Sequence Number: 53
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "52" always
(2) High Deductible Self Only/Family Checkbox L1CKBX <Enter> (a) Enter a "1" if the first checkbox is checked on line 1.
(b) Enter a "2" if the second box is checked.
(c) Enter a "2" if both boxes are marked.
(3) HSA Contributions LN2 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2.
(4) Deductible Amount LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(5) Total Archer MSA Contribution LN4 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4.
(6) Limited HSA Contributions LN5 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5.
(7) 1/2 HSA Deductible LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(8) Additional Contributions LN7 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 7.
(9) Total HSA High Deductible Coverage LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(10) Employer HSA Contrubutions LN9 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 9.
(11) Qualified HSA Funding Distributions L10 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 10.
(12) Total Qualified Distributions L11 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 11.
(13) Total Additional HSA Contributions L12 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 12.
(14) Total HSA Deductions L13 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 13.
(15) Total HSA Distribution 14A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 14a.
(16) Rolled Over Amount 14B $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 14b.
(17) Allowable HSA Distributions 14C $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 14c.
(18) Unreimbursed Qualified Medical Expenses L15 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15.
(19) Taxable HSA Distributions L16 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 16.
(20) Exceptions to Additional 10% Checkbox 17ACKBX <Enter> Enter a 1 if the box is marked on line 17a.
(21) Total Additional 10% Tax 17B $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 17b.
(22) Qualified HSA Distributions L18 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 18.
(23) Last Month Rule L19 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 19.
(24) Qualified HSA Funding L20 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 20.
(25) Total Income HDHP Coverage L21 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 21.
(26) Additional tax HDHP Coverage L22 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 22.

Exhibit 3.24.3-112  (01-01-2009)
Section 54 - Form 1040NR - Form 8880

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8880
Attachment Sequence Number: 55
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen, otherwise enter "54" always.
(2) Contributions for Primary Taxpayer L6A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6a.
(3) Contributions for Secondary Taxpayer L6B $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6b.

Exhibit 3.24.3-113  (01-01-2009)
Section 55 - Form 1040NR — Form 8914

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8914
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen, otherwise enter "55" always.
(2) Name Control 1 NC-1 <Enter> Enter the first Name Control from Column 1(a), Part I.
(3) SSN - 1 SSN-1 <Enter> Enter the SSN relating to the first Name Control.
(4) Name Control - 2 NC-2 <Enter> Enter the second Name Control from Column 1(a), Part I.
(5) SSN - 2 SSN-2 <Enter> Enter the SSN relating to the second Name Control.
(6) Name Control - 3 NC-3 <Enter> Enter the third Name Control from Column 1(a), Part I.
(7) SSN - 3 SSN-3 <Enter> Enter the SSN relating to the third Name Control.
(8) Name Control - 4 NC-4 <Enter> Enter the fourth Name Control from Column 1(a), Part I.
(9) SSN - 4 SSN-4 <Enter> Enter the SSN relating to the fourth Name Control.

Exhibit 3.24.3-114  (01-01-2009)
Section 56 - Form 1040NR —Form 8888

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8888
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions



(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "56" always.
See IRM for specific examples.
(2) Account 1 Depositor Amount - 1a 1A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1a.
(3) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 1b 1B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 1b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(4) Depositor Account Number - 1d 1D <Enter>
Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 1d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(5) DAN for Verification - 1d 1D <Enter>
Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (4), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(6) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 1c 1C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 1c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

(7) Account 2 Depositor Amount - 2a 2A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2a.
(8) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 2b 2B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 2b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(9) Depositor Account Number - 2d 2D <Enter>
Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 2d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(10) DAN for Verification - 2d 2D <Enter>
Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (9), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(11) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 2c 2C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 2c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

(12) Account 3 Depositor Amount - 3a 3A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3a.
(13) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 3b 3B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 3b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(14) Depositor Account Number - 3d 3D <Enter> Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 3d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(15) DAN for Verification - 3d 3D <Enter> This is a MUST ENTER field if the previous field (E14) was entered. Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (14), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(16) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 3c 3C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 3c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

Exhibit 3.24.3-115  (01-01-2009)
Section 59 - Form 1040NR - Form 8913

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR — Form 8913
Attachment Sequence Number: 63
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
Form 8913 was allowable for Tax Year 2006 only. If found attached to other year returns, enter the section if the form is not "Xed" out.



(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "59" always.
(2) Tax Refund 15(D) <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15, Column (d).
(3) Interest on Tax Refund 15(E) <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15, Column (e).

Exhibit 3.24.3-116  (01-01-2009)
Section 61- Form 1040NR — Form 8919

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-Form 8919
Attachment Sequence Number: 72
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "61" always.
(2) SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN shown at the top of the form.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(3) Reason Code RCODE <Enter> Always press <Enter>.
(4) Total Wages L6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(5) Total Social Security Wages & Tips L8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(6) Total Uncollected Social Security & Medicare Tax on Wages 13 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 13.

Exhibit 3.24.3-117  (01-01-2009)
Section 01– Form 1040NR-EZ — Page 1

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-EZ, Page 1
Presence of the following characters in the Element No. Column indicates the prompt will appear for that Type of Entity.
S -Short
I - Intermediate
P - Partial
L - Long
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
S, I, P, L
Section Number SECT: (auto) Section "01" will always be generated. No entry is required.
S, I, P, L
Serial Number SER# <Enter> Enter the last two digits before the hyphen of the DLN from the upper portion of the form.


