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3.17.243  Miscellaneous Accounting (Cont. 1) 
Credit and Account Transfers - Introduction and Scope  (01-01-2009)
Transfer of MF Accounts (CP 96, CP 296 and CP 396)

  1. To transfer a MF account, a TC 971 with an AC 045 is input on IDRS creating a TC 400 for zero amount. The TC 400 will generate a CP notice with the amount balance. These are input from the generated Campus Recap into the NMF suspense account, and set up on the NMF SCCF with a dummy Form 813.

    1. Prepare Form 3413 (Transcription List) to transfer account back to the Master File.

    2. Receive CP 96 (IMF) or CP 296 (BMF) with Form 3413 and Form 813.

    3. Forward Form 3413 and original Form 813 to Batching for processing.

  2. Entries are made from individual Forms 813, one at a time, or from RACS Input Reconciliation Sheet. If individual Form 813 is used for input, DLN will be entered in "Source DOC ID" for audit trail. Transcribe or stamp journal identification number on documents as required.  (01-01-2009)
Transfer Between Master file and General Ledger Accounts

  1. Transfers of credits from MF account to a general ledger account, or vice versa, if made on Form 3809, can be made without having to number the debit or credit going to general ledger account with a separate DLN. These transfers will be entered using either individual Forms 813 and documents for general ledger accounts or from RACS Input Reconciliation Sheet (Form 8166). If individual Forms 813 are used for input, the DLN will be entered. if Form 8166 is used for input, use RS number. Transcribe or stamp journal identification number on documents for audit trail purposes as necessary.  (01-01-2009)
Master File Research

  1. Tax module information may be researched using various Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) and CFOL Command Codes. These include Command Codes TXMOD, MFTRA and ACTRA, as well as the Command Codes INOLE, IMFOL, BMFOL, PMFOL, RTVUE, and BRTVU. See IRM 21.2, Systems and Research Programs, REMRQ maybe be used for NMF Accounts at other Campuses.

  2. Campus officials and managers must communicate security standard contained in IRM 1.16.12 to subordinate employees and establish methods to enforce them. Employees are responsible for taking required precautions in providing security for the documentation, information, and property which they handle in performing official duties.

  3. When using IDRS, only access those tax modules required to accomplish your official duties. All IDRS accesses are recorded for immediate review and to determine the accuracy of an adjustment. Any unauthorized access or browsing of tax modules by employees to satisfy personal curiosity or for fraudulent reasons are prohibited by IRS and are subject to disciplinary actions and/or dismissal from the service.  (01-01-2009)
IDRS Notice Issuance Criteria

  1. All employees must be aware of IDRS notice issuance criteria. IDRS Command Code STAUP may be input to interrupt routine notice issuance if transfer action cannot be accomplished before the next notice is issued.

  2. The number of cycles delayed must be for a sufficient period to ensure that balance due notices will not be issued prematurely. It may be necessary to extend the previously input STAUP if the transfer procedure is lengthy.  (01-01-2009)
Record Retention

  1. Credit and Account Transfers documents with their supporting documentation are to be retained in the campus for five years after the processing year. Local arrangements may be worked out between the Credit and Account Transfers Team and Files. Refer to Records Control, see IRM for record destruction information.  (01-01-2009)
Credit Transfers Between Campuses

  1. This section includes procedures for the transfer of Non-Master File (NMF) credits from one Campus to another Campus and for the transfer of credits or abatements for centrally processed NMF returns where the account was previously-transferred for Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA) issuance.


    NMF is centralized at Cincinnati Submission Processing Campus.

  2. Instructions are also included for processing the transfer of NMF Federal Tax Deposits (FTD) for Forms 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons. Form 2158 is used to transfer credits which may not be on NMF at the transferred campus to a transferee campus which is the only campus which may process such accounts. These credits include payments received on Form 8288, U.S. Withholding Tax Return, for Disposition by Foreign Persons of U.S. Property Interests.

  3. Form 2158, Credit Transfer Voucher, is prepared for each transfer of a credit or debit between campuses. If you must transfer more than one debit or credit on an account, attach a current transcript of this account and prepare one Form 2158 for each debit or credit.


    Only one Form 3245 and Form 2158 will be prepared for both Transaction Codes 841/740 and 772. These will no longer be separated.

  4. Exempt Organization (EO) returns are processed by Area Offices and the Campus jurisdiction is somewhat different from those of other Master Files. Any transfer on an EO type account will be made in accordance with the Area Offices (AO) concept. See IRM 3.27.68 for a list of the Area Offices. EO returns are primarily the 990 series and Forms 1041-A, 4720, and 5227. IMF and BMF transactions are numbered with the Campus File Location Code. NMF will continue to use the AO Code of the Area Offices.

  5. All Forms 5330 are now processed to BMF at Ogden Submission Processing Campus. All EPMF payments received at other campuses will be input to BMF and the returns transshipped to Ogden.

  6. Processing of Form 2158 should be expedited at the sending and receiving campuses. This is especially important at the end of the Fiscal year, so that the In-Transit Journal Accounts can be balanced to the proper year.

  7. In September, in order to make balancing between Campuses easier, E-mail Form 2158 with send attachments by express mail up through September 15. After September 15, hold Forms 2158 at the sending campus until the beginning of October. This will eliminate problems of Forms 2158 in transit during year end balancing.

  8. In September, for Form 514-B, follow the same instructions as you would for form 2158.  (01-01-2009)
Preparation of Form 2158, Credit Transfer Voucher

  1. The lettered paragraphs below (Figure 3.17.243-41) correspond to the letters on the figure.

    Figure 3.17.243-41

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 2158, Credit Transfer Voucher

    1. Enter the name and current address of the taxpayer.

    2. Indicate the reason for the transfer and the Document Locator Number (DLN) of any processed document attached.


      Include Trace-ID Number in Remarks section.

    3. Enter Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

    4. Enter cross-reference TIN.

    5. Enter TIN-type, if any. (MFT 58 or MFT 78 only.)

    6. Enter the numbers of the sending and receiving Campuses. (See Exhibit 3.17.243-14.)

    7. Enter a serial number from the credit transfer log book.

    8. Enter the journal date (sender's posting date).

    9. Enter the Campus received date of the payment.

    10. Enter RR for Revenue Receipts, and DF for Deposit Fund Transfers. Use DF for Offers-in-Compromise and Seizure of Property.

    11. Enter the tax period (MM/DD/YY).

    12. Enter the MFT code.

    13. Enter the transaction code (TC).

    14. Enter the amount of the credit being transferred. If a debit is being transferred, indicate "debit" above the money amount. If an abatement is being transferred, indicate "ABA."

    15. Enter the name and Team of the manager who will sign the voucher and the signature date. If the initiator and the transfer of the Form 2158 are not the same person, enter the initiator's name or employee number here for subsequent contact, (optional).

    16. An electronic copy of the form 2158, encrypted, will be E-mailed, encrypted to the Transfer Clerk when transferring and confirming money from one site to another, using an electronic signature.

    17. This block is completed by the receiving campus.

  2. Prepare Form 813 in duplicate. If not required by the RACS Team, Form 813 may be omitted per local procedure.

  3. Route Form 2158 to the RACS Team. Journal instructions are included in

  4. Form 2158 has a maximum processing cycle of 2 workdays from the date received in Accounting, per IRM 3.30.123, Processing Timeliness, Cycles, Criteria and Critical Dates.  (01-01-2009)
Losing Campus-NMF Credit Transfers

  1. Losing Campus' technicians will prepare Form 2158 toe-mail to Cincinnati Submission Processing Campus appropriately for addition on their local Automated Non-Master File System.

  2. Receive request for NMF credit transfers out with the following documentation:

    • Form 813 marked "Out of Region"

    • Form 3244 for NMF Subsequent Payments

    Prepare Form 2158, Credit Transfer Voucher. Follow instructions in Attach Form 3244 or Return with the NMF DLN.


    Only "Current" NMF Transcripts (2 weeks or less) will be accepted by Accounting.

  3. Forward Form 2158 package to the RACS area for journalizing to the "In-Transit" account.

  4. When received back from RACS, attach F-2158 to F-3244 or return and E-mail Parts 1 through 3 and backup to the receiving campus.

  5. Keep Part 4 in files to await Part 2 as acknowledgment from the receiving campus.

  6. When Part 2 is received from the gaining campus, send it to RACS to remove from the "In-Transit" account.

  7. After journalizing, receive Part 2 from RACS, associate with Part 4, and file Part 2. Part 4 may be destroyed.


    Form 2158 and backup documents can be E-mailed to the receiving campus. Acknowledgement of Form 2158 should be E-mailed to meet the 14 day acknowledgement time frame.

  8. Prepare a follow-up letter for transfer requests not acknowledged within 14 days from mailing to the gaining campus. Send second follow-up letter or telephone the receiving Campus transfer Team if not received in 60 days. An interim follow-up may be done in 30 days at Campus option.  (01-01-2009)
Losing Campus - NMF Credit Transfers (MFT 74 Only)

  1. The following procedures should be followed in addition to when transferring MFT 74 payments:

  2. If payment comes in with one of the following an NMF transcript or NMF screen print with the appropriate annotation MUST be attached.

    • 6335 Notice  (01-01-2009)
Receiving Campus NMF Credit Transfers

  1. Receive Form 2158, Parts 1 - 3, from other Campuses in the Credit & Account Transfers area. It usually contains an NMF credit transfer, but it may be a debit or abatement, which would be indicated on the form.


    Only current NMF Transcripts (2 weeks or less) will be accepted by Accounting.

  2. Research Form 2158 to locate the appropriate NMF account.

  3. If the account is not located on NMF, or there is a discrepancy and it cannot be processed by the receiving campus, confirm and re-transfer on Form 2158.

  4. If the appropriate account is found and is processable, sort Forms 2158 by Area Office or Campus.

  5. Block and Number each group of triplicate forms. See IRM

  6. Prepare Form 813 (2 Part) for each Block. (Figure 3.17.243-42)

    Figure 3.17.243-42

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 813, Document Register

  7. Route Parts 1 & 2 of Form 813 and Parts 1, 2, and 3 of Form 2158 to the RACS Function for journalization.


    Upon receipt in RACS Form 2158 will be journalized within three business days to ensure balancing timeliness.

  8. RACS will keep Part 1 of Form 813 for backup and forward Parts 1 & 2 of Form 2158 to the Credit and Account Transfers Team. RACS will also forward Part 2 of Form 813 and Part 3 of Form 2158 to NMF for posting.

