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3.22.110  Chapter Three Withholding Returns - Form 1042 (Cont. 2) 
Section 07 - Total Tax, Credits, Bal Due/Refund  (01-01-2009)
Field 07B/D - Balance Due/Overpayment

  1. Field 07B/D is a 15-position field that may or may not be present.

  2. The field is located on Lines 68 (+) and 69 (-).

  3. The valid characters are numeric (0 through 9) and blank.

  4. The amount can be positive (balance due) or negative (refund).


    If the overpayment is a refund, CCC S must be in Field 0763A and there must be a 1 in Field 0771. If the overpayment is credit elect, CCC E must be in Field 0763A and Field 0771 must be blank.

  5. The field breaker must be positive (+) for a balance due and minus (-) for a refund.

  6. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

  7. The amount in the field is the difference between Field 0763C (tax) and Field 0767 (payments) plus Field 07FTD (penalty).

  8. Invalid Conditions -

    1. There is a non-numeric character in the field.

    2. The field will underprint if the field breaker is incorrect or the computer's amount differs from the taxpayer's≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    3. Interest or a penalty other than the FTD penalty in Field 07FTD was included as part of the balance due or refund.

    4. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    5. A refund that is in Interest Jeopardy must be processed as a Manual Refund if the amount meets the Service Center criteria.

    6. An overpayment on Form 1042 can be either a refund or credit elect to the following year, but not both, as this is not in the program. If the taxpayer indicates that part of the overpayment is to be refunded and part is carried forward to the following year, the return must be rejected from Error Correction. Notate the Form 4227 REFUND & CREDIT ELECT. See Rejects correction procedures for processing.


      Look on the return in the margin for an indication that Code & Edit already sent a Form 3465 to have the credit elect amount transferred. It will still be necessary to reject the return so Rejects can adjust the amounts on the return and register.

  9. Correction Procedures -

    1. Be sure that the amount AND field breaker are entered correctly.


      When correcting the field breaker, a balance due is entered with a comma (,) and a refund with a pound sign (#).

    2. Delete any interest or penalty (except the amount in Field 07FTD) from the balance due or refund.


      Deleting penalty or interest will DECREASE a balance due amount but will INCREASE a refund amount.

    3. If there is an underprint, be sure the tax and payments total are entered correctly and that there is no penalty (except 07FTD) or interest included. Assign TPNC 01.


      ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    4. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡


      If the return is pulled form the block prior to its being worked by the tax examiner, be sure the Action Code 3 is entered on the register and the return is charged-out.

    5. If it cannot be determined how the taxpayer computed the balance due or refund, reject the return for research by Rejects.

    6. Remember that if the taxpayer check the NQI box on the front of the return, NO refund is allowed. Follow the correction procedures under Field 0766.

    7. If the QI taxpayer is claiming a refund, there must be Forms 1042-S attached to the Form 1042 to substantiate the credit on Line 66 (see Field 0766 for more information).

    8. If the taxpayer wants all or part of the refund transferred to a different tax period or return, reject the return. Notate the Form 4227 REFUND TRANSFER.

    9. If Field 07B/D is blank but is underprinting an overpayment, look to see if there is an entry on Line 66 (Field 0766) that was erroneously used as a total line for Lines 64 and 65. If so, move the data to the correct line and field.

    10. If neither checkbox on Line 71 was checked and there is an overpayment AND YOU ARE CORRESPONDING FOR ANOTHER CONDITION, ask the taxpayer to indicate which box should have been checked. Do not correspond for this if there is no other reason to correspond (enter the CCC "E" ).

    11. Do not send a TPNC if there is no underprint in the balance due/refund field (07B/D). If there are underprints in Fields 0763A and 0763C, but NOT in 07B/D, then: Be sure all money fields in Section 07 are entered correctly. Remember that the tolerance for total tax≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Fields 0763A and 0763C will underprint if the difference is ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ more, but Field 07B/D will not underprint for an error ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ In this case, bring up the underprints in Fields 0763A and 0763C. Do NOT send a TPNC in this case.

    12. If the withholding agent put the overpayment of balance due onto the wrong line of the return, so that Field 07B/D has the correct (or in tolerance) amount but the wrong sign (field breaker), then: If you change the plus to a minus, be sure to enter CCC E or S into Field 0763A (as appropriate) and enter a 1 into Field 0771 if the overpayment is a refund. If you change the minus to a plus, be sure to delete CCC E or S from Field 0763A and delete the 1 from 0771, if present.

  10. Rejects Correction Procedures -

    1. If Error Correction cannot determine how the taxpayer computed the refund or balance due and researching the credits does not provide an answer, correspond with the taxpayer asking for an explanation if the amount is significant ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Otherwise, send TPNC 01.

    2. When the REPLY is received, adjust the return and fields accordingly. If NO REPLY is received, adjust the amounts in favor of the IRS,

    3. Follow service center procedures concerning Manual Refund processing, depending on whether the Manual Refund forms (5792 and 3753) are completed in Error Resolution or in Accounting. If in Error Resolution, see IRM for processing.


      Regardless of where the forms are prepared, Rejects must enter the CCC O into Field 01CCC (and on the return, in brown pencil). If there is an error affecting the refund amount, send the appropriate TPNC.

    4. If the taxpayer wants all or part of the overpayment transferred to a different return, tax year, EIN, etc., or indicates that part of the overpayment is to be refunded and part credit elect to the following year:


      In this case the taxpayer may check both boxes on Line 71, then.

      Prepare and send Form 3465 (Adjustment Request). See Exhibit 3.22.110-4.


      Do not prepare a Form 3465 if there is a notation in the margin of the return indicating Code & Edit already prepared and sent this form.

      If the credit transfer can be done in the Rejects Unit, then the Form 3465 is unnecessary.
      If all of the overpayment is to be transferred, enter Computer Condition Code X.
      If only part of the overpayment is to be transferred (credit elect) and the rest refunded:
      (a) Reduce a credit amount (Lines 64-66) by the amount to be transferred.
      (b) Reduce the credit amount, total and overpayment on the return and register to reflect only the amount to be actually refunded. This is true for both computer-generated and manual refunds.


      Even though it is part of the overpayment that the taxpayer wants carried over to the following year, you are not transferring part of the REFUND, but part of the CREDIT amount leading up to the refund.

      (c) The above is to be done whether the Form 3465 was prepared, or the credit transfer was done in the Rejects unit.
      (d) Because what now shows on the register is the refund amount, CCC S will be in Field 01CCC and on the return.


      Do not enter a CCC X (to hold the credit to be transferred in the module) if any part of the overpayment is to be refunded as this will prevent the refund from being released.  (01-01-2009)
Field 07FTD - Federal Tax Deposit (FTD) Penalty

  1. Field 07FTD is a 15-position field that may or may not be present.

  2. The field is located on Line 70.

  3. The valid characters are numeric (0 through 9) and blank.

  4. The amount must be positive and in DOLLARS and CENTS.

  5. This penalty is the only penalty that is included as part of the balance due or refund amount.

  6. This field should be blank when the SIC code (Field 01SIC) is 2.

  7. This amount is for the penalty assessed when the taxpayer does not make Federal Tax Deposit payments when done.

  8. The FD line in the For IRS USE Only box in the URHC of the return is no longer used for the penalty since Line 70 was added to the return in 2000. Prior to 2000, the penalty will be found on this FD line.

  9. Correction/ Rejects Correction Procedures -

    1. Be sure that the amount is entered correctly.

    2. If the withholding agent put the overpayment or balance due onto Line 70 incorrectly (when it should have been entered onto Line 69 or 71), then:

      1. If the amount is an overpayment, be sure to enter CCC E or S into Field 0763A (as appropriate) and enter a 1 into Field 0771 if the overpayment is a refund after moving the money to the correct line of the return. Be sure the correct field breaker and amount appear in Field 07B/D.
      2. If the amount is a balance due, be sure to delete CCC E or S from Field 0763A and delete the 1 from 0771, if present, after moving the money to the correct line of the return. Be sure the correct field breaker and amount appear in Field 07B/D.
      3. In either of the above cases, be sure that any amount still in Field 07FTD is the FTD penalty only.

    3. If you must adjust the balance due to refund because penalties or interest were included, remember that this penalty must remain as part of the balance due or refund.

    4. If there is an amount in this field, CCC J will be invalid. Determine which is correct and delete the other. Look for a misplaced entry on this line.  (01-01-2009)
Field 0771 - Refund Indicator

  1. Field 0771 is a one-position field that may or may not be present.

  2. This field is located in the margin to the right of Line 71.

  3. The valid characters are 2 and blank.

  4. This field will contain a 2 if the Refund block on Line 71 is checked by the taxpayer.

  5. This field must be blank if the overpayment is to be credited to the following year or if there is a balance due on Line 69.

  6. This refund indicator is used in addition to the CCC S; it does not replace it.

  7. Invalid Conditions -

    1. Any character other than 2 or blank is present in the field.

  8. Correction/Rejects Corrections -

    1. If the field is invalid, look at Lines 69 and 70 to determine if there is an overpayment.

    2. If there is a balance due, delete the entry in Field 0771.

    3. If there is an overpayment, look at which box is checked on Line 71.

      IF.... THEN...
      The refund block is checked Enter a 2 into Field 0771.
      The credit elect block is checked Blank Field 0771.
      Neither block is checked Follow the instructions under Field 07B/D and correct Field 0771 accordingly  (01-01-2009)
Field 07CBI - Third-Party Designee Checkbox

  1. Field 07CBI is a one-position field that may or may not be present.

  2. This field is located in the margin to the right of the Third-Party Designee line (under Line 71).

  3. The valid characters are 1 and blank.

  4. The field will be coded a 1 by Code & Edit if the Yes box is checked.

  5. If the No box is checked, Code & Edit will not enter any code.

  6. Correction/Rejects Correction Procedures -

    1. If the field is invalid, look at which block is checked on the line and correct the field accordingly.

    2. If neither block is checked, but the name, telephone number and TIN are present, enter a 1 into Field 07CBI.  (01-01-2009)
Field 07CBT - Third-Party Designee Telephone Number

  1. Field 07CBT is a ten-position field that may or may not be present.

  2. This field is located in the middle of the Third-Party Designee line (under Line 71).

  3. The valid characters are numeric (0 through 9) and blank.


    Do not enter dashes when correcting or entering the telephone number in the field.