XXxxxXXXxxxXX - X

S, I, P, L
Type of Entity TYPE OF ENTITY <Enter> Enter Type of Entity "S" , "I" , "P" , "L" , or <Enter> for E-EIF.
(4) S, I
Check Digit CD <Enter> Enter the Check Digit if present.
(a) If no data is present, press <Enter>.
(b) If the Check Digit is present on an NCOA label, press <Enter>.
(c) See IRM for procedures.
S, I
Name Control NC <Enter> If the Check Digit is not present, enter the Name Control for the Primary Taxpayer.
(a) If the primary last name is missing or any of the first four characters of the last name are illegible, enter as Long Entity.
(b) See IRM and IRM for procedures.
S, I, P, L
Primary SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN as shown in the "Identifying number" box.
(a) If missing, illegible, incomplete, more than 9 digits, multiple SSNs on the same line/box, or is a red, edited TIN that begins with a "9" , enter as Long Entity.
(b) See IRM for procedures.
(c) For the error message INVALID CHECK DIGIT, see IRM
S, I, P, L
Name NAME1 <Enter> Enter the full name as shown or edited on the return.
(a) If multiple names are present, enter the first full name.
(a) See IRM,, and for procedures.
S, I, P, L
Additional Information Line AIL <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) For an address within the 50 states, Washington DC, APO/FPO, and US Possessions, see IRM through
(b) For an address outside the 50 states, excluding US Possessions, see IRM
I, L
Street Address ADD <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) For an address within the 50 states, Washington DC, APO/FPO, and US Possessions, see IRM through
(b) For an address outside the 50 states, excluding US Possessions, see IRM
I, L
City/State C/S <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) For an address within the 50 states, Washington DC, APO/FPO, and US Possessions, see IRM through
(b) For an address outside the 50 states, excluding US Possessions, see IRM
I, L
ZIP Code ZIP <Enter> If the ZIP Code is not present on the screen, enter as follows:
(a) For an address within the 50 states, Washington DC, APO/FPO, and US Possessions, see IRM through
(b) For an address outside the 50 states, excluding US Possessions, see IRM
S, I, P, L
Tax Period TAXPR <Enter> Scan the area of the tax year from the upper right or upper center portion of the form for an indication the Tax Period may be for other than the programmed calendar Tax Year, i.e., a Prior Year.
(a) The programmed calendar year is 2008 or 0812.
(b) Enter the 4 digits shown, underlined, or edited in YYMM format.
(c) If only two digits are underlined, enter those two digits followed by "12" .
(d) See IRM for procedures.
(e) This is a MUST ENTER field for prior year returns.
(1) If the document is a current year return, enter the current programmed calendar year (0812).
(2) If the document does not reflect a Tax Period, fill the field with periods.


This is a MUST ENTER FIELD if the Program Number is 46142.

S, I, P, L
Foreign Country Code COUN <Enter> Enter the edited characters from the right of the country line.
(a) Enter a period for each illegible character.
S, I, P, L
Filing Status Code FSC <Enter> ★★★★★★ Enter as follows:
(a) The number edited to the left of the "Filing Status" boxes.
(b) Enter a "1" if box 1 is marked or a "3" if box 2 is marked.
(c) If no boxes are marked or multiple boxes are marked, enter a "1" .
S, I, P, L
Computer Condition Code CCC <Enter> Enter the edited characters shown in the upper portion of the "Filing Status" area.
(a) Valid characters are alpha A-H and J-Z and numeric 1-9.


If an "O" Code is present for this element, enter an alpha "O" .

(b) Enter a pound sign for each illegible character.
(c) If a "G" Code is present for this element, see "G" Code instructions in the Received Date element. Do not press <F6>.
S, I, P, L
Received Date DATE <Enter> ★★★★★★ Enter the 6 digits for the Received Date in MMDDYY format. The Received Date is shown on the return as:
(a) Stamped on the face of the return.
(b) Edited in the center, below line 6.


Do not enter any edited dates from the margin or entity area of the return.

(c) If a "G" Code is present in the "CCC" and the return is a non-remittance, end the document after this element.
(d) If a "G" Code is present in the "CCC" and the return is a remittance, press <Enter> after this element. The system will automatically take you to Sec. 05 for entry of the Remittance Amount.
(e) See IRM for procedures.


This is a MUST ENTER FIELD if the Program Number is 46142 and for all other programs if the Julian Date in the Block Header DLN is 155 or greater.

S, I, P, L
Return Processing Code RPC <Enter> ★★★★★★ Enter the edited characters shown in the right margin of line 22.
(a) Valid characters are alpha A-Z and numeric 1-9.
(b) Enter a pound sign for each illegible character.
(c) If no data is present, press <F7> to override.
S, I, P, L
ERS Action Code ACT C <Enter> Enter the 3 edited digits shown in the bottom center margin.
(a) If Action Code is in the "600" series and the return is a non-remittance, end the document after this element.
(b) If Action Code is in the "600" series and the return is a remittance, press <Enter> after this element. The system will automatically take you to Section 05 for entry of the Remittance.
(c) If multiple Action Codes apply enter the highest number.
S, I, P, L
Audit Codes AUD C <Enter> Enter the edited characters shown in the bottom right margin.
(a) Enter a pound sign for each illegible character.