  9. After verification of journalization the manager of the Credit and Account Team will sign Form 2158.

  10. Notate the journal number in the log book.

  11. File Part 1 of the Form 2158 as backup.

  12. E-mail Part 2 of the Form 2158 back to the losing campus as confirmation of receipt.


    There is a 2 day expedite cycle on Form 2158 from receipt in the Credit and Account Transfer Team until the account posts to NMF - See IRM  (01-01-2009)
Subsequent NMF Payments

  1. When there is a Form 3244 attached with a TC 670, there is subsequent payment for an NMF document. Number Form 3244 as follows:

    1. Use the local Area Office Code.

    2. Use Tax Class 6.

    3. Use Document Code 27.

    4. Use corresponding blocking series for the Tax Class.

  2. Prepare Form 813 and number with the same number as Form 3244 above.

  3. Write the Form 3244 DLN on the Form 2158 for reference information in the bottom line of the "To" box.

  4. All documents or forms going to Non-Master File must have proper supporting documentation attached. The following supporting documentation will be accepted:

    1. Current NMF Transcript.

    2. NMF Notice (6335, 4848, 9774, etc.).

    3. CP 213 (5500 payments).

    4. Current NMF screen print (except for 5500 payments).

    5. Correspondence from taxpayer showing an "N" after the TIN or relating to a 5500 account.


    An "INOLE" print is NOT acceptable.  (01-01-2009)
Prepaid Penalty Assessment
(CSPC Only)

  1. When Form 2158 has a Form 3244 and a 5500 series, non-remit return attached, it is a prepaid penalty Assessment.

    1. Use the local Area Office Code.

    2. Use Tax Class 6.

    3. Use Document Code 35.

  2. Enter the same DLN of the copy of Form 3244 attached to the back of the Form 5500 series return.

  3. Forward the return to Code and Edit for EP processing.

  4. Send the 3244 to ANMF for processing.  (01-01-2009)
Transfer of Non-Master File Federal Tax Deposits (Forms 1042-S) to the Cincinnati Campus (CSPC)

  1. General Background Form 1042-S, Foreign Persons US Source Income subject to withholding, is centrally filed and processed at AUSPC. FTDs related to this return may be received in any of the 7 Submission Processing Campuses.  (01-01-2009)
Journal Instructions

  1. Form 2158, Credit Transfer Voucher, is used for transfers of credits between campuses, and for the transfers of NMF FTDs to the CSPC.

  2. Forward Form 2158 and information documents to the RACS Team for input.

  3. Journalization and balancing instructions for receiving NMF FTDs (CSPC only).

    1. Balance tape posting controls to NMF Tape Release List.

    2. Forward Form 2158 to the RACS Team for input.  (01-01-2009)
Preparation of Form 514-B for Input of TC 400 (BMF Only)

  1. When transferring an account out of the Master File or to NMF, prepare F514-B. (Figure 3.17.243-43)

    Figure 3.17.243-43

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 514–B, Tax Transfer Schedule

    1. Enter taxpayer's name.

    2. Enter the DLN. Assign from Log Book by MFT and block number summary for Doc. Code 51.

    3. Enter the taxpayer identification number (TIN).

    4. Enter the cross-reference TIN, if any.

    5. Enter the tax period.

    6. Enter the MFT code following local procedures.

    7. Use the 23C date of TC 150; or 23C date of first TC 420.

    8. Use the date the Form 514-B is prepared.

    9. Enter type of Master File to which the account is transferring.

    10. Enter Schedule number.

    11. Enter TC 400 and date.

    12. Enter zero amount credit balance.

    13. Enter remarks in the lower right area to show where the account is being transferred.

  2. Edit name control and underline the "TIN" and the tax period and MFT.

  3. Prepare Form 813 using the same DLN as the Form 514-B. Use a zero amount in the credit balance column. The TC 400 is the transaction code.

  4. Release the Form 514-B for input.

    1. Send second copy of Form 813 to Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing System (ISRP) to establish the DLN on the SCCF.

    2. Send the original of Form 514-B and Form 813 to be batch and then input by ISRP.

  5. Input activity TC 400 and status code "M" (Monitor) to the control base on IDRS using Command Code ACTON.

  6. File request (Form 12810), return and supporting documents in the open file pending receipt of CP 296 (BMF), Account Transfer Out SC Transcript Notice. These notices are used to prepare transfers to NMF or the Form 3413 for transfers to MF.

  7. The TC 400 amount will be included on the Service Center recap for post-journalization balancing purposes. The recap lists the number of TC 400 that have posted during the cycle and the total dollar amount.

  8. If the BMF tax module on an account transfer has a credit balance, the TC 400 will unpost, and no transcript will be generated.

  9. If the BMF tax module on an overflow transfer account has a credit balance, it will post and the following special procedures are to be used. (These procedures were developed because the Service Center Control File (SCCF) does not accept a Doc Code 51 with a credit balance). A computer program change has been added to prevent overflows, so they should be a very rare occurrence.

    1. From the generated CP 296, prepare Form 514-B in the usual manner as for a debit module transferred.

    2. Number the Form 514-B with a Doc Code 51 for benefit of ANMF.

    3. DO NOT prepare Form 813 for the Form 514-B with a Doc Code 51.

    4. In addition to the Form 514-B, prepare credit side only of Form 3809 with TC 400 and the amount of the credit transfer. (The Form 3809 is for audit trail and control purposes only.)


      If an account is being transferred from Master File to Non Master File, prepare Form 514-B, and Form 3809 to transfer the account to Cincinnati Submission Processing Campus.

    5. Number the Form 3809 with document code 58.

    6. Prepare Form 813 for Form 3809 with document code 58 and credit amount transferred. Annotate cross-reference to document code 51 DLN on Form 813.

    7. Send the second copy of Form 813 to Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing System (ISRP) to establish the document code 58 and credit amount on NMF SCCF.

    8. Prepare documentation for processing to ANMF.

    9. Cross reference the document code 58 DLN on the Form 514-B.

    10. Cross reference the document code 51 DLN on the Form 3809.

    11. Attach Form 3809 on top Form 514-B.

    12. Original Form 813 (with doc code 58) is cover control document for ANMF processing with document code 51.

    13. Annotate on a folder "Overflow Credit Balance Special ." and forward to NMF.  (01-01-2009)
Master File Account Transfers-Out

  1. This section provides instructions for the transfer-out of accounts from the IMF or BMF.

  2. Requests may include but are not limited to the following.

    1. Assessment to be moved from one period or TIN to another

    2. Offer-In-Compromise (Split Assessment)

    3. Bankruptcies

    4. Innocent Spouse

    5. Reversal of Erroneous Abatements

    6. Duplicate Assessments on Master File for MFT 55

    7. Non-Master File to Master File

    8. Program problems


    If there is a "Z" freeze on the account it must be resolved before transferring out of the Master File.

  3. The major types of transfer requests received include transfers to MFT 31, NMF, or account re-transfers.

  4. If an account is in danger of overflow status (too many transactions on the Master File), a Computer Paragraph (CP) 96 (IMF) or 296 (BMF) is generated without the input of a TC 400. This transcript is identified by a block number "999" and the word "Overflow" under the transcript title.


    An overflow TC 400 BMF Account can post with a zero, debit, or credit balance.

  5. Any Forms 12810 received in Accounting with less than ten months remaining on the CSED with a balance due will be sent back to the requestor. Accounting will contact the requestor to advise that the form is being returned due to imminent statute.

  6. A complete current tax module print (dummy module is not acceptable) including the status history section is required for all transfers.

  7. Transfer of the following transaction codes require corresponding reversal codes before performing a TC 400.

    1. TC 576 must have a corresponding TC 577.

    2. TC 606 must have a corresponding TC 607.

    3. TC 608 must have a corresponding TC 609.

    4. TC 896 must have a corresponding TC 897.


    Caution must be taken when processing a partial account transfer. Do not process a reversing transaction without the corresponding transaction which it is reversing.

  8. Expedite processing when the case involves an installment agreement. These cases will be marked on top of the transfer document. There are payments that will have to post soon after the transfer, so speed is of the essence.

  9. A TC 400 will only post to a "0" or debit module. When TC 400 does post to the Master File, the computer will generate the module balance as the TC 400 amount. The TC 400 is set up to freeze the account with the intention that the account is going to be moved.  (01-01-2009)
Processing Account Transfers to the Master File (IMF/BMF)

  1. Receive Form 12810 (Account Transfer Request Checklist) (Figure 3.17.243-44). The request generally comes from the Adjustment, Collection, or Statute Team, and should indicate complete or partial account transfer, listing individual TC's to be transferred.

  2. Verify that the module is in debit or zero balance. If not, reject to the requestor for resolution.

  3. Verify that the TIN or module for the TO Account, which Assessment is to be moved is on the Master File. If not, reject to the requestor for input of TC 000 (Entity) or TC 013 (Year).

  4. For BMF Accounts, prepare Form 514-B, Tax Transfer Schedule, to input TC 400 with a zero amount.


    Form 813 should be processed immediately to establish the DLN on SCCF. Form 514-B along with Form 813 should be Walked Thru or Hand Carried to the appropriate Functions. Form 514-B has a maximum processing cycle of 12 workdays per IRM, Processing Timeliness Cycles, Criteria and Critical Dates.

  5. For IMF Accounts, use CC REQ 77 to input TC 971, with Action Code 045. This will automatically generate a TC 400 and the CP 96 Notice.


    Please use this process, as the TC 400 will post faster than it does for the Form 514-B process. (Refer also to IRM 102.4).

  6. Update both modules using CC ACTON as action is taken.

  7. Monitor for CP 96/296/396 Notice, which will generate upon posting of TC 400.

  8. Prepare Form(s) 3413, Transcription List, using the transactions from the CP as indicated by requestor on Form 12810.

  9. Number Form 3413 and prepare Form 813, Document Register, in accordance with local procedures.

  10. Prepare Form 4028, if applicable, to remove count and amount from Controlling DLN on NMF SCCF.

  11. Forward Forms 813, 3413 and 4028 to RACS for journalization and processing to ISRP.

  12. Suspend the open case and monitor for posting.

  13. Upon completion of all posting, update and close control bases.

    Figure 3.17.243-44
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 12810, Account Transfer Request Checklist  (01-01-2009)
Processing Account Transfers to the Individual Master File MFT 31

  1. Split Assessment Accounts such as Innocent Spouse, Bankruptcy, and Offer-In-Compromise (OIC), are processed to MFT 31 on the Individual Master File (IMF).

  2. The requestor will input TC 971 with the appropriate action code to the MFT 30 module. This will establish the MFT 31 module for the Primary SSN within one cycle after TC 971 posts; two cycles for the Secondary SSN, as applicable.

  3. The Action Codes, A/C, are as follows:

    TC AC Denotes
    971 100 Bankruptcy
    971 101 Offer-In-Compromise
    971 102 Exam Tax Court
    971 103 Appeals Tax Court
    971 104 Approved Innocent Spouse Request
    971 110 Duplicate Spousal Assessment


    While these types of cases should be processed to MFT 31, unique circumstances may warrant processing to ANMF


  4. The following types of cases may be accepted by the Credit and Account Transfer Team:

    • TC 971 with Action Code 104 input prior to cycle 200504

    • Primary Spouse has a temporary Social Security Number

    • Invalid TIN that cannot be corrected for the secondary TIN (Spouse)

    • Modules with a credit balance or unpostable condition that was resolved and could not be processed through Mirror Assessment

    • Overflow accounts where the transactions exceed IMF capacity

    • Over $100 Million accounts

  5. Upon Receipt of 12810, Transfer Request, ensure that:

    1. The CSED (Collection Statute Expiration Date) is included on the request. If the account contains more than one Assessment, the CSED must be included for each 23C Date.

    2. Any Form 12810 received in Accounting with less than 10 months remaining on the CSED will be returned to the requestor. Accounting will notify requestor, that Form 12810 is being rejected due to imminent statute.

