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22.30.1  Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (Cont. 3) 
Volunteer Programs Overview 
Measures Reporting 
SPEC Taxpayer Assistance Reporting System  (10-01-2007)
STARS Partners Module

  1. Partner information is required for all partners (includes coalitions) that deliver leveraged production. Without linking activity to a partner for tax preparation production, tax preparation production will be shown as "direct" activity. Outreach production is also linked to the partner.


    A partner is any intermediary that shares common goals and resources to deliver SPEC objectives by facilitating access to and support of SPEC Programs. The intermediary must contribute quantitative business results for SPEC. A Coalition is a partner.

  2. Partner information captured in the partners module is also used to administer the annual Partner Satisfaction Survey. Information in the module must be kept up-to-date to ensure statistical validity of the sample and the information necessary to communicate with our partners.

  3. Always select the SPEC programs a partner supports when creating a partner record. Update this information as the relationship develops and matures.

  4. It serves to capture whether the partner received federal financial assistance (Title VI) and whether they certify they will not discriminate against potential recipients of the assistance.

  5. The partners module also captures local affiliation with national organizations. Through linking local partners to national partners, Partnership and Product Development (P&PD) is able to provide their national partners with the impact of their involvement with SPEC.

  6. When the partner is involved in tax return preparation activities, the partners should be linked to equipment loans to provide a comprehensive list of the IRS resources used to support their activities and to the sites they sponsor. Creating the correct linkages throughout the STARS modules provides valuable information of partner performance.

  7. For instructions on use of the STARS Partners Module, refer to the STARS User Guides located on SPEC’s web page, The Point, at  (10-01-2007)
STARS Contacts Module

  1. (1) The contact module manages all volunteer information. Not all volunteers are required to be added to the module. However, those that serve in a position requiring interaction with SPEC such as site coordinator, primary partner contact, software and equipment contact or outreach contact must be recorded in STARS.

  2. Information captured includes street and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers, and designations of the roles the contact performs. These roles include primary contact, information provider or volunteer.

  3. Volunteer information in this module can include identification, contact skills, training, training certification date and site assignment data. For volunteers serving in the role of site coordinator, the system should be updated to reflect the delivery of site coordinator training and the delivery method.

  4. It provides the opportunity to list a contact once even though they may serve in multiple roles such as partner contact, equipment contact, site contact, or production contact.

  5. It provides key information for ensuring continued contact with those individuals which support our program. By having these contacts recorded in the system, continuity in relationships is assured even when the key relationship manager changes.

  6. It provides a method for capturing e-mail addresses to allow for the push out of messages more quickly through e-mail over other methods.

  7. Contact information included in this module is used by all other modules and for some reports– partners, sites, equipment, tax software orders, and production. Information must be kept current to facilitate this use. It is especially important that proper capitalization is used to information is used for the generation of property loan agreements. Entering someone as "jane doe" will result in the generation of a loan agreement with "jane doe." For a professional product, it should be input as "Jane Doe"

  8. Contacts should only be deleted from STARS once determined they are not the person in control of IRS resources (e.g., printers and computers).

  9. For instructions on use of the STARS Contacts Module, refer to the STARS User Guides located on SPEC’s web page, The Point, at  (10-01-2007)
STARS Sites Module

  1. The sites module allows the user to input tax preparation site information into STARS for documenting the number, type, and location of sites providing free return preparation.

  2. Information maintained in the database is also shared with the Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) used by IRS toll-free assistors to inform the public of available locations, times, and special assistance offered at sites that are open to the general public. Sites not open to the general public are not shared with SERP. Only complete records meeting the criteria for SERP posting are shown. Missing information will prevent a site from displaying on SERP.

  3. As a result of the module linkages in STARS, users have the capability of viewing all related information concerning the tax preparation site. The tabs displayed in this module include General Information, Days and Hours, Equipment, Volunteers & Contacts, Tax Software Orders, and Comments. Any special services provided at a site should be input.

  4. It is imperative that all leveraged sites are linked to the partner that is operating the site. The sites not linked to a partner are considered direct sites in STARS and will not be counted as leveraged activity in the production reports.

  5. All VITA/TCE non-AARP sites must be input into STARS by the territory, even if they will not be open to the general public. Sites not open to the general public may include sites on military bases limited to base personnel or sites open to residents of a housing complex.

  6. Basic AARP site information is provided by National AARP Tax-Aide and imported to STARS. For AARP sites, territory offices key the Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN), software used, and languages, along with linking the site to contacts and/or partner information.

  7. If a site operates in different locations, then each location must be entered into STARS with the different address, phone number, dates and hours of operation.

  8. Sites are only considered active sites for the current year once the box "open for XXXX" is checked. XXXX is the current year, e.g., 2009, 2010, etc. If the data is not confirmed, do not check the "open for XXXX" box.

  9. For all non-AARP sites, the Days and Hours tab must be populated except for appointment only sites. It is imperative that each day a site is open is entered separately in the Days, Time, E-file, and Other fields. If a site is open three days, then three entries must be made showing each individual day of the week. The Time field must be entered as HH:MM. The designation for AM or PM is also required. If you input, "Yes" to e-file, then each day e-file is offered must be indicated.

  10. Once data is input into this section, it will populate the "gray box" with a continuous "string" of information. This is the information that is displayed in SERP for non-appointment only sites. If a site is marked appointment only, no information from this section goes to SERP.


    For non-AARP sites only when the information between the days/hours section differs from the, select the refresh button. If the "gray box" updates accurately, be sure to synchronize. If the"gray box" does not update, make a change in the days/hours box to see if it is picked up. If it is, correct the information and then synchronize. If after these attempts the information is still inconsistent, send a message to the *W&I STARS Help.

  11. Days and hours information is not required on "appointment only" sites but a phone number is required. Be sure this is input when appointment only is checked.

  12. It is not necessary to re-input all VITA/TCE site information each year. Site information need only be updated once the information is provided by the partner. New non-AARP sites must be entered in STARS.

  13. All required input fields must be input by early January for all sites opening in the upcoming filing season when we have good information. A field for tax software used was added to the system in FY 2008. This information should be confirmed annually and is used to project the number of software licenses needed. Fields were also added to capture whether sites using software do so under an approved exception.

  14. When reviewing site information for accuracy, ensure that the:

    • Zip code is correct because it is used to align sites to the territory and to populate the county information in STARS and on SERP.

    • Open and closed dates are correct. An incorrect begin or end date may eliminate the site from SERP.

    • Appointment number is in STARS for appointment only sites.

    • Languages offered at the site are input.

    • Open for XXXX (Year) is checked.

  15. For instructions on use of the STARS Sites Module, refer to the STARS User Guides located on SPEC’s web page, The Point at  (10-01-2007)
STARS Equipment Module

  1. The Equipment Module in STARS provides inventory information for tracking equipment used in the VITA and TCE programs and is used to place orders form laptops for shipment from the VITA/TCE Depot .

  2. Equipment on loan must be linked to a contact and may be linked to a partner and/or a site. Information included in the module is shared with End User Equipment and Services for update of their Information Technology Asset Management System (ITAMS).

  3. The equipment module allows SPEC to meet the requirement to provide annual inventory certification for ITAMS.

  4. All computers and printers used to support the VITA/TCE volunteer return preparation effort must be controlled on STARS.

  5. The system allows for linking equipment to the contact information recorded in STARS to eliminate the need to maintain separate systems with similar data. While equipment is on loan, it should reflect the appropriate contact information to allow SPEC to easily locate the equipment if needed. Users may also link the equipment to a partner and/or a site. Although not required, this is recommended because it will provide valuable information for relationship managers in assessing the productivity of the site or partner in relationship to the equipment we loan.