Exhibit 3.24.3-118  ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Exhibit 3.24.3-119  (01-01-2009)
Section 03 — Form 1040NR-EZ, Page 1

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-EZ, Page 1
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "03" always.
(2) Wages LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(3) Taxable Refunds LN4 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4.
(4) Scholarships/Fellowships LN5 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5.
(5) Treaty Exempt Income LN6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(6) Total Income LN7 $ <Enter> MINUS (−) ★★★★★★ Enter the amount from line 7.
(a) If the Zero Balance Error Message appears, sight verify raised boxes.
(b) See IRM for correction procedures.
(7) Scholarships Excluded LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(8) Student Loan Interest Deduction LN9 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 9.
(9) Adjusted Gross Income L10 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 10.
(a) If the Zero Balance Error Message appears, sight verify raised boxes.
(b) See IRM for correction procedures.

Exhibit 3.24.3-120  (01-01-2009)
Section 04 — Form 1040NR-EZ, Page 1

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-EZ, Page 1
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "04" always.
(2) Taxable Income Amount L14 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 14. If the taxpayer has entered a minus and the amount has not been "Xed" , press <Enter> only.


If the only entry for Section 04 is a negative amount on line 14, omit the section.

(3) Tax L15 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15.
(4) Unreported Social Security & Medicare Tax (4137/8919) L16 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 16.
(5) Total Tax L17 <Enter> ★★★★★★ Enter the amount from line 17. ENTER DOLLARS AND CENTS.
(a) If the Zero Balance Error Message appears, sight verify raised boxes.
(b) See IRM for correction procedures.

Exhibit 3.24.3-121  (01-01-2009)
Section 05 — Form 1040NR-EZ, Page 1

Source Document or Record :Form 1040NR-EZ, Page 1
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "05" always.
(2) Withholding Tax L18 <Enter> ★★★★★★ Enter the amount from line 18.
(3) Estimated Tax Credits L19 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 19.
(4) Credit for Amount Paid Form 1040–C L20 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 20.
(5) Total Payments L21 <Enter> ★★★★★★ Enter the amount from line 21.
(a) If the Zero Balance Error Message appears, sight verify raised boxes.
(b) See IRM for correction procedures.
(6) Refund Amount 23A <Enter> MINUS (−) Enter the amount from line 23a.
(a) If lines 23a, 24, and 25 have no entries, but there is an amount on line 22, enter line 22 amount for this field.
(b) If no data is present, press <Enter>.


If the refund is $1 million or more, enter AC 344.

(7) ES Credit Elect L24 <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 24.
(8) Amount You Owe L25 <Enter> ★★★★★★ Enter the amount from line 25 unless it is the same as Element (17), Remittance, in which case, enter a "0" (zero) only and press <Enter>.
(9) Pre-Determined ES Penalty L26 <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 26.
(10) Third Party Designee Checkbox 3Y/N <Enter> If only the Yes box is marked in the Third Party Designee area, enter a "1" and enter the Third Party Information.
(a) In all other cases, press <Enter> and do not enter any of the Third Party information.
NOTE: Taxpayer editing to the Third Party Information Yes/No boxes will not be honored unless the taxpayer has initialed the change.
(b) Do not enter the checkbox for tax years 2000 and prior.
(11) Third Party Designee Name 3NAME <Enter> Enter as shown in the Third Party Designee area.
(a) A-Z, 0–9, and blanks are valid.
(b) Space for illegible or special characters.
(c) Do not enter the words "Preparer" , "Prep." , "Self-Prepared" or any phrases or variations of "Preparer" .
(d) Follow name line rules in IRM that have not been addressed in (a) through (c).
(12) Third Party Designee ID# 3ID# <Enter> Enter the Personal Identification Number in the Third Party Designee area.
(a) A-Z, 0–9, and blanks are valid.
(b) Ignore special characters.
(c) Space for illegible characters.
(d) Enter up to 9 characters.
(13) Preparer's Code CODE <Enter> Enter the edited character to the right of the EIN.
(a) If the Preparer's EIN is ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ , enter H and do not enter the EIN.
(14) Preparer's SSN or PTIN PTIN <Enter> Enter from the Preparer's SSN or PTIN line or from the stamp, label, or written as shown in the Preparer's area. This entry can be either the preparer's SSN or a "Preparer TIN" , which consists of the letter "P" or "S" followed by 8 digits.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(15) Preparer's EIN EIN <Enter> Enter the numerics from the Preparer's EIN line or from the stamp, label, or written as shown in the Preparer's area.
(a) If the Preparer's EIN is ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ , do not enter the EIN and enter H for the CODE.
(b) See IRM for procedures.
(16) Preparer's Telephone # TEL# <Enter> Enter the first 10 characters of the preparer's telephone number from the "Phone no." line or from the stamp, label, or written in the Preparer's area.
(a) A-Z and 0-9 are valid.
(b) If two telephone numbers are present, enter the first 10 characters of the first complete telephone number.
(c) Ignore special characters and blanks.
(d) Disregard a leading "1" or "011" , hyphens, and parentheses.
(e) Do not enter the telephone number if it is incomplete (not at least 10 digits), if any digits are illegible, or if all the digits are the same.
(17) Remittance RMT <Enter> This is a MUST ENTER field if the CR prompt (Element 5, Prejournalized Credit Amount) in the Block Header contains an entry.
(a) Enter the amount imprinted by a cash register or the amount edited or underlined in green pencil in the Refund or Amount You Owe area.
(b) Enter the RPS amount printed in the upper right corner of the return ONLY if underlined in green.
(c) If a cash register or green penciled amount is not present on the document, or if such an amount is present on a reinput document but is also circled by editing, enter a "0" (zero).
(d) If an edited return is attached to the front of an original return, enter the Remittance amount from the original return.
(e) If the amount is illegible, use the Form 813 amount for this Serial Number.
(f) If a "G" Condition Code or an Action Code in the "600" series is present in Section 01, the system will automatically end the document after <Enter> is pressed.

