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3.12.251  Corporation Income Tax Returns (Cont. 3) 
Math/Consistency Errors—Priority IV  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 108 - Check Tax Period of Fields 08ODC and 08ESC

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 108 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    08ODC Orphan Drug Credit
    08ESC Employee Stock Credit  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 108 Invalid Conditions

  1. Tax Period is prior to 198301 or 199512 thru 199606 and Orphan Drug Credit is present.

  2. Tax Period is prior to 198301 or after 198711 and Employee Stock Credit is present.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 108 Correction Procedures

  1. Refer to the return for the correct tax period and to determine if the entries in Field 08ODC or Field 08ESC are valid or misplaced entries.

    If Then
    a. The tax period was incorrectly edited or transcribed, Perfect the tax period.
    b. The tax period is prior to 198301 or 199512 thru 199606 and Orphan Drug Credit (Field 08ODC) is present, Delete the Orphan Drug Credit.
    c. The tax period is prior to 198301 or after 198711 and Employee Stock Credit (Field 08ESC) is present, Delete the Employee Stock Credit.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 110 - Check Tax Period of Fields 08LIH, 08RLI and 08ENV

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 110 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    08LIH Low-Income Housing Credit
    08RLI Recaptured Low-Income Housing Credit
    08ENV Environmental Tax


    The literal "Section XX not present" will display if no entries are in a specific section.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 110 Invalid Conditions

  1. Tax Period is prior to 198701 and Low-Income Housing Credit (Field 08LIH) and/or Recaptured Low-Income Housing Credit (Field 08RLI) and/or Environmental Tax (Field 08ENV) (Prior to 198701 or after 199611) is present.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 110 Correction Procedures

  1. Refer to the return for the correct tax period and to determine if the displayed entry is valid or a misplaced entry.

    If Then
    a. The tax period is incorrect, Make the necessary corrections.
    b. The tax period is prior to 198701 and Low-Income Housing Credit is present Delete Field 08LIH.
    c. The tax period is prior to 198701 and Recaptured Low-Income Housing Credit is present Delete Field 08RLI.
    d. The tax period is prior to 198701 and later than 199611 and the Environmental Tax is present Delete Field 08ENV.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 112 - Check Tax Period of Field 08PYM

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 112 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    08PYM Prior Year Minimum Tax Credit  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 112 Invalid Condition

  1. Tax period is prior to 198801 and Prior Year Minimum Tax Credit (Field 08PYM) is present.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 112 Correction Procedures

  1. Refer to the return for the correct tax period and to determine if the entry in Field 08PYM is valid or a misplaced entry.

  2. If the tax period is incorrect, make the necessary changes.

  3. If the tax period on the return agrees with the tax period on the screen, delete the amount in Field 08PYM.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 114 - Check Section 04 Amounts against Field 03CGC

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 114 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    03CGC Control Group/Personal Service Code
    04TB1 First Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB2 Second Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB3 Third Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB4 Fourth Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB5 Fifth Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB6 Sixth Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB7 Seventh Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04AT1 Control Group Additional 5% Amount
    04AT2 Control Group Additional 3% Amount


    The literal "Section 03 not present" will display if no entries are in section 03.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 114 Invalid Condition

  1. Taxable Income Bracket amounts or Controlled Group Additional Tax amount(s) is significant and Control Group/Personal Service Code is other than "1" . See IRM if the Control Group Code is "4" .  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 114 Correction Procedures

  1. Check all displayed fields on the return for coding and/or transcription errors and correct accordingly.

  2. If Field 03CGC is other than "1" and there are significant entries in the Taxable Brackets, check for Schedule O, an apportionment plan or schedule to verify the entries. If they are valid entries, enter a "1" in Field 03CGC. If they are not valid entries, delete them.

  3. Enter Code "2" whether or not the box is checked and the taxpayer has computed the tax at a flat rate of 35%.

  4. If the box on line 1 and the box on line 2, Schedule J are both checked and you are unable to determine the correct code based on (1), or (2) above, enter Code "2" and delete any Taxable Income Bracket Amounts and Control Group Additional Amounts.A controlled group does not have to use the bracket amounts. Check for an apportionment plan.


    A Personal Service Corporation is a corporation whose principle activity is the performance of personal services that are substantially performed by employee-owners in the fields of health, law, engineering, architecture, accounting, actuarial science, performing arts, or consulting.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 116 - Check Taxable Income Bracket Amounts

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 116 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    04TB1 First Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB2 Second Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB3 Third Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB4 Fourth Taxable Income Bracket Amount  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 116 Invalid Conditions

  1. The First, Second, Third, or Fourth Taxable Income Bracket Amount is not within the valid range of zero to $25,000.00.

  2. The tax period is later than 198805 and any or all of the displayed Taxable Income Bracket Amounts are significant.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 116 Correction Procedures

  1. If the amount in any of the Fields 04TB1 through 04TB4 is greater than $25,000, reduce to $25,000.

  2. Refer to the return for the correct tax period and make any corrections, if applicable.

  3. If the correct tax period is after 198805, delete any amounts in Fields 04TB1–04TB4.

  4. If any of the amounts are less than zero, delete the amounts.

  5. If the correct tax period is between 197901 and 198805 and amounts are present on the form for these fields, enter the amounts in the appropriate field.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 118 - Check Taxable Income Bracket Amounts 5 - 7

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 118 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    04TB5 Fifth Taxable Income Bracket
    04TB6 Sixth Taxable Income Bracket
    04TB7 Seventh Taxable Income Bracket Amount  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 118 Invalid Conditions

  1. The amount in Field 04TB5 is not within the valid range of zero to $50,000.

  2. The amount in Field 04TB6 is not within the valid range of zero to $25,000.

  3. The amount in Field 04TB7 is not within the valid range of zero and $9,925,000.

  4. The tax period is prior to 198707 and one or both of the Fifth and Sixth Taxable Income Bracket amount is significant.

  5. The tax period is prior to 199301 and the Seventh Taxable Income Bracket amount is significant.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 118 Correction Procedures

  1. Refer to the return for the correct tax period and to determine if the entries in Fields 04TB5, 04TB6 or 04TB7 are valid or misplaced entries.

    If Then
    a. The tax period is incorrect, Make the necessary changes.
    b. The tax period is prior to 198707 and Fields 04TB5, 04TB6, and/or 04TB7 are significant, Delete the amounts.
    c. The tax period is prior to 199301 and Field 04TB7 is significant, Delete the amount.
    d. The amount in Field 04TB5 is more than $50,000, Reduce it to $50,000.
    e. The amount in Field 04TB6 is more than $25,000, Reduce it to $25,000.
    f. The amount in Field 04TB7 is more than $9,925,000, Reduce it to $9,925,000.
    g. The amount in Field 04TB5, 04TB6 or 04TB7 is negative, Delete the amount.