  4. The field must reflect a U.S. telephone number only. If the telephone number belong to a foreign country, delete it.

  5. If the No box is checked, Code & Edit will not enter any code.

  6. Correction/Rejects Correction Procedures -

    1. If the field is invalid, look at which block is checked on the line and correct the field accordingly.

    2. If neither block is checked, but the name, telephone number and TIN are present, enter a 1 into Field 07CBI.  (01-01-2009)
Field 07CBP - Third-Party Personal Identification Number (PIN)

  1. Field 07CBP is a nine-position field that may or may not have an entry.


    There should be only five digits entered by the designee on the return. The field has nine positions, so it will be possible to enter as many as nine numbers and letters.

  2. This field is located at the right side of the Third Party Designee Line (under Line 71).

  3. The designee is instructed to pick any five numbers and insert them into the blocks as a means of identification when IRS calls the designee.

  4. The valid character are numeric (0 through 9) and blank.

  5. This number cannot be researched using CFOL command codes.

  6. Correction/Rejects Procedures -

    1. If the Designee enters any invalid or illegible characters, blank the field.

    2. Correct any transcription errors, if possible. If in doubt about what a digit may be, do not guess; blank the field.  (01-01-2009)
Priority IV Errors – Error Codes 001 through 999

  1. This section provides detailed error correction procedures for Error Codes 001 through 999. These errors will be displayed with the error code assigned to them for the specific error in ascending numerical order. The screen display will show the error code assigned and the fields needed to make the necessary correction.  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 001 – Tax Year – Invalid Entry♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 001 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name Length
    01TXP Tax Period 6
    01RCD Received Date 8
    01CCC Computer Condition Code 10
    01RDD Return Due Date 8

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 001 will generate when any of the following conditions are present:

    • Computer Condition Code "G" is Not Present – The processing date is equal to or more than 2 years and 10 months after the Return Due Date or the Received Date (whichever is later) and Computer Condition Code "W" is not present.

    • Computer Condition Code "G" is Present – The processing date is equal to or more than 2 years and 10 months after the Return Due Date and Computer Condition Code "W" is not present.

    • "G" Coded and Non-"G" Coded Returns – The processing date is less than two years after the Return Due Date and Computer Condition Code "W" is present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Do not send the following returns to Statute Control for clearance. Instead, enter "W" in Field 01CCC and on the return and continue processing:

      any return secured by Compliance (i.e., 6020(b))
      any return with a TC 59X
      Any return that is a Substitute for Return prepared by Examination ("SFR" in the margin) with Document 13133 (Expedite Processing Cycle) attached.

    3. Compare the displayed fields with the return and attachments. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    If... Then...
    Field 01RCD is blank
    1. Enter the Received Date in Field 01RCD. Use the earliest date if multiple Received Dates are present.

    2. See IRM 3.22.110 to determine the Received Date

    CCC "W" was entered incorrectly Delete CCC "W" from Field 01CCC.
    The return has a stamp that indicates a previous clearance by Statute Control within the last ninety days Enter CCC "W" in Field 01CCC and on the return.


    Do not send the return to Statute Control.

    The return is not stamped by Statute Control within the last ninety days
    1. SSPND 310.

    2. Prepare Form 4227 to route to Statute Control.

  4. Suspense Correction

    1. When Statute Control returns the cleared document, enter W in Field 01CCC and on the return. Continue processing.

    2. Statute Control requests the record to be voided to them, SSPND 640.  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 002 – Name Control Mismatch♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 002 will display as follows:

    Field Designator on Form 1042 Field Name Length
    CL Clear Code 1
    01NC Name Control/Check Digit 4
    )))) Name Control Underprint 4
    01EIN Employer Identification Number 9
    01CCC Computer Condition Code 10
    01TXP Tax Period 6
    02CON "In-Care-of" Name 35
    02FAD Foreign Address 35
    02ADD Street Address 35
    02CTY City 22
    02ST State 2
    02ZIP ZIP Code 12

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 002 will generate when the Name Control mismatched against the National Account Profile (NAP) or Entity Index File (EIF).

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Before taking any additional research steps to resolve Error Code 002, drop the cursor to the bottom of the screen and transmit. This will ensure that any prior changes to the Name Control have posted to the NAP. If Error Code 002 reappears, continue with the remainder of the correction procedures.

    2. When corrections are made to Field 01NC or Field 01EIN, the computer will validate the entries with the NAP and reset the OLE indicators as appropriate upon transmitting the ERS screen.

    3. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    4. Compare the displayed fields with the return and attachments. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    5. If Field 01NC and the Name on the return or attachments are the same but differ from the underprint in Field 01NC, research INOLES to determine the correct Name.

      If... Then...
      The Name on the return or attachment matches the Name Control on INOLES, Bring up underprint.
      The Name Control on INOLES is different from the Name on the return or attachment, Research NAMEE for a new EIN.

    6. If a new EIN is located, verify the Name Control using CC INOLES.

      If... Then...
      The Name Control on INOLES matches the Name on the return or attachment, 1) Ensure that the entity information matches the return.
      2) Overlay Field 01EIN with the new EIN from NAMEE. When the EIN is changed from the one the taxpayer used, issue Letter 3875C as a non-suspense letter to the address on the return.


      Do not send Letter 3875C if less than three digits of the EIN are transposed, different or missing.

      Multiple EINs are located, 1) SSPND 320 to Entity Control.
      2) Prepare Form 4227 with the notation MULTIPLE EINS.
      INOLES indicates a "Merge To" (MT) EIN, Research the "MT" EIN on INOLES.
      The "MT" EIN matches the entity on the return or attachment, Enter the "MT" EIN in Field 01EIN.
      The "MT" EIN does not match the entity on the return or attachment, SSPND 320 to Entity Control.

    7. If the Name on the return or attachment does not agree with the Name Control on INOLES or there is an indication of a name change on Form 1042, research ENMOD for a new name.

      If... Then...
      The Name Control on ENMOD matches the Name on the return or attachment, Enter "C" in the Clear Code field.
      The Name Control on ENMOD or INOLES does not match the Name on the return or attachment, 1) SSPND 320 to route the return to Entity.
      2) Attach Form 4227 with the notation "NO RECORD" .

    8. If the Name change has not been made, research ENMOD for a pending TC 013.

      If... Then...
      A pending TC 013 is present, Enter "C" in the Clear Code field.
      A pending TC 013 is not present, 1) SSPND 320 to route to Entity.
      2) Attach Form 4227 with the notation "REQUEST NAME CHANGE (TC 013)" .

  4. Suspense Correction - If there is an indication that Entity Control has assigned an EIN to the return, determine the Entity Assignment Date:

    If... Then...
    The Entity Assignment Date is past the Return Due Date and Received Date,
    1. GTSEC 01.

    2. Enter the Entity Assignment Date in Field 01CRD.

    The Entity Assignment Date is not past the Return Due Date Continue processing.  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 003 – Check Digit Invalid♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 003 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name Length
    01NC Name Control 4
    )))) Name Control Underprint 4
    01EIN Employer Identification Number 9
    01CCC Cond-Code-Field 10


    The first two positions of the field must be blank and the last positions must be alphabetic.

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 003 will generate when any of the following conditions are present:

    • A check digit is present but is not valid for the EIN.

    • The letters "E" , "G" or "M" are present in Field 01NC.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare the displayed fields with the return and attachments. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

      If... Then...
      The check digit in Field 01NC does not match the return or is not legible , Enter the Name Control from the return in Field 01NC.
      The EIN on the return is not legible, Research NAMEE for correct EIN.

    3. Compare the EIN from NAMEE to the EIN on the return.

    If... Then...
    The EIN on Form 1042 matches the EIN on NAMEE, Enter Name Control from NAMEE in Field 01NC.
    Research indicates a different EIN, Verify the EIN and name on INOLES.
    Name Control on INOLES matches the name on the return or attachment,
    1. Overlay Field 01EIN with the EIN from INOLES.

    2. Issue Letter 3875C as a non-suspense letter to the address on the return.


      Do not send Letter 3875C if less than 3 digits of the EIN are transposed, different or missing.

    Unable to locate an EIN or more than one EIN is located,
    1. SSPND 320 to Entity.

    2. Prepare Form 4227 with the notation "NO RECORD OF EIN" .  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 004 – Name Control/EIN Validation♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 004 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name Length
    CL Clear Code 1
    01NC Name Control 4
    )))) Name Control Underprint 4
    01EIN Employer Identification Number 9
    01CCC Cond-Code-Field 10

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 004 will generate when any of the following conditions are present:

    • The EIN is not present at Master File (MF)

    • The Entity Index File (EIF) and the NAP (National Account Profile) were not accessed or were not operational, causing a blank underprint in Field 01NC


    An underprint of "XXXX" indicates that there is no account on the Master File, while a blank underprint indicates that the NAP has not been accessed or was not operational.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Before taking any additional research steps to resolve Error Code 004, drop the cursor to the bottom of the screen and transmit. This will ensure that any prior changes to the Name Control/EIN have posted to the NAP. If Error Code 004 reappears, continue with the remainder of the correction procedures.

    2. When corrections are made to Field 01NC or Field 01EIN, the computer will validate the entries with the NAP and reset the OLE indicators as appropriate upon transmitting the ERS screen.

    3. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    4. Compare the displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    5. If Field 01NC and the Name on the return or attachments are the same but differ from the underprint in Field 01NC, research INOLES to determine the correct Name Control:

      If... Then...
      The Name on the return or attachment matches the Name Control on INOLES Bring up underprint.
      The Name Control on INOLES is different from the NAME on the return or attachment Research NAMEE for a new EIN.

    6. If a new EIN is located, verify the Name Control using CC INOLES.

      If... Then...
      The Name Control on INOLES agrees with the Name on the return or attachment 1) Ensure that the entity information matches the return.
      2) Overlay Field 01EIN with the new EIN from NAMEE. When the EIN is changed from the one the taxpayer used, issue Letter 3875C as a non-suspense letter to the address on the return.