  6. The system provides for electronic generation of the property loan agreement. Once equipment is assigned to a contact, the user may print the property loan agreement for that session. Subsequent loan of other equipment will generate a different loan agreement for the additional equipment.

  7. The system will allow the reprint of a property loan agreement and provides the user an option to display all equipment loaned or only equipment loaned on a single loan agreement.

  8. Effective controls on equipment provide territories and areas key information used to make decisions on whether to partner when technology resources are required to support the initiative.

  9. For instructions on use of the STARS Equipment Module, refer to the STARS User Guides located on SPEC’s web page, The Point, at  (10-01-2007)
STARS Production Module

  1. Form 4913, SPEC Activity Report, Form 13315, Partner/Contact Outreach Activity Report, and Form 13206, Volunteer Assistance Summary Report, are used to record the information around volunteers and outreach and are then input into the Production Module.

  2. This module is used to record all outreach activity for the SPEC organization.

  3. This module allows viewing or printing of production reports for any period within the current fiscal year.

  4. The STARS database allows linking of leveraged program accomplishments to the partner. By linking the production to the partner, SPEC is able to measure its return on investment around support of partners. Recordation of information in this format allows territories to evaluate their coverage on the messages delivered.

  5. For instructions on use of the STARS Production Module, refer to the STARS User Guides located on SPEC’s web page, The Point at  (10-01-2007)
STARS Tax Software Orders Module

  1. The tax software orders module provides for electronic generation of a "real-time" inventory of software by territory and by area.

  2. The module builds from the information contained in the Sites and Contacts Modules. Before an order can be placed, the site must be in the sites module and must be identified as an e-file site. The site name, address, program type, SIDN, EFIN and transmitting EFIN are populated from the sites module.

  3. No changes to this information can be made in the tax software orders module. If any information is missing or inaccurate, the changes must be made in the sites module.

  4. The shipping address, shipping name, phone number, and e-mail address, are populated from the contacts module. It is very important that the e-mail address provided with the software order is accurate. This e-mail address is automatically loaded in the vendor’s e-mail group code and is used to provide shipping and update information to the individual. For this reason, do not use the IRS SPEC Relationship Manager’s e-mail address unless the site is managed by the IRS SPEC Relationship Manager.

  5. The territory offices are responsible for the order accuracy and the input of all orders in STARS.

  6. For instructions on use of the STARS Tax Software Orders Module, refer to the STARS User Guides located on SPEC’s web page, The Point, at  (10-01-2007)
Disaster Record Reporting Guidelines

  1. Federal agencies must retain, preserve, and maintain all records relating to the disaster. This means that if a document was created as a result of, or in response to, recovery or assistance efforts relating to Hurricane Katrina, it must be retained. To capture this information SPEC will follow procedures below.

  2. Both direct and indirect disaster related outreach activities will be reported. This includes both media and non-media events. Areas that will be captured are as follows:

    • Time spent in support of disasters

    • Number of taxpayers assisted through disaster related outreach events

    • Number of returns prepared for disaster impacted taxpayers during special events

  3. Time spent on disaster support activities includes time spent for meetings and preparing for meetings, outreach, training, and volunteer return preparation activities which includes "train-the trainer" sessions.  (10-01-2007)
Reporting Returns

  1. Form 4913, SPEC Statistical Report, and Form 13315, Partner Outreach Activity Report, will be used to capture disaster related returns and in the remarks section the preparer should write "disaster returns prepared."  (10-01-2007)
Reporting Outreach

  1. Employees are only to use the "all other outreach" category on both Forms 4913 and 13315 to capture taxpayers assisted through activities related to disaster support. National headquarters will use this information to report taxpayers assisted to IRS Executives.  (10-01-2007)
Reporting Hours

  1. SETR Codes for disaster support should be followed. For current SETR Codes, please see SETR Codes for SPEC located on the SPEC intranet home page located at "Reference."  (10-01-2007)
Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Territory managers or their representatives are asked to send an e-mail to the appropriate area analyst within 5 business days after completion of the special event. The e-mail must include:

    • the number of returns prepared

    • the number of SPEC volunteers and employees participating in the event

    • the date and event name

    • location of the special event

    • the partner/organization hosting the event

  2. The Area will send reports by the 15th day of each month to the P&PD, E&PD and a copy to Oversight and Analysis. The report periods are monthly based on calendar year, such as 1/1 – 1/31, due 2/15. Employee time and taxpayers assisted through outreach events prior to 1/1/07 will be reported by national headquarters.

  3. National headquarters will also be reporting all costs associated with development of products and distributions, travel, training (products and travel), and relocation of impacted employees. SPEC employees are reminded to use accurate program codes for travel related to disaster support.  (10-01-2008)
Volunteer Return Preparation Program- Quality Improvement Process (VRPP-QIP)

  1. Quality Initiative
    The Five (5) Core Principles of the Quality Initiative:

    1. Proactively communicate the value of the quality improvement efforts to stakeholders.

    2. Provide support to partners to ensure all volunteers receive appropriate training.

    3. Provide volunteers and partners with a set of required and recommended Quality Site Requirements.

    4. Ensure all participants in the volunteer preparation program understand their respective roles, and responsibilities to ensure accurate return preparation.

    5. Continually collaborate with stakeholders to assess the quality of the volunteer return preparation program.

  2. Volunteer Return Preparation Program Quality Improvement Process (VRPP-QIP) is SPEC's initiative to promote return preparation quality at volunteer sites. This integrated quality process engages SPEC employees, partners, and volunteers in increasing volunteer return preparation accuracy. SPEC will conduct three types of reviews: Site Reviews, Return Reviews and Shopping Reviews as a method to monitor the assistance provided to taxpayers. These reviews will be targeted at process and operation and are intended to increase the level of quality for both return preparation and other services provided to taxpayers who visit SPEC volunteer sites for assistance.

    • Site Reviews – are chosen in two ways, the first is in consultation with the IRS Statistics of Income Office. SOI randomly selects based on volume of returns prepared a group of VITA/TCE sites at which 3 Return Reviews are performed to determine VITA/TCE volunteer return preparation accuracy. The second is by the SPEC Territory Office based on SPEC HQS determined set of criteria including: new sites, sites with a new site coordinator, sites that have high e-file reject rates, TCE (non-AARP) sponsored sites, sites that have experienced operational problems, sites not reviewed in any of the three prior years, and Territory discretion. Site Reviews are conducting using a prescribed data collection instrument (Form 6729) which gauges the site’s adherence to the Quality Site Requirements.

    • Return Reviews – are executed simultaneously with Site Reviews. Using a Form 6729C, the completed Intake & Interview Sheet, and the supporting documents for the return, each element on the return is confirmed as to accuracy with the available information. Return Reviews completed at SOI selected sites constitute the measure of VITA/TCE return preparation accuracy. The SOI Return Reviews are a statistically valid representation of returns prepared at VITA/TCE sites nationwide.

    • Shopping Reviews – are selected randomly based on a sample drawn by SOI and are unannounced. The shopper presents at the site as a customer seeking service. Using a pre-defined scenario and appropriate documentation, the shopper requests assistance in preparing a return. The processes in place to deliver customer service are being measured using this method and not the individual volunteer. The number of Shopping Reviews conducted annually is based on SPEC HQS staff recommendation and approval from the Director of SPEC.  (10-01-2008)
Site Review

  1. The Site Review will be conducted to assess the extent to which the volunteer preparation sites adhere to the Quality Site Requirements.