    If Error Code 174 occurs, send TPNC 05.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 120 - Check Tax Period of Fields 03ABL, 04AT1 and 04AT2

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 120 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    S03NP Section 03 not present
    03ABL ABLM Code
    S04NP Section 04 not present
    04AT1 Control Group Additional 5% Tax
    04AT2 Control Group Additional 3% Tax  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 120 Invalid Conditions

  1. Tax period is prior to 198812 and ABLM Code is "400."

  2. Tax period is prior to 198812 and the Control Group Additional 5% Tax is significant.

  3. Tax period is prior to 199301 and the Control Group Additional 3% Tax is significant.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 120 Correction Procedures

  1. Refer to the return for the correct tax period, to determine if "400" is the correct ABLM code, or to determine if the amount in Fields 04AT1 and/or Field 04AT2 are valid or misplaced entries.

  2. If the tax period is incorrect, make the necessary changes.

  3. If the tax period is prior to 198812 and the Document Code is 11, delete Field 03ABL and SSPND with Action Code "610" for renumbering.

  4. If the tax period is prior to 198812, delete Field 04AT1 and/or Field 04AT2.

  5. If the tax period is prior to 199301, delete Field 04AT2.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 122 - Check Tax Period of Sections 15-18 Fields

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 122 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    15TG> Total Gas Tax Credit Generated
    15A01–15A12 First-Twelfth Credit amounts reported on Form 4136
    15C01–15C12 First-Twelfth CRN reported on Form 4136
    16A01-16A12 Thirteenth- Twenty-fourth Credit amounts reported on Form 4136
    16C01-16C12 Thirteenth- Twenty-fourth CRN reported on Form 4136
    S17DP Section 17 Present
    S18DP Section 18 Present
  2. Invalid Condition:

    • The tax period and CRN reported are not valid. See all valid CRN and tax periods below:

      CRN Valid Period
      306 200601 and later
      307 200601 and later
      309 200601 and later
      310 200601 and later
      318 199708 and prior
      324 199701 and later
      346 199801 and later
      347 199801 and later
      350 199801 and later
      352 199401 and later
      353 All
      354 All
      355 All
      356 199301 thru 200511
      357 199301 thru 200511
      359 199301 thru 200511
      360 All
      361 199401 and later
      362 199401 and later
      363 199301 thru 200511
      369 199401 and later
      375 199301 thru 200511
      376 199301 thru 200511
      377 199301 and later
      388 200501 and later
      390 200501 and later
      393 200501 and later
      394 200501 and later
      395 200501-200708
      411 200601 and later
      412 200601 and later
      413 200601 and later
      414 200601 and later
      415 200601 and later
      416 200601 and later
      417 200601 and later
      418 200601 and later
      419 200610 and later
      420 200610 and later
      421 200610 and later
      422 200610 and later
      423 200610 and later
      424 200610 and later
      425 200610 and later
      426 200610 and later
      427 200610 and later
      428 200610 and later
      429 200610 and later
      430 200610 and later
      431 200610 and later
      432 200610 and later
      433 200510 and later
      434 200510 thru 200712

    • Claim amount is present, CRN is not present.

    • A CRN is present, but no coordinating amount is present.

  3. Correction Procedures:

    1. Refer to the return for correct tax period and determine if the entry is valid or a misplaced entry.

    2. Make necessary corrections to tax period if necessary, in the correct format (YYYYMM).

    3. If an amount is present for an invalid tax period, delete the field.

    4. If the tax period is 2000 or prior

      If Tax Period is 2000 or prior and CRN is Then convert to CRN
      301 362
      302 356
      303 360
      304 361
      305 353
      307 324
      310 369
      312 359  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 130 - Check Fields 03PNC and 03PIN against Field 03K04

  1. The screen will display as follows:

    Field Display Meaning
    03K04 Affiliated Group Code
    03PNC Parent Name Control
    03PIN Parent EIN  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 130 Invalid Condition

  1. Field 03K04 is "1" or "3" and Field 03PNC and/or Field 03PIN is blank.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 130 Correction Procedures

  1. Correct any coding and transcription errors.

    If Then
    a. Transcription and coding are not correct, Overlay screen with the correct information.
    b. The Parent Name Control is not present, Search the return and attachments for a valid Parent Name Control.
    c. The Parent Name Control is found, Enter in Field 03PNC and line 4, Schedule K.
    d. The Parent Name control is not found, Enter "XXXX" in Field 03PNC and line 4, Schedule K.
    e. The Parent EIN is not present, Search the return and attachments for a valid EIN.
    f. A number is found and it is not equal to Field 01EIN and is not an SSN, Enter in Field 03PIN and line 4, Schedule K.
    g. A statement or Affiliations Schedule is found which shows the parent EIN to be the same as Field 01 EIN, "Delete the entry in" Field 03K04.
    h. No EIN is found, Enter 129999999 in field 03PIN and on line 4, Schedule K.

  2. For 1991 prior year returns and forms, delete entry in Field 03K04.

  3. When line 4, Schedule K is answered "Yes" on 1992 returns, change 4a to a, and line through b.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 150 - Check Fields 04TAE, 05TR> and 11TAE

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 150 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    CL Clear Code
    01CCC Computer Condition Code
    04TAE Total Assets-End
    0501A Gross Receipts
    0504 Dividends
    0505 Interest
    0506 Rents
    0507 Royalties
    0508 Capital Gain Net Income
    0509 Net Gain/Loss
    0510 Other Income Amount
    05TR> Total Receipts Computer
    0511 Total Income
    06TOT Total Deductions
    11TNE Trade Notes Accounts Receivable-End
    11LTE Loans to Shareholders End
    11DAE Depreciable Assets Less Depreciation Ending
    11TAB Total Assets-Begin
    11TAE Total Assets-Ending
    11CLO Current Liabilities Ending
    11LFE Loans From Shareholders End
    11OLE Other Liabilities End
    11CSE Capital Stock-End
    11REB Retained Earnings-Begin
    11TLE Total Liabilities and Equity End


    The literal "Section XX not present" will display if no entries are in a specific section.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 150 Invalid Condition

  1. Error Code 150 will generate when Total Assets Ending (Field 11TAE) is not present, and

    1. Total Assets End (Field 04TAE), is equal to or greater than $250,000, or

    2. Total Receipts (Field 05TR>) is equal to or greater than $250,000.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 150 Correction Procedures

  1. Correct all coding and transcription errors

    If Then
    • Field 05TR> (Total Receipts Computer) and Field 04TAE (Total Assets End) are both less than $250,000

    • The taxpayer indicates, "No Balance Sheet" , "Single Entry" , "See Books" , or "Balance Sheet Not Available"

    • The "Cash" box is checked (Form 1120, Schedule K, Line 1a, or Form 1120-A, Page 1, Box F(1))

    • The taxpayer has entered zero, dash, none, or N/A on Form 1120, Schedule L, line 15d, or Form 1120-A, Part III, line 12b.