    3. The Form 12810 indicates which is the: Innocent Spouse Claimant, Discharged Spouse for Bankruptcy, and OIC or NON-OIC Spouse for Offer-In-Compromise.

    4. The Form 12810 is an "original" with an authorized signature.

    5. A copy of current IMFOL or TXMOD print for MFT 30 is attached. The following freeze codes may remain on the MFT 30 account when requesting an Account Transfer (TC 400): C-, -C, G-, I-, -I, N-, O-, -R, R-, T-, U-, V-, L-, and W-. The following freeze codes must be resolved before requesting an Account Transfer (TC 400): -Z, -V, -W, -L, and -Y.


      The original return and related documents are not required.

  6. Open a control base on both MFT 30 and MFT 31.

  7. Input TC 971, Action Code 045, via IDRS to the MFT 30 module to systemically post TC 400.

  8. Monitor for CP 96 Notice, which will generate upon posting of TC 400.

  9. Prepare Form(s) 3413, Transcription List, for MFT 31 using the transactions from the CP as indicated by requestor on Form 12810. The Credit & Account Transfers Team is not responsible for inputting TC's with closing codes. These codes should be input via IDRS using REQ 77 by the requestor after the Form 3413 (TC 370) has posted.


    It is no longer necessary to re-open the MFT 30 account with a TC 402 when requesting a complete account transfer to MFT 31 (Exception: Innocent Spouse Cases or Partial Account Transfers).

  10. Number Form 3413 and prepare Form 813, Document Register, in accordance with local procedures.

  11. Prepare Form 4028, if applicable, to remove count and amount from Controlling DLN on NMF SCCF.

  12. Forward Forms 813, 3413 and 4028 to RACS for journalization and processing to ISRP for MFT 31.

  13. Suspend the open case and monitor for posting to MFT 31.

  14. Upon completion of all posting, update and close control bases.


    Effective January 1, 2005, all newly received Innocent Spouse, Bankruptcy, and OIC claims where the TC 971, AC 10X posted after December 31, 2004 will be processed using MFT 31 mirroring. Any Form 12810 received where the TC 971, AC 10X posted prior to December 31, 2004 will still be processed using the old MFT 31 process outlined above. Also, there may be instances where an additional liability is assessed on MFT 30 after the module has been mirrored. In this case the F12810 will have to be used to request transfer of that liability to the appropriate spouse since you can't request another mirroring.  (01-01-2009)
One-Sided Transactions Codes

  1. TC 765/TC 802 (one-sided transactions codes) cannot be processed through the Prompt Assessment system or transfer process unless transferring to MFT 31. The current procedure is to input via IDRS.

  2. For one-sided transactions TC 765 and TC 802, use blocking series range 900 939. The system has been programmed to bypass the unpostable check and allow one-sided transactions to post which contain this blocking series.


    Until further notice, please DO NOT use Blocking Series 900-909 for Account Transfers. As of January 1, 2004, this blocking series is EXCLUSIVE for a Special Project to transfer NMF MFT 20 accounts to IMF MFT 31. IMF programming was accomplished to allow the MFT 31 module to post based on the 900-909 Blocking and bypass the TC 971 (AC 100-104).  (01-01-2009)
Transfers to NMF

  1. Receive Form 12810 (Account Transfer Request Checklist) (Figure 3.17.243-44). The request generally comes from the Adjustment, Collection or Statute Team, and should indicate complete or partial account transfer, listing individual TC's to be transferred.


    NMF is centralized at the Cincinnati Submission Processing Campus.

  2. Verify that the module is in debit or zero balance. If not, reject to the requestor for resolution.

  3. Before requesting a complete account transfer from MF to NMF via TC 400, the penalty and interest accruals must be cleared. Accrued interest and penalty must be posted to the module prior to the transfer. If more than one Assessment is still owing (TCs 150, 290, 300) the accruals must be split to indicate how much belongs to each account balance, if not reject back to the requestor. The requestor must input and monitor until posted.

    1. Unrestricted accounts - Input TC 290 for zero (.00), priority code 5, hold cold 4. This will cause Master File to force any accruals to post.

    2. Restricted accounts (-I Freeze) - Manually compute and input penalty and interest, if applicable.


      Do not transfer a MF account to NMF if the CSED has expired or is imminent.

  4. Since the Automated Non-Master File (ANMF) system allows for only one 23C date per account, it is extremely important to ensure that the correct 23C date is identified for establishment on NMF if the account carries multiple Assessments with multiple 23C dates.

    1. As a general rule, the most current 23C date should be used to establish the NMF account.

    2. If the account contains more than one Assessment and all but one of the Assessments has been satisfied (by at least nine months), use the 23C date of the remaining balance due Assessment. If this is the case, the Master File account will not require separate NMF Assessments.

    3. When transferring a balance due Assessment (Partial) to another Campus, notate that other related and satisfied Assessments for this account remain on Master File.

    4. The following Transaction Codes are Assessment transactions that will each have their own CSED.
      IMF:150, 290, 294, 298, 300, 304, 308, 240, 160, 166, 170, 176, 320, 350, 340.

      BMF:150, 160, 166, 180, 186, 234, 238, 240, 246, 290, 294, 298, 300, 304, 308, 320, and 340.

    5. If the account contains more than one Assessment and more than one of the indicated Assessments remain as balance due, prepare a separate CP notice for each balance due Assessment. Establish separate NMF accounts for each balance due Assessment taking care that the correct 23C date for each separate Assessment is used.

    6. Include Abstract Numbers for all transactions transferring to NMF. The ANMF system requires them. They can be obtained from IRM, Automated Non-Master File Accounting, Exhibit 3.17.46-3.


      The CP 96/296/396 is used in lieu of Form 514-B to transfer accounts into ANMF and will be considered the transfer and journal document.

  5. For Bankruptcy Transfers to NMF: Verify that the CSED (Collection Statute Expiration Date) is included on the request. If the account contains more than one Assessment, a CSED must be included for each 23C date. If possible, the account should be sent to MFT 31 instead of ANMF.


    Any Forms 12810 received in Accounting with less than ten months remaining on the CSED will be sent back to the requestor. Accounting will contact the requestor to advise that the form is being returned due to imminent statute.

  6. ANMF cannot be programmed to correctly compute penalty and interest in all instances. Some of the conditions are:

    1. Armed Forces Combat Zone IRC 7508

    2. 120% Tax Motivated Transaction

    3. Reversal of Erroneous Abatement TC 860

    4. Unmatched reversal transactions with money.


      Caution must be taken when processing a partial account transfer. Do not process a reversing transaction without the corresponding transaction which it is reversing.

    5. If the Form 12810 indicates any of the above, notate on Form 514-B, "M" , "Exception Code" Refer to IRM

  7. For BMF Accounts, prepare Form 514-B, Tax Transfer Schedule, to input TC 400 with a zero amount.


    Form 813 should be processed immediately to establish the DLN on SCCF. Form 514-B along with Form 813 should be Walked Thru or Hand Carried to the appropriate Functions. Form 514-B has a maximum processing cycle of 12 workdays per IRM, Processing Timeliness Cycles, Criteria and Critical Dates.

  8. For IMF Accounts, use CC REQ 77 to input TC 971, with Action Code 45. This will automatically generate a TC 400 and the CP 96 Notice.


    Please use this process, as the TC 400 will post faster than it does for the Form 514-B process. (Refer also to IRM 102.4).

  9. Update the Master File module using CC ACTON as action is taken.

  10. Edit CP 96/296/396 (Figure 3.17.243-45) using the information on the Account Transfer-Out Transcript notice and Form 12810. Use appropriate Status Codes, Conversion and Reversal Transaction Codes to edit the CP notice. (Refer to Exhibit 3.17.243-8, 11, 12, & 13)

    Figure 3.17.243-45
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Service Center Notice for Account Transfer-Out Transcript Notice

  11. Number the CP notice and prepare Form 813, Document Register.

  12. Forward CP notice and Form 813 to RACS for journalization and processing.

  13. Suspend the open case and monitor for posting to ANMF.

  14. Upon completion of all posting, request a NMF transcript, update and close your control base.  (01-01-2009)
Master File Overflow Accounts

  1. If an account is in danger of overflow status (too many transactions on the Master File), a Computer Paragraph (CP) 96 (IMF)or 296 (BMF) is generated without the input of a TC 400. This transcript is identified by a block number "999" and the word "Overflow" under the transcript title.


    An Overflow TC 400 BMF Account can post with a zero, debit, or credit balance.

  2. A programming change has been made to Master File to prevent overflows, so they should be very rare.

  3. Assign a NMF DLN to Form 514-B and the CP Notice.

  4. Prepare Form 813 and forward Part 1 to the RACS Team.

  5. Route Form 514-B (parts 1 & 2) or CP Notice to the RACS Team and then the NMF Team.  (01-01-2009)
Account Transfers-In

  1. The Account Transfer-In program is designed to transfer into the Master File a list of all transaction codes, dates, and amounts on a single record.

    1. Each Account Transfer-In will post, to the Master File, a primary TC 370, additional debit or credit transaction codes, plus other wage amounts and appropriation, status, and abstract codes.

    2. The TC 370 does not appear on the transfer document but is generated as part of the program with the transfer-in amount. The TC 370 must be entered on Form 813.

  2. Accounts are transferred into the Master File on Form 3413, Transcription List.

    1. Forms 3413 are prepared by the Credit and Accounts Transfer Team and represent previously-made Assessments. The requestor should be identified on the request for a transfer so that unprocessables transfers may be returned.

    2. Reactivations from the Retention Register are covered in detail in IRM These are numbered with document code 52.

    3. Account Transfers on Form 3413 include BMF transfers, IMF transfers, re-transfers and Manual Assessments. These are numbered with Document Code 51.

  3. All account transfers-in must contain either a debit or a zero balance. If the account is in credit balance, contact the requestor for resolution. A debit must be added before the transfer can be processed.

    1. Contact the requestor to verify that the credit is valid. If the credit is not valid, return to the requestor for resolution.

    2. If the credit balance is valid, the requestor should transfer the excess credit on Form 2424 (or DRT 24) or Form 3809 (or DRT 48) to the new module. Then transfer the account after the balance has been reduced to zero.

  4. Do not enter any amount of over $99,999,999.99. The Master File limits each amount field to fewer than 11 positions. (IMF Only)

    1. Form 3413 may be modified by splitting any amount other than the Transfer-In amount and creating one or more new transactions.

    2. If the Original Assessment Transaction Amount is too large, split the amount and enter the balance in the first available field(s) in sections 0219, using TC 290 in place of TC 150.

    3. If the Transfer-In Amount is too large, prepare an additional Form 3413 and split the transactions so that the amounts will not be over $99,999,999.99.


      If the sum of all the transactions exceed $99,999,999.99 then process through Non-Master File at the Cincinnati Submission Processing Campus.  (01-01-2009)
Account Re-transfers

  1. The following types of cases require re-transfer action:

    1. A master file account is posted to an incorrect TIN or tax period, creating a no-merge MCC transcript on a statute account that cannot be abated and reprocessed or reassessed.