Exhibit 3.24.3-122  (01-01-2009)
Section 06 - Form 1040NR-EZ

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-EZ
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "06" always.
See IRM for examples.
(2) Routing Transit Number RTN <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 23b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks, or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
-any illegible character is present in either the DAN or RTN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(3) Depositor Account Number DAN <Enter>
Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 23d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- an illegible character is present in either the DAN or RTN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(4) DAN For Verification DAN <Enter>
Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (3), a DAN MIS-MATCH message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(5) Type of Depositor Account TYPE <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 23c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.
(c) If only the TYPE box is marked, enter the section.


When <Enter is pressed, the system will generate a "C" .


Exhibit 3.24.3-123  (01-01-2009)
Section 07 — Form 1040NR-EZ, Itemized Deductions

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-EZ, Itemized Deductions
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "07" always.
(2) State & Local Income Tax L11 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 11, page 1.

Exhibit 3.24.3-124  (01-01-2009)
Section 24— Form 1040NR-EZ, Form 4137

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR–EZ — Form 4137
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "24" always.
(2) SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN from the Social Security Number box.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(3) Total Cash and Charge Tips Received LN2 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2.
(4) Total Cash and Charge Tips Reported LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(5) Cash and Charge Tips less than $20 LN5 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5.
(6) Total Social Security Wages and Tips on W–2 LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.

Exhibit 3.24.3-125  (01-01-2009)
Section 56 - Form 8888

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-EZ — Form 8888
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions



(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "56" always.
See IRM for specific examples.
(2) Account 1 Depositor Amount - 1a 1A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1a.
(3) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 1b 1B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 1b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(4) Depositor Account Number - 1d 1D <Enter>
Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 1d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(5) DAN for Verification - 1d 1D <Enter>
Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (4), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(6) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 1c 1C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 1c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

(7) Account 2 Depositor Amount - 2a 2A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2a.
(8) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 2b 2B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 2b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(9) Depositor Account Number - 2d 2D <Enter>
Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 2d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(10) DAN for Verification - 2d 2D <Enter>
Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (9), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(11) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 2c 2C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 2c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

(12) Account 3 Depositor Amount - 3a 3A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3a.
(13) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 3b 3B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 3b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(14) Depositor Account Number - 3d 3D <Enter> Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 3d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(15) DAN for Verification - 3d 3D <Enter> This is a MUST ENTER field if the previous field (E14) was entered. Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (14), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(16) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 3c 3C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 3c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

Exhibit 3.24.3-126  (01-01-2009)
Section 59 - Form 8913

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-EZ — Form 8913
Attachment Sequence Number: 63
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
Form 8913 was allowable for Tax Year 2006 only. If found attached to other year returns, enter the section if the form is not "Xed" out.



(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "59" always.
(2) Tax Refund 15(D) <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15, Column (d).
(3) Interest on Tax Refund 15(E) <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15, Column (e).

Exhibit 3.24.3-127  (01-01-2009)
Section 61- Form 1040NR-EZ — Form 8919

Source Document or Record: Form 1040NR-EZ — Form 8919
Attachment Sequence Number: 72
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "61" always.
(2) SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN from the top of the form.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(3) Reason Code RCODE <Enter> Always press <Enter>.
(4) Total Wages L6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(5) Total Social Security Wages & Tips L8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(6) Total Uncollected Social Security & Medicare Tax on Wages 13 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 13.

Exhibit 3.24.3-128  (01-01-2009)
Section 01- Form 1040PR/SS, Page 1

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS
Presence of the following characters in the Element No. Column indicates the prompt will appear for that Type of Entity.
S -Short
I - Intermediate
P - Partial
L - Long
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
S, I, P, L
Section Number SECT: (auto) Section "01" will always be generated. No entry is required.
S, I, P, L
Serial Number SER# <Enter> Enter the last two digits before the hyphen of the DLN from the upper portion of the form.