    • The "Yes" box is checked on Schedule K, line 13.

    • Return indicates Final or Amended

    1. Enter a "C" in the Clear Code field.
    2. Do not correspond for a Balance Sheet.
    If none of the above conditions apply Check for a Balance Sheet (Form 1120, Schedule L or Form 1120-A, Part III) .
    The Balance Sheet has entries 1. GTSEC 11 if "Section 11 not present" .
    2. Input the appropriate fields. See Exhibit 3.12.251-3, Form 1120 or See Exhibit 3.12.251-4, Form 1120-A
    3. When possible, compute Field 11TAE if the return shows no amount for Total Assets Ending (Form 1120, Schedule L, line 15d, or Form 1120-A, Part III, line 12b).
    Enter the result in Field 11TAE.
    A consolidated return has multiple Balance Sheets attached. Enter the information for Section 11 from the Balance Sheet with the largest Total Assets Ending.
    The taxpayer has included a non-IRS Balance Sheet or an attachment that shows the Balance Sheet information. Input all available Section 11 fields.
    All available entries have been correctly entered in Section 11 and the correct amount for Field 11TAE (Total Assets Ending) cannot be determined. Enter a "C" in the Clear Code field.
    The Balance Sheet amounts are not present If Total Assets End (Field 04TAE) is equal to or greater than $250,000, or Total Receipts (Field 05TR>) is equal to or greater than $250,000, correspond for Balance Sheet by using Action Code "211" if Code & Edit has not already done so.
    No reply Enter a "C" in the Clear Code field.  (06-29-2006)
Error Code 160 - Math Verify Total Income and Total Deductions Amounts

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 160 will display fields

    Field Display Meaning
    03MIC Missing Schedule Code
    0501A Gross Receipts
    0501B Returns and Allowances
    0501C > Net Receipts-Computer Generated
    0502 Cost of Goods Sold
    0503> Gross Profits-Computer Generated
    0504 Dividends
    0505 Interest
    0506 Rents
    0507 Royalties
    0508 Capital Gain Net Income
    0509 Net Gain/Loss
    0510 Other Income
    0511 Total Income
    >>>> Total Income-Computer Generated
    06COF Compensation of Officers
    06SAW Salaries and Wages
    06REP Repairs and maintenance Deduction
    06BD Bad Debts Deduction
    06REN Rent Deduction
    06TAX Taxes Deduction
    06INT Interest Deduction
    06CHR Charitable Deduction
    06DPR Depreciation Deduction
    06DPL Depletion Deduction
    06ADV Advertising Deduction
    06PEN Pension Plans Deduction
    06CON Employee Benefit Plans
    06DOM Domestic Production Activities
    06OTH Other Deductions
    06TOT Total Deductions
    >>>> Total Deductions-Computer Generated
    06NI> Net Income Before NOLD-Computer Generated
    06NOL Net Operating Loss Deduction
    06SPD Special Deductions
    >>>> Special Deductions-Computer Generated
    06TI> Taxable Income-Computer Generated


    The literal "Section XX not present" will display if no entries are in a specific section  (06-29-2006)
Error Code 160 Invalid Conditions

  1. This condition occurs due to a taxpayer's math error.

  2. Error Code 160 will generate if line 11, Total Income amount (Field 0511) differs ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ from the amount the computer generated using the sum of lines 1c through line 10 of the Form 1120/1120-A return.


    This amount may be positive or negative.

  3. Error Code 160 will generate if line 27, Total Deductions amount (Field 06TOT), differs ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ from the computer generated amount of Total Deductions.


    This amount may be positive or negative.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 160 Correction Procedures

  1. When Taxable Income is adjusted because of this Error Code, check to see whether the adjustment will change a Net Operating Loss Carryover. If Taxable Income is increased, check for taxpayer worksheet for excess NOLD. If the loss carryover will be changed by at least a ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ to the taxpayer, prepare Letter 3833C. Explain the adjustment and specify the corrected loss carryover amount.

  2. TOTAL INCOME— Check all displayed fields against the return for transcription errors or misplaced entries and make sure all line items were transcribed correctly. When there are no transcription errors, check the attachments to make sure all line items were transcribed correctly, and make necessary changes. The computer uses the following formula to compute Total Income: Field 0501A − 0501B − 0502 + 0504 + 0505 + 0506 + 0507 + 0508 + 0509 + 0510.

    If Then
    a. Any negative amounts in Fields 0504 through 0507, Include the negative amounts to Field 0510.
    b. The only income is "Taxable Income" on line 30 and no detailed schedule is found, Enter the amount in Field 0501A and on line 1a.
    c. There is an entry on line 1c and either 1a or 1b are not present, Compute the other line and enter the result in the appropriate field.
    d. The taxpayer is adding 1b and 1a to equal 1c, Check the attachments to verify the taxpayers intent. Add line 1b to 1a, change Field 0501A and delete Field 0501B.
    e. The taxpayer has an entry on line 3 (Gross Profits) and line 1c is blank, Add lines 2 and 3. Enter on line 1a and Field 0501A.
    f. The only entry is line 3, Enter the line 3 amount in line 1a and Field 0501A.
    g. The return is a prior year, Add Interest on U.S. Obligations to Interest and Field 0505.
    h.≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ and Schedule D is missing, Enter Missing Schedule Code 32 in Field 03MIC.