    • SPEC Field Operations assigns responsibility to territory managers and/or their employees to travel to sites and evaluate the operating procedures.

    • These reviewers will receive specialized training to learn how to effectively conduct reviews, capture best practices and to also provide constructive feedback on how to improve potential problem areas.

    • Form 6729 series will be used to conduct this review.  (10-01-2008)
VRPP-QIP Review Program

  1. Reviews of volunteer sites help us ensure consistency of operations and accuracy of return preparation.

  2. Below are tips for:

    • Determining the frequency and priority of reviews

    • Conducting reviews

    • Performing follow-up reviews  (10-01-2008)
Frequency and Priority of Site Reviews

  1. Site Reviews both SOI and criteria selected are an important value added benefit which SPEC provides and a critical component of the VITA/TCE operations. To improve quality and encourage consistent performance of sites, the territories should conduct reviews. The area should report to HQS any site that the territories believe will be jeopardized by an SOI Site Review.

  2. SOI Site Reviews are selected in mid-January each year and the selected sites are then communicated to the Areas. Territories are allowed to schedule the dates of each SOI Site Review. Once the plan is established, it is delivered to the Area and shared with SPEC HQS. The Area is responsible for assuring the reviews are conducted ratably over the filing season and works with individual Territories as needed to balance the Area-wide plan. Territories may change the scheduled dates as needed but must notify the Area of any changes.

  3. Criteria Site Review sites should be selected by the territory, using the folliwn criteria:

    • New sites during their initial year of operation.

    • Problem sites - complaints or negative feedback received regarding operation and/or volunteers (current or prior year), poor performance based on prior year site review, etc.

    • Established sites with new site coordinators.

    • E-file sites with high reject rates.

    • Sites not reviewed the previous two years.

    • TCE (non-AARP) sponsor site.

    • Territory Manager's discretion  (10-01-2008)
Conducting Site Reviews in General

  1. Site Reviews will be unannounced except where specifically authorized. While Site Coordinators are notified during pre-filing season Site Coordinator’s training of the possibility of Site, Return and Shopping reviews, the actual selection of a site for review through SOI or Criteria selection is not announced prior to the visit. If the Territory Manager judges the partner relationship will be in jeopardy by conducting an unannounced review, the Partner/Site Coordinator may be contacted to alert them to the visit. This exception applies to both SOI and Criteria selected reviews.

  2. SOI selected Site Reviews will be conducted by the SOI cadre. The SOI cadre is selected via competitive announcement for a one to two year detail assignment to Oversight and Analysis.

  3. Reviewers should always take into account the continuing operation of the site during the visit. Most site visits should be conducted between February 1 and April 15. However, visits can be conducted whenever the site is open. If the Site Coordinator is not available conduct the review with the designated alternate

  4. Some pre-work must be completed before going on the Site Review. The tax consultant conducting the review will need to obtain the following information to verify its accuracy when applicable:

    • Site information should be verified through the SPEC/SERP reports, to confirm address, dates/hours of operations, contact information, and service provided. During the site visits, partners need to verify the reports that the territory office has provided with the actual data (site location and hours of operation) for accuracy.

    • Volunteer information can be validated using Form 13206, Volunteer Assistance Summary Report. The Link and Learn Taxes Certification list should also be secured to take on the review. This will provide a list of certified volunteers who have taken and passed the test using Link and Learn Taxes.

    • E-file activity and accuracy as reported on the E-file reports page or Individual Master File (IMF) report. The E-file reports are issued daily. The IMF SIDN information will be available on a monthly basis. This monthly report will provide the number of returns filed using the SIDN and the e-file reject rates.

    • Signed assurances and/or agreements for VITA sites: Title VI Form 13325, Statement of Assurance concerning Civil Rights Compliance for IRS SPEC partnerships, or the Form 13324, Statement of Assurance concerning Civil Rights Compliance for IRS SPEC sub-partnerships ; property loan agreement on IRS equipment used; and/or privacy and confidentiality sponsor agreement.

  5. Reviewers will use the Form 6729, Site Review Sheet, to conduct the reviews. Record the outcome of the review on this document, with any additional information attached when necessary. The review may be expanded to include other topics as dictated by the reviewer, the partner and any special needs of the site.

  6. Reference Material for Site Reviews:
    Use the following publications and documents to assist with the review of VITA/TCE operations:

    • Pub. 1084, Volunteer Site Coordinator’s Handbook

    • Pub. 3189, Volunteer e-file Administrator Guide

    • Pub. 4299, Privacy and Confidentiality - A Public Trust

  7. Reviewers should observe the site’s activities and procedures while conducting the site review. The site coordinator or their representative may be asked for clarification on site processes.

  8. In all cases, tax consultants should take the opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation to the Site Coordinator and volunteers at the site.

  9. In instances where a review reveals a finding requiring a change on how the site operates, the reviewer should discuss the issue and its resolution with the site coordinator prior to leaving the site, and report it to the relationship manager assigned to the site.

  10. All partners are strongly encouraged to conduct Site and Return reviews at their volunteer sites to help in ensuring consistency in site operations and affirmation of accurate return preparation. The partnering organization should establish a schedule to visit the sites in their areas, using a standardized approach including establishing a frequency of review, a method in conducting reviews and performing follow-up reviews.  (10-01-2008)
Follow-Up Site Reviews

  1. It may be necessary to conduct a follow-up review of a site to ensure adherence to a requested change in operations. These follow-up reviews should be looked upon as a way to assist site coordinators in improving their site operations or possibly to assist them in adopting other best practices to alleviate pitfalls they may have encountered. Follow-up reviews should be conducted within 7 days of the initial visit.

  2. The timing of a follow up review may be strongly influenced by the issues to be resolved. For instance, a site needs to make changes in its electronic filing transmission process but they only transmit once a week. It would not be of benefit to visit the site when they are not transmitting. In the event the review reveals a site disregarding the QSRs or other requirements, the coordinator should be instructed on how to bring the site into compliance. A follow up review should be conducted to ensure the site has corrected the concerns. If the site has not corrected the concerns identified, consult with the territory manager to determine what further action should be taken. As a last resort, procedures should be followed for closing a site. These procedures are located in the VITA/TCE Site Requirements and Inappropriate Activities.


    Refer to Quality Site Requirements for additional guidelines on conducting follow up visits.  (10-01-2008)
Site Review Results

  1. Throughout the filing season, data collected is available for Territory Office analysis. The analysis will help SPEC and its Partner assess the sites’ current and future performance, and validate the consistency of operation as compared to the Quality Site Requirements. This will also allow SPEC and its Partners a way to effectively predict the continued success of the volunteer site. The IRS territory office will analyze the data for trends or patterns and compare how a process or activity is performing before and after a solution has been put in place.

  2. A national SPEC Quality database is provided in which all Site, Return and Shopping Reviews are captured, both SOI and Criteria selected. The data is available at the Territory, Area and National levels for analysis and for sharing with partners. The data is available in reports for specific weeks of activity or cumulatively for the Filing Season. On a national level the data collected will be used to calculate accuracy measures, to inform policy or process changes and to update publications, forms and volunteer training for the upcoming filing season.  (10-01-2008)
Return Review

  1. TheReturn Review is a non-intrusive method to determine the accuracy of key elements of the tax return based on supporting documentation provided by the taxpayer. The determination is completed by comparing the volunteer prepared return to the taxpayer provided information captured during the intake and interview process. Form 6729C is used to capture report results of sample return reviews.