XXxxxXXXxxxXX - X

S, I, P, L
Type of Entity TYPE OF ENTITY <Enter> Enter Type of Entity: "S" , "I" , "P" , "L" , or <Enter> for E-EIF.
S, I
Check Digit CD <Enter> Enter the Check Digit if present.
(a) If no data is present, press <Enter>.
(b) If the Check Digit is present on an NCOA label, press <Enter>.
(c) See IRM for procedures.
S, I
Name Control NC <Enter> If the Check Digit is not present, enter the Name Control for the Primary Taxpayer.
(a) If the primary last name is missing or any of the first four characters of the last name are illegible, enter as Long Entity.
(b) See IRM and IRM for procedures.
S, I, P, L
Primary SSN SSN (auto)
Enter the SSN as shown in the "Your social security" box.
(a) If missing, illegible, incomplete, more than 9 digits, multiple SSNs on the same line/box, or is a red, edited TIN that begins with a "9" , enter as Long Entity.
(b) See IRM for procedures.
(c) For the error message INVALID CHECK DIGIT, see IRM
S, I, P, L
Secondary SSN SSSN <Enter> Enter the SSN present in the "Spouse's social security number" box or written around Part I, line 1.
(a) If prompted and no data is present, enter <F7> to override.
(b) See IRM for procedures.
P, L
Name NAME1 <Enter> Enter the full name(s) as shown or edited on the return.
(a) See IRM,, and for procedures.
P, L
Additional Information Line AIL <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) For an address within the 50 states, Washington DC, APO/FPO, and US Possessions, see IRM through
(b) For an address outside the 50 states, excluding US Possessions, see IRM
I, L
Street Address ADD <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) For an address within the 50 states, Washington DC, APO/FPO, and US Possessions, see IRM through
(b) For an address outside the 50 states, excluding US Possessions, see IRM
I, L
City/State C/S <Enter> Enter as follows:
(a) For an address within the 50 states, Washington DC, APO/FPO, and US Possessions, see IRM through
(b) For an address outside the 50 states, excluding US Possessions, see IRM
I, L
ZIP Code ZIP <Enter> If the ZIP Code is not present on the screen, enter as follows:
(a) For an address within the 50 states, Washington DC, APO/FPO, and US Possessions, see IRM through
(b) For an address outside the 50 states, excluding US Possessions, see IRM
S, I, P, L
Tax Period TAXPR <Enter> Scan the area of the tax year from the upper right or upper center portion of the form for an indication the Tax Period may be for other than the programmed calendar Tax Year, i.e., a Prior Year.
(a) The programmed calendar year is 2008 or 0812.
(b) Enter the 4 digits shown, underlined, or edited in YYMM format.
(c) If only two digits are underlined, enter those two digits followed by "12" .
(d) See IRM for procedures.
(e) This is a MUST ENTER field for Prior Year forms.
(1) If the document is a current year return, enter the current programmed calendar year (0812).
(2) If the document does not reflect a Tax Period, fill the field with periods.
S, I, P, L
Spouse Name Control 2NDNC <Enter> Enter the spouse's Name Control, if present, regardless of the filing status.
(a) Use the spouse's last name in the entity area or from Part I, line 1 of the Filing Status area.
(b) See IRM for procedures.
(c) Enter a period for each illegible character.
(d) If no data is present, press <Enter>.


This is a MUST ENTER field if FSC is 2 or 3. If prompted and no data is present, press <F7> to override.

S, I, P, L
Filing Status Code FSC <Enter>
Enter the number edited to the left of the "Filing Status" boxes.
(a) If not edited, enter a "1" if one taxpayer is present in the entity area or "2" if two taxpayers are present.
S, I, P, L
Computer Condition Code CCC <Enter> Enter the edited characters shown in the upper portion of the "Filing Status" area.
(a) Valid characters are alpha A-H and J-Z and numeric 1-9.


If an "O" Code is present for this element, enter an alpha "O" .

(b) Enter a pound sign for each illegible character.
(c) If a "G" Code is present for this element, see "G" Code instructions in the Received Date element. Do not press <F6>.
S, I, P, L
Received Date DATE <Enter> Enter the 6 digits for the Received Date in MMDDYY format. The Received Date is shown on the return as:
(a) Stamped on the face of the return.
(b) Edited to the left (dotted portion) of line 5.


Do not enter any edited dates from the margin or entity area of the form.

(c) If a "G" Code is present in the "CCC" and the return is a non-remittance, end the document after this element.
(d) If a "G" Code is present in the "CCC" and the return is a remittance, press <Enter> after this element. The system will automatically take you to Sec. 05 for entry of the Remittance.
(e) See IRM for procedures.


This is a MUST ENTER if the Julian Date in the Block Header DLN is 155 or greater.

S, I, P, L
First Dependent Name Control NC1 <Enter> Enter the first Name Control as shown or edited from line 2a.


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt and advance the cursor.


If an edited "X" appears to the left of the name, do not enter any information for that Name Control.

(a) This is a MUST ENTER field if "EXEMP" contains an entry.
(b) If no data is present, press <F7> to override.
S, I, P, L
First Dependent SSN SSN1 <Enter> Enter the SSN for the first dependent entry. The Name Control need not be present.
(a) This is a MUST ENTER field if "EXEMP" contains an entry.
(b) If no data is present, press <F7> to override.
S, I, P, L
Child Tax Credit Indicator 1 2(C)1 <Enter> For the related dependent name, enter a "1" if a red, edited checkmark appears to the right of Col. 2(c). The Name Control need not be present.
(a) This is a MUST ENTER field if NC1 or SSN1 contains an entry.
(b) If no data is present, press <F7> to override.


Do not enter child tax credit indicator for tax years 1997 and prior.

S, I, P, L
Second Dependent Name Control NC2 <Enter> Enter the second Name Control as shown or edited from line 2a.


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt and advance the cursor.