    2. A Form 3552(C) Assessment must be transferred.

    3. An NMF account previously on the Master File must be transferred back to IMF or BMF.

    4. An Assessment needing transfer so a 23C date can be maintained, since the Assessment Statute Period has expired. This kind of transfer, to be legal, must be made to the same taxpayer and account.

    5. A request to transfer only specific transactions from one module to another, without the transfer-out module remaining closed with a TC 400.

    6. The merge of an invalid to a valid TIN may require the creation of a temporary TIN.

    7. A transfer from one Master File TIN to another Master File TIN may require reversing the TC 400 and all the transactions. Examples are: IMF MFT 31 Split Assessments, Innocent Spouse cases, Bankruptcies, Offers-In Compromise, Appeals, Approved Spousal Assessment, Duplicate Spousal Account.

  2. Do not re-transfer an account if any of the following conditions are present:

    1. If the 23C date does not have to be maintained and is within the Statute Assessment Date, return to the requestor for processing as a normal adjustment.

    2. If there are freezes on the module that must be resolved. See the list of freeze codes allowed to remain on the account in

    3. If there is an AM 06W Transcript, the previous TC 400 must be reversed.

    4. If the intent is to circumvent valid statutory restrictions by establishing an Assessment on a previously unassessed account.

    5. If the account is in a credit balance.

    6. When the entire account has been transferred to MFT 31 (Exception: Innocent Spouse cases) or Non-Master File, Do Not re-open Master File with a TC 402 and reverse transactions.

  3. The TC 400 will produce a CP 96 (IMF) or 296 (BMF), Account Transfer-Out Transcript Notice.

    Figure 3.17.243-46

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Account Transfer-Out Transcript Notice

  4. The CP 96/296/396 is then used to prepare Form 3413, Transcription List Account Transfer-In, to transfer the account back onto the Master File.

    1. Enter appropriate transactions, dates, and amounts from the CP notice and Form 12810, onto Form 3413 using valid Transaction Codes for Document Code 51. (Figures 3.17.243-47 and 3.17.243-48)

      Figure 3.17.243-47

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      Front Page Form 3413, Transcription List (Account Transfer-In)

      Figure 3.17.243-48

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      Bank page Form 3413

    2. If a TC 150 and a TC 300 with an agreement date is present, show the TC 150 as the last transaction, with zero money, to prevent unpostables.

    3. Attach copies of the CP 96/296/396 and the Account Transfer Request List (Form 12810) to the Form 3413.

    4. Form 3413 processing should be expedited so that the posting to the proper account is not delayed. Form 3413 should be processed in a 6 day work cycle per IRM

    5. See the remaining sections of for detailed instructions on the preparation and control of Form 3413.

  5. The following types of accounts require re-transfer on Form 3413 with TC 402 for the amount of the TC 400:

    1. A NMF account previously on the Master File needing transferred back to IMF or BMF with any transaction which posted while the account was in NMF status.

    2. A Master File account transferred to another period or TIN with a TC 400 (including a good return or Assessment), to post a TC 402 for the amount of the TC 400, and reverse or abate posted transactions. For a list of reversal Transaction Codes see Exhibit 3.17.243-11 and 3.17.243-12. This is necessary to open the module for future posting.

  6. For NMF account re-transfers back to the same tax module, TC 402 (Figure 3.17.243-49) with the same date and amount as the TC 400 must be entered as the first transaction code (Section 01). Any other transactions which posted to NMF after the TC 400 will be added as secondary transaction codes. Any transaction that posted to Master File before the TC 400 should not be included.

  7. Assign block numbers 850899 for re-transfers.

    Figure 3.17.243-49

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 3413, Transcription List  (01-01-2009)
Closing Control

  1. When all action is completed and posted correctly, close the case control on IDRS with Command Code ACTON.

  2. File the transfer request and supporting data in the closed alpha file.

  3. Notify the requestor that the action has been completed for account(s) transferred to NMF only.

  4. When the IMF TC 400 and the MFT 31 accounts have posted after generating with TC 971, Action Code 45, make a folder for each block of work to be sent to the Files Section.

  5. Put the CP Notice in the folder, with all background information attached. The TC 400 DLN is the controlling DLN on the Master File.

  6. Write the DLN of the TC 400 block on the folder, i.e. XX-251XXX-888X. The julian date will always be the same as the julian date of the TC 971, Action Code 45.

  7. Attach a Form 3210 to the front of the folders showing the DLN's of all the folders with the words "TC 400 Actions. Shelve Immediately."

  8. Send the folders weekly to the Files Section, Cycle Control Unit.

  9. If requests are made for the originating documents, refer them to the Files Section, and tell them that the TC 400 DLN is the controlling DLN. Returns should be re-filed behind this DLN when returned from the requestor.  (01-01-2009)
Form 3413

  1. The Account Transfer-In program is designed to transfer into the Master File a list of all transaction codes, dates, and amounts on a single record. Accounts are transferred using Form 3413, Transcription List. This section provides detailed instructions for completing Form 3413.  (01-01-2009)
Form 3413 Section 01

  1. Name Control of taxpayer must be present. Refer to IRM 3.13.23 or Document 7071, Name Control Job Aid (Figure 3.17.243-47) for Section 01 items.

  2. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

    1. For IMF, this number is a Social Security Number (SSN).

    2. For BMF, this number is an Employer Identification Number (EIN), except for MFT 51, 52, and certain MFT 58 and 78. The EIN must contain a valid Area Office (AO) code in the first two positions.

    3. This field must be present and must contain the nine numerics.

  3. MFT Code must be present and must be compatible with the tax class in the DLN. See Exhibit 3.17.243-7

  4. Tax period

    1. See table in Exhibit 3.17.243-7.

    2. Most returns use the ending date of the taxable period. However, BMF Forms 11, 11-B, 11-C, 2290, 730, and 4638 use the beginning date.

    3. No tax period for any return may be later than one year after the current month.

  5. Date of Transfer

    1. For a re-transfer prepared from an Account Transfer-Out Transcript Notice, enter the transaction date of the TC 400.

    2. For a Form 3413 prepared from consolidated Form 3552(C) for monthly returns, enter the latest transfer date.

    3. For a retention register reactivation, enter the current date or a designated future date when the forms are blocked for input.

  6. Date of Assessment

    1. Enter the 23C date from Form 514-B or the latest Form 3552(C).

    2. Enter the TC 400 date for re-transfers to the same tax module which will carry TC 402/972. See IRM for REQ77/FRM77 instructions

    3. For retention register reactivations, enter the TC 150 date (or the date of other primary transaction code if no TC 150 is present).

  7. Original Assessment Transaction Code

    1. For a list of Transaction Codes that are valid for section 01, (See Exhibits 3.17.243-11, 3.17.243-12, and 3.17.243-13.)

    2. Enter the first applicable code from the following list:

    TC 402 This code must be used for a re-transfer to the same tax module as a posted TC 400. Only TC 402 on a Document Code 51 account transfer-in will post when a TC 400 is on a module. The TC 402 reverses the transfers-out freeze and also allows subsequent transactions to post from the same document.
    TC 150 If present on the source document and no TC 150 is present on the tax module.
    TC 234  
    TC 290 Convert TC 150 to 290 if a TC 150 is already present on the tax module.
    TC 294  
    TC 300  
    TC 304  
    TC 308  
    TC 160  
    TC 170  
    TC 180  
    TC 270  
    TC 280  
    TC 320  
    TC 350  
    TC 360  
    TC 388  
    TC 430 For IMF retention registers, if no code on this list is present, enter TC 430 with zero amount and the current date.
    TC 450  
    TC 590 For BMF retention registers, use TC 590 with zero amount and the current date if no code on this list is present. Also use TC 590 if another TC 59X transaction code is present.

  8. Original Assessment Transaction Amount

    1. Enter the amount associated with the transaction code in Element G.

    2. For TC 402, enter the amount of the TC 400 on the module.

    3. For TC 430, enter brackets around the zero amount to indicate minus. All other entries in Section 01 are shown as plus amounts (although the actual amounts will be zero).

  9. Transfer-in amount

    1. Enter the net amount of the transfer-in. The amount must equal the sum of all transaction amounts (including Reference Number Amount) in sections 02-19, plus certain amounts in sections 20-23.

    2. The amount must always be a debit or zero.

    3. For retention register reactivations, the amount must be zero. Enter "00" in Element I for Document Code 52.

  10. Agreement Date. Enter the date.

  11. TIN Type Enter "0" in the field to the right of the MFT code if the MFT is 58 or 78 and Element B is an SSN. In all other cases, leave blank.

  12. Correspondence Received Date. Enter date if present.

  13. Reference Number If reference number is present with Doc Code 51, select the case that applies: (See Exhibit 3.17.243-2)

    1. IMF (MFT 55) with TC 402, use no Reference Number or Amount.

    2. When transferring a civil penalty module, MFT 13 or 55, the original Assessment transaction code must be 290 (or 300 with MFTs 02, 05, 30, 31,51, or 52) with zero amount. The amount of the original penalty Assessment should be entered on the input document as reference number amount. (Figure 3.17.243-50: a 100% penalty being transferred to Master File.) The reference number amount should not be duplicated in sections 02-19.

    3. Changes to Forms 3413 and 3552(C), Reference Number 678 is valid for MFT 13 (BMF) for Document Code 51 on the civil penalty module for calendar year tax periods 198512 and subsequent. Reference Amount will be made invalid if greater than ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ . reference Number 678 will be used for calendar year Assessments of the penalty for failure to file Form 8281, Information Return for Publicly Offered Original Issue Discount Instruments, required by IRC Section 1275(c).

    4. When Reference Number 658 is present with MFT 13, Reference Number Amount cannot exceed ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ . Tax Period cannot be prior to 199812 and the month of Tax Period cannot be other than 12.

    5. Instruction: If there is a Reference Number (01M), there must be an amount in (01N). If either Field is present they must both be present.

  14. Reference Number Amount Enter amount that pertains to the reference number.

  15. Two Percent Interest Date Enter date if present.

  16. Plan/Report Number For MFT 46, MFT 74, and MFT 76 only.

    Figure 3.17.243-50

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 3413  (01-01-2009)
Form 3413 Sections 02-19

  1. Beginning in section 02 of Form 3413, list consecutively, the transaction date, transaction code, and transaction amount until all fields have been filled or all the transactions have been entered. This should be done for each amount following the original Assessment in section 01.


    There MUST be an equal number of TC 340/341's in sections 30-33 as entered in sections 02-19.

    1. The only transactions to be input with a TC 402 are those that occurred subsequent to the account transfer-out (NMF) or reversals of the original account.

    2. When entering from a Retention Register Transcript, enter transactions exactly in the order of appearance on the source document.

    3. Transaction codes 630, 632, 636, and 637 are entered in sections 20-23 only.

  2. Valid Transaction Codes for sections 02-19 are included in Exhibits 3.17.243-11, 3.17.243-12, and 3.17.243-13.

  3. Some transaction codes are not valid on Form 3413 for a particular document code and Master File. Some of the reasons are:

    1. The transaction code was once valid, but is now obsolete.

    2. Most transaction codes that are normally generated at the Master File are not valid for Document Code 51.

    3. A transaction code may have been erroneously entered by a requestor, believing that it was valid for the document being processed.