  2. The goal is to complete the Return Review while the taxpayer is still present at the site, but after the return has gone through the site's Quality Review process. If a return is found to be inaccurate, the error or omission on the return will be captured on the Form 6729C and then the return will be sent back to the preparer to be corrected.

  3. All Return Reviews should be selected from the available returns completed at the site on the day of the review on a random basis. Site representatives, volunteers, quality reviewers and tax consultants should refrain from "hand-picking" returns to be reviewed.

  4. The tax consultants must have the following in order to conduct the Return Review:

    • The completed return

    • Documentation verifying an intake and interview process-generally Form 13614 or approved partner alternative form

    • Form 6729C, Return Review and Job Aid

    • All supporting documents such as proof of identity, SSN cards or ITIN acceptance letter, W-2s, Form 1099s, Form 1098, etc.  (10-01-2008)
SPEC Shopping Review

  1. The Shopping Review is intended to assess the quality of return preparation process and the correctness of the returns being prepared at SPEC’s volunteer return preparation sites. Form 6729B will be used to record the results of a Shopping Review. Shopping Reviews are conducted by a member of the dedicated SPEC Shopping Review cadre, selected and trained specifically to conduct this type of reviews

    • SPEC Shopping Reviews are used as a component to direct training for the improvement of SPEC’s VITA/TCE return preparation accuracy.

    • The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) measures the accuracy of returns prepared in VITA and TCE sites. The results and findings from the TIGTA shoppers are contained in the final audit report, which is published and reviewed by Congress and external stakeholders. Recommendations are made by TIGTA for improvement within the program.  (10-01-2008)
IRS SPEC Shopping Review

  1. Prior to the Shopping Review, the Shopper will contact the Area Quality Analyst and the territory manager (TM). The TM will be contacted to request assistance from the site's relationship manager (RM) or other designated territory contact. The contact person, designated by the TM, does not have to be the assigned site RM; however, for the purpose of the Shopping Reviews, the contact person will take on the role of the relationship manager. The tax consultant assigned as the contact person must conduct a site review after the shopping review is completed. Once the TM has provided a contact person, the shopper will make the contact to request assistance from the territory office using the following procedures:

  2. Pre-Visit -

    • Shopper/RM must agree to scheduled time of visit. Generally, there will be multiple shopping visits made (to different sites) during the scheduled week. If the site is an appointment only site, generally the shopper will call the selected site and schedule an appointment for the review.

    • Keep the Shopper’s identity anonymous until after completion of return.

    • Determine how the Shopper and the RM will identify each other at site.

    • The RM must be present at site at or near the conclusion of the shopping visit.

    • Once notified of the Shopping Visit, the RM/TM should alert the Shopper to any scheduled discretionary or partner assistance visits during the week the shop is scheduled.

    • After notification of site selected for shopping, the RM/TM should not conduct any assistance visits or reviews at the selected site prior to being shopped.

  3. After Review (In Site) -

    • RM should ensure the completed Form 13614 (or approved alternative) is secured and provided to shopper


      If TaxWise® worksheets were used in lieu of Form 13614 (or approved alternative), all associated worksheets must be secured even if they were not completed.

    • Secure the completed return and provide it to the Shopper.

    • Secure all supporting documents and provide to Shopper.

    • To prevent e-file transmission, ensure the return is deleted from the computer. It is critical the tax consultant delete not only the return, but also erase the e-file when deleting a return in TaxWise® (desktop). When you delete a return in TaxWise® On-line, both the return and the e-file are deleted. For more information on deleting returns or erasing e-files in TaxWise®, please return to the "help" files in TaxWise®, keyword search "delete returns" and/or "erase e-files" , or the TaxWise® knowledge base at


      The Shopper will also have instructions on how to delete the return, if needed.

    • The relationship manager will conduct a site review after the shopping visit is completed.

    • The RM (with the Shopper available) will explain the results of the shopping and the site review to the site coordinator. If applicable, discuss any errors or areas of concern. Determine what caused the errors prior to the discussion with the site coordinator.

    • Lead the verbal discussion of findings with the site coordinator, if applicable; explain the identified errors to the site coordinator.

    • RM (with support from the Shopper) should close the review with site coordinator and discuss findings.

  4. After Review (Out of Site) -

    • Within 5-days after the review, the Shopper Feedback Report and the Form 6729B will be completed using the job aid and issued from the Shopper to the TM and Area.

    • Within 7-days after the review, the RM provides written results using Form 6729B and the Shopper Feedback Findings Report to the site coordinator and/or partner. AARP written results must be shared with the AARP State Coordinators.

    • If applicable, provide corrective follow-up actions to headquarters as listed in the Shopper Feedback Findings Report.  (10-01-2008)
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Shopping Review

  1. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) conducts reviews of VITA and TCE sites to measure accuracy of return preparation. In general the same method is employed as with a SPEC shopping visit except that the pre-notification time frame is significantly reduced. At the conclusion of a TIGTA Shopping Review, the RM (or assigned tax consultants) will facilitate the exit strategy.

    • TIGTA will reveal who they are to the volunteer after the tax return has been prepared. They may also ask the volunteer a series of questions after the preparation process such as how long they have been a volunteer and type of training they completed. No list of explicit planned questions is available.

    • TIGTA may ask the Site Coordinator and/or relationship manager additional questions pertaining to site operations such as: if encryption software has been installed on all non-IRS computers.

    • SPEC and TIGTA agreed to conduct the reviews in the least intrusive way.

    • The Area/Territory offices will be advised as far in advance as possible but not less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled visit. The Territory Manager will need to provide the name and contact phone number of the tax consultant who will be on site during the TIGTA review. Secure messaging should be used if the site is identified in the message. The TIGTA auditor and the tax consultant will need to have a phone conversation prior to meeting at the site to work out the particulars of when and where they will meet – if nothing else, to be able to recognize each other once they are in the site.

    • Conducting a Criteria Site Review is optional. Minimal notice is seldom given for the TIGTA Shopping Reviews and therefore is left to the discretion of the territory.

    • In the event a site review is conducted normal Site Review procedures should be followed.

    • For sites that provide e-file services: The TIGTA auditor will request e-file service and go through the process up to the point of transmission. At that point, the TIGTA auditor will reveal their identity to the volunteer and explain that the return will not be e-filed and will be deleted.

    • The auditor will not sign the Form 8879 but will ask for the original return, including the intake sheet so that they can check the return against the correct return.

    • The auditor will notify the tax consultant as to which volunteer assisted him/her. The tax consultant will go to the computer and delete the TIGTA auditor’s return. .

      It is critical the tax consultant delete not only the return, but also the e-file when deleting a return in TaxWise® (desktop). When you delete a return in TaxWise® On-line, both the return and the e-file are deleted. For more information on deleting returns or erasing e-files in TaxWise®, please return to the "help" files in TaxWise®, keyword search "delete returns" and/or "erase e-files" , or the TaxWise® knowledge base at

    • For Sites that provide paper assistance, the TIGTA auditor will request paper return preparation assistance and complete the entire process. At the end of the process, the auditor will ask for and retrieve the original return and any copies as well as Form 13614 or approved alternative. If the auditor is not able to get the intake sheet back from the volunteer, he/she will contact the tax consultant for assistance.