      Do not send Letter 3875C if less than 3 digits of the EIN is transposed, different or missing.

      Multiple EINS are located 1) SSPND 320 to Entity Control.
      2) Prepare Form 4227 with the notation "MULTIPLE EINS" .
      INOLES indicates a "Merge To" (MT) EIN Research the "MT" EIN on INOLES.
      The "MT" EIN matches the entity on the return or attachment Enter the "MT" EIN in Field 01EIN.
      The MT EIN does not match the entity on the return or attachment SSPND 320 to Entity Control.

    7. If the Name on the return or attachment does not agree with the Name Control on INOLES or there is an indication of a name change on Form 1042, research ENMOD for a new name.

      If... Then...
      The Name Control on ENMOD agrees with the Name on the return or attachment Enter a "C" in the Clear Code field.
      The Name Control on ENMOD or INOLES does not agree with the Name on the return or attachment 1) SSPND 320 to route the return to Entity.
      2) Attach Form 4227 with the notation "NO RECORD" .

    8. If the Name change has not been made, research ENMOD for a pending TC 013.

      If... Then...
      A pending TC 013 is present Enter "C" in the Clear Code field.
      A Pending TC 013 is not present 1) SSPND 320 to route to Entity.
      2) Attach Form 4227 with the notation "REQUEST NAME CHANGE" .

  4. Suspense Correction: If there is an indication that Entity has assigned an EIN to the return, determine the Entity Assignment Date.

    If... Then...
    The Entity Assignment Date is past the Return Due Date and Received Date
    1. GTSEC 01.

    2. Enter the Entity Assignment Date in Field 01CRD.

    The Entity Assignment Date is not past the Return Due Date and Received Date Continue processing.  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 005 – Invalid Tax Year or Received Date♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 005 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name Length
    CL Clear Code 1
    01TXP Tax Period 6
    01RCD Received Date 8
    01CCC Cond-Code-Field 10

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 005 will generate when the year-month of the processing date is later than the Tax Period plus six months and the Received Date is not present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare the displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    3. A Received Date must be in Field 01RCD if the return is not timely filed.

    4. Use the earliest Received Date in Field 01RCD if there are multiple received dates on the return.


      Do not use a Received Date in Field 01RCD that is prior to the end of the tax period.

    5. Determine the Received Date using the following priority when one is needed but is not stamped on the return or a valid handwritten Received Date is not present.

      1. Earliest legible postmark (e.g., U.S. Post Office or Private Delivery Service).
      2. Revenue Officer's or other IRS official's signature date.
      3. Signature date, if within the current year (unless other information indicates signature date is invalid).
      4. DLN Julian Date minus 10 days
      5. Current Date minus 10 days  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 006 – Remittance Without Received Date

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 006 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    RMIT> Remittance Amount
    01TXP Tax Period
    01RCD Received Date
    01CCC Condition Code Field

  2. Invalid Condition – Remittance is received with the return but a Received Date is not present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare the displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    3. If the Received Date is missing or illegible, determine the date as follows:

      Legible U.S. Post Office postmarked date. Accept postmark date stamped in margin by Receipt and Control.
      Signature date (unless other information indicates signature date is invalid). Accept Revenue Officers or other IRS officials' signature date.
      The DLN Julian Date minus 10 days.
      The current date minus 10 days
      If multiple dates are on the return, use the earliest date as the Received Date.


      Do not consider private metered mail dates as postmark dates unless there is a "P.O." or "U.S.-P.O." in the date circle.  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 007- Received Date Earlier Than Tax Year♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 007 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name Length
    01TXP Tax Period 6
    01RCD Received Date 8
    01CCC Computer Condition Code 10

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 007 will generate when the Received Date is earlier than the last day of the Tax Period/Year.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    If... And... Then...
    The Received Date is invalid and it appears that the incorrect year was used (i.e., 20080115 instead of 20090115), and other information (Julian date, postmark date, and/or signature date) indicates that the received date should be a current year   Change the Received Date year to the current year in Field 01RCD.
    The return is an early filed "Final" return  
    1. Change the Tax Period to agree with the month before the Received date and enter in Field 01TXP.

    2. Enter "F" in Field 01CCC.

    The return is not an early filed "Final" return The Tax Period ending is less than four months after the Received Date
    1. SSPND 480.

    2. Prepare Form 4227 with the notation "EARLY FILED" .

    The Tax Period ending is more than four months after the Received Date
    1. Initiate correspondence for clarification of the Tax Period.

    2. SSPND 211.

    The month of the Received Date is prior to the Tax Period ending Change the month of the Received Date to equal the month of the Tax Period.

  4. Suspense Correction

    If... Then...
    The taxpayer replies that the return is a "Final"
    1. Change the Tax Period to agree with the month before the Received Date and enter in Field 01TXP.

    2. Enter "F" in Field 01CCC.

    The taxpayer replies that the return is not a final return SSPND 480 until the end of the tax period provided by the taxpayer.
    The taxpayer fails to reply or the reply is not adequate
    1. Enter "3" in Field 01CCC.

    2. SSPND 480 until the end of the tax period indicated on the return.  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 010 – Amended Return "G" Coded ♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 010 will generate as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name Length
    RMIT Remittance Amount 11
    01NC Name Control 4
    01EIN Employer Identification Number 9
    01TXP Tax Period 6
    01RCD Received Date 8
    01CCC Computer Condition Code 10
    01SIC Special Income Code 1
    01CRD Correspondence Received Date 8
    01PSN Preparer Social Security Number 9
    01PEN Preparer Employer Identification Number 9
    01CBI Paid Preparer Checkbox Indicator 1
    01CBT Paid Preparer Telephone Number 9
    01CBP Designee PIN 9
    Section 02    
    Section 03    
    Section 04    
    Section 05    
    Section 06 (Form 1042)  

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 010 will generate when Computer Condition Code "G" is present and fields other than 01NC, 01EIN, 01TXP, 01RCD, 01CCC and 01CRD contain entries.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    3. Determine if CCC "G" was input correctly:

    If... Then...
    CCC "G" was input correctly
    1. DLSEC to delete all sections except Section 01.

    2. Delete the invalid entries that are present in Section 01. GTSEC 01, if necessary.

    CCC "G" was input incorrectly
    1. Enter all necessary data in Sections 02 through 05 (06 for Form 1042).

    2. Ensure that the Section 01 fields are correct.

    3. Delete the "G" code in Field 01CCC.


    When deleting CCC "G" and the section required are shown as being present, no further verification of section entries is needed.  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 014 – Missing Address Entries♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 014 will display as follows:

    Field Designator on Form 1042 Field Name Length
    02CON "In-Care-of" Name 35
    02FAD Foreign Address 35
    02ADD Street Address 35
    02CTY City 22
    02ST State 2
    02ZIP ZIP Code 12

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 014 will generate when any of the following conditions are present:

    • If the street address is present, Field 02CTY (Field 02CTY on Form 1042) must be present, unless a Major City Code is used.

    • If a Major City Code is used, Field 02ADD must be present.

    • A City must be present. If the city is not in the Major City format, Field 02ST must be present.

    • A Major City Code is used and Field 02ST is present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare the displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    3. Research any of the following for valid address information.

      Document 7475

    If... And... Then...
    A Major City Code is present A street address is not available
    1. Enter the City Name (spelled out, not in Major City format) in Field 002CTY (Field 02CTY on Form 1042).

    2. Enter the State Code in Field 02ST

    The Major City Code is correct The state is present Delete Field 02ST
    The ZIP Code or Address cannot be corrected from the information on the return, attachments or from research   DLSEC 02  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 015 - Foreign Address/State

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 015 will display as follows:

    Field Designator on Form 1042 Field Name Length
    02CON "In-Care-of" Name 35
    02FAD Foreign Address 35
    02ADD Street Address 35
    02CTY City 22
    02ST State 2
    02ZIP ZIP Code 12

  2. Invalid Condition - Error Code 015 will generate when any of the following conditions are present:

    • Field 02ST has an entry other than "." (period/space) when Field 02FAD is present.

    • Field 02ZIP has an entry when Field 02FAD is present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare displayed fields with the return. If incorrect overlay the screen with the correct information.

    If... Then...
    A foreign address is present in Field 02FAD 1. Field 02ST must contain "." (period/space)
    2. Delete any entry in Field 02ZIP
    A foreign address is not present in Field 02FAD Check return for foreign address
    A foreign address is present on the return 1. Enter the foreign address in Field 02FAD


    If additional space is required, continue entering the address in Field 02ADD)

    2. Field 02CTY must contain the appropriate foreign country code. ( See Exhibit 3.12.15-8.).
    3. Field 02ST must contain "." (period/space).
    4. Delete any entry in Field 02ZIP .
    A foreign address is not present on the return 1. Verify the address on the return is not a foreign address.
    2. SSPND 610
    3. Renumber return with domestic DLN.  (01-01-2009)
♦Error Code 016 – ZIP Code/State Mismatch♦

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 016 will display as follows:

    Field Designator on Form 1042 Field Name Length
    02CON "In-Care-of" Name 35
    02FAD Foreign Address 35
    02ADD Street Address 35
    02CTY City 22
    02ST State 2
    02ZIP ZIP Code 12

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 016 will generate when the ZIP Code is inconsistent with the Major City Code or State Code.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    3. Research any of the following for valid ZIP Code information:

      Document 7475

    4. If only the first three digits of the ZIP Code can be determined, enter "01" in the fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) positions.

      If... And... Then...
      Unable to determine a valid ZIP Code from the return or attachment   Enter the valid ZIP Code found through research in Field 02ZIP
      The address is in a major city A Major City Code can be determined Enter Major City Code in Field 02CTY
      The address is in a major city A Major City Code cannot be determined 1) Enter the name of the city in Field 02CTY
      2) Enter the State Code in Field 02ST
      The address is not in a major city   1) Enter the appropriate state abbreviation in Field 02ST
      2) Enter ZIP Code in Field 02ZIP

    5. APO/FPO Addresses – An APO or FPO is not a foreign address. The Postal Service established new address requirements for APO/FPO addresses:

        If an address appears in the old APO/FPO format, convert to the new State Code abbreviation based on the ZIP Code. For example, if the old address appears as "APO New York, NY 091XX" , convert to read as "APO AE 091XX" .
        APO AA 34000 - 34049
        FPO AA 34050 - 34099
        APO AE 090XX - 094XX and
      096XX - 098XX
        FPO AE 095XX
        APO AP 962XX - 965XX and
      98700 - 98759
        FPO AP 966XX and
      98760 - 98799  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 026 – Tax Period Mismatch

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 026 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    CL X Clear Code
    01EIN Employer Identification Number
    01TXP Tax Period
    )))) Tax Period Underprint
    01CCC Computer Condition Code

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 026 will generate when any of the following conditions are present:

    • The Tax Period underprint does not agree with the month on the EIF.