  4. When certain transaction codes are invalid for the document code, they must be converted to the equivalent valid code, see Exhibit 3.17.243-8.

  5. Enter the dates, transaction codes, and amounts onto Form 3413 beginning with section 02.

    1. Enter brackets around each amount associated with a credit transaction code, even if the amount is .00.

    2. If the dates are not present for any code, determine the proper date as follows:

      Assessments Enter the 23C date.
      Abatements Certification date of abatement schedule.
      Payments Remittance received date.
      Overpayments applied Certification date of over-Assessment.
      Credit reversals Date of the original credit.  (01-01-2009)
Sections 02-19 Exceeding 54 Transactions

  1. Sections 02-19 are limited to a total of 54 transactions. Two or more Forms 3413 must be prepared and processed separately if more than 54 transaction codes exist on the taxpayer's account. This pertains to both the TC 370 and TC 402 documents.

  2. Minimize the number of transactions for transfer by eliminating reversal or offset transaction codes that are posted to the taxpayer's account.

  3. For document code 51, transfer the entire TC 150 amount and show of credits and debits in sections 02-19 on the first document. This should result in the TC 370 amount to be the amount of the account balance.


    From Account Only - Input TC 170 for zero (if applicable), TC 270 for zero, and TC 340 for zero when preparing multiple Forms 3413. This will prevent erroneous penalty and interest reversals, offsets, and refunds.

  4. The second document must reflect the remaining Assessment as TC 290 with the same 23C Date as the TC 150. Input the remaining credits in sections 02-19 resulting in the TC 370 amount to be zero.

  5. Process the second document one cycle after the first.

  6. When reopening the taxpayer's account, the first document requires TC 402 using the date and amount of the TC 400. The "Transfer-In Amount" which is either a "zero" or "debit" must equal the amount to be remaining on the "from" account.


    Sections 02-19 must equal TC 400 if the "Transfer-In Amount" is zero, or, equal the difference between the TC 400 and the "debit" amount that should be remaining on the "from" account.

  7. Second and subsequent documents must have a "Transfer-In Amount" of zero.

  8. For Document Code 52, the Form 3413 must reflect a zero balance.

    1. The second document will contain Document Code 51 and be processed one week after the Document Code 52 record.

    2. Remove enough valid Document Code 51 transactions to reduce the first document to 54 transactions or less.

    3. Remove only zero or offsetting transactions to keep the balance for both documents at zero.  (01-01-2009)
Form 3413 Sections 20-23

  1. These sections were designed to accommodate special appropriation credits which may be funded by Congress. Currently, the only credit covered by this code is for solar and wind energy. (Figure 3.17.243-51)

  2. The valid transaction codes for each Master File and document code are:

    IMF 51 IMF 52
    630 CR X X X X
    632 DR X X X X
    636 CR   X   X
    637 DR   X   X

    1. If transaction code 636 or 637 is present for a document code 51 record, convert TC 636 to 630 or 637 to 632.

  3. Enter the data onto Form 3413.

    Figure 3.17.243-51

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Sections 20–23 of Form 3413

    1. Left column of sections 20-23: Enter the transaction code.

    2. Second column of sections 20-23: Enter a 2 digit appropriation code. Currently, the only valid codes are 02 for a credit (TC 630 and 636) and 03 for a debit (TC 632 and 637). These codes indicate wind and solar energy.

    3. Third column of sections 20-23: Enter Appropriation Indicator "1" for a memo transaction (or reversal) for which the proposed credit is not funded. When the "1" is present, do not include the transaction amount in the total balance being transferred-in.

    4. Right column of sections 20-23: Enter the amount for each transaction. Enclose the credit amounts in brackets. Unless a "1" is present in the third column, these amounts are included for the transfer-in balance.  (01-01-2009)
Form 3413 Sections 30-33

  1. These sections are for non-remittance "status" Transaction Codes and Interest to Dates. (Figure 3.17.243-52)

    Figure 3.17.243-52

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Section 30–33 of Form 3413

  2. Left column of Sections 30-33: Enter the date of the status transaction code or interest to date. There MUST be an equal number of TC 340's in Section 02-19 and 30-33.


    The corresponding TC 340's must be in the same order.

  3. Middle column of Sections 30-33: Enter the valid status transaction codes. The valid codes for each Master File and Document Code are found in Exhibits 3.17.243-11, 3.17.243-12 and 3.17.243-13.

    1. TC 550, 560, and 564 may be used only once per record. TC 560 and 564 in the same record is invalid.

    2. TC 912 and 914 are valid only when both are present and only when they are present an equal number of times.

    3. TC 916 and 917 are valid only when both are present and only when they are present an equal number of times.

  4. Right column of sections 30-33: Statute Extension Date or Assessment Date. The Statute Extension Date must be later than or the same as the status transaction date. Enter the date associated with transaction codes 550, 560, or 564. For all other transaction codes, this field should be blank.

  5. If an invalid code is requested on the source document, indicate on the document going back to the requestor that the code is being dropped. If necessary, most of the codes can be input on IDRS after the Form 3413 has posted.


    An AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) amount cannot be transferred. Return to the requestor for resolution.

  6. The program will accept up to 12 transactions.  (01-01-2009)
Form 3413, Sections 36-39

  1. These sections are used for reporting IRS abstract information for document code 51 only, when 15X, 29X, or 30X transaction codes are present.

  2. Abstract information is valid and required for the following forms:

    Form Number MFT Master File
    720 03 BMF
    4720 50 BMF

  3. Enter the abstract numbers in the left column of Sections 36-39 and the amounts in the right column. (Figure 3.17.243-53)

    Figure 3.17.243-53

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Section 36–39 of Form 3413

  4. There are two abstract numbers for Tax Motivated Transactions, 221 (Tax) and 222 (Interest). They are valid for all MFT codes except 15, 46, 77, and 78. If one is present, both must be. The TC must be 340 or 341.

  5. The total of the abstract amounts excluding 221 and 222 should equal the net tax Assessment. The net tax Assessment is determined by adding the amounts associated with transaction codes 15X, 29X, and 30X.

  6. The valid abstract numbers are:

    1. MFT 03 (Form 720): 009 through 024, 026 through 098, 101 through 124, 303 through 310, 322, 323, 324, 326 through 329,340 through 390, 392 through 398, 411 through 432.

    2. MFT 50 (Form 4720): 151 through 154, 182, 183, 213, 214, 221, 222, 237 and 238.

    3. MFT 29 (Form 5329): 160, 162, 194, 195, 221, 222, 233, 235, 236 and 237.

    4. MFT 30: 221 and 222.

    5. MFT 31: 221 and 222.

    6. MFT 49: 163 and 164.

    7. MFT 61: 001 through 009, 013 through 035, 040, 221 and 222.

    8. MFT 74; 165, 167 and 169.

    9. MFT 76: 159, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167, 169, 200, 201, 203 through 206, 209, 224 through 228, 237, 450, 451, 452.

    10. MFT 77: 218.

    11. MFT 78: 217.


    All MFT's except 15, 46, 77, and 78 have 221, 222, and 233 as valid abstract numbers. Abstract Numbers 151 through 154 cannot be on same record as 182, 183, or 214.

  7. Most errors in amount and abstract numbers can be resolved by examining the source documents. See IRM 3.17.41 for definitions of each abstract number. If errors occur frequently, contact the requestor or return the documents to the requestor for correction.  (01-01-2009)
Form 3413 Section 40

  1. Elements A, B, and C contain wage information for withholding and Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) tax returns, Forms 941, 943, 944, and 945. These fields are valid only for Document Code 51, Tax Class 1 records (Figure 3.17.243-54).

    1. Income tax withheld will normally be present whenever the withholding tax liability is being established on the Master File for the first time. Forms 941 (MFT 01), 943 (MFT 11), 944 (MFT 14), and 945 (MFT 16) only.

    2. Taxable Social Security Wages Forms 941, 943, 944, and 945 only.

    3. Taxable tips (Forms 941, 943, 944, and 945).

    4. Taxable medicare wages (Form 941, 943, and 944) up to 13 digits to be entered from line 5c, Column 2 of Form 941 (Rev. 1-2005). Valid only for Document Code 51, MFT 01, 04, 11, 14 BMF.

    5. Fractions of cents - adjustment.

    6. Sick pay - adjustment.

    7. Adj. for Tips & Group Term Life Ins.

    8. Income Tax Withholding - Adj.

    9. Social Security & Med. Tax - Adj. (Form 941, 943, 944, and 945 only) This amount is valid only when the Original Assessment Transaction Code (Element G from Section 01) is 150, 290, 294, 298, 300, 304, or 308. If present, this amount plus the income tax withheld and backup withholding amounts should equal the sum of all 29X and 30X transaction amounts on the transfer-in record.

    10. Special Additions to Federal Income Tax.

    11. Special Additions to Social Security and Medicare.

    12. Total Backup Withholding - Adj. (Form 945 only) Valid only for Doc. Code 51, MFT 01 and MFT 16, BMF.

    13. Gross Income Paid Enter from Form 1042.

    14. Total Railroad Retirement Taxes for the year. Form CT1 (Line 13).

    Figure 3.17.243-54  (01-01-2009)
Numbering and Control Instructions for Forms 3413 and 3552(C)

  1. Sort Form 3413 by tax class and type of transfer.

    1. See Exhibit 3.17.243-7 for a list of tax classes for each return.

    2. Separate the retention register reactivations (document code 52).

    3. Forms 3413 prepared to consolidate monthly Forms 941-M and 720-M are numbered with the DLN already assigned to the Forms 3552(C).

    4. Sort by MFT Code for Forms 1041, 1065, and 8752.

    5. Except for retention register reactivations (Document Code 52), also sort by MFT for Forms 730, 2290, and 4638.

  2. Assignment of the DLN.

    1. Positions 1 and 2 are for Area Office code for Doc Code 51 and 52.

    2. Position 3 is for the Tax Class. SeeExhibit 3.17.243-7 for a list of tax classes for each return.

    3. Positions 4 and 5 - Document code 52 for retention register reactivations. Document code 51 for all other transfers.

    4. Positions 6 through 8 - Enter the current Julian date.

    5. Positions 9 through 11 - Assign the block number. See Exhibit 3.17.243-9.

    6. For retention register reactivations, begin with 000 if a vestigial record is present on the entity module. If no record is on the entity, begin with block 900.

    7. For re-transfers, begin with block 850.

    8. For other transfers-in, begin with block 200.

    9. Positions 12 and 13 - Enter a consecutive serial number, beginning with 00.

    10. Enter the year digit. If the proper color is used for the DLN stamp, the year digit may be omitted.

  3. Prepare Form 813 for each block.

    1. For Forms 1041, 1065, and 8752, enter the MFT Code to the right of the date block.

    2. For Forms 1041, 1065, and 8752, note "BMF" to the left of the words "Document Register" .

  4. Route pre-journalized blocks to the RACS Team for input.

  5. Route copy 2 of Form 813 to the Data Conversion Operations for establishment on the Service Center Control File.

  6. Route the blocked Forms 3413 with Form 813 (original) to the Batching Team for input to ISRP.  (01-01-2009)
Reestablishment of Retention Register Accounts

  1. Effective January 1, 1997, IMF Retention Register Account reactivation of accounts dropped in 1994, through the current year will be processed through IDRS input. They will not be processed by the Revenue Accounting Operations.