    • Information on TIGTA site visitations is on a need to know basis and confined to the Director, Field Operations, the affected area director, Area Analyst, Territory Manager and tax consultant. The tax consultant will notify their Territory Manager, Area Analyst and HQS via e-mail upon completion of the deletion of the auditor's return information. The tax consultant should communicate the time and date of the TIGTA shopping review and the site location as well as any concerns expressed by the Site Coordinator or volunteer pertaining to the TIGTA visit in the e-mail.  (10-01-2008)
Quality Site Requirements

  1. All taxpayers using the services offered through the VITA/TCE programs should be confident they are receiving accurate return preparation and quality service. The goal of the Quality Site Requirements (QSR) is to ensure quality of return preparation and the consistent operation of sites. The QSR must be communicated with all partners and site coordinators to ensure our mutual objectives are met.

    Our partners and volunteers are the most valuable resources we have in the volunteer tax preparation program. QSR were developed to ensure VITA and TCE sites have a consistent operation in each site. It is SPEC’s responsibility to provide partners, volunteer site coordinators, and volunteers with the tools and support necessary to comply with each quality requirement.

  2. Accurate Return
    A return is accurate when the tax law is applied correctly and the return is free from error based on the taxpayer interview and all supporting documentation.

  3. Corrective Actions
    As reviews and/or site visits are conducted, if a site is identified as non-compliant, the primary goal is to work with the partner and the site to assist them with becoming compliant as soon as possible. Any remedy offered should provide the assistance and support necessary to bring the site back to meeting the QSR. This may include discussions, counseling, and/or mentoring assistance with the site and the partner within a reasonable period. Withdrawing support and/or closing a site should be the last resort.
    In most cases, the relationship manager will be conducting site reviews. If follow-up actions are required after a site review, the corrective action(s) should be taken immediately where feasible. Necessary follow-up actions should be taken within seven calendar days of the initial visit. (See exceptions listed later in this document.)
    This document covers how to conduct follow-up actions if the site is reviewed by someone other than the relationship manager as well. If someone other then the relationship manager conducts the site review, the assigned relationship manager should be immediately notified if errors (non-compliant practices) were identified during either a review or site visit.

  4. What are Quality Site Requirements?
    There are ten practices that have been identified as necessary to ensure taxpayers visiting VITA/TCE sites receive quality service and accurate return preparation. These nine practices are considered "Quality Site Requirements" . They are:

    1. All volunteers who answer tax law questions, instruct tax law, prepare or correct tax returns and/or conduct Quality Reviews of completed tax returns must be certified.

    2. All sites must use an Intake and Interview Process. This process must include correctly completing an approved intake and interview sheet for every return prepared.

    3. All sites must have the following reference materials available to be used by every volunteer return preparer and Quality Reviewer; preferably at each workstation
      Publication 4012 Volunteer Resource Guide
      Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals

    4. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 information is displayed at the site or provided to the taxpayer

    5. Privacy and Confidentiality guidelines are being followed

    6. All sites must complete a Quality Review process, which includes a 100% review of all returns. This process must include correctly completing an approved Quality Review check sheet for every return.

    7. All sites must have processes in place to ensure every return is timely filed or delivered to the taxpayer.

    8. The correct Site Identification Number (SIDN) is shown on ALL returns prepared.

    9. The correct Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) is used.

      The Quality Site Requirements are also located in:

      • QSR for Partners

      • VRPP-QIP Training Materials

      • Publication 1084, IRS Volunteer Site Coordinator’s Handbook These documents are located on the SPEC Intranet Site, "The Point" .

      • Security guidelines are being followed.  (10-01-2008)
Certification Requirement for Volunteers

  1. Volunteers who answer tax law questions, instruct tax law, prepare or correct tax returns and/or conduct Quality Reviews of tax returns must complete and pass one of the following IRS test with a score of 80% or above and be certified annually based on the complexity of tax law used for the returns they are preparing, reviewing, etc.

    • IRS paper testing using the associated test in the printed Student Test Materials

    • IRS electronic testing through Link & Learn Taxes


    The two testing methods above are the only methods that can be used to secure VITA/TCE certification. Partners using alternative training can choose to use associated testing but volunteers (students) must pass the IRS test for volunteer certification.

    If the site uses a screener and the screener addresses or provides assistance with tax law related issues, the screener must be certified. Volunteers can only prepare or Quality Review returns based on their level of certification.
    Volunteers who assist in various roles (e.g., greeters, receptionists, equipment coordinators, etc.) but who do not provide assistance with tax law related issues are not required to be certified.
    Every VITA/TCE site must develop a process to ensure no tax returns are completed by volunteer preparers that are beyond their training and certification levels.

  2. Volunteer Certification List
    All partners/site coordinators are required to provide their local IRS SPEC relationship manager, a list of all volunteers working at the site. The list should include volunteer names, and their level of training. The preferred document for reporting VITA volunteers is Form 13206, Volunteer Assistance Summary Report. After the initial list (Form 13206) is submitted for the filing season, site coordinators have an additional responsibility to complete and send a list of any new volunteers to their local SPEC Relationship Manager by the 3rd business day after the end of each month. Volunteer certifications are to be maintained at the site or partner level.
    Some Partners such as AARP Tax Aide and The National Community Tax Coalition (NCTC), will send their volunteer certifications on a list. These lists are also submitted to the territory by the third business day after the end of each month. Additional guidance on Volunteer Certification can be secured from the Volunteer Reporting and Certification process guidance listed on both The Point and the Partner Page on

  3. Training and Testing
    For VITA/TCE certification, volunteers must complete one of the following IRS (classroom, self-study or Link and Learn Taxes) or partner-created training courses based on the type or level of returns they will be preparing at their site:

    • Basic

    • Intermediate

    • Advanced

    • Military

    • International

    • Foreign Student/Scholar

    • Puerto Rico


    AARP requires their counselors to be certified at the Advanced level.

    In addition to the above training courses, volunteers will also be required to be trained in interviewing techniques and how to use resource materials.  (10-01-2008)
Certification -Non Compliance

  1. When issues occur:
    Tax Consultant (TC) should immediately contact the partner RM if any non-compliant actions are identified at the site. The TC should then take the following steps:

    1. Some volunteers at the site are uncertified:
      Volunteers should complete the return they are currently working on. The volunteers may not prepare any other returns until they become certified. A certified volunteer should review the return for accuracy. Uncertified volunteers and their site coordinators should be directed to the Link & Learn Taxes located at, or to Publication 678, Volunteer Student Guide to assist them in becoming certified.

    2. All volunteers at the site are uncertified:
      The TC should inform the Site Coordinator that the volunteers cannot prepare returns or perform Quality Reviews until they become certified. Allow the volunteers to complete the returns they are currently working on but they should not prepare any other returns. The TC at the site should Quality Review the returns prepared by the uncertified volunteers. Care should be given when informing the remaining taxpayers that the site will have to close for that day. An alternative to closing the site could be to solicit the assistance of certified volunteers from other sites. If this is not possible, the remaining taxpayers should be given other local VITA/TCE site locations that will assist them in their tax return preparation. The site cannot reopen until the volunteers are certified.

    3. Volunteers are certified but the verification has not been provided:
      If there are volunteers who have been certified but the certification verification has not been provided, the volunteer may be allowed to complete the return they are currently working on and a certified volunteer should review the return for accuracy. The volunteer may not prepare any other returns until the certification verification is provided to the TC or RM.

    4. Volunteers can only prepare returns and conduct Quality Reviews based on their levels of certification:
      If volunteers are not fully certified based on the difficulty of the return, volunteers should complete the return they are preparing and a certified volunteer with the appropriate level of certification should review the return for accuracy. Volunteers should not complete any returns above their certification level.