    Field 0508 can never be a loss. A negative amount will be changed to a positive figure by the computer.

    i. Line 8 shows a negative amount and Schedule D is a true Capital Loss
    1. Line 30 F1120 (line 26 F1120-A) is a negative amount after line 8 has been deleted

    2. Line 30 is positive after line 8 has been deleted

    Change line 8 and Field 0508 to zero
    1. Issue Letter 3833C

    2. Send TPNC 15 if Error Code 174 displays


    Check for excess NOL before sending TPNC.

    j. The loss is on a F4797, It should be considered an ordinary loss and moved to Field 0509.
    k. If the amount reported on line 8 (Field 0508) can be determined as a loss which should have been reported on a Form 4797, Enter the amount in Field 0509 and delete that amount from Field 0508.
    l. The taxpayer quotes Section 582 or says the loss is due to worthlessness of bonds (or other evidence of indebtedness) Move the amount to line 15 (Bad Debts) and Field 06BD.
    m. The loss is on the sale or a similar explanation and exchange of such security (by a bank, etc.), Move the amount to Other Deductions, Field 06OTH.
    n. Field 0509 is ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ is missing, Enter Missing Schedule Code 35 in Field 03MIC.
    o. The only income is Total Income on line 11 and no detailed schedule is found, Enter the amount in Field 0501A and on line 1a.
    p. There are no transcription errors and the attachments have been verified, Enter the computer generated amount on line 11 and in Field 0511 in dollars only. If Error Code 174 generates, send TPNC 01.

  3. Total Deductions

    1. Check all displayed fields against the return for transcription errors or misplaced entries, and make necessary corrections.

    2. If there are no transcription errors, check the attachments to make sure all line items were transferred correctly.

    3. The computer uses the following fields to determine Total Deductions: 06COF + 06SAW + 06REP + 06BD + 06REN + 06TAX + 06INT + 06CHR + 06DPR + 06DPL + 06ADV + 06PEN + 06CON + 06OTH = 06TOT

    If Then
    a. Any deduction fields other than 06BD are negative, Add it to field 06OTH as a negative.
    b. Fields 06DPL, 06ADV, 06PEN or 06CON are present on a Form 1120-A, Check for transcription errors. If the taxpayer is using these specific line items, delete from specific fields and include in Field 06OTH
    c. Line 27 (line 23, Form 1120-A) has a notation "PALA" (Passive Activity Loss Amount), Subtract this amount from Field 06OTH, or enter in Field 06OTH as a negative if Field 06OTH is blank.
    d. The only deductions are "Total Deductions" on line 27 and no detailed schedule is found, Enter the amount in Field 06OTH.
    e. All lines have been transcribed correctly and the taxpayer truly made a math error, Bring up the underprinted amount for Field 06TOT in dollars and cents. If Error Code 174 generates, send TPNC 09.

  4. Field 06COF—is transcribed from line 12. On Form 1120 this amount is transferred from line 4, Schedule E, page 2.

  5. Fields 06SAW—is transcribed from line 13 on Forms 1120/1120-A. It is the total salaries and wages paid or incurred for the year less the employment credits.

  6. Field 06NI>—is Net income before NOLD. This field is computer generated and is not correctable. It is used to compare the taxpayer's and computer's figures for net income.

  7. Field 06NOL—represents the taxpayer's net operating loss deduction. If NOL is adjusted by $500.00 or more because of a change in the taxable income, no math error notice will be sent, prepare letter 3833C. Explain the adjustment and specify corrected loss carryover amount.

  8. Field 06SPD—represents the taxpayer's special deduction. See Error Code 170 for further instructions.

  9. Field 06TI—is the Taxable Income-Computer. This field is computer generated and is not correctable. It is used to compare the taxpayer's and computer's figures for taxable income.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 164 - Check Reserve Code

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 164 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    03RVC Reserve Code
    08ODC Orphan Drug Credit
    >>>>> Orphan Drug Credit Computer Generated


    The literal "Section XX not present" will display if there are no entries in a specific section.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 164 Invalid Condition

  1. Reserve Code is other than blank, "1" or "4" .  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 164 Correction Procedures

  1. Transcription for Field 03RVC is from line 22 of the Edit Sheet. Valid codes are "1, 4, and blank" . Reserve Code "3" is computer generated.

  2. Verify that Orphan Drug Credit is present and in Field 08ODC (199511 and prior). If it is in the correct field, delete Reserve Code "3" . If present, but in the wrong field, move to Field 08ODC and delete Reserve Code "3" . ( Valid for tax periods 198301 thru 199511 and 199607 and subsequent)  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 166 - Check Control Group Code

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 166 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    CL Clear Code
    01TXP Tax Period
    03CGC Control Group/Personal Service Code
    04TB1 First Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB2 Second Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB3 Third Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB4 Fourth Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB5 Fifth Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    04TB6 Sixth Taxable Income Bracket Amount
    06TI> Taxable Income-Computer Generated
    07GIT Gross Income Tax
    >>>> Gross Income Tax-Computer Generated
    07GVT Gross Verified Tax


    The literal "Section XX not present" will display if there are no entries in a specific section.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 166 Invalid Condition

  1. The Control Group Code is "1" , the tax period is 198412–198811, ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 166 Correction Procedures

  1. Correct any coding or transcription errors.

  2. If the tax period is 198412 through 198805 and Taxable Income Brackets amounts are present on Schedule J, F1120, enter the amounts in Fields 04TB1 and 04TB4. DIS will not transcribe these amounts since they are not included in the current version of Form 1120; they must be entered by Error Correction.

  3. If the Taxable Income Brackets are blank and there is no statement of apportionment, correspond for the income bracket information using Letter 118C. If the taxpayer does not reply enter a "C" in the clear code field.

  4. If the Taxable Income Brackets are zeros, follow the instructions below.

  5. If Field 03CGC contains a "1" the tax period is 198412 through 198805, and the Taxable Income of the controlled group is $1,000,000 or more, the return will require manual verification of the Additional 5% Tax amount. In addition to paying its regular tax, this taxpayer will pay an additional tax equal to the lesser of 5% of its Taxable Income that exceeds $1,000,000, or $20,250.

  6. If Field 03CGC contains a "1" the tax period is 198806–198811, and the Taxable Income of the controlled group is $100,000 or more, the return will require manual verification of the Additional 5% Tax amount. In addition to paying its regular tax, this taxpayer will pay an additional tax equal to the lesser of 5% of its Taxable Income that exceeds $100,000, or $11,750.

  7. The computer will not compute this additional tax for controlled groups since Taxable Income of each group member will not be transcribed. The computer will only compute the tax as if the corporation's Taxable Income is less than $1,000,000 (i.e. without the additional 5% surtax; regardless of the amount of taxable income). However, controlled groups have been instructed to include their computations of this additional tax with their tax returns.

    1. If the computation is attached, verify the taxpayers arithmetic. Accept if correct, (do not question the method the taxpayer used to determine the amount of the additional 5% tax). If the math is incorrect make all necessary corrections.