  2. Effective January 1, 1998, BMF Retention Register Account reactivation for 1994 through the current year will be processed through IDRS input.


    Cincinnati Submission Processing Campus processes all Retention Register accounts for both the Brookhaven Submission Processing Campus and the Memphis Submission Processing Campus.  (01-01-2009)
Receive Requests for Account Reactivation

  1. The requests for items on microfilm are received on Form 5248, Transfer Request, from different IRS offices within and outside of the Campus. There may be local procedures where the request information is stamped on the retention register transcript (Figure 3.17.243-55).

    Figure 3.17.243-55

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 5248, Transfer Request

  2. All requests must have retention register account records attached. (Figure 3.17.243-56) If not, return to requestor, explaining that an attachment is needed. The request must have the account on it that is to be transferred.

    Figure 3.17.243-56

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Retention Register Transcript

  3. If the module is present on the accounts register already, return to requestor indicating a transfer is not necessary because the module is already present on the Master File account.

  4. Modules on microfilm retention register may be transferred using Form 3413, Transcription List, (Account Transfer In), or an edited copy of the Retention Register or MFTRAZ transcript. IMF and BMF tax modules are now kept on the Master File substantially longer than they were prior to multi-level processing.  (01-01-2009)
Review Transfer Requests

  1. Upon receipt of the Form 5248, Transfer Request, with the Retention Register transcript, examine the transcript to determine what entity transactions are necessary. Initiators should have established the entity on IDRS before preparing Form 5248. Check IDRS to see if the module(s) requested on the Form 5248 are already present on the Master File. If so, annotate the Form 5248 and route the request back to the initiator. "If the account is on IMFOL or with an R or BMFOL with an O or an R, it may be reactivated with the use of IMFOL-B or BMFOL-B." Return to requestor.

  2. If a request to re-establish an account involves an account removed after 1972, use IDRS to determine the entity status. When all tax modules have been moved to the Retention Register, the entity will remain on the Master File for 51 months after the last tax module was removed.

    1. Input name line on IDRS for the oldest year (if more than one tax period is to be established) for that particular taxpayer.

    2. If more than one tax period is to be transferred from the retention register, but the name lines are not the same, a name line for each year must be input on IDRS.

    3. Accounts that have had the first name line changed or have been re-sequenced to another TIN since the module was removed cannot be automatically reactivated.

  3. Check the TIN on each request on IDRS using Command Code ENMOD.

    1. If ENMOD exists on the IDRS (not a dummy module), no additional Master File information is required.

    2. If no data is available or a dummy ENMOD module is present on IDRS, request account and entity from Master File.

    3. If the research shows a tax period or the entity module posting is less than 51 months prior to the previous January, establish the name line for the tax period that is being re-established on IDRS. The Command Code ENREQ will be used to bring up the INCHG format, if it is IMF, or BNCHG format if it is BMF.

    4. If there are four "2's" (2222) in the tax period column that is found on the retention register, the entire account was removed from the Master File. (This information appears only on records removed before 1973.) The modules will be shown on the retention register if there has been no activity for 51 months prior to the previous January. In this case, establish the entity on the Master File using Command Code ENREQ to bring up either the (INCHG or BNCHG) formats to input transaction code 013. Always use the name on the account record to input an entity change on IDRS.

    5. The vestigial record is a record that is on the Master File computer tape. If there is a record of an account on IDRS, the prior periods of that account can be requested. If the account is not on the Master File, a TC 000 must be input.

  4. If BMF has no data available on IDRS, Master File research reveals activity in the account within the past 51 months, or if the name line is on IDRS already, no action should be taken.

  5. If an account is requested, but there is no account on the computer tape at Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC), an RS904 will post on IDRS. Also, there are times when there is no record present on the retention register. In either case, input on IDRS to establish the account.

  6. The collection statute expiration date is either 10 years from the due date or from the Assessment date. If the statute has expired on a particular account, a TC 608 (Statute Expiration Clearance) will be present on the account.


    The period for collection may be postponed or the running of the collection period may be suspended. See the events listed in IRM 25.6.9.

  7. If there is a retention register request with an unpostable 197 on the account, input ENREQ to establish the name line.

  8. Input the name control change on IDRS.  (01-01-2009)
Prepare Form 3413 from Retention Register Microfilm

  1. Refer to section for specific instructions on preparing Form 3413.

  2. Enter all transaction dates, codes, and amounts onto Form 3413.

  3. Element I, Transfer-In Amount, is always zero for Retention Register Reactivations.

  4. Elements A, B, C, and F of Section 40 and all of sections 36-39 must be blank.

  5. At local option, the microfilm retention register transcript or MFTRAZ transcript may be used to directly reestablish an account on Master File, eliminating preparation of Form 3413. To use this alternate procedure effectively, carefully highlight legible transcripts and prepare transcription instructions incorporating the above information.

  6. Once the entity is established, prepare the form to be used to reestablish the tax module. Form 3413 is needed for only a limited number of account reactivations. For BMF, no accounts were removed to retention in 1978 and 1979, so those accounts remained open for two additional years. The last Residual Master File (RMF) was produced in cycle 197901.

  7. Assign a projected posting cycle, 3 weeks from the input date, and notate it on part one of Form 5248. Return part one of the Form 5248 to the requestor. Attach part two of the Form 5248 to the back of the Form 3413 and retain.

  8. Assign the DLN on the transfer documents.

  9. Check ENMOD for Mail filing Requirement (MFR). If 08, this indicates deceased taxpayer and must be changed using ENREQ or Form 3413 will not post.

  10. Prepare Form 813.

    1. Enter Retention Register.

    2. Enter either IMF or BMF.

    3. Enter the DLN.

    4. Enter current year.

    5. Enter the transaction code 370.

    6. Enter date of transfer.

    7. Enter MFT code 05, 06, and 15 (BMF Only).

    8. Enter the number of transfer documents that are in the block of work.

    9. Enter debit and zero amount.

  11. Route documents to Quality Review, if they are reviewed in the local Campus.

  12. In 1979, an IRAF purge file was created for inactive and erroneous accounts on the IRAF.

  13. In 2006, all IRAF files were moved to Individual Master File (IMF). The Purge File was similar to the Retention Register for other files, except that the IRAF has no regular retirement criteria.

  14. In BMF retention cycle 8201, there was a problem in the edit run with some 720 modules (MFT 03). Some TC 610's did not print on the retention tape. The module balance is shown as zero, however, if the debits and credits are balanced, the module would show a debit balance that is not valid for a doc code 52 transfer-in. If this situation occurs, request a copy of the most recent accounts register that was available before the module dropped to retention. Verify the TC 610 amount and transaction date. Add the missing date to the retention register and continue processing. Attach the hard copy of the accounts register to the retention register for information.


    If previous accounts registers are not available, create a TC 610 amount to force the module to balance. Contact the requestor if necessary.  (01-01-2009)
Receive Requests for Transfers to Other Campuses

  1. When a request is received for transfer of an old full-paid NMF account to the BMF or IMF for a redefined period, an account may not exist unless there was a subsequent adjustment. These requests are normally initiated by Examination and the request should include a copy of the front of the applicable return to assist in the identification efforts. In these instances, unless an account is located by a search of the Index File, it will be necessary to reconstruct the account from old records, e.g., Form 23E, Assessment List (Obsolete); Form 4340, Certification of Assessments and Payments; Form 813, Document Register; etc. The reconstructed account can then be used in the preparation of the Form 514-B, Tax Transfer Schedule.

  2. Form 2650, Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA)/Taxpayer Delinquent Investigation (TDI) Transfer, if received from the Area Office, should be attached as back up to transfer document (Figure 3.17.243-57).

    Figure 3.17.243-57

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 2650, TDA/TDI Transfer

  3. The NMF Transcript may be transferred to the receiving campus with a Form 514-B attached as a transmittal sheet. Both documents should be numbered as a NMF transfer between campuses.

  4. Occasionally, an NMF account will be identified as belonging to another Campus while in "Notice Status" . When this happens, the account can be transferred prior to being placed in TDA (Taxpayer Delinquent Account) status.

    1. Note on the Form 514-B for NMF TDAs that the TDA should be issued immediately upon receipt of transfer.

    2. A copy of the account transcript, tax return, and/or Revenue Agent's report, if applicable, should accompany the Form 514-B, Tax Transfer Schedule.

    3. If the responsible persons are located in two or more Campuses, the CSCO where the case originates will coordinate with the other Campus to avoid excess collections and other problems.

  5. If the statutory period for collection will expire less than eight months from the date of the transfer of a balance due account, a Form 2209, Courtesy Investigation, must be attached to the case.

    1. Proof of willingness of the receiving office to receive the account must be attached to the case file.

    2. If the statutory period will expire within six months of the date of the transfer, a Form 900, Tax Collection Waiver, must also be in the file or represented by TC 550 on IDRS or the account.

    3. In cases where there is not enough time, due to the CSED, to send all notices, issue the first and fourth notices.

  6. Form 514-B has a maximum processing cycle of 12 workdays, per IRM, Processing Timeliness, Cycles, Criteria and Critical Dates.  (01-01-2009)
Preparation of Form 514-B

  1. Prepare Form 514-B as a transmittal sheet for the NMF transcript.

    1. Number the Form 514-B and the transcript with the same DLN.

    2. Enter at least the primary name line on Form 514-B.

    3. Enter the original DLN(s).

    4. Enter the 23C Date.

    5. Enter the TIN.

    6. Enter the Tax Period.

    7. Enter the MFT.

    8. Enter the Transfer Date.

    9. Enter the Campus being transferred from.

    10. Enter the Campus being transferred to.

    11. Enter the Schedule Number.

    12. Enter the balance being transferred.

    13. Enter any special instructions for the receiving campus.

  2. Send the Form 514-B and transcript to the RACS Team. They will be returned after journaling.

  3. Sort Forms 514-B by Campus.

  4. Parts five and six of the Form 514-B should be stamped with the journal number and date.

  5. Mail Parts one through four of the Form 514-B, two copies of the transcript and any other attachments to the receiving Campus.

    1. Part one with copy of transcript is used by the receiving campus to input into their ANMF.

    2. Part two is used as the confirmation copy to be returned by the receiving campus.

    3. Part three is retained in the receiving campus Team for its files.

    4. Part four is the posting document at the receiving campus.

    5. Part five is the posting document at the sending campus.

    6. File part six of the Form 514-B in the "In-transit" file.

  6. On all cases prepare Form 3177, Notice of Action for entry on Master File, with TC 131 and route to CSCO on Form 3210 (Figure 3.17.243-58).

    Figure 3.17.243-58

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 3177, Notice of Action for Entry on Master File

  7. Part 2 of Form 514-B is returned from the receiving office. Pull part six of the Form 514-B out of the file and compare to the part two copy to ensure it is your transfer.