If an edited "X" appears to the left of the name, do not enter any information for that Name Control.

S, I, P, L
Second Dependent SSN SSN2 <Enter> Enter the SSN for the second dependent entry. The Name Control need not be present.
S, I, P, L
Child Tax Credit Indicator 2 2(C)2 <Enter> For the related dependent name, enter a "1" if a red, edited checkmark appears to the right of Col. 2(c).
(a) This is a MUST ENTER field if NC2 or SSN2 contains an entry.
(b) If no data is present, press <F7> to override.


Do not enter child tax credit indicator for tax years 1997 and prior.

S, I, P, L
Third Dependent Name Control NC3 <Enter> Enter the third Name Control as shown or edited from line 2a.


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt and advance the cursor.


If an edited "X" appears to the left of the name, do not enter any information for that Name Control.

S, I, P, L
Third Dependent SSN SSN3 <Enter> Enter the SSN for the third dependent entry. The Name Control need not be present.
S, I, P, L
Child Tax Credit Indicator 3 2(C)3 <Enter> For the related dependent name, enter a "1" if a red, edited checkmark appears to the right of Col. 2(c).
(a) This is a MUST ENTER field if NC3 or SSN3 contains an entry.
(b) If no data is present, press <F7> to override.


Do not enter child tax credit indicator for tax years 1997 and prior.

S, I, P, L
Fourth Dependent Name Control NC4 <Enter> Enter the fourth Name Control as shown or edited from line 2a.


Pressing <F11> will copy the Name Control entered at the primary NC prompt and advance the cursor.


If an edited "X" appears to the left of the name, do not enter any information for that Name Control.

S, I, P, L
Fourth Dependent SSN SSN4 <Enter> Enter the SSN for the fourth dependent entry. The Name Control need not be present.
S, I, P, L
Child Tax Credit Indicator 4 2(C)4 <Enter> For the related dependent name, enter a "1" if a red, edited checkmark appears to the right of Col. 2(c).
(a) This is a MUST ENTER field if NC4 or SSN4 contains an entry.
(b) If no data is present, press <F7> to override.


Do not enter child tax credit indicator for tax years 1997 and prior.

S, I, P, L
Return Processing Code RPC <Enter>
Enter the edited characters shown in the right margin of line 5.
(a) Valid characters are alpha A-Z and numeric 1-9.
(b) Enter a pound sign for each illegible character.
(c) If no data is present, press <F7> to override.
S, I, P, L
ERS Action Code ACT C <Enter> Enter the 3 edited digits shown in the bottom center margin.
(a) If Action Code is in the "600" series and the return is a non-remittance, end the document after this element.
(b) If Action Code is in the "600" series and the return is a remittance, press <Enter> after this element. The system will automatically take you to Section 05 for entry of the Remittance.
(c) If multiple Action Codes apply, enter the highest number.
S, I, P, L
Audit Code AUD C <Enter> Enter the edited characters shown in the bottom right margin.
(a) Enter a pound sign for each illegible character.

Exhibit 3.24.3-129  ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Exhibit 3.24.3-130  (01-01-2009)
Section 04 — Form 1040PR/SS — Page 1

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS — Page 1
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "04" always.
(2) Combined SE Tax L3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(3) Household Employment Taxes L4 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 4.
(4) Total Tax L5 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5. ENTER DOLLARS AND CENTS.

Exhibit 3.24.3-131  (01-01-2009)
Section 05 — Form 1040PR/SS

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions



(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "05" always.
(2) Estimated Tax Credits L6 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(3) Excess (FICA) SST L7 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 7.
(4) Additional Child Tax Credit L8 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(5) Total Payments L10 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 10.
(6) Refund Amount 12A <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 12a.
(a) If lines 12a, 13, and 14 have no entries, but there is an amount on line 11, enter line 11 amount for this field.
(b) If no data is present, press <Enter>.


The amount on this line appears as a negative always.


If the refund is $1 million or more, enter AC 344.