    2. If no computation is attached and the amount in Field 07GIT is greater than the underprint, then enter the taxpayer's tax to Field 07GVT. If no computation is attached and the amount in Field 07GIT is less than the underprint, accept the computer's amount as the correct amount. Enter a "C" in the Clear Code field. Error Code 174 will display.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 168 - Check Charitable Deductions

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 168 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    01TXP Tax Period
    03SDC Special Deduction Code
    0511 Total Income
    >>>> Total Income Computer
    06CHR Charitable Contributions
    >>>> Charitable Contributions Computer Generated
    06TOT Total Deductions
    06NOL Net Operating Loss Deduction
    06SPD Special Deductions
    >>>> Special Deductions Computer Generated


    The literal "Section 03 not present" will display if there are no entries in Section 03.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 168 Invalid Condition

  1. Charitable Contributions are ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Total Income and Total Deductions are correct, and Special Deduction Code "2" or "3" is not present.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 168 Correction Procedures

  1. Transcription for Field 06CHR is from line 19, page 1. Charitable Contributions will underprint when the maximum allowable amount exceeds ten percent (five percent 198211 and prior) of Taxable Income Before NOLD less NOL carryover less capital loss carryovers plus Contributions. The computer uses the following formula to calculate the total allowable Charitable Contributions deduction but allows a ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ (0511– 06TOT — 06NOL + 06CHR x 10% = MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE CONTRIBUTIONS).


    Whenever EC 168 generates, verify if TP has an entry on line 25 (Form 1120) or line 21 (Form 1120-A). If so refigure 10% limitation by using 0511-06TOT-06NOL+ 06DOM+ 06CHR= Maximum allowable contributions.

    a. Transcription and coding are not correct, Overlay the screen display with the correct information.
    b. Line 30, F1120, or line 26, F1120-A, is zero, blank or negative. Form 1120:
    1. Look for a taxpayer worksheet attached indicating the presence of unused net operating loss carryover, or if the response to question 12, Schedule K, page 3, F1120, is larger than the entry in Field 06NOL, increase the line 29a amount and Field 06NOL by the amount of unused net operating loss carryover.

    Form 1120-A:
    1. Look for a taxpayer worksheet indicating the presence of unused net operating loss carryover, and increase the line 25a amount, and Field 06NOL, by the amount of unused net operating loss carryover.


    If TP has an entry for domestic production activities on line 25 (Form 1120) or line 21 (Form 1120-A), put a "2" in field 03SDC to clear the return.

    c. There is no unused net operating loss carryover/carry forward to clear the record, Overlay Field 06CHR with the computer's amount for contributions and transmit. This will cause Error Code 160 to display. Bring up the underprint for 06TOT. If Error Code 174 displays send TPNC 03.


    If TP has an entry for domestic production activities on line 25 (Form 1120) or line 21 (Form 1120-A), put a "2" in Field 03SDC to clear the return.

    d. The taxpayer has used a net operating loss carryback, capital loss carryback, or a Section 249 or 250 deduction in computing the contribution limitation, Enter "2" in the Special Deduction Code Field 03SDC to clear the return.
    e. The return is for a short period beginning in 1982 or subsequent. Verify that the contributions are correct and the amount in Field 06CHR is transcribed correctly and enter "2" in Field 03SDC to force the computer to bypass the computation.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 170 - Check Special Deductions

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 170 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    NC Notice Code
    01TXP Tax Period
    03ABL ABLM Code
    03SDC Special Deduction Code
    06NI> Taxable Income Before NOLD Computer Generated
    06NOL Net Operating Loss Deduction
    06SPD Special Deductions
    >>>> Special Deductions Computer Generated
    06TI> Taxable Income


    The literal "Section 03 not present" will display if there are no entries in Section 03.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 170 Invalid Condition

  1. Special Deductions are out of tolerance, Gross Tax is out of tolerance and Special Deductions Code "1" or "3" is not present.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 170 Correction Procedures

  1. Check all fields for any transcription errors or misplaced entries and correct as appropriate.

  2. Transcription for Field 06SPD is from line 29b, Form 1120 (line 25b Form 1120-A) and is the taxpayer's computation from page 2, Schedule C, line 20 (Form 1120 only).

  3. A different amount will underprint at this checkpoint only when Gross Income Tax is outside tolerance and the amount transcribed for Special Deductions (Field 06SPD) exceeds 80% (70% for Form 1120-A) of the computer's computation of Net Income Before NOLD. However, if a corporation meets certain conditions, the 80% limitation of Taxable Income does not apply.

  4. Check for waiver conditions listed in "a through g" below. If found, enter Special Deductions Code "1" in Field 03SDC. If Form 1120, line 29b, contains an amount but there are no deductions in Schedule C, enter Special Deduction Code 1, if line 30 is negative. If F1120, line 30 is not negative send TPNC 07.

    1. The most common waiver condition is when a corporation sustains a Net Operating Loss for the taxable year. To determine whether a Net Operating Loss has occurred, compute Special Deductions as follows. Take the total on line 9, column C of Schedule C and subtract this amount from taxable income, line 28, page 1. If this results in a Net Operating Loss, enter a "1" in Field 03SDC.

    2. On Form 1120-A, the amount on line 4, page 1 should be multiplied by 70% (80% tax periods 198811 and prior) and subtracted from taxable income, line 24, page 1. If this results in a Net Operating Loss, enter a "1" in Field 03SDC.

    3. Dividends received before January 1, 1987, are limited to a deduction of 85%; dividends received after December 31, 1986, are limited to 80%. The taxpayer will compute the applicable percentage prior to entering the dividends on Schedule C, column c.

    4. If the corporation has an entry on line 8, 10, 11, 12, or 18, Schedule C, the amount is not subject to the 80% limitation. Enter a "1" in Field 03SDC.

    5. If the return is a Personal Holding Company (Field 03ABL is 001), no computation is necessary. Enter a "1" in Field 03SDC.

    6. Accept any other waiver condition indicated by the taxpayer.

  5. If Special Deduction Code 2 is present and one of the waiver conditions is also present, enter a 3 in Field 03SDC.

  6. If no waiver condition applies, send TPNC 07 and make the applicable corrections to the return.

  7. If there is a notation that line 29b, Form 1120 (or line 25b, Form 1120-A) included Patronage Dividends, delete Patronage Dividend amounts from this line and from Field 06SPD. GTSEC 06 and add the Patronage Dividend amounts to Field 06OTH and 06TOT, and to line 26 and 27, Form 1120 (or line 22 and 23, Form 1120-A).