  8. Prepare follow-up letter for transfers not acknowledged in 30 days from the transferee office.

  9. Send the part two confirmed copy of Form 514-B to the RACS Team. It will be returned after journaling action.  (01-01-2009)
Credit Transfers

  1. This section includes instructions for preparing and processing paper credit transfers.  (01-01-2009)
General Explanation Credit Transfers

  1. Refer also to IRM, IDRS Operations handbook Input of Credit Transfers, if IDRS terminal input is to be used to effect the transfers. IDRS should be used whenever possible since IDRS transfers will retain cross-reference TIN, MFT, and tax period for microfilm research. In the event the taxpayer's module is not available for IDRS processing, proceed with the following instructions for preparation of the necessary documents.

  2. To prevent BMF and IMF unpostables (Code 305 for BMF and 198 for IMF) use the bypass indicator if no freeze is necessary. To freeze the account, a TC 570 should be input as a secondary transaction code using the Credit Freeze Code to a TC 650, 660, 670, and 760 if the credit portion of the transfer is directed to a tax module in Master File Status 06 (BMF only), 10 or 12 and a secondary code is valid. If a refund is desired, input TC 571 or 572 in a subsequent cycle to release the freeze.

  3. A TC 762 (Reversal of Substantiated Credit) should NEVER be input to the IMF to adjust a TC 766 amount when the DLN of the TC 766 contains an "08" Document Code (Rebate amount relative to tax years beginning in 1974). A TC 762 should NEVER be input to the IMF to adjust a TC 760 manually input relative to the rebate program unless it was originally in error or the liability has been adjusted.

  4. All TC 760's manually input relative to the rebate program will reflect a Document Code of "51" , account transfer, but all TC 760's with a Document Code of "51" will not necessarily relate to the rebate program. Research of the transfer-in document file may be necessary to make this determination.

  5. Care should be taken in transferring backup withholding credits which may be identified by Tax Class 5, Doc Code 97. Backup withholding credits should be posted to the entity which will file the Forms 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of US Information Returns, and the 1099 series information returns.  (01-01-2009)
Selection of Credit Transfer Documents

  1. This section is meant to cover a wide range of debit-credit adjustments. Sort debit-credit adjustments as follows:

    • NMF to BMF

    • NMF to IMF

    • NMF to NMF Intra-SC

    • BMF to BMF

    • BMF to IMF

    • BMF to NMF

    • IMF to BMF

    • IMF to IMF

    • IMF to NMF

  2. Form 2424, Account Adjustment Voucher, should be used for transfers from one account to another. It may be used between Master File and Non-Master File. Prepare in two parts (credit and debit) for any of the above situations.

  3. Form 3809, Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher, is used for non-revenue receipt adjustments.

    1. There will also be occasions when this document is prepared as a "one sided" transfer, e.g., to substantiate credit transaction code 760 which cannot be located in Campus processing.

    2. When Form 3809 is used to reverse a substantiated credit previously allowed, make a copy of Form 3809. File this copy with the original Form 3809 used to allow the substantiated credit. Indicate why the credit was not found before being substantiated.

  4. In early 1989, the Excess Collection File (XSF) was automated. Form 8758, XSF Addition, is used exclusively for transfers into the 6800 Account, Excess Collections. The Form 8758's are processed in the Excess Collections Unit, and they are the only personnel with capabilities to apply money from the file. See Figure 3.17.243-59 for an example of a completed Form 8758. All entries known to the requestor of Form 8758 must be completed, Excess Collection money is Non-Revenue Receipts that are more than one year old. An exception is: true statue credits which net credit in Revenue Receipts, see IRM .

    1. Form 8758 must be used by everyone requesting a transfer into the XSF.

    2. Form 8758 should have documentation attached proving the existence of the credit to be added to the XSF as well as indicating the research performed prior to the transfer request. Incomplete packages will be returned to their requestor.


      Refer to IRM , Excess Collections, for any additional information regarding this file.

    Figure 3.17.243-59

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    Form 8758, Excess Collections File Addition  (01-01-2009)
Form 2424 (DRT24)

  1. General Explanation of Form 2424 follows.

    1. The Form 2424, Account Adjustment Voucher, is used for transferring money from one account to another.

    2. There are two parts to the Form 2424.

    3. The credit copy is part one. Enter all data for the account to be credited into the lower, unshaded boxes of the credit copy. Enter all data for the account to be debited into the upper, shaded boxes of the credit copy.

    4. On part two, which is the debit portion, data for the account to be credited will appear in shaded boxes and data for the account to be debited will appear in unshaded boxes.

    5. If both boxes apply to the same taxpayer, insert the name control only in the lower box. For NMF, the address is also required.

    6. Enter remarks and explanatory comments in the explanation box so the case can be readily understood without lengthy research during any subsequent reviews, such as for EFTPS payments and priority codes.


      Include Trace-ID Number in Remarks section.

  2. Prepare Form 2424 as follows (Figure 3.17.243-60). Only original Form 2424's will be accepted by Accounting. Any faxed Form 2424's received in Accounting will be rejected back to the requestor.


    "Exceptions:" The following two types of accounts will be accepted by accounting if faxed:

    1. Offer-in-Compromise cases: OIC is required to release Federal Tax Liens from the taxpayer accounts when the offer amount is paid in full. To expedite the process and to avoid undue burden to the taxpayer, Accounting has agreed to accept faxed Form 2424 from OIC.
    2. Taxpayer Advocate Office (TAO) cases: Taxpayer Advocate cases will be accepted by fax by Accounting to avoid the possibility of a hardship to the taxpayer.

    Figure 3.17.243-60

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 2424, Account Adjustment Voucher

    1. The requestor will not put in the DLN. The entry will be made here when the forms are separated and blocked for input. See for instructions on assignment and control of DLN.

    2. Enter the appropriate Area Office (AO).

    3. For Master File enter the first name line only. For NMF, the address is also required.

    4. Enter SSN, ITIN, IRSN or EIN that is to be debited. For MFT 58 or 78 SSN only, enter the Account Number Prefix "0" . Use a hyphen after the SSN. The DLN of an NMF Assessment, as applicable, can be entered in this area. When the adjustment action is to an NMF account on IDRS, enter an "N" after the TIN and the DLN of the NMF Assessment in the "Remarks" box.

    5. Insert the appropriate MFT codes. Do not enter NMF cross-reference MFT.

    6. Insert the tax period to be debited by using the six digit YYYYMM format.


      For tax period ending March 1980, enter 198003. Use the beginning date of tax period for Forms 11C and 2290 and for Forms 706 and 706NA use "000000" as the tax period. Use the ending date of tax period for all other returns.

    7. Enter the transaction date by using the 8-digit MMDDYYYY format. This should be the date of the original transaction that is now being reversed, transferred, adjusted, or corrected. Generally, this date (and the date of the transaction being reversed) may not be earlier than the beginning of the related Tax Period, or later than the date of input to the computer. To avoid the accrual of interest on late-filed returns, the transaction date is the received date or correspondence received date for the credit, rather than the due date. Transaction codes 650, 651, 660 or 661 on Doc Code 24, however, may carry dates earlier than the start of the Tax Period. The debit-portion and credit-portion Transaction Dates are usually the same. Be sure to use the correct date so that interest is computed correctly.

    8. Insert the appropriate debit Transaction Code. It must be valid for Document Code 24.

    9. Insert the money amount that is being transferred. These are pre-journalized amounts.

    10. The Secondary TC is normally used to code the credit account to assess collection costs (TC 360) or to freeze credits (TC 570) until a related Assessment is made.

    11. The Secondary amount is a non-prejournalized amount relating to the second TC, described above. When the second TC is 570, enter "Blank" in the secondary amount box.

    12. The Tertiary (third) TC must be in the debit and credit blocks when this field is used.

    13. The Tertiary Amount is a pre-journalized amount which is related to the Tertiary Code. Both debit and credit entries must be equal.

    14. Insert the taxpayer's name. If NMF, the address also must be included. Underline the name control in brown.

    15. Enter the SSN, ITIN, ATIN, IRSN or EIN that is to be credited.

    16. The Form 813 (2 part) amount should equal the total of the Primary and Tertiary Amounts.

    17. Enter the tax period that is to be credited.

    18. The transaction date should be same as in (g).

    19. Enter appropriate Designated Payment Code.

    20. Enter the appropriate credit TC. It must be valid for Document Code 24.

    21. Enter the same amount as in (i).

    22. Enter remarks and explanatory comments, in the explanation box, such as EFTPS payments and priority codes so that the case can be readily understood without lengthy research during any subsequent review.

    23. Enter the date the form is prepared.

    24. Enter the name, employee number, telephone extension of the individual initiating the document and area of preparation.

    25. The Spouse Indicator Code must be present with TC 892 when two names are present on the IMF account.

    26. The Bypass Indicator is currently used only to bypass Unpostable Codes 198 and 305.

  3. Scan the document to ensure accuracy of items such as tax period, tax class, transaction code, and transaction date. Circle in brown all unshaded NMF X-Reference boxes (debit or credit) so they will not be transcribed by ISRP.

  4. Route Form 2424 to the RACS Team for input.

  5. Send the NMF documents for posting to the NMF Team. Route the Form 813 for removal of the document from the SCCF.

  6. Send the Master File documents to Batching Team.

  7. Input of Command Code ADD24 on IDRS will display DRT24 Format.

    1. This format is used for two-sided credit transfer adjustments. All data initially displayed was stored from TXMOD.

    2. The Command Code includes On-Line Entity (OLE) and validation against the National Account Profiles, (NAP). If the correct entity is not input, the credit transfer will not be completed. Research must be done to find the correct TIN and Name/Name Control. You may use the research Command Code INOLE to view what is on the Master File. You may also use IMFOL/BMFOL to view the transactions posted to the Master File.

  8. Input a TC 570 on the module where the credit is being transferred so that a refund will not be generated or the credit offset to a module with an outstanding balance. The freeze condition will stay on the account until a TC 571 is input or an Assessment is input which brings the module to zero balance.  (01-01-2009)
Form 3809 (DRT48)

  1. A general explanation for Form 3809 follows.

    1. The Form 3809, Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher, is used for Non-Revenue Receipt credit transfers. The debit portion is shaded on the credit copy, Part One, and the credit portion is shaded on the debit copy, Part Two.

    2. The majority of Form 3809 credit transfers will be one-sided. This means that only one part of the transfer (debit or credit) is being posted to an individual taxpayer's account (Master File or Non-Master File). The other side is posted directly to a General Ledger Account and will be held as a back-up for the account.

    3. Forms 3809 will carry either Document Code 48 or 58, depending on the use. See IRM 3.27.68 for the proper codes.

  2. Preparation of Form 3809 (Figure 3.17.243-61). The Form 3809 generally requires the same elements of data as Form 2424. See

    Figure 3.17.243-61
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 3809, Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher

  3. Input of Command Code ADD48 on IDRS will display DRT48 Format.

    1. This format is used also for two-sided credit transfer adjustments. All data initially displayed has been stored from TXMOD.