(7) ES Credit Elect L13 <Enter> Enter the amount from line 13.
(8) Amount You Owe L14 <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 14 unless it is the same as Element (17), Remittance, in which case, enter a "0" (zero) only and press <Enter>.
(9) Pre-Determined ES Penalty 14RT <Enter>
Enter the amount from the right of line 14.
(10) Third Party Designee Checkbox 3Y/N <Enter> If only the Yes box is marked in the Third Party Designee area, enter a "1" and enter the Third Party Information.
(a) In all other cases, press <Enter> and do not enter any of the Third Party information.
NOTE: Taxpayer editing to the Third Party Information Yes/No boxes will not be honored unless the taxpayer has initialed the change.
(b) Do not enter the checkbox for tax years 2000 and prior.
(11) Third Party Designee Name 3NAME <Enter> Enter as shown in the Third Party Designee area.
(a) A-Z, 0–9, and blanks are valid.
(b) Space for illegible or special characters.
(c) Do not enter the words "Preparer" , "Prep." , "Self-Prepared" , or any phrases or variations of "Preparer" .
(d) Follow name line rules in IRM that have not been addressed in (a) through (c).
(12) Third Party Designee ID# 3ID# <Enter> Enter the Personal Identification Number in the Third Party Designee area.
(a) A-Z, 0-9, and blanks are valid.
(b) Ignore special characters.
(c) Space for illegible characters.
(d) Enter up to 9 characters.
(13) Preparer's Code CODE <Enter> Enter the edited character to the right of the EIN.
(a) If the Preparer's EIN is ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ , enter H and do not enter the EIN.
(14) Preparer's SSN or PTIN PTIN <Enter> Enter from the Preparer's SSN or PTIN line or from the stamp, label, or written as shown in the Preparer's area. This entry can be either the preparer's SSN or a "Preparer TIN" , which consists of the letter "P" or "S" followed by 8 digits.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(15) Preparer's EIN EIN <Enter> Enter the numerics from the Preparer's EIN line or from the stamp, label, or written as shown in the Preparer's area.
(a) If the Preparer's EIN is ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ , do not enter the EIN and enter H for the CODE.
(b) See IRM for procedures.
(16) Preparer's Telephone # TEL# <Enter> Enter the first 10 characters of the preparer's telephone number from the "Phone no." line or from the stamp, label, or written in the Preparer's area.
(a) A-Z and 0-9 are valid.
(b) If two telephone numbers are present, enter the first 10 characters of the first complete telephone number.
(c) Ignore special characters or blanks.
(d) Disregard a leading "1" or "011" , hyphens, and parentheses.
(e) Do not enter the telephone number if it is incomplete (not at least 10 digits), if any digits are illegible, or if all the digits are the same.
(17) Remittance RMT <Enter> This is a MUST ENTER field if the CR prompt (Element 5, Prejournalized Credit Amount) in the Block Header contains an entry.
(a) Enter the amount imprinted by a cash register or the amount edited or underlined in green pencil in the Refund or Amount You Owe area.
(b) Enter the RPS amount printed in the upper right corner of the return ONLY if underlined in green.
(c) If a cash register or green penciled amount is not present on the document, or if such an amount is present on a reinput document but is also circled by editing, enter a "0" (zero).
(d) If an edited return is attached to the front of an original return, enter the Remittance amount from the original return.
(e) If the amount is illegible, use the Form 813 amount for this Serial Number.
(f) If a "G" Condition Code or an Action Code in the "600" series is present in Section 01, the system will automatically end the document after <Enter> is pressed.

Exhibit 3.24.3-132  (01-01-2009)
Section 06 - Form 1040PR/SS

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS Part I
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "06" always.
See IRM for examples.
(2) Routing Transit Number RTN <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 12b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks, or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
-an illegible character is present in either the DAN or RTN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(3) Depositor Account Number DAN <Enter>
Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 12d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(4) DAN For Verification DAN <Enter>
Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (3), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(5) Type of Depositor Account TYPE <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 12c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.
(c) If only the TYPE box is marked, enter the section.


When <Enter is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

Exhibit 3.24.3-133  (01-01-2009)
Section 07- Form 1040PR/SS - Part II, Page 2

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS–Part II, page 2
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter 07 always.
(2) Income derived from Puerto Rico PT2L1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1, Part II.
(3) Withheld SS and Medicare L2 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2, Part II.

Exhibit 3.24.3-134  (01-01-2009)
Sections 09, 10, 11- Form 1040PR/SS - Part IV, Page 3

SECTIONS 09, 10, AND 11
Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS–Part IV, page 3
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter as follows:
(a) 09 for the first Part IV,
(b) 10 for the second Part IV,
(c) 11 for the third Part IV.
(2) Gross Receipts PT4L1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from the right most portion of line 1, (Balance Figure).
(3) Office Expenses L16 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 16, Part IV.
(4) Utilities L23 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 23, Part IV.
(5) Wages L24 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 24, Part IV.

Exhibit 3.24.3-135  (01-01-2009)
Sections 17 and 18 — Form 1040PR/SS — Part V

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS–Part V
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter as edited or as follows:
(a) "17" for 1st Part V.
(b) "18" for 2nd Part V.
(2) SSN PT5SSN <Enter> Enter the digits shown or edited from the SSN box.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(3) Net Profit/Loss from Farm L1A $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 1a.
(4) Conservation Reserve Program L1B $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1b.
(5) Net Non-Farm Profit/Loss LN2 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 2.
(6) Tentative Earnings LN3 $ <Enter>
Enter the amount from line 3.
(7) SE Quarters Covered 4CRT <Enter> Enter the edited digit from the right margin of line 4c.
(8) Tentative Church Wages L5A $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 5a.
(9) Total Social Security Wages/Tips/RRT and Unreported Tips L8D $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8d.
(10) SE Farm Method Code 9... <Enter> Enter the edited digit from the left of line 9.