  8. The only valid TPNC's for this error code are:

    1. 07 - Your special deductions were more than can be allowed.

    2. 40 - We have adjusted your tax because we did not receive a reply.

    3. 90 - Blank notice.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 172 - CCC "Y" is Present

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 172 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    CL Clear Code
    01TXP Tax Period
    01CCC Computer Condition Code
    06NI> Taxable Income Before NOLD Computer Generated
    06TI> Taxable Income Computer Generated
    07GIT Gross Income Tax
    >>>> Gross Income Tax Computer Generated
    07GVT Gross Tax Verified


    The literal "Section XX not present" will display if there are no entries in Sections 06 or 07.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 172 Invalid Condition

  1. Computer Condition Code "Y" is present.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 172 Correction Procedures

  1. Check return for any transcription or coding errors and correct accordingly.

  2. Generally, a CCC "Y" is present when the return must be manually computed. CCC "Y" will also change the FYM on the Master File. (See Error code 026 for additional information on short period returns).

  3. If prepaid credits on lines 32(a) through 32(e) are claimed and the return is a short period return because it is a "Final" or has a "Change of Accounting Period," SSPND with Action Code "342" if Code-and-Edit has not already done so. Prepare Form 4227 with a notation, "Short Period with ES Credits."

  4. Compute the tax per the individual manual computation requirement. ( See IRM, Manual Computation section.)

  5. If the taxpayer's amount for Gross Tax is correct, enter that amount in Field 07GVT.

  6. If Taxable Income is negative and there are no prepaid credits, enter a "C" in the Clear Code Field and transmit.

  7. If the taxpayer's amount for Gross Tax is incorrect:

    1. Enter the correct tax in Field 07GVT.

    2. Attach your tape with two stamps on it or two individual tapes (if Rule of Two applies, see below). When verifying the 5% surcharge, a tape is not required.

    3. Correct the document at the point of error. Change only the fields that need to be changed to achieve the figure entered in Field 07GVT.

    4. When the manually corrected tax is zero, enter $.01 (one cent) in Field 07GVT.

    5. After correcting Field 07GVT and Error Code 172 redisplays, enter "C" in the Clear Code Field and transmit.

  8. If the taxpayer did not reply to a request for short period explanation and his tax is greater than the computer's amount because he annualized his return, GTSEC 07 and enter the taxpayer's total tax in field 07MCT. If his tax is less than the computer's, send TPNC 40.

  9. Rule of Two—

    1. Under normal circumstances, the computer and the taxpayer agree on the computation of the tax. This satisfies the Rule of Two

    2. On the usual type of return with a TRUE MATH ERROR, the computer and the tax examiner will agree on the computation of the tax. This satisfies the Rule of Two.

    3. On a manually computed return with a TRUE MATH ERROR, the Rule of Two is not satisfied until two tax examiners arrive at the same tax computation.

    4. See IRM, Manual Computation., for instructions on manual computation of returns  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 174 - Gross Income Tax Math Error

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 174 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    NC Notice Code
    01TXP Tax Period
    01CCC Computer Condition Code
    03CGC Controlled Group/Personal Service Code
    03IRC Initial Return Code
    04TB1 First Taxable Income Bracket
    04TB2 Second Taxable Income Bracket
    04TB3 Third Taxable Income Bracket
    04TB4 Fourth Taxable Income Bracket
    04TB5 Fifth Taxable Income Bracket
    04TB6 Sixth Taxable Income Bracket
    04TB7 Seventh Taxable Income Bracket
    04AT1 Control Group Additional 5% Tax
    04AT2 Control Group Additional 3% Tax
    06NOL Net Operating Loss Deduction
    06SPD Special Deductions
    >>>> Special Deductions Computer Generated
    06NI> Taxable Income Before-NOLD Computer Generated
    06TI> Taxable Income Computer Generated
    07GIT Gross Income Tax
    >>>> Gross Income Tax Computer Generated
    07GVT Gross Verified Tax
    07AD> Alternative Tax Schedule D New Rate
    07OR> Alternative Tax-Schedule D Old Rate
    07RN> Regular Tax New Rate
    07RO> Regular Tax-Old Rate


    The literal "Section XX Not Present" will display if no entries are present in a specific section.  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 174 Invalid Condition

  1. Gross Income Tax differs from Gross Income Tax-Computer ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ .  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 174 Correction Procedures

  1. Correct any coding and transcription errors.

  2. Incomplete Lines - If the taxpayer has made entries on any lines between 1 through 30 but does not complete line 31 or below, research INOLES to determine if the return is a subsidiary. If INOLES shows a 1120-14 filing requirement, SSPND "640" . Otherwise, assign TPNC 05.

  3. Mixed Component - A mixed component member is a consolidated return where the subsidiaries compute tax in different ways (i.e., Forms 1120-L and 1120-PC) are combined with a Form 1120. If a return is a mixed component, accept the taxpayer's entry for gross tax and enter the amount in Field 07GVT.

  4. Prepaid Credits - If prepaid credits are claimed on a Form 1120 (lines 32(a) through 32(e) or Form 1120-A (lines 28a through 28e) short period, "final" , or "change of accounting period" return, SSPND with Action Code "342" , if Code & Edit has not already done so. Prepare Form 4227 with a notation, "Short Period with ES Credits" .

  5. Manual Computation - See IRM , Manual Computation, for specific instructions regarding returns where a manual tax computation may be required.

  6. See the EC 174 Correction Procedures below for additional instructions and applicable Taxpayer Notice Codes (TPNCs).  (01-01-2009)
EC 174—Correction Procedures Gross Income Tax- Line 29c (Form 1120), & Line 25c (Form 1120-A)

  1. Form 1120 - If an amount is present on line 29c and :

    If Then
    Lines 29a and 29b are blank Compare line 30 to Field 06TI> (Taxable Income Computer Generated)
    Field 06TI> matches the amount on line 30 Continue processing
    Field 06TI> does not match the amount on line 30 Check Schedule C, Page 2, line 20.
    The amount on schedule C, line 20, is the same as the amount on line 29c, Page 1. Enter that amount in Field 06SPD and on line 29b.
    The amount on Schedule C, line 20 is different from the amount on line 29c, Page 1 or Schedule C is blank. Enter the amount on line 29c in Field 06NOL and on line 29a.
    TP is using a negative NOL by adding lines 28 and 29a to arrive at line 30 Follow TP intent and manually compute the tax and enter in Field 07GVT

  2. Form 1120-A - If an amount is present on line 25c and :

    If Then
    Lines 25a and 25b are blank Compare line 26 to Field 06TI> (Taxable Income Computer Generated)
    Field 06TI> matches the amount on line 26 Continue processing.
    Field 06TI> does not match the amount on line 26 Check line 4 (Dividends).
    Line 4 if blank Enter the amount on line 25c in Field 06NOL and on line 25a.
    The amount on line 4 multiplied by 70% equals the amount on line 25c. Enter that amount in Field 06SPD and on line 25b.