    • An "F" is not present in Field 01CCC.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. Compare the displayed fields with the return. See Exhibit 3.22.110-12

    3. Verify the coding and transcription for the EIN, Tax Period, and Computer Condition Code.

    4. Determine taxpayer information through IDRS research (ENMOD, BMFOLE, BMFOLI).

    5. Resolve Error Code 026

      IF.. Then..
      ENMOD - FYM Matches Clear
      ENMOD/BMFOLE -PN TC016 and 090 with matching FYM TC XXX within 12 months Clear
      TC Tax Period Mismatch SSPND 320 to Entity
      BMFOLI - MFT Not Present Clear SSPND 610
      MFT Present - No Postings Present Input TC016 -SSPND 351
      MFT Present - Postings all Subsequent SSPND 351 - TC016
      All Prior Posting Agree SSPND 351 - TC016
      All Prior Posting W/Doc but no Dates Change the Tax Period to agree with Underprint
      None of the above apply SSPND 211  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 028 – Received Date Missing

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 028 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    01RCD Received Date
    01CCC Computer Condition Code

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 028 will generate when both of the following conditions are present:

    • Computer Condition Code(s) "R, D, or 7" , is present.

    • Received Date is not present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Compare the displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

      If... Then...
      CCC "R, D, or 7" , is present Enter the Received Date in Field 01RCD.
      CCC "R, D, or 7" , is not present Delete code "R, D,or 7" , from Field 01CCC.
      The return is not"G" coded 1) GTSEC 02 and enter the data in the fields for Section 02 and transmit.
      2) When Error Code 010 generates, enter appropriate fields.
      3) Delete CCC "G" from Field 01CCC.
      The return is correctly "G" coded Enter the Received Date in Field 01RCD, determined in the following order:
      1) Postmark date stamped in margin by Receipt and Control.
      2) Signature date (unless other information indicates signature date is invalid). This also applies to Revenue Officers or other IRS Official signature date.
      3) The DLN Julian Date minus 10 days.
      4) Current date minus 10 days.


      Do not consider private metered mail dates as postmark dates unless there is a "P.O." or "U.S.-P.O." in the date circle.

    2. If multiple dates are on the return, use the earliest date as the Received Date.


      Received Date should always be present. After determining if the Computer Condition Code is correct, always enter the Received Date as part of your correction.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 030 - Penalty and Interest Code

  1. Fields Displayed Error Code 030 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    01TXP Tax Period
    01RCD Received Date
    01RDD Return Due Date - Computer
    01CCC Computer Condition Code
    01PIC Penalty and Interest -CD

  2. Invalid Condition - Error Code 030 will generate when the following conditions are present:

    • The Penalty and Interest Code is present and the Received Date is on or before the Return Due Date or is after the 7-Day Grace Period.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. If field 01PIC is corrrect, then Enter the correct Received Date

    2. If the correct Received Date is equal to or earlier than the Return Due Date, then Delete Code1from Field 01PIC.

    3. I f the Received Date is correct but is later than the Return Due Date plus seven (7) days (Grace Period), then Delete code 1from Field 01PIC.

    4. If more than one Received Date is present on Form 1042, then Use the earliest date.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 034 – Correspondence Received Date Not Valid

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 034 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    01TXP Tax Period
    01RCD Received Date
    01CRD Correspondence Received Date
    01RDD Return Due Date - Computer

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 034 will generate when either of the following conditions is present:

    • The Correspondence Received Date is later than the processing date.

    • Field 01CRD is equal to or earlier than Field 01RCD.


    An entry in Field 01CRD does not require an entry in Field 01RCD.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Compare the displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay the screen with the correct information.

    2. The Received Date will either be stamped or edited on the return. If the Received Date is missing or illegible, determine the date in the following order:

        Legible U.S. Post Office postmarked date.
        Postmark date stamped in the margin by Receipt and Control.
        Signature date (unless other information indicates signature date in invalid). This applies to Revenue Officers' or other IRS Officials' signature date.
        The DLN Julian Date minus 10 days.
        The current date minus 10 days.


      Do not consider private metered mail dates as postmark dates unless there is a "P.O." or "U.S.P..O." in the date circle.

    3. The Correspondence Received Date will be determined from the date the reply was received at the Campus. Refer to the return for the Correspondence Received Date edited in the Entity section of the return. This can be verified by checking the stamped Received Date on the correspondence attached to the return.

    If... Then...
    The Correspondence Received Date is present and later than the processing date Delete the CRD from Field 01CRD.
    More than one Received Date is present
    1. Enter the earliest date.

    2. Enter "3" in Field 01CCC and on Form 1042.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 038 - FTD Penalty with CCCJ

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 038 will display as follows

    Field Designator Field Name
    01CCC Computer Condition Code
    01SIC Schedule Indicator Code
    07FTD FTD Penalty

  2. Invalid Condition- Error Code 038 will generate when the FTD Penalty is present and CCC J is also present (CCC J is present and an FTD Penalty amount is in Field 07FTD).

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Review the return and any attachments to determine if the filer has provided an acceptable reasonable cause. If so, delete the penalty from field 07FTD.

    2. Compare the displayed fields with the return.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 073 – Fields 01CCC 3and 01CRD Present

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 073 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    01CCC Computer Condition Code
    01CRD Correspondence Received Date

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 073 will generate when a "3" is present in Field 01CCC and an entry is present in Field 01CRD.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    2. If IRS correspondence is attached, determine if a reply has been received from the taxpayer.

    If... Then...
    Reply to correspondence has been received Delete the "3" in Field 01CCC.
    No reply received
    1. Delete entry in Field 01CRD.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 078 – Received Date Not Present

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 078 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    01RCD Received Date
    01CRD Correspondence Received Date

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 078 will generate when the return has been processed through RPS and a Received Date is not present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Compare the displayed fields with the return. If incorrect, overlay with the correct information.

    2. Determine the Received Date in the following priority:

      Stamped date on the return
      Envelope postmark date
      Revenue Officer's signature date
      Taxpayer's signature date
      DLN Julian date minus 10 days
      Current date minus 10 days  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 704 - EIN not Consistent with Credit Withholding

  1. Fields Displayed- Error Code 704 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    0766 Amount Withheld by Others Credit
    01EIN EIN
  2. Invalid Condition-Error Code 704 will generate when Amount Withheld by Others (Field 0766) is present and the EIN is not between ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ .

  3. Correction Procedures

    1. Verify Field 01EIN to ensure range is not between ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    2. If Field 01EIN is in error, disallow credit on Line 66 and assign appropriate Math Error Code.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 706 - Discrepancy with ROFTL and Total Monthly Liability

  1. Fields Displayed- Error Code 706 will display as follows

    Field Designator Field Name
    Sections 03-06 ROFTL - Record of Federal Tax Liability
    0763A Total Monthly Liability

    1. The Fields must be positive and must be numeric (0 through 9) and blank.

    2. The Fields are found on Lines 1 through 60 (ROFTL) and on Line 63a of Form 1042.

  2. Invalid Conditions Error Code 706 will generate when:

    1. Sections 03-06 ROFTL/Record of Federal Tax Liability area of Form 1042 contains a significant amount and Field 0763A is blank.

    2. Sections 03-06 ROFTL/Record of Federal Tax Liability area of Form 1042 doesn't contain a significant amount and Field 0763A has an entry.

    3. Correction Procedures

    1. If Sections 03-06 ROFTL area (Lines 1 through 60) on Form 1042 contain amounts and Field 0763A (Line 63a) is blank, then add the amounts from Lines 1 through 60 and enter amount in Field 0763A.

    2. If Sections 03-06 ROFTL are blank and Field 0763A has an amount, it may be necessary to correspond with the taxpayer for clarification. Review all attachments prior to correspondence for entries.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code - 716 - Total Monthly Liability and Computer Amounts Differ

  1. Fields Displayed Error Code 716 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    TPNC Taxpayer Notice Condition Field
    Sections 03,04,05,06 Monthly Tax Liability (ROFTL)
    0763A Total Monthly Tax Liability
    )))) Total Monthly Tax Liability Underprint
  2. Invalid Conditions- Error Code 716 will generate when the transcribed Total Monthly Amount on Line 63a (Field 0763A) on Form 1042 differs from the Computer amount by more than $9.99.

  3. Correction Procedures

    1. Compare the entries on the screen with the entries on the return. (ROFTL) Lines 1-60 on Form 1042 and Line 63a.

    2. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    If... Then...
    The taxpayer completed a field specific to this error code or calculated the Total Income field incorrectly Change Field 0763A on Form 1042 to agree with the underprint amount.
    Incorrect transcription of Fields 03A07 through 06L31 (ROFTL) Lines 1-60 on Form 1042 Enter correct amount from the return.
    No transcription errors are found
    1. Verify that the entries on Lines 1 through 60 have been brought forward.

    2. If there is an amount present for Total Income on Line 63a but the amount is not identified on Lines 1 through 60, enter the amount

    Edited correctly Enter the verified total of Lines 1 through 60 in Field 0763A on the Screen and edit Line 63a on the return, if different.
    The error in Total Income ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Correspond to inform filer of the error in the calculation.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 720 – Total Tax Liability and Computer Amounts Differ

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 720 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    TPNC Taxpayer Notice Code
    0763A Total Monthly Liability
    )))) Total Monthly Liability Underprint
    0763B Adjustments Amount
    0763C Total Tax Liability
    )))) Total Tax Liability Underprint

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 720 will generate when the transcribed Total Tax Liability amount differs from the Computer's amount ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ .

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Compare the entries on the Screen with the entries on the return.

    2. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.

    If... Then...
    The taxpayer completed a field specific to this error code or calculated the Total Tax Liability field incorrectly Change Field 0763C to agree with the underprint amount.
    Incorrect transcription of Fields 0763A, 0763B, or 0763C Enter correct amount from the return.
    Line 0763A has an entry but Lines 0763B and 0763C are blank Edit Line 0763A amount to Line 0763C.


    Review attachments for adjustment entries.

    Edited correctly Enter the verified total of Lines 63a , 63b and 63c on the screen and edit on the return
    The error in Total Tax Liability (Field 0763C) Line 63c on Form 1042≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Prepare correspondence to inform the taxpayer of the error in the calculations informing them of the correction.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 724 – Total Payments and Computer Amounts Differ

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 724 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    TPNC Taxpayer Notice Condition Code
    0764 Total FTD Payment Amount
    0765 Overpayment Credit Amount
    0766 Amount Withheld by Others Credit Amount
    0767 Total Payments
    )))) Total Payments Underprint

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 724 will generate when the transcribed Total Payments differs from the computer amount ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Compare the data on the screen with the payment entries on the return.

    2. Correct all misplaced entries, coding and transcription errors.


    The Total Payments Amount on Form 1042 (Field 0767, Line 67) is the Total of Fields: 0764/Line 64, Field 0765/ Line 65, and Field 0766/Line 66.

    If... Then...
    The taxpayer has failed to complete a field specific to this error code or incorrectly calculated the Total Payment Field Change Field 0767 on Form 1042 to agree with the underprint amount.
    Fields specific to the error code were transcribed incorrectly (fields 0764, 0765, 0766, or 0767 Enter correct amount from the return .
    Fields 0764, 0765, and 0766 are blank and an there is an mount on Field 0767
    1. Research to see if credits belong on Lines 64 or 65.

    2. Review research procedures to determine if there should be an entry on Line 66

    There are amounts in Line 64 through 66, but an amount is not on Line 67 Enter the verified total of Lines 64 through 66 in Field 0767 on the screen and the return Line 67, if different.
    No transcription errors are found Verify that the entries on Lines 64 through 66 have been brought forward correctly from schedules and/or attachments and correctly totaled on Line 67.
    The error in Total Payments ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Prepare a letter to inform the taxpayer of the error in the calculation.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 728 – Tax Due/Overpayment and Computer Amounts Differ

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 728 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    TPNC Taxpayer Notice Code
    0763A Total Monthly Liability
    )))) Total Monthly Liability Underprint
    0763B Adjustments Amount
    0763C Total Tax Liability
    0764 Total FTD Amount
    0765 Overpayment Credit Amount
    0766 Amount Withheld by Others Credit
    0767 Total Payments
    )))) Total Payments Underprint
    07B/D Balance Due/Overpayment
    )))) Balance Due/Overpayment Underprint
    07FTD FTD Penalty

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 728 will generate when the transcribed amount for Tax Due/Overpayment differs from the computer amount ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ .

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Compare the entry in Field 07B/D on the screen to Line 68 or 69 on Form 1042 and correct any transcription errors.

    If... Then...
    The taxpayer has failed to complete a field specific to this error code or calculated the Tax Due or Overpayment amount incorrectly Change Field 07B/D to agree with underprint amount.
    Fields 0763C, 0764, 0765, 0766, or 0767 are transcribed incorrectly Enter the correct amount shown on the return.
    Lines 63c, 64, 65, 66 or 67 are edited incorrectly Correct entry and enter the correct amount in Field 07B/D
    There are no transcription errors and the taxpayer has made an error in its calculations
    1. Enter the underprint amount in Field 07B/D.

    2. Edit an "X" next to the taxpayers figures on Line 68 or 69 of the return.

    3. Enter the correct figure to the left of the "X" .

    The error in Ordinary Income ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Prepare a letter to inform the taxpayer of the error in the calculations Letter 3733C.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 732 — Refund $ 1 Million or More

  1. Fields Displayed – Error Code 732 will display on Form 1042 as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    01RDD> Return Due Date - Computer
    01CCC Condition Code Field
    07FTD FTD Penalty
    07B/D Balance Due Overpayment Amount
    0771 Applied Refund Indicator

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 732 will generate when a refund is $1 Million or More and CCC Eor Ois not present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Correct all misplaced entries, coding errors, and transcription errors.

    2. Determine if a manual refund is present.

    If... Then...
    The taxpayer has failed to complete a field specific to this error code or calculated the Tax Due or Overpayment amount incorrectly Change Field 07B/D to agree with underprint amount.
    Fields 0763C, 0767 or 07B/D are transcribed incorrectly Enter the correct amount shown on the return.
    Line 63c, 67, or 69 are edited incorrectly Correct entry and enter the correct amount in Field 0763C, 0767 or 07B/D.
    There are no transcription errors and the taxpayer has made an error in its calculations
    1. Enter the underprint amount in Field 07B/D.

    2. Edit an "X" next to the taxpayers figures on the return.

    3. Enter the correct figure to the left of the "X" .  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 999 – End of Year Reformats

  1. Field Displayed – Error Code 999 will display as follows:

    Field Designator Field Name
    01TXP Tax Period

  2. Invalid Condition – Error Code 999 will generate for all returns that are in error status at the end of the processing year.

  3. Correction Procedure – Since the system will revalidate the record and set validity checks based on next processing year's program, the only correction procedure required for Error Code 999 is for the tax examiner to transmit.

Exhibit 3.22.110-1  (01-01-2009)
Current Year Form 1042 with Field Designators

This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.22.110-2  (01-01-2009)
Reasonable Cause Criteria

Reasonable Cause Criteria
Enter CCC R on the return, if a reasonable cause for late filing is established.
Enter CCC D if a reasonable cause for late payment is established.


CCC D is rarely used because late payment penalty should not be waived unless the balance due is paid in full.

1. Death, serious illness or unavoidable absence of the taxpayer or a member of the immediate family.
a. Death or serious illness of taxpayer, spouse, sibling, parents, grandparents or children.
b. Death or serious illness of taxpayer that had sole authority to sign the return, make the deposit or pay the tax.
c. Factors to consider:
The relationship of the taxpayer to the other parties involved,
The date of death,
The dates, duration and severity of illness,
How the event prevented compliance,
If other business obligations were impaired, and
If tax duties were attended to promptly when the illness passed or within a reasonable period of time after a death or absence.
2. Destruction by fire or other casualty of the taxpayer's place of business or records.
a. Taxpayer exercised ordinary business care and prudence but due to circumstances beyond the taxpayer's control they were unable to comply with the law.
b. Factors to consider:
Effect on the taxpayer's business,
Steps taken to attempt to comply, and
If the taxpayer complied when it became possible.
3. Delay due to erroneous information given by an employee of the IRS.
a. Factors to consider:
Notation of taxpayer's question to the Service.
Documentation regarding the advice provided by the Service.
Information regarding the office and method by which the advice was obtained (written/oral).
The date the advice was provided, and
The name of the employee who provided the information.
4. Delay caused by or related to civil disturbance that was outside the taxpayer's control.
5. Timely requested forms not furnished timely.
a. Factors to consider:
The date the forms were requested.
Information regarding the office and method by which the forms were requested (written/oral).
The date the forms were received.
6. Advice or aid sought in preparing return from IRS representative or office on or before due date, but through no fault of the taxpayer, they were unable to see the representative.
a. Factors to consider:
Notation of advice or aid sought from IRS representative or office.
Information regarding the office and method by which the advice was requested (written/oral)
The date the advice or aid was sought.
The name of the representative the taxpayer was unable to see.
7. Taxpayer was unable to determine amount of deposit or tax due for reasons beyond the taxpayers control.
8. Lack of funds is an acceptable reasonable cause only when it is shown that the taxpayer was unable to pay despite his exercise of ordinary business care and prudence. This determination should be made on the basis of available information.

Exhibit 3.22.110-3  (01-01-2009)
Prior Year Form 1042 (Tax Year 2000)

This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.22.110-4  (01-01-2009)
Prior Year Form 1042 (Tax Year 1996)

This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.22.110-5  (01-01-2009)
Glossary for Form 1042