    5. Recommended follow-up action:
      Follow-up action should be taken immediately, but no more than seven calendar days by the RM to ensure all volunteers preparing and reviewing tax returns are certified. If appropriate, faxed written confirmation should be requested immediately from the partner and/or site coordinator confirming that either uncertified volunteers have passed the IRS test and have been certified OR the uncertified volunteers are no longer preparing or reviewing returns. A due date should be established for receipt of written confirmation.

    6. If returns are prepared outside of the volunteers certification and/or outside of the VITA/TCE Scope:
      Site Coordinators/Partners should be advised if volunteers are preparing returns above their level of certification and/or outside of the VITA/TCE scope, they may not be protected under theVolunteer Protection Act of 1977 and Volunteers /Partners could be opening themselves up to potential liability.  (10-01-2008)
Intake and Interview Process Procedures

  1. Process
    Each taxpayer using the services offered through VITA/TCE should be confident they are receiving accurate return preparation and quality service. A basic component of quality service and accurate return preparation starts with asking the right questions. Form 13614, Intake and Interview Sheet, assists the volunteer return preparer by ensuring they ask the right questions. All volunteer return preparers supporting VITA and TCE must use an intake and interview process on each return.

  2. Policy
    It is a requirement for all volunteers preparing returns to use an Intake and Interview Process. All volunteer return preparers supporting VITA and TCE must use an Intake and Interview process on each return. This process will include an interview with the taxpayer while completing an intake sheet to ensure that accurate information is secured from the taxpayer. All Quality Reviewers must use the completed Intake and Interview sheet with the supporting documents during the quality return review.

  3. Purpose
    The purpose of an Intake and Interview process is to ensure the volunteer return preparer asks the taxpayer basic questions necessary to prepare an accurate return. The Intake and Interview process must include at a minimum the following:

    • An interview with the taxpayer that includes explaining the tax preparation process and encouraging them to ask questions throughout the interview process.

    • A completed IRS Form 13614, Intake and Interview Sheet, or a completed IRS approved partner- developed form asking the same questions as listed on IRS Form 13614 or similar questions that address the same information.

    • Confirmation of the taxpayer’s responses provided on the intake and interview form.

    • Use of probing questions to ensure complete information is gathered.

    • Review of ALL supporting documentation, W-2s, 1099s, etc. Confirm with the taxpayer that all income (with or without a statement) was discussed and was checked on Form 13614 to ensure it will be included on the return.

    • Request for missing or incomplete documentation, if applicable.
      Some resources for volunteer return preparers are:

    • Form 13614 or IRS approved partner developed intake and interview form.

    • Main Information Sheet, Interview Sheet (Interview Questions)*, Dependent Worksheet (Dependent Exemption Eligibility Due Diligence Worksheet)* , Unmarried Head of Household Worksheet ( Head of Household Worksheet)* and Earned Income Credit Worksheet found in TaxWise software

    • Publication 4012, Volunteer Resource Guide- Interview Tips and flow charts to probe for accurate and complete information

    • Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals
      *Title on the printed form.
      While Intake and Interview sheets are useful tools for gathering information, relying too heavily on them without reviewing all source documents and asking follow-up questions will often lead to mistakes. Tax preparers should request proof of identity, Social Security cards, all forms W-2, 1099 and 1098 and other documents. The volunteer should effectively take advantage of the taxpayer sitting across from them to ask questions and confirm all information. Having a conversation with the taxpayer can help identify other issues that might affect the return.

  4. Partner Developed Intake and Interview Sheet
    Partners may develop their own Intake and Interview sheet. The partner-developed Intake and Interview sheets must ask all the questions listed on Form 13614 or similar questions that ask for the same information. All partner-developed Intake and Interview sheets must be reviewed and approved by the partner’s SPEC Relationship Manager and Territory Manager prior to use.


    For AARP the review and approval of their Intake & Interview Sheet is being done at the national level.

    Partner-developed Intake and Interview sheets should be submitted to the territory office no later than December 31st. Once received, the Relationship Manager and Territory Manager have 7 calendar days to review and approve the partner-developed Intake and Interview sheet. If the partner-developed Intake and Interview sheet does not meet the requirements stated above, the relationship manager and/or Territory Manager will work with the partner to revise the form.
    Relationship Managers will be required to document that the partner-developed Intake and Interview sheet was reviewed and approved by the Territory Manager. Documentation in the partner file should include a copy of the partner-developed form, notating the date of the Territory Manager’s approval or disapproval. If the approval was by e-mail to the partner, a copy of the e-mail should also be included in the partner file. The documentation should be maintained by the relationship manager for a minimum of one year. On the date of approval, a copy of the approved partner created Intake and Interview sheet should be sent to the Headquarters Quality Assurance Chief. Quality Assurance will post all approved forms to the Quality Shared Drive.

  5. Completion of the Intake and Interview Sheet
    The preferred method for completing the IRS Intake and Interview sheet is to have the taxpayer complete the personal information on page one and to have the tax law questions on page two completed by a certified volunteer.
    In instances where the taxpayer is unable to complete the personal information portion of the Intake and Interview sheet, the site screener and/or the volunteer return preparer should assist the taxpayer. Regardless of who completes page 1, the taxpayer’s personal information should be reviewed with the taxpayer by the volunteer preparing the return.

  6. Making Corrections

    • Volunteer Return Preparer:
      If a correction is identified by the preparer, it should be correctly marked on the intake and interview sheet prior to the site quality review.

    • Site Quality Reviewer:
      If a correction is identified by the site Quality Reviewer, the correction should be marked on the Intake and Interview sheet. The tax return should be corrected per the sites established procedures. After all corrections are made, the return should be signed and process for timely filing.

  7. Completing the Return:
    After the return is complete, the Intake and Interview sheet can be returned to the taxpayer with their copy of the return(s), or the site may retain the e-file return until the return has been accepted. For guidance on proper disposal of taxpayer information, refer to Publication 4299, Privacy and Confidentiality-A Public Trust.
    If partners have a need to maintain the Intake and Interview sheet for anything other than current year tax return preparation and processing, they must secure consent from the taxpayer and provide the following written notice on or include with the intake sheet:

    • What information will be retained

    • How long the information will be kept

    • How the information will be used

    • That the information will be protected

    • An option to allow the taxpayer to refuse

    For more information and guidance on preparing a written notice and the safeguard of taxpayer data refer to IRS Publication 4299, Privacy and Confidentiality – A Public Trust

  8. Use of TaxWise®
    Partners may use forms provided in the TaxWise software, in lieu of IRS Form 13614 or a partner developed Intake and Interview sheet. When choosing this option, to ensure all required questions are asked, the volunteer preparer must use the following TaxWise® forms:

    • Main Information Sheet

    • Interview Sheet (Interview Questions)

    • Dependent Worksheet (Dependent Exemption Eligibility Due Diligence Worksheet)

    • Unmarried Head of Household Worksheet ( Head of Household Worksheet)

    • Earned Income Credit Worksheet found in TaxWise® software

    Two of the reports (Main Information Sheet and the Interview Sheet) are required for all taxpayers. The other three worksheets (Dependent Worksheet, Unmarried Head of Household Worksheet and Earned Income Credit Worksheet) must be completed when facts and circumstances dictate.
    Partners choosing this method must provide access to or printed copies of the TaxWise® forms to the Quality Reviewer and the SPEC Reviewer conducting the return review.