    2. The Command Code includes "On-Line Entity" , (OLE), validation against the National Account Profile (NAP). If the correct entity is not input, the credit transfer will not be completed. Research must be done to find the correct TIN and Name/Name Control. You may use the research Command Code INOLE to view what is on the Master File.  (01-01-2009)
Assignment and Control of DLN

  1. Forms 2424 and 3809 must be input through ISRP in separate blocks. All vouchers should be sub-sorted as follows:

    1. Sort debit portions from credit portions of Forms 3809 and 2424.

    2. Sort documents by IMF accounts, BMF accounts, and NMF accounts.

    3. Sort NMF documents by Area Office. The Area Office (AO) code may be entered by the form's requestor in the top-left corner of the document; if it is not, use the taxpayer's address to determine the AO.

    4. Sort the documents by Tax Class.

    5. To prevent a ISRP BOB, do not allow vouchers with the same EIN, Tax Class and Tax Period to be assembled on consecutive sorts. Intersperse these documents with documents having different entities.  (01-01-2009)
Form 813

  1. Prepare Form 813, Document Register, for each block of 100 or less documents in each sub-sorted group See Figure 3.17.243-42.

  2. Enter the MFT of the following in the right corner of the "Date" box on the Form 813.

    Form MFT Code  
    1041 05  
    1065 06  
    5329 29  
    8752 15  

  3. List, on the Form 813, the amounts from the detail documents. List one or two amounts on each pre-numbered Form 813 line as follows.

    1. If a document contains a Primary and a Secondary amount but not a Tertiary amount, show both amounts (Primary first), but bracket the Secondary amount.


      Primary Secondary Serial Number
      100.00 (5.00) 03
      42.25 (5.00) 04
      1870.00 (18.00) 05

  4. If a document contains a Tertiary amount, include that amount in the first amount listed for the document. In the example above, the $100 shown for serial number 03 may have been shown on the document as a $98 Primary amount and a $2 Tertiary amount.

  5. Enter the totals of the listed amounts. Bracket the total of the Secondary amounts. Identify any debit amount total by entering "Dr" to the left of such total.

  6. If there are less than 100 documents listed for the block, show the document count by circling the pre-printed serial number on the line following the last amount listed.

  7. For Form 1041, 1065, and 8752 accounts, rubber stamp "BMF" at the top of the Form 813 and code the Form 813 with MFT 05, 06, and 15 respectively, in the right side of the date box. For Form 5329 accounts, rubber stamp "IRA" at the top of the Form 813 and code the Form 813 with MFT 29 in the right side of the date box.  (01-01-2009)
Numbering F2424 and F3809

  1. Imprint a DLN on each input Forms 2424 and 3809.

  2. Digits 1 and 2 are the File Location Code (Campus for Master File and Area Office (AO) for Non-Master File.)

  3. Enter the Tax Class in Digit 3 according to type of Master File. Tax class "6" is for Non-Master File.

  4. In Digits 4 and 5 enter the Document Code. Doc. Code "24" is used for Form 2424 and Doc. Code "48" is used for Form 3809, except when the transaction code on Form 3809 is not valid with Doc. Code 48. In this case Doc. Code "58" may be used. (Also, Doc. Code "87" may be used when processing the Non-Master File portion of a split remittance dishonored check.)

  5. In Digits 6 through 8 enter the Julian date. The Campus in which IDRS is utilized will use prior Saturday date and if all blocks are exhausted, prior Sunday date is used. When using Doc. Code "24" for a prior year credit transfer, use a Jjulian date before the current fiscal year October 1 Julian date. This will prevent the transfer from being included in the current year revenue receipts.

  6. Enter the block numbers in digits 9 through 11

    1. For Form 2424 and Form 3809 (BMF and IMF), use the appropriate numbers as shown inExhibit 3.17.243-9.

    2. For Forms 3809 (NMF), the first digit of the block number is the true Tax Class for both Doc. Codes 48 and 58. The second and third digits for Doc. Code 58 are restricted to 00 through 49.

  7. Block Numbers for Form 2424 (NMF Only)
    The first digit of the block number of NMF blocks is the true tax class. This first digit is utilized for subsequent abstracting and reporting purposes. Block as shown inExhibit 3.17.243-9.  (01-01-2009)
Requests for Account Adjustments

  1. Forms 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return, and 1041, U.S. Fiduciary Income Tax Return (For Estates and Trusts), and 1041ES, Estimated Income Tax for Fiduciaries, are received from Reject Correction Unit.

    1. Form 3473, Rejected Document Transmittal, is attached to each transmittal of Forms 1120 or 1041 returns from the Rejects Function.

    2. Form 3892, Corporation Edit Sheet, (ISRP Section 02), and Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip, are attached on the front of each Form 1120.

  2. Forms 3465, Adjustment Request, are received from various Functions within IRS.

  3. Requests for adjustments may also be received on the Optional Form 27, 2-Way Memo, from district and field offices. Annotate action taken on both original, and copy. Route copy to initiator. If TC 520 is present on the account, a "W" freeze is present. Route the request and/or any attached documents to CSCO for processing. Local routing procedures may vary.

  4. Cases are controlled by the control clerk.

    1. The control clerk will count and maintain the record of receipts and releases on the report.

    2. The control clerk will order MFTRA on IDRS only on jeopardy refunds. All other Forms 1120 are checked by the Parent-Subsidiary technicians.

  5. All Forms 1120, except short period returns, should indicate whether a "Form 3177" was prepared before being routed to Accounting.

    1. If there is no indication of "Form 3177" , input TC 590 with closing code 14 using FRM 49 for each subsidiary if transferring credits to the parent corporation.

    2. Note "Form 3177" on the return.

    3. If returns are frequently received without the "Form 3177" notation, refer to your supervisor so that the Processing Division can be notified of the deficiency.  (01-01-2009)
Parent-Subsidiary Cases

  1. Do not transfer subsidiary corporation prepayments to a parent corporation until a consolidated Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return, is filed. When such credits are transferred, the transfer and other related actions described below will be initiated and controlled by the Campus with which the consolidated return is filed.

  2. Locate and verify credits claimed on line 32 of Form 1120.

    1. Check IDRS for credits using Command Code SUMRY, on the Parent. If the credit is found, bring up the account using Command Code TXMODA. Look for the TC 590 or TC 599. If the account is not on IDRS, request data from the Master File to verify credits claimed using BMFOL, BRTVU or one of the other CFOL research Command Codes. Annotate the log or local worksheet document. Examine the account transcript when received to locate the credit claimed by the parent corporation.

    2. Use Form 851, Affiliations Schedule, and Schedule-K to help locate credits from subsidiary taxpayers. Compare amounts claimed on F-851 with credits available as shown on the transcripts.

    3. Backup withholding may be present on line 32-F of Form 1120. No substantiation (Form 1099 Series) is required for entry of backup withholding on line 32-F. Since Regulated Investment Credit is normally entered on this line, the absence of an attached Form 2439, Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains, may indicate an entry is backup withholding.  (01-01-2009)
Transferring Credits

  1. Transfer a credit to the correct module if necessary. Use IDRS whenever possible, since only IDRS will provide a cross-reference audit trail for Document Codes 24 and 48.

  2. Format DRT24 is used for transferring credits when a secondary transaction code is required. Format DRT 48 is used for transferring carry over or other non-revenue receipt items. Format FRM 34 is used for transferring credits within a Master File when no secondary codes are required.

  3. Use format DRT24 to move the credits to a module for any return that has not posted.

  4. Format DRT24 is used for transferring credits when a secondary transaction code is required. Format DRT48 is used for transferring carry overs or other non-revenue receipt items. Format FRM34 is used for transferring credits within a Master File when no secondary codes are required.

  5. If the parent return has already posted, use CC FRM34.

    1. Use Subsidiary Code 1 if moving estimated credits from the subsidiary account to the parent corporation account with CC FRM34. If there is a credit on the module, a (para/sub cr) transcript will generate unless a TC 599 is present. If a TC 570 is required, overlay the C Credit Freeze Code on Line 7 position 40 with a 1 to generate the 570. This must be reversed at a later date.

    2. This transcript will remind the para/sub clerk that a credit remains on the account.

    3. If the subsidiary corporation is liable for the period in question, take no action. If the subsidiary corporation is not liable, the credit should be resolved by either transferring the credit to a liable period or refunding to the parent corporation.

    4. Use subsidiary code "0" for other transfers of Form 1120 estimated payments.

    5. In all other cases, leave the subsidiary code blank.

  6. Check for any debit balances on the subsidiary accounts before transferring to the parent corporation account.

  7. If IDRS shows a rejected TC 620 with the needed credit amount, notify the Reject Team that the credit is needed on the module. Notate the Form 1120 worksheet and close the case.

  8. If Unpostable Code 305 or 307 is present on the account, hand carry the return to the Unpostables Team to be corrected.

  9. Prepare FRM49:

    1. If Document Perfection has not indicated "Form 3177" in the margin of a consolidated return or there was not a TC 590 or TC 599 on the TXMOD, input TC 590 with closing code 14 using FRM49.

    2. Adjustment action is necessary when the subsidiary return (TC 150) has posted, but the parent corporation assumes liability for the period and claims credit.

    3. Input TC 470 on the subsidiary module.

    4. Transfer the credit to the parent corporation account.

    5. Prepare Form 3465 Adjustment Request, to abate the tax liability on the subsidiary amount.  (01-01-2009)
Credit Verification

  1. If the credits found do not agree with the credits claimed on the return, contact the requestor for an explanation.

    1. First check the available information closely.

    2. The missing credit may have been used elsewhere or previously refunded to the taxpayer or a debit may have been created by a misapplied credit.

    3. If it is necessary to verify a claimed credit, ask requestor to provide (copy) front and back of check . Hold the case open until it is received and traced. Input on IDRS the appropriate status code to the tax period.  (01-01-2009)
Short Period Forms 1120

  1. Short period returns occur for several reasons:

    1. A business consolidates to form a new corporation.

    2. A taxpayer goes out of business.

    3. A taxpayer has approval to change fiscal year accounting period.

  2. These returns are received from rejects and controlled in the same manner as the consolidated corporation returns.

    1. Correct the Fiscal Year month and filing requirement, if necessary, before moving credits.

    2. Input secondary TC 570 to freeze module from offsetting or refunding the credit. Input a TC 571 if a credit balance remains after the return posts.

    3. Assign short periods on IDRS as IRRQ with ACTON.

    4. Verify credits when transferring to the short period. If condition codes Y and F are not present, use ENMOD and ENREQ, which generate BNCHG to change the Fiscal Year month to set up the period.

    5. Transfer credit and return Form 1120 to the Reject Team. Because of the NAP Validation of the Credit Transfer Command Codes, there should be fewer unpostables. If the transaction unpost, it must be corrected immediately.

    6. If excess credits are shown in IDRS, transfer only the amount claimed on the return.

    7. For refunds with a transfer to debit balance, do not change line amounts on the Form 1120 return.

  3. Procedures for researching and transferring credits and for releasing refunds are the same as for consolidated returns.  (01-01-2009)
Form 1120 and Form 1041 Manual Refunds

  1. Forms 1120 and 1041 manual refunds are routed to Accounting when the 45 day interest free period is in jeopardy. The Credit and Accounts Transfer Team will request a transcript to verify the ES credits claimed on the return. If the credits are the same as claimed on the return, initiate Manual Refund procedures as prescribed in IRM and IRM 21.4.4.

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