Alien- An individual who is not a citizen of the United States. The person can be either a resident or non-resident alien. Resident aliens are taxed just like U.S. citizens. Form 1042 is concerned with non-resident aliens. Complete information on aliens can be found in Publication 519.
Back-Up Withholding- The 28% withholding rate on income to a person who has not provided a valid TIN.
Beneficial Owner- The recipient (owner) of an amount of income.
Calendar Year - A year ending December 31st (see Fiscal Year). This is the only type of tax year allowed on Form 1042.
Chapter Three Withholding - This refers to tax withheld from income under Title 26, Subtitle A, Chapter 3, Subchapter A, Section 1441-3 of the U.S. Code.
CTW - The abbreviation for Chapter Three "W" ithholding.
EDC Line - A line which appears in the For IRS Use Only box in the URHC of Form 1042. This line is not in current use.
EIN - See TIN.
Fiduciary - A person who is responsible for handling money for someone else who cannot, for various reasons. Examples are a trustee for a trust, executor for an estate, or a receiver in a bankruptcy.
52/53 Week Filer - A tax year which can begin or end on a day other than the first or last day of a month (with certain restrictions). It is not allowed on Form 1042.
Fiscal Year - A tax year (12 months) which ends on the last day of a month other than December, e.g., September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2006. While common on other BMF returns, a fiscal year cannot be used on Form 1042.
Foreign Persons - Not just foreign individuals (as the name might imply), but includes Non-Resident Alien individuals, foreign corporations, partnerships, trusts, estates or any other person that is not a U.S. person. It also includes a foreign branch or office of a U.S. financial institution in certain circumstances.
Flow-Through Entity - A taxpayer that does not pay income tax itself, but through which income "flows" to another taxpayer who does pay the tax. Examples include certain trusts, partnerships, S-corporations, etc.
For IRS Use Only Box - An outlined area in the URHC of Form 1042 into which various dates, codes and amounts are entered by the IRS, not taxpayers. It takes the place of a separate Edit Sheet (there is no edit sheet for Form 1042).
Form 1000 - A document that is filed with the withholding agent (not to the IRS) by persons with interest on certain types of bonds. These are retained by the withholding agent but the amounts thereon are summarized on the Form 1042.
Form 1040-NR - An IMF tax return (similar to Form 1040) filed by a Non-Resident Alien with the recipient's copy of Form 1042-S attached. It is used to report income received and tax withheld, and to pay any additional tax or claim a refund.
Form 1042-S - A form similar in function to a Form W-2 that shows the individual amount of income received by a foreign person, the tax withheld and other information. Each receipt of income by a foreign person is recorded on a separate Form 1042-S. It is the TOTAL amount of income and tax withheld amounts from a group of Forms 1042-S which appear on a Form 1042. A copy of each Form 1042-S is sent to the IRS and another copy is given to the recipient to file with his/her tax return.
Form 1042-T - A form used as a transmittal for a group of Forms 1042-S, the amounts from which are summarized on the Form 1042-T. The form 1042-T is filed and processed separately from the Form 1042.
Form 8109 - The Federal Tax Deposit (FTD) coupon. It is used to pay quarterly amounts of estimated tax to the IRS (similar to Form 1040-ES on IMF) for Form 1042 and other BMF returns. Amounts from Form 8109 can found in the module under TC 880, etc.
Form W-8Ben - A form given to the withholding agent (not to the IRS) which is a certificate of foreign status of a beneficial owner (see Beneficial Owner) for U.S. tax withholding.
Form W-8IMY - A form which is filed with the IRS indicating that the person is a Qualified or Non-Qualified Intermediary or a foreign flow-through entity.
Hong Kong - Treated as a separate country apart from China for tax purposes (see Publication 515). Treaties which apply to China may not apply to Hong Kong, or vice versa (see Publication 901).
Income, Foreign-Source - Income from sources outside of the United States. Not taxable to foreign persons by the IRS.
Income, U.S.-Source - Income from sources within the United states. Potentially (depending on Treaty provisions) taxable to foreign persons by the IRS.
Intermediary - A custodian, broker, nominee or any person (U.S. or foreign) that acts as an agent for another person. A foreign intermediary is either Qualified or Non-Qualified and indicates which by the EIN used on the return and checking the applicable box on the intermediary line of Form 1042.
Jurat - A certification on an affidavit declaring when, where and before whom it was sworn. It remains attached to the tax return.
Non-Resident Alien (NRA) - A citizen of a foreign country who has not fulfilled the requirements to be a resident alien. An NRA is subject to tax on U.S.-sourced income only. Form 1042 summarizes the amounts of income paid and the taxes withheld from a group of NRAs (or other foreign persons) for whom the withholding agent is responsible. The NRA will file a Form 1040-NR with a copy of his/her Form 1042-S attached. This is basically the same as a U.S. citizen filing a Form 1040 with a Form W-2 attached.
  Non-Qualified Intermediary - Any intermediary that is a foreign person and is not a Qualified Intermediary. Form W-8IMY is filed to indicate this status. The withholding agent will check the second little box on the intermediary line of Form 1042. An NQI cannot claim a refund on Form 1042. There is no special EIN range for an NQI.
Possessions, U.S. - Primarily Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands (NOT the British Virgin Islands), American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Puerto Rico is not actually a U.S. possession, but is included in IRS information on possessions (such as Publication 570). The Palau Islands are now (since 1993) an independent country but are treated as a U.S. possession for tax purposes. A complete list of U.S. possessions can be found in Publication 570.
QI EIN Valid Range - A range of 100,000 available EINs ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ assigned to Qualified Intermediaries by the IRS in Manhattan (NY). A QI must use one of these EINs on Form 1042.
Qualified Intermediary - A QI is any foreign intermediary (or a foreign branch of a U.S. intermediary) which has entered into a QI withholding agreement with the U.S. (see Form W-8IMY). The QI must use an EIN in the QI valid range and check the first little block on the intermediary line on Form 1042.
Recipient - A person (NRA individual), fiduciary, foreign partnership, foreign corporation, qualified intermediary, or other foreign entity that received payments from a withholding agent. It does not include a non-qualified intermediary.
ROFTL - The Record of Federal Tax Liability found in the center of Form 1042 showing a breakdown of tax withheld during each month of the tax year by the withholding agent.
Special Character - Any character used in a field on the error register that is NOT a numeric, alpha or blank (such as a slash, hyphen, period, ampersand, etc).
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) - A nine-digit number that identifies a taxpayer and must appear on every IRS form. There are several types of TINs:
EIN - Employer Identification Number is XX-XXXXXXX format which is used on most BMF forms. It is the ONLY type of TIN which can be used for Form 1042. It is assigned by the IRS. Special EINs identify a QI.
SSN - Social Security Number in XXX-XX-XXXX format which identifies an individual person. It is not allowed on Form 1042.


A Canadian SSN is in a XXX-XXX-XXX format. It is not allowed on Form 1042 (or any other U.S. tax return).

ITIN - Individual Tax Identification Number, also in XXX-XX-XXXX format. It identifies an individual who cannot obtain a valid U.S. SSN. The first digit is 9 and the middle digits are from 78 to 89. It is obtained by the individual taxpayer filing Form W-7. It cannot be used on Form 1042.
Tax Liability - Foreign persons are subject to U.S. tax at a 30% rate on income received from U.S. sources. Income includes interest, dividends, rents, royalties, premiums, capital gains, annuities, compensation, etc. The 30% rate can be reduced depending on tax treaty provisions.
Tax Treaty - An agreement modifying the tax requirements between the United States and another country, such as the reduction of the usual 30% tax rate on income. Complete information on tax treaties can be found in Publication 901.
Title 26 - A title is a large division or portion of a still-larger work. Title 26 is that portion of the U.S. Code that is the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
U.S. Code - The arrangement (codification) by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into fifty titles (Title 26 is the Internal Revenue Code). It is published every six years, with annual supplements, by an office in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Withholding Agent - A foreign person who has control, receipt, custody, disposal or payment of any income of a foreign person who is subject to withholding, and is responsible for withholding the tax on payments made to the foreign person. The agent may be an individual, corporation, trust, estate, association or partnership.
Withholding Partnership/Withholding Trust (WP/WT) - A foreign partnership or trust that has entered into withholding agreement with the IRS in which it agrees to assume primary withholding responsibility for payments made to its partners, beneficiaries or owners. The first block on the intermediary line will identify a WP/WT. (See form W-8IMY)
Withholding Rate - The percentage of income that is withheld as tax. The rate can be modified by treaty.

Exhibit 3.22.110-6  (01-01-2009)
Relevant IRS Publications

Publication Title
Publication 515 Withholding of Tax on Non-Resident aliens and Foreign Entities
Publication 519 U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens
Publication 570 U.S. Possessions Tax Guide
Publication 901 Tax Treaties
Publication 966 Electronic Choices for Paying Federal Taxes (re: Magnetic Media and EFTPS)


There is no specific instruction booklet or publication for Form 1042. The instructions are attached to the return and Publication 515 contains the most relevant information for Form 1042.

Exhibit 3.22.110-7  (01-01-2009)

Abbreviation Description
EFTPS Electronic Funds Transfer Program System
e.g. for example: indicates a non-specific example (from Latin "exempli gratia" = for the sake of example)
i.e. that is: indicates a specific example or reference (from Latin "id est" = that is)
NQI Non-Qualified Intermediary
NRA Non-Resident Alien
Pub IRS publication
QI Qualified Intermediary
ULHC Upper left-hand corner
URHC Upper right-hand corner