  9. Intake and Interview Non- Compliance Recommended Non-Compliant Action
    During a Quality Return Review, a return review can not be conducted without using an Intake and Interview sheet, therefore, if an Intake and Interview sheet was not used or is incomplete follow these steps:

    • The TC must retain the completed tax return and The TC should explain the intake and interview requirement to site coordinator. (The purpose of keeping the return is to ensure changes are not made to the return after completing theIintake and Interview sheet prior to conducting the Return Review)

    • The TC should provide an adequate supply of Forms 13614, Intake and Interview Sheet for immediate use. If the site coordinator or partner representative wishes to complete a partner developed alternative, the TC should explain the process for approving an alternate form and detail the questions which must be included on a similar partner created form. The TC should immediately notify the RM.

    • Ask the Site Coordinator to have the volunteer interview the taxpayer while completing Form 13614, Intake and Interview Sheet if there is no approved partner created Intake and Interview sheet.

    • Once an Intake and Interview sheet is fully completed, conduct the return review.

    • If errors are identified, advise the Site Coordinator.

    • Notify the RM and recommend a follow-up
      If the TC receives a tax return to be reviewed with an unapproved partner developed Intake and Interview sheet, the Return Review can be conducted, however, after the Return Review is completed, Form 13614 must be used until the Partner created form is approved by the RM.
      The territory manager should stress with the partner and/or site coordinator that the Intake and Interview process is one of the Quality Site Requirements, and why it is so important
      The territory manager assist the partner with the development of an Intake and Interview sheet, use of TaxWise, or recommend using IRS Form 13614.
      The territory manager should elevate any concerns to the Area Quality Analyst.
      In the event a site refuses to become compliant, it is the territory manager’s discretion as to what IRS provided support should be discontinued and/or if it is necessary to close the site for non-compliant. Area review and approval will be required before rendering a final decision to ensure all possible mediation attempts are considered. Upon Area review and approval, notification to Headquarters will be made before support is withdrawn.

  10. Recommended Follow-Up Action
    The RM will make a phone call or site visit immediately, but no more than seven calendar days after the initial visit to ensure that the volunteer tax preparation site includes an Intake and Interview sheet, either the Form 13614 or an approved alternative. If the site refuses to complete Form 13614 or a locally developed form containing the same questions, the TM should be contacted and a meeting held with the site coordinator.  (10-01-2008)
Volunteer Reference Materials

  1. All sites must have reference materials such as Publication 17 and Publication 4012, available for use by every volunteer return preparer and Quality Reviewer and where possible, be located at every volunteer tax preparation workstation. Sites using Tax Wise® have electronic access to Publications 17 and 4012. The following reference materials are available for use by every volunteer return preparer and Quality Reviewer:

    • Publication 4012, Volunteer Resource Guide

    • Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals

    In addition to individual volunteer resource material, both the Publication 1084, IRS Volunteer Site Coordinator’s Handbook ,and the Publication 3189, Volunteer e-file Administrator Guide, should be made available as a resource tool for site coordinators and volunteer e-file administrators. The use of reference materials is the key to producing an accurate return. As an example, generally, a large number of mistakes in return preparation occur in the determination of filing status, dependency and eligibility for tax credits. Each of these determinations can be made in a quality fashion by simply following one of the flow charts in Publication 4012 that asks a series of questions leading to a single correct answer. Training volunteer tax preparers to use these flow charts should be a required part of training. Each site must have available key reference materials to help foster the utilization of these documents.

  2. When a non-compliant issue occurs:
    No resource materials are available at the site. The TC should immediately provide the site with Publication 4012 and Publication 17 and Publication 3189, if applicable. The TC should contact the RM who will assist the site with ordering the products using Form 2333V or the CAPS products ordering system.

  3. Recommended follow-up action:
    The RM will make a phone call or site visit within seven calendar days to verify that reference materials were received and being used by volunteers. If reference materials are not available to the volunteers, this situation should be elevated to the TM for resolution.  (10-01-2007)
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Distribution Procedures for Partner Assurance Forms

  1. In August 2001, a referral was made to the Office of Chief Counsel asking for a legal opinion on three issues. These issues were:

    1. Does Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) apply to IRS taxpayer education and assistance programs and partnerships currently supported by the SPEC organization and those supported by SPEC under its Concept of Operations?

    2. If Title VI does apply to these programs and partnerships, what are IRS responsibilities under the statute to the public and to the partnerships?

    3. If Title VI applies, what actions can the IRS take to assist the intermediaries/partners in meeting their obligations under Title VI?

  2. SPEC received the formal legal opinion from the Office of Chief Counsel on December 13, 2001. The opinion stated that Title VI would apply to SPEC partnering operations, if the partner is involved in a federal program or activity located in the United States that has the purpose of providing benefit to others and receives federal financial assistance. Federal financial assistance is defined as grants and money, and other non-monetary forms such as loans of computer equipment, loan of IRS personnel, direct training of VITA volunteers, provision of supplies and equipment, use of federal property at no cost, grants of computer software, and waiver of fees for electronic filing of tax returns. The IRS must ensure that the recipient of government financial assistance does not discriminate against potential beneficiaries of the assistance. Also, recipients must prominently display posters explaining the procedures for filing complaints. A copy of the legal opinion can be found on the SPEC public folders under"Title VI" .  (10-01-2008)
Title VI Requirement

  1. Based on the legal opinion above, the External Civil Rights Unit (ECRU) in conjunction with General Legal Services (GLS), created a Title VI Assurance Form that is required to be signed by SPEC partners prior to receipt of Federal financial assistance as defined above. SPEC is required to solicit new assurance forms annually from partners. Some partners are exempt from Title VI requirements because their agency is already covered, e.g., federal agencies, military and the Coast Guard. While TCE partners are not exempt, they sign the Title VI Assurance Form as part of the grant application process.

  2. Follow the steps below to fulfill this requirement:

    1. Review current listing of partners to determine whether they receive Federal financial assistance as defined above. Procedures on how to send Title VI assurance forms are located on the SPEC intranet page using the following link

    2. Area analysts should follow the Title VI procedures listed on the intranet.

    3. Order Title VI products for each partner. The following publications can be used to provide Title VI notification: Publication 4053, Title VI Poster; Publication 730, Important Tax Records Envelope; and Publication 4481-Title VI Stuffer (to issue to taxpayers that are turned away from the site).

  3. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 information is displayed at the site or provided to taxpayers
    Title VI notification must be provided to the taxpayer at the point of contact between the volunteer and the taxpayer, even if a return is not completed. This information may either be displayed at the site by posting Publication 4053, Your Civil Rights are Protected, or by providing the taxpayer with Publication 730, Important Tax Records, envelope (or partner-developed envelope) or Publication 4481, Your Civil Rights are Protected, stuffer. TCE recipients are required to use Title VI language but are not required to use IRS developed products.

  4. Military Exception
    Per General Legal Services and the External Civil Rights Unit, Military Sites do not have a requirement to provide Title VI posters to their taxpayers unless they have sites that are operated by non-military private organizations such as a church, community or non-profit organization. The Military is required to use their own process for resolving Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) issues, they are allowed to use their process for resolving all alleged discriminatory actions.

  5. Recommended follow-up action for Title VI Non- Compliance
    If no Title VI information is posted at the site or provided to the taxpayers visiting the site, the TC should immediately provide the site with one or more of the required Title VI products:

    • Pub. 4053/4053 (English or Spanish) Your Civil Rights Protected, poster

    • Pub. 730, Important Tax Records, envelope

    • Pub 4481, Your Civil Rights are Protected, stuffer The TC should contact the RM who will assist the site with ordering any additional products needed using Form 2333V or the CAPS products ordering system.