Exhibit 3.24.3-136  (01-01-2009)
Sections 44 and 45— Form 1040PR/SS — Schedule H

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS — Schedule H
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; unless edited, enter as follows:
(a) "44" for the first Schedule H.
(b) "45" for the second Schedule H.
(2) Name Control NC <Enter> Enter the Name Control as shown or edited from the Name of Employer box. If two Name Controls are present, enter the first one.
(3) SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN from the Social Security Number box.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(4) EIN EIN <Enter> Enter the EIN from the Employer ID Number box.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(5) Total Social Security Wages LN1 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1.
(6) Total Medicare Wages LN3 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3.
(7) Total Taxes LN8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(8) FUTA Indicator PG2MAR <Enter> Enter the edited digit from below the Yes/No boxes at the top of page 2.
(9) State Code-1 13/18A1 <Enter> Enter the first State Code as shown or edited or the State Code for the state present from line 13 area or the first state present from line 18, Column (a).
(a) If the State Code is "circled" or "X'ed" , do not enter the State Code, but do enter the remaining fields from that section.
(b) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter Section B only.
(c) If the State Code was entered from Section A, then the data for Element (10) and Elements (13) thru (15) should also be entered from Section A.
(d) If the State Code was entered from Section B, then the data for Elements (10) thru (15) should be entered from Section B.
(10) State Reporting Number 1 14/18B1 <Enter> Enter the alpha-numeric State Reporting Number from line 14 or the first number shown on line 18, Column (b).
(a) Only alphas, numerics, and hyphens (-) are allowed.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or special characters shown.
(d) Enter a period for an illegible character.
(e) If more than 15 positions, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(f) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter Section B only.
(11) State Code-2 18A#2 <Enter> Enter the second State Code as shown or edited or the second State Code for the state present from line 18, Column (a).
(a) If the State Code is "circled" or "X'ed" , do not enter the State Code, but do enter the remaining fields from that section.
(12) State Reporting Number 2 18B#2 <Enter> Enter the second State Reporting Number from line 18, Column (b).
(a) Only alphas, numerics, and hyphens (-) are allowed.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or special characters shown.
(d) Enter a period for an illegible character.
(e) If more than 15 positions, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(13) Contributions Paid 15$/19I$ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 15 or line 19, Column (i).
(a) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter the amount from line 19, Column (i).
(14) FUTA Wages 16$/21$ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 16 or line 21.
(a) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter the amount from line 21.
(15) FUTA Tax 17$/25$ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 17 or line 25.
(a) If there are entries in both Sections A and B, and Section A has not been "Xed" out, enter the amount from line 25.
(16) Tentative Credit L20 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 20.
(17) Multiple ID Code BOT RT <Enter> Enter the edited digit from the bottom right margin.

Exhibit 3.24.3-137  (01-01-2009)
Section 56 - Form 8888

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS — Form 8888
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions



(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter "56" always.
See IRM for examples.
(2) Account 1 Depositor Amount - 1a 1A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 1a.
(3) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 1b 1B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 1b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(4) Depositor Account Number - 1d 1D <Enter>
Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 1d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(5) DAN for Verification - 1d 1D <Enter>
Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (4), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(6) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 1c 1C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 1c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>. enter the section.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

(7) Account 2 Depositor Amount - 2a 2A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 2a.
(8) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 2b 2B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 2b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(9) Depositor Account Number - 2d 2D <Enter>
Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 2d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(10) DAN for Verification - 2d 2D <Enter>
Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (9), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(11) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 2c 2C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 2c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

(12) Account 3 Depositor Amount - 3a 3A <Enter> Enter the amount from line 3a.
(13) Routing and Transit Number (RTN) - 3b 3B <Enter> Enter up to 9 digits of the RTN from line 3b.
(a) Ignore excess digits, alphas, blanks or special characters shown.
(b) Press <Enter> if:
- the RTN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more numbers have been written over to change an existing entry in either the RTN or DAN.
(14) Depositor Account Number - 3d 3D <Enter> Enter the alpha/numeric Account Number from line 3d.
(a) Only alphas, numerics and hyphens (-) are valid.
(b) Enter hyphens (-) where shown.
(c) Ignore any blanks or other special characters shown.
(d) Enter a single period and press <Enter> if:
- the DAN is not present and there is other data to be entered for this section.
- an illegible character is present in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been altered with white-out or marked through in either the RTN or DAN.
- one or more characters have been written over to change an existing entry in either the DAN or RTN.
(e) If more than 17 characters, enter a # (pound sign) in the last position.
(15) DAN for Verification - 3d 3D <Enter> This is a MUST ENTER field if the previous field (E14) was entered. Enter the DAN again for verification.
(a) If entry does not match Element (14), a DAN MIS-MATCH error message will appear, and the cursor will be positioned on the first character of this field.
(b) "DAN MIS-MATCH" error message will be displayed until both "DAN" fields agree.
(16) Type Depositor Account (TDA) - 3c 3C <Enter> Enter the "S" or "C" that represents the box marked for Savings or Checking from line 3c.
(a) If both boxes are marked, press <Enter>.
(b) If neither box is marked, press <Enter>.


When <Enter> is pressed, the system generates a "C" .

Exhibit 3.24.3-138  (01-01-2009)
Section 61 and 62 - Form 1040PR/SS — Form 8919

Source Document or Record: Form 1040PR/SS — Form 8919
Attachment Sequence Number: 72
Elem. No. Data Element Name Prompt Fld. Term. Instructions
(1) Section Number SECT: <Enter> Press <Enter> if already present on the screen; otherwise enter as follows:
(a) "61" for the first Form 8919
(b) "62" for the second Form 8919.
(2) SSN SSN <Enter> Enter the SSN shown at the top of the form.
(a) See IRM for procedures.
(3) Reason Code RCODE <Enter> Always press <Enter>.
(4) Total Wages L6 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 6.
(5) Total Social Security Wages & Tips L8 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 8.
(6) Total Uncollected Social Security & Medicare Tax on Wages 13 $ <Enter> Enter the amount from line 13.

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