  3. If Form 1120-C has been converted to Form 1120, make sure the amount on the Form 1120-C, line 26a, is reported in Field 06NOL (along with any amount reported as NOL).  (01-01-2009)
EC 174 Correction Procedures - Qualified Personal Service Corporations

  1. Qualified Personal Service Corporations (QPSCs) are taxed at a flat 35%.

  2. Check Field 03CGC and correct the Controlled Group/Personal Service Code, if necessary.

    If And Then
    The taxpayer has checked the boxes on both lines 1 and 2 on Schedule J Taxable Income Bracket Amounts are zero and the taxpayer computed tax at the flat rate Enter Code "2" in Field 03CGC.
    The taxpayer has checked the box on line 2, Schedule J Code "2" is not present Enter Code "2" in Field 03CGC.
    The taxpayer has not computed tax at the flat rate Amounts are present in the Taxable Bracket Amounts Enter Code "1" in Field 03CGC.
    The taxpayer has computed tax at the flat rate No box is checked on Schedule J Enter Code "2" in Field 03CGC
    The taxpayer has not computed tax at the flat rate No box is checked on Schedule J Delete Code "2" in Field 03CGC if present.


    If Code "2" is entered in Field 03CGC, use GTSEC 03 and check Field 03ABL. See IRM and enter "400" in Field 03ABL, if appropriate.  (01-01-2009)
EC 174-Correction Procedures - Taxable Income Brackets/ Control Groups

  1. Taxable Income Brackets (Fields 04TB5, 04TB6, and 04TB7 are transcribed from Page 3, Schedule J, lines 2a(1), 2a(2), and 2a(3), for periods prior to 2006. For tax periods 200612 and subsequent, Schedule O is used. Field 04TB5 is transcribed from Part II, column (c), Field 04TB6 from Part II, column (d) and Field 04TB7 from Part II column (e)

  2. If these fields are blank (not zero) and Field 03CGC is "1" , search return for an apportionment plan or schedule. If none is found, correspond.

  3. If the taxpayer does not reply to correspondence for the Income Bracket amounts, assign TPNC 05.  (01-01-2009)
EC 174 Correction Procedure Fields 04AT1 and 04AT2

  1. If the Controlled Group Code is "1" then the amount in this field is added to the computer's computation of gross tax to arrive at the computers amount for Gross Income Tax (07GIT).

  2. For tax periods 199612 and subsequent:

    If And Then
    Taxable Income is greater than $100,000, and amounts are present for Fields 04TB5, 04TB6, and 04TB7. The taxpayer has not provided an amount for Field 04AT1 on the return or on Schedule O Compute the taxpayer's share of additional tax according to the plan or schedule and enter the amount in Field 04AT1. If no plan or schedule is found, correspond. Ask the taxpayer to provide an apportionment plan that reports the corporation's share of the additional 5% tax.
    Taxable Income is greater than $15 million and amounts are present for Fields 04TB5, 04TB6, and 04TB7 The taxpayer has not provided an amount for Field 04AT2 on the Schedule O or the apportionment plan or schedule. Compute the taxpayer's share of additional tax according to the plan or schedule and enter the amount in Field 04AT2. If no plan or schedule is found, correspond. Ask the taxpayer to provide an apportionment plan that reports the corporation's share of the additional 3% tax.

  3. If the maximum Additional Tax amount(s) are entered on line(s) 2b(1) and/or 2b(2), Schedule J (for tax years prior to 200612) or Schedule O Part III, columns (f) and (g) are in obvious error, delete the amounts only if not included on line 2, Schedule J.  (01-01-2009)
EC 174–Correction Procedures - Gross Income Tax

  1. Field 07GIT (Gross Income Tax) is transcribed from line 2 Page 3, Schedule J of Form 1120 or line 1, Page 2, Part I of Form 1120-A. The Gross Income Tax field can be used to locate the math error. If the TP did not complete Schedule J, and is not a personal service corporation or part of a control group, enter the amount reported on line 31 in Field 07GIT.

  2. Also use Field 06NI> (Taxable Income Before NOLD - Computer Generated) and Field 06TI> (Taxable Income - Computer Generated) to determine the error.

  3. In order to determine which type of tax the computer is using to arrive at the underprint for Gross Income Tax, compare the underprint to:

    • Field 07RN> (Regular Tax new Rate), which is the computer's computation of Regular Income Tax, and

    • Field 07AD> (Alternative Tax Schedule D New Rate), which is the computer's computation of Alternative Tax.

  4. If the computer is computing tax using the flat rate of 35% (or 34%), and the Controlled Group code is not "2" , verify taxpayer's tax against the tax tables. If the taxpayer has figured his tax correctly using the tax tables, then enter the taxpayer's amount for tax into Field 07GVT.

  5. For Controlled Groups, the computer uses Fields 04TB5 through 04TB7 to compute the Gross Income Tax and then adds Fields 04AT1 and 04AT2 to arrive at Gross Income Tax Computer.

    If And Then
    Tax period is 199612 and subsequent and an amount is not provided for the third bracket (04TB7). Taxable Income (06TI>) is greater than $75,000 Research the return for an apportionment plan that includes the third bracket amount. If none is found, correspond and ask the TP for the apportionment plan.
    Tax period is prior to 199612 and an amount is not provided for the third bracket (04TB7) Accept the taxpayer's figure and enter the amount in Field 07GVT.  (01-01-2009)
EC 174–Correction Procedure - Gross Verified Tax

  1. Field 07GVT will be used whenever the computer is unable to calculate the correct amount of Gross Tax.

  2. Enter the correct amount of tax in Field 07GVT and change line 2, Schedule J, Form 1120, or line 1, Page 2, Part I, Form 1120-A, to the corrected amount. When the manually corrected tax is zero, enter $.01 (1 cent) in Field 07GVT.