Exhibit 3.22.110-8  (01-01-2009)
Major City and ZIP Codes

State City Major City Code ZIP Code
Alabama Birmingham BI 352
Alabama Huntsville HU 358
Alabama Montgomery MG 361
Alabama Mobile MO 366
Alaska Anchorage AN 995
Arkansas Little Rock LR 722
Arizona Phoenix PX 850
Arizona Tucson TU 857
California Anaheim AH 928
California Bakersfield BD 833
California Berkeley BE 947
California Fresno FO 937
California Glendale GL 912
California Huntington Beach HB 926
California Inglewood ID 903
California Los Angeles LA 900
California Long Beach LB 908
California North Hollywood NW 916
California Oakland OA 946
California Pasadena PD 911
California Riverside RS 925
California Sacramento SC 958
California Santa Ana SA 927
Alaska San Bernardino SR 924
Arkansas San Diego SD 921
California San Francisco SF 941
California San Jose SJ 951
California Stockton SN 952
California Torrance TN 905
California Van Nuys VN 914
Colorado Aurora AZ 800
Colorado Colorado Springs CS 809
Colorado Denver DN 802
Colorado Lakewood LW 802
Colorado Pueblo PU 810
Connecticut Bridgeport BP 066
Connecticut Hartford HD 061
Connecticut New Haven NH 065
Connecticut Stamford ST 069
Connecticut Waterbury WT 067
Delaware Wilmington WI 198
District of Columbia Washington DC 200
Florida Daytona Beach DG 320, 321
Florida Ft. Lauderdale FL 333
Florida Hialeah HI 330
Florida Hollywood HW 330
Florida Jacksonville JV 322
Florida Miami MF 330–332
Florida Orlando OR 328
Florida Pensacola PE 325
Florida St. Petersburg SP 337
Florida Tampa TA 336
Florida Tallahassee TL 323
Florida West Palm Beach WP 334
Georgia Augusta AG 309
Georgia Albany AY 217
Georgia Atlanta AT 303, 311
Georgia Columbus CM 319
Georgia Macon MA 312
Georgia Savannah GS 314
Hawaii Honolulu HL 968
Idaho Boise BS 837
Iowa Grand Rapids CR 524
Iowa Des Moines DM 503
Iowa Davenport DP 528
Iowa Dubuque DQ 520
Iowa Sioux City SX 511
Iowa Waterloo WL 507
Illinois Aurora AO 605
Illinois Chicago CH 606
Illinois Cicero CI 606
Illinois Decatur DT 625
Illinois East St. Louis ES 622
Illinois Evanston EN 602
Illinois Joliet JT 604
Illinois Oak Park OP 603
Illinois Peoria PL 616
Illinois Rockford RF 611
Illinois Springfield XL 627
Indiana Evansville EV 477
Indiana Fort Wayne FY 468
Indiana Gary GY 464
Indiana Hammond HM 463
Indiana Indianapolis IN 462
Indiana South Bend SB 466
Indiana Terre Haute TH 478
Kansas Kansas City KA 661
Kansas Shawnee Mission SM 662
Kansas Topeka TP 666
Kansas Wichita WK 672
Kentucky Lexington LX 405
Kentucky Louisville LE 402
Louisiana Baton Rouge BR 708
Louisiana Lake Charles LC 706
Louisiana Metairie MI 700
Louisiana New Orleans NO 701
Louisiana Shreveport SH 711
Maine Augusta AA 043
Maine Portland PT 041
Maryland Baltimore BA 212
Maryland Silver Spring SS 209
Massachusetts Boston BO 021, 022
Massachusetts Cambridge CB 021, 022
Massachusetts Fall River FR 027
Massachusetts Lowell LM 018
Massachusetts Lynn LY 019
Massachusetts New Bedford ND 027
Massachusetts Newton NE 021
Massachusetts Quincy QA 021
Massachusetts Springfield XA 011
Massachusetts Sommerville SV 021
Massachusetts Worcester WE 016
Michigan Dearborn DB 481
Michigan Detroit DE 482
Michigan Flint FT 485
Michigan Grand Rapids CR 495
Michigan Kalamazoo KZ 490
Michigan Lansing LG 489
Michigan Saginaw SG 486
Michigan Warren WR 480
Minnesota Duluth DL 558
Minnesota Minneapolis MS 554
Minnesota St. Paul SU 551
Mississippi Biloxi BL 395
Mississippi Greenwood GW 389
Mississippi Hattiesburg HR 394
Mississippi Jackson JN 392
Mississippi Meridian MD 393
Missouri Independence IE 640
Missouri Kansas City KC 641
Missouri St. Joseph XM 645
Missouri St. Louis SL 631
Missouri Springfield XO 658
Montana Helena HE 596
Nebraska Lincoln LN 685
Nebraska Omaha OM 681
Nevada Las Vegas LV 891
Nevada Reno RE 895
New Hampshire Manchester MR 031
New Hampshire Portsmouth PS 038
New Jersey Atlantic City AC 084
New Jersey Camden CD 081
New Jersey Elizabeth EL 072
New Jersey East Orange EO 070
New Jersey Hackensack HS 076
New Jersey Jersey City JC 073
New Jersey New Brunswick NB 089
New Jersey Newark NK 071
New Jersey Paterson PN 075
New Jersey Trenton TR 086
New Mexico Albuquerque AQ 871
New York Albany Al 122
New York Brooklyn BK 112
New York Bronx BX 104
New York (cont'd) Buffalo BF 142
New York Far Rockaway RK 116
New York Flushing FG 113
New York Jamaica JA 114
New York Long Island City LI 111
New York New York City NY 100–102
New York Niagara Falls NF 143
New York Rochester RC 146
New York Schenectady SK 123
New York Staten Island SI 103
New York Syracuse SY 132
New York Utica UT 135
New York Yonkers YK 107
North Carolina Asheville AS 288
North Carolina Charlotte CE 282
North Carolina Durham DU 277
North Carolina Greensboro GO 274
North Carolina Raleigh RL 276
North Carolina Wilmington WN 284
North Carolina Winston-Salem WS 271
North Dakota Fargo FA 581
Ohio Akron AK 443
Ohio Canton CA 447
Ohio Cleveland CL 441
Ohio Cincinnati CN 452
Ohio Columbus CO 432
Ohio Dayton DY 454
Ohio Hamilton HA 450
Ohio Lorain LO 440
Ohio Parma PZ 441
Ohio Springfield XH 455
Ohio (cont'd) Toledo TO 436
Ohio Warren WO 444
Ohio Youngstown YO 445
Oklahoma Oklahoma City OC 731
Oklahoma Tulsa TS 741
Oregon Eugene EU 974
Oregon Portland PO 972
Oregon Salem XR 973
Pennsylvania Allentown AW 181
Pennsylvania Bethlehem BM 180
Pennsylvania Erie ER 165
Pennsylvania Harrisburg HG 171
Pennsylvania Johnstown JO 159
Pennsylvania Lancaster LP 176
Pennsylvania Philadelphia PH 191
Pennsylvania Pittsburgh PI 152
Pennsylvania Reading RD 196
Pennsylvania Scranton XC 185
Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre WB 187
Pennsylvania Williamsport WM 177
Pennsylvania York YK 174
Rhode Island Providence PR 029
South Carolina Columbia CU 292
South Carolina Charleston CT 294
South Carolina Florence FE 295
South Carolina Greenville GV 296
South Carolina Spartanburg SQ 293
South Dakota Aberdeen AD 574
Tennessee Chattanooga CG 374
Tennessee Knoxville KN 379
Tennessee Memphis ME 381
Tennessee (cont'd) Nashville NA 372
Texas Abilene AB 796
Texas Amarillo AM 791
Texas Austin AU 787
Texas Beaumont BT 777
Texas Corpus Christi CC 784
Texas Dallas DA 752, 753
Texas El Paso EP 799
Texas Fort Worth FW 761
Texas Galveston GA 775
Texas Houston HO 770–772
Texas Irving IR 750
Texas Laredo LD 780
Texas Lubbock LU 794
Texas Port Arthur PA 776
Texas San Antonio SO 782
Texas Waco WX 767
Texas Wichita Falls WF 763
Utah Ogden OG 844
Utah Salt Lake City XU 841
Utah West Valley City WF 841
Vermont Burlington BU 054
Virginia Alexandria AX 223
Virginia Arlington AR 222
Virginia Hampton HP 236
Virginia Newport News NN 236
Virginia Norfolk NV 235
Virginia Portsmouth PM 237
Virginia Richmond RI 232
Virginia Roanoke RO 240
Virginia Virginia Beach VB 234
Washington Seattle SE 981, 987
Washington Spokane SW 992
Washington Tacoma TC 983, 984
West Virginia Charleston CW 253
West Virginia Huntington HN 257
West Virginia Parkersburg PK 261
West Virginia Wheeling WH 260
Wisconsin Green Bay GB 543
Wisconsin Kenosha KE 531
Wisconsin Madison MN 537
Wisconsin Milwaukee MW 532
Wisconsin Racine RA 534
Wisconsin West Allis WAS 532
Wyoming Cheyenne CY 820
Puerto Rico San Juan XJ 009

Exhibit 3.22.110-9  (01-01-2009)
Foreign County Codes

Foreign Country Country Code
Abu Dubai AE
Afghanistan AF
Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area AX
Aland Island XI
Albania AL
Algeria AG
Andorra AN
Angola AO
Anguilla AV
Antarctic Lands FS
Antarctica AY
Antigua AC
Antigua & Barbuda AC
Argentina AR
Armenia AM
Aruba AA
Ascension XA
Ashmore Island AT
Ashmore & Cartier Islands AT
Australia AS
Austria AU
Azerbaijan AJ
Azores XZ
Bahamas BF
Bahrain BA
Baker Island FQ
Balearic Islands SP
Bangladesh BG
Barbados BB
Barbuda AC
Bassas da India BS
Belarus BO
Belgium BE
Belize BH
Benin BN
Bermuda BD
Bhutan BT
Bolivia BL
Bonaire NT
Bosnia-Herzegovina BK
Botswana BC
Bouvet Island BV
Brazil BR
British Indian Ocean Territory IO
British Virgin Islands VI
Brunei BX
Bulgaria BU
Burkina Faso UV
Burma BM
Burundi BY
Caicos Islands TK
Cambodia CB
Cameroon CM
Canada CA
Canary Islands XY
Cape Verde CV
Cartier Island AT
Cayman Islands CJ
Central African Republic CT
Chad CD
Channel Islands XC
Chile CI
China CH
Christmas Island KT
Clipperton Islands IP
Cocos Island CK
Columbia CO
Comoros CN
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) CF
Congo, Democratic Republic of (Kinshasa) CG
Cook Islands CW
Coral Sea Islands Territory CR
Costa Rica CS
Cote d'Ivoire IV
Croatia HR
Cuba CU
Curacao NT
Cyprus CY
Czech Republic EZ
Dem. People's Rep. of Korea (North) KN
Dem. Rep. of Congo (Kinshasa) CG
Denmark DA
Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area DX
Djibouti DJ
Dominica DO
Dominican Republic DR
Dubai AE
East Timor TT
Ecuador EC
Egypt EG
El Salvador ES
Eleuthera Island BF
England XE
Equatorial Guinea EK
Eritrea ER
Estonia EN
Ethiopia ET
Europa Island EU
Falkland Islands FK
Faroe Islands FO
Fiji FJ
Finland FI
France FR
French Guiana FG
French Polynesia FP
French Southern & Antarctic Lands FS
Futuna WF
Gabon GB
Gambia GA
Gaza Strip GZ
Georgia GG
Germany GM
Ghana GH
Gibraltar GI
Glorioso Islands GO
Great Britain UK
Greece GR
Greenland GL
Grenada GJ
Grenadines VC
Guadeloupe GP
Guatemala GT
Guernsey GK
Guinea GV
Guinea-Bissau PU
Guyana GY
Haiti HA
Heard Island & McDonald Island HM
Holy See VT
Honduras HO
Hong Kong HK
Howland Island HQ
Hungary HU
Iceland IC
India IN
Indonesia ID
Iran IR
Iraq IZ
Ireland EI
Isle of Man IM
Israel IS
Italy IT
Jamaica JM
Jan Mayen JN
Japan JA
Jarvis Island DQ
Jersey JE
Johnston Atoll JQ
Jordan JO
Juan de Nova Island JU
Kazakhstan KZ
Kenya KE
Kingman Reef KQ
Kiribati KR
Korea (North) KN
Korea (South) KS
Kurile Islands RS
Kuwait KU
Kyrgyzstan KG
Laos LA
Latvia LG
Lebanon LE
Lesotho LT
Liberia LI
Libya LY
Liechtenstein LS
Lithuania LH
Luxembourg LU
Macau MC
Macedonia MK
Madagascar MA
Malawi MI
Malaysia MY
Maldives MV
Mali ML
Malta MT
Martinique MB
Mauritania MR
Mauritus MP
Mayotte MF
McDonald Island HM
Mexico MX
Midway Islands MQ
Miquelon SB
Moldova MD
Monaco MN
Mongolia MG
Montenegro MJ
Montserrat MH
Morocco MO
Mozambique MZ
Myanmar XM
Namibia WA
Nauru NR
Navassa Island BQ
Nepal NP
Netherlands NL
Netherlands Antilles NT
Nevis SC
New Caledonia NC
New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NU
Niger NG
Nigeria NI
Niue NE
Norfolk Island NF
North Korea KN
Northern Ireland XN
Norway NO
Oman MU
Other (country not identified elsewhere) XX
Pakistan PK
Palmyra Atoll LQ
Panama PM
Papua New Guinea PP
Paracel Islands PF
Paraguay PA
Peru PE
Philippines RP
Pitcairn Islands PC
Poland PL
Portugal PO
Principe TP
Qatar QA
Redonda VI
Republic of Korea (South) KS
Republic of Singapore SN
Reunion RE
Romania RO
Russia RS
Rwanda RW
Ryukyu Islands JA
S Georgia Island SX
S Georgia Island & S Sandwich Island SX
S Sandwich Island SX
San Marino SM
Sao Tome and Principe TP
Sarawak MY
Saudi Arabia SA
Scotland XS
Senegal SG
Serbia RB
Seychelles SE
Sierra Leone SL
Singapore SN
Slovak Republic XR
Slovakia LO
Slovenia SI
Solomon Islands BP
Somalia SO
South Africa SF
South Georgia Island SX
South Georgia Island & South Sandwich Island SX
South Korea KS
South Sandwich Island SX
Spain SP
Spratly Islands PG
Sri Lanka CE
St. Helena SH
St. Kitts & Nevis SC
St. Lucia ST
St. Miquelon SB
St. Pierre SB
St. Pierre & Miquelon SB
St. Vincent & Grenadines VC
Sudan SU
Suriname NS
Svalbard SV
Swaziland WZ
Sweden SW
Switzerland SZ
Syria SY
Taiwan TW
Tajikistan TI
Tanzania TZ
Thailand TH
The Bahamas BF
The Gambia GA
The Netherlands NL
Timor-Leste TT
Togo TO
Tokelau TL
Tonga TN
Tortola VI
Trinidad and Tobago TD
Tristan Da Cunha XT
Tromelin Island TE
Tunisia TS
Turkey TU
Turkmenistan TX
Turks & Caicos Islands TK
Tuvalu TV
Uganda UG
Ukraine UP
United Arab Emirates AE
United Kingdom UK
Uruguay UY
Uzbekistan UZ
Vanuatu NH
Vatican City VT
Venezuela VE
Vietnam VM
Wake Island WQ
Wales XW
Wallis and Futuna WF
West Bank WE
Western Sahara WI
Western Samoa WS
Windward Island VC
Yemen YM
Yugoslavia YI
Zaire CG
Zambia ZA
Zimbabwe ZI