  3. See IRM and assign an applicable TPNC. If no TPNC applies, use TPNC 90 to inform the taxpayer of the error.

  4. For tax periods prior to 199612, accept the taxpayer's figure for tax, and enter the amount in Field 07GVT.  (01-01-2009)
EC 174 Correction Procedures - Add-on Taxes, Interest, or Deferred Amounts

  1. Gross Income Tax - The taxpayer may include add-on taxes, interest amounts, or deferred amounts when computing the income tax amount. Examples of these adjustments follow:

    • Mutual savings bank conducting life insurance business, Section 594 - The taxpayer computes a partial tax on Form 1120 and a partial tax on Form 1120L. The combined tax is entered on line 2, Schedule J, Form 1120L is attached as a schedule and identified as such by the taxpayer.

    • Interest on tax attributable to payment received on installments sales of certain timeshare and residential lots, Section 453(1)(3). The taxpayer writes in "SEC 453(1)(3) interest" and the amount of line 2, Schedule J.

    • Interest on tax deferred under the installment method for certain non-dealer installment obligations, SECTION 453A - The taxpayer writes in "SEC 453A(c) interest" and the amount on line 2 Schedule J.

    • Deferred tax amount under Section 1291, (PFIC) - Taxpayer writes in SEC 1291 tax and the amount on line 2, Schedule J.

    • Taxpayer indicates the income tax is more than the computer amount - The explanation may be shown on the return or an attachment

  2. Manually calculate the add-on or deferred taxes to the amount in Field 07GIT and enter in one or more of the verified fields.

  3. Total Tax - The taxpayer may have included the add-on taxes, interest amounts, or deferred amounts in the total tax amount. Other additions and/or subtractions may be included, such as:

    • Form 8621, Return by a Shareholder or a Passive Foreign Investment Company of Qualified Electing Fund - The taxpayer writes in "SEC 1294" and the amount to be added to or subtracted from the total on line 10, Schedule J. The taxpayer will bracket the amount if he subtracts it from line 10.

    • Installment payment of tax attributable to LIFO recapture by corporations making an S corporation election, 1987 Act Section 10227(b)(2) - The taxpayer writes in "SEC 1363(d) deferral" and the amount on line 10, Schedule J. The 1120 corporation pays one-fourth. The 1120S corporation pays the other three-fourths over first three years as an S corporation.

  4. Manually verify the total tax amount. Use GTSEC 07 and enter the correct tax amount in Field 07MCT. Assign a TPNC if appropriate.  (01-01-2009)
EC 174 Correction Procedures - Taxpayer Errors

  1. If all of the above conditions have been checked and the Gross Income Tax amount still has an underprint, and the underprint is correct, assign the applicable TPNC(s).

  2. If a taxpayer error causes an increase in tax, check to see if there is additional carryover credit available. If so, increase the credit to the amount of available credit or the amount of corrected tax, whichever is less. If the increase is for $100 or more, and a TPNC will not be sent, prepare a Letter 3833C to explain the adjustment and inform the taxpayer of the corrected carryover amount.

  3. If the return requires manual computation, see See IRM, Manual Computation. If the taxpayer limited his GBC to the amount of gross tax and gross tax is being increased, increase the amount of the available GBC up to the new gross tax amount and notify the taxpayer via TPNC 90, if the taxpayer's GBC is sufficient to cover the new gross tax amount, notify the taxpayer of the change in credits used via Letter 3833C  (01-01-2009)
Error Code 174 - Taxpayer Notice Code Chart

  1. If a Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) was previously assigned for a math error leading up to the Gross Taxable Income error, reassign the TPNC(s).

  2. The valid TPNCs are those listed below and any previously assigned TPNC:

    TPNC Explanation
    01 We found an error in the computation of your total income.
    03 We found that the contributions deducted were more than the law allows.
    04 We found an error in the computation of your taxable income.
    05 We found an error in the computation of your total income tax.
    06 We refigured your total income tax by using the alternative tax computation. This was to your advantage.
    09 We found an error in the computation of your deductions.
    12 We found an error in the amount of Investment Credit applied against your tax.
    14 We found an error in the computation of your alternative tax.
    15 We found an error in the computation of your gains and losses on Schedule D.
    16 We found an error in the computation of your gains and losses on Form 4797.
    18 We found an incorrect amount of surtax exemption on Schedule J or on Form 1120F.
    22 Your deduction for additional first year depreciation was more than the law allows.
    30 We found an error in the computation of Total Income Tax for a fiscal year with two tax rates.
    40 We adjusted your tax as shown because we did not receive a reply to our request for additional information.
    88 We adjusted your Telephone Excise Tax Refund amount based on the information you provided.
    89 We have adjusted your tax and/or credits as shown because we did not receive a reply to our request for additional information. This adjustment includes the disallowance of part or all of your Telephone Excise Tax Refund. A separate explanation of claims disallowance has been sent to your address of record explaining your options
    90 Fill-in narrative  (03-04-2004)
Error Code 176 - Alternative Minimum Tax Math Error

  1. Fields Displayed - Error Code 176 will display fields:

    Field Display Meaning
    NC Notice Code
    01TXP Tax Period
    03CGC Control Group Personal Service Code
    03MIC Missing Schedule Code
    06NI> Taxable Income Before Net Operating Loss Deduction (NOLD) Computer Generated
    06NOL Net Operating Loss Deduction
    06SPD Special Deductions
    >>>> Special Deductions Computer Generated
    06TI> Taxable Income Computer Generated
    07GIT Gross Income Tax
    >>>> Gross Income Tax Computer Generated
    08AMT Alternative Minimum Tax
    >>>> Alternative Minimum Tax-Computer Generated
    08FTC Foreign Tax Credit
    >>>> Foreign Tax Credit Computer Generated
    08NYL New York Liberty Zone Credit
    >>>> Possessions Tax Credit Computer Generated
    0901> Taxable Income/Loss Before NOLD Computer Generated
    0903 Pre-Adjustment Alternative Minimum Taxable Income Computer Generated
    0904E Adjusted Current Earnings
    0905> Alternative Minimum Taxable Income Before Net Operating Loss Computer Generated
    0906 Alternative Tax Net Operating Loss Deduction
    >>>> Alternative Tax Net Operating Loss Deduction Computer Generated
    0907> Alternative Minimum Taxable Income Computer Generated
    0908> Exemption Computer Generated
    0911 Alternative Minimum Foreign Tax Credit
    0912> Tentative Minimum Tax
    09VER Alternative Minimum Tax Verified


    The literal "Section XX Not Present" will display if no entries are present in a specific section.

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