Exhibit 3.22.110-10  (01-01-2009)
U.S. Possessions ZIP Codes
The following chart is a list of U.S. Possessions and their ZIP Codes.

City ZIP Code City ZIP Code
American Samoa (AS) Federated States of Micronesia (FM)
Faga'itua 96799 Chuuk 96942
Leone 96799 Kosrae 96944
Olosega Manua' 96799 Pohnpei 96941
Pago Pago 96799 Yap 96943
Marshall Islands (MH) Palau (PW)
Ebeye 96970 Koror 96940
Majuro 96960 Palau 96940
Northern Mariana Islands (MP) Virgin Islands (VI)
Capitol Hill 96950 Charlotte Amalie 00802
Rota 96951 Christiansted 00820
Saipan 96950 Cruz Bay 00830
Tinian 96952 Downtown 00840
Guam (GU) Frederiksted 00840
Agana 96910 Kingshill 00850
Inarajan 96917 Saint Croix 00820
Merizo 96916 Saint John 00830
Tamuning 96931 Saint Thomas 00805
Umatac 96915 Sunny Isle 00850
Yona 96915 Veterans Annex 00820
Puerto Rico (PR)
Adjuntas 00601 Laplata 00786
Aquada 00602 Lares 00669
Aquadilla 00603 Las Marias 00670
Agnes Buenas 00703 Las Piedras 00771
Aguirre 00704 Levittown 00949
Aibonito 00705 Loiza 00772
Anasco 00610 Loiza Street Station 00936
Angeles 00611 Loquillo 00773
Arecibo 00612 Manati 00674
Arroyo 00714 Maricao 00606
Bajadero 00616 Maunabo 00707
Barceloneta 00617 Mayaquez 00680
Barraquitas 00794 Mercedita 00715
Barrio Obrero Station 00935 Minillas Center 00936
Bayamon 00956 Moca 00676
Boqueron 00622 Morovis 00687
Cabo Rojo 00623 Naguabo 00718
Caguas 00725 Narajito 00719
Camuy 00627 Orocovis 00720
Canovanas 00729 Palmer 00721
Caparra Heights 00920 Patillas 00723
Carolina 00982 Penuelas 00624
Catano 00962 Ponce 00731
Cayey 00736 Puerta de Tierra 00936
Ceiba 00735 Puerta Real 00740
Cerro Gordon 00754 Punta Santiago 00741
Ciales 00638 Quebradillas 00678
Cidra 00739 Ramey 00603
Coamo 00769 Rincon 00677
Comerio 00782 Rio Blanco 00744
Condado 00907 Rio Grande 00721
Corozal 00783 Rio Piedras 00927
Coto Laurel 00780 Rosario 00636
Culebra 00775 Sabana Grande 00637
Dorado 00646 Sabana Hoyos 00688
Ensenada 00647 Sabana Seca 00952
Esperanza 00765 Saint Just 00978
Fajardo 00738 Salinas 00751
Fernandez Juncos 00936 San Antonio 00690
Florida 00650 San Francisco 00927
Fort Buchanan 00934 San German 00683
Garrachales 00652 San Juan 00936
Guanica 00653 San Lorenzo 00754
Guayama 00784 San Sebastian 00685
Guayanilla 00656 Santa Isabel 00757
Guaynabo 00965 Sanrurce 00936
Gurabo 00778 Toa Alta 00953
Hatillo 00659 Toa Boa 00949
Hato Rey 00936 Trujillo Alto 00976
Harmingueros 00660 University 00936
Humacao 00791 Utuado 00641
Isabela 00662 Vega Alta 00692
Jayuya 00664 Vega Baja (box 1-9049) 00694
Juana 00795 Vieques 00765
Juncos 00777 Villalba 00766
La Cumbre 00926 Yabucoa 00767
Lajas 00667 Yauco 00698

Exhibit 3.22.110-11  (01-01-2009)
ERS Action Codes

Action Code Description Workday Suspense Period Function Used In
001 Input Document 0 Computer Generated
210 EPMF Correspondence 60 Error Correction, Suspense Correction
211 First Taxpayer Correspondence 40 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
212 Second Taxpayer Correspondence 25 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
213 Correspondence to Other Than Taxpayer 40 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
215 International Correspondence (ACI) 45 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
225 Taxpayer Correspondence (Signature Only) 40 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
226 International Correspondence (Signature Only) 45 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
In-House Research
300 Examination (Fuel Tax Credit) 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
310 Statute Control 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
320 Entity Control 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
Criminal Investigation Division
331 Frivolous Review 3 Code & Edit, Error Correction
332 QRDT Review 3 Code & Edit, Error Correction
333 Prompt Audit 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
334 Joint Committee 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
335 Frivolous Case 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
336 QRDT Case 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
337 Other CID 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
341 Manual Refund 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
342 Credit Verification 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
343 Other Accounting 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
344 Manual Refund 0 Error Correction
MFRTA Research
351 TIN Research 0 Error Correction, Suspense Correction
352 Name Research 3 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
353 Address Research 3 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
354 Filing Requirements Research 3 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
355 Other MFTRA Research 5 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
360 Other In-House Research 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
370 Examination 10 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
Management Suspense
410 Assistance Needed 0 Error Correction
420 Management Suspense A 5 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
460 Management Suspense E 25 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
470 Complex Error Codes 0 Error Correction
480 Early Filed Suspense 150 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
490 System Problem 5 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
Missing Document
510 Missing Document 0 Code & Edit
511 Missing Document - 1st Suspense 25 Error Correction, Suspense Correction
512 Missing Document - 2nd Suspense 20 Suspense Correction
513 Missing Document - 3rd Suspense 20 Suspense Correction
515 Missing Document - Short Term 5 Error Correction, Suspense Correction
Magnetic Tape
550 Magnetic Tape Return - Check for Attachments 0 Code & Edit
551 Magnetic Tape - Inconsistent Data 0 Code & Edit
610 Renumber - Non-Remit 0 Code & Edit, Error Correction
611 Renumber - Remit 0 Code & Edit, Error Correction
620 NMF/Non-ADP 0 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
630 Reinput 0 Error Correction, Suspense Correction
640 Void 0 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
650 International (ACI) 0 Code & Edit, Error Correction, Suspense Correction
660 Data Control Delete (TEP Delete) 0 Suspense Correction
670 Rejected Missing Document 0 Suspense Correction
Duplicate DLN
700 Duplicate Block DLN 0 Computer Generated
711 Duplicate Document DLN from Code & Edit 0 Computer Generated
712 Duplicate Document DLN from Error Correction 0 Computer Generated
713 Duplicate Document DLN from Unpostables 0 Computer Generated
714 Duplicate Document DLN from Unworkable Suspense 0 Computer Generated
715 Duplicate Document DLN from Workable Suspense 0 Computer Generated
800 NAP Linkage Problem 2 Error Correction, Suspense Correction
900 Unpostable Record 0 Computer Generated

Exhibit 3.22.110-12  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 026 Correction

This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.22.110-13  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 026 Reply/No Reply Procedures

This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

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