  6. Recommended Follow-up Action:
    The RM will make a follow-up phone call or site visit within seven calendar days to verify that Title VI information is posted or available for taxpayers visiting the site. If the site refuses to comply, this situation should be elevated to the TM for resolution.  (10-01-2008)
Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security Guidelines

  1. All volunteers must follow the privacy, confidentiality, and security guidelines. Publication 4299, Privacy and Confidentiality - A Public Trust, serves as the central document for providing guidance covering privacy, confidentiality and security of all information received at the VITA/TCE site. In addition to the primary publication, privacy and confidentiality guidelines are also mentioned in:

    • Publication 3189, Volunteer e-file Administrator Guide

    • Publication 1084, IRS Volunteer Site Coordinator's Handbook

    • Publication 1101, Application Package and Guidelines for Managing a TCE Program

    • Publication series 4491, VITA/TCE training materials

    • Link & Learn Taxes

  2. Publication 4491 Process Based Training Guide, Link & Learn Taxes and all volunteer training materials provide clear direction of the requirement of maintaining privacy and confidentiality of all information received by volunteers at VITA/TCE sites. The Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct clearly states all volunteers working in the VITA/TCE programs agree to this tenet.

  3. Partners and volunteers must keep confidential the information provided during tax return preparation.

  4. Partners and site coordinators must keep confidential any personal, volunteer information provided.

  5. Privacy and Confidentiality and Security Non-Compliance
    When a non-compliant issue occurs:
    If taxpayer information is not appropriately destroyed or properly retained and protected, the TC should explain to the site coordinator or partner the procedures outlined in Publications 4299 and 3189. The TC should assist the site coordinator with creating an effective information security process for the site and notify the RM.

  6. Recommended follow-up action:
    The RM will make a follow-up visit or phone call within seven calendar days to ensure the proper procedures are in place and being used. If violations continue, this situation should be elevated to the TM for resolution  (10-01-2008)
Quality Review Procedures

  1. All sites must use a quality return review process, which includes a 100% review of all returns. This process must include correctly using an approved quality review checksheet for every return.

  2. The Quality Review (QR) process at each site must be used to confirm the tax law was correctly applied and free from error based on the interview of the taxpayer and available supporting documents. The QR process at each site should contain the following critical components for an effective and thorough quality review of the tax return:

    • The taxpayer should participate in the QR process.

    • The quality reviewer is required to use either the Form 8158, Quality Review Sheet,or an IRS approved partner-developed QR checksheet containing the same information as the Form 8158.

    • The quality reviewer is required to use the available supporting documents to confirm identity, income, expenses and credits on the return.

    • If applicable, the reviewer may have to refer to Publication 4012 and/or Publication 17.

  3. The QR process requires the taxpayer be included in the review process. The quality reviewer should engage in conversation with the taxpayer to ensure the information contained on the Intake and Interview Sheet and the tax return is correct based on supporting documents. Additionally, the quality reviewer should answer any questions the taxpayer may have.

  4. The QR process helps ensure high accuracy standards. Reviewing completed returns could prevent the taxpayer from receiving an error notice from the IRS. We understand sites have various methods for conducting QRs. Although this is acceptable, the outcome must lead to an accurate return.

  5. Preferred Quality Review Method
    Every return is required to be Quality Reviewed using available source documents, intake and interview information and an approved Quality Review check sheet. A designated Quality Reviewer is the preferred method to conduct the Quality Review process. However, if the site can not have a designated reviewer, an acceptable Quality Review can be an exchange with another preparer. If possible, the self review should only be conducted in a one person volunteer site. The review process must ensure that all source documents used in the tax return preparation be included in the review process as well as the intake and interview check sheet.
    The approved Quality Review Check Sheet or Form 8158 should be completed to ensure a Quality Review is completed. If an IRS-approved partner developed checklist is used, it must contain the same or similar questions as listed on Form 8158.

  6. Quality Review Process Non-Compliance:
    Quality Reviews are not being completed on all returns or no approved Quality Review tool is being completed at the site. The TC should provide the site coordinator with an adequate supply of Forms 8158, Quality Review Check Sheet. The TC should explain and encourage the Quality Review process. The TC should immediately notify the RM.

  7. Recommended follow-up action:
    The RM will make a phone call or site visit immediately, but no more than seven calendar days after the initial review or visit to ensure the proper procedures are in place and being completed. If violations continue, this situation should be elevated to the TM for resolution  (10-01-2007)
Supporting Documents Required During A Quality Review

  1. The following supporting documents must be used during the QR:

    1. Intake and Interview Sheet (Form 13614 or IRS approved partner developed intake sheet). If the intake sheet is not entirely completed, the Quality Reviewer must secure the additional information from the taxpayer.

    2. Form 8158, Quality Review Sheet – or IRS approved partner-developed Quality Review Sheet.

    3. Tax Return

    4. Supporting documents for everyone on the return. Supporting documents include, but are not limited to the following:

      Supporting Documents
      Proof of Identity
      Social Security Number/Individual Tax Identification Number
      Banking information for direct deposits or debits
      Form W-2
      Form 1099 income statements (Types of income include miscellaneous, interest, dividend, retirement, real estate transactions, state refunds, etc.)
      Other income not listed on a statement
      Form 1098, Mortgage Interest/Taxes Paid
      Childcare statement from the provider which includes the provider’s EIN or SSN
      Charitable Contribution statements
      Student loan interest statements
      Education/Tuition payments  (10-01-2007)
Designated Quality Reviewer

  1. The preferred QR method employs a designated quality reviewer. However, if the site cannot have a designated reviewer, an acceptable QR can be self-review or exchange with another preparer. The designated quality reviewer should be one of the most experienced persons at the site and should have the following skills:

    1. In-depth knowledge and understanding of tax law, as well as e-file software (if applicable).

    2. Properly trained and certified at the Advanced Level or the maximum level for preparing returns at the site.

    3. Ability to explain tax law and how it applies to the taxpayer(s).

    4. Tact in dealing with taxpayers and volunteers when errors are identified.

  2. For all sites, Self Review (preparer reviewing a return he or she prepared) and Peer Review (preparer exchanging a return with another preparer) are also acceptable Quality Review methods but are not representative of the best practice approach.  (10-01-2008)
Partner-Developed Quality Review Sheet

  1. Partners may develop their own quality review sheet. The partner-developed quality review sheet must ask the same or similar questions as listed on Form 8158 to validate the key information on the return. All partner-developed quality review sheets must be approved by the partner’s SPEC relationship manager and territory manager prior to use.

  2. Relationship managers should share Form 8158 with their partners and explain the need to follow the quality review process to ensure that an accurate return is prepared.

  3. Partner-developed quality review sheets should be submitted to the territory office no later than December 31. The relationship manager and territory manager have 7 calendar days to review and approve the partner-developed quality review sheet. If the partner-developed quality review sheet does not meet the requirements stated above, the relationship manager and/or the territory manager should work with the partner to revise the form.

  4. Relationship/territory managers will be required to document that the partner-developed quality review sheet was reviewed and approved by the territory manager. Documentation in the partner file should include a copy of the partner-developed form, notating the date of the territory managers approval. If the approval was by e-mail to the partner, a copy of the e-mail should also be included in the partner file. The documentation should be maintained by the relationship manager for a minimum of one year. A copy (electronic preferred) of the approved partner created quality review sheet should be sent to the Chief, Oversight & Analysis in SPEC HQS by January 31. O&A will post all approved forms to a central intranet site and will maintain a copy of the form for a minimum of one year.  (10-01-2007)
Timely Filed or Delivered Returns

  1. All sites must have processes in place to ensure every return is timely filed and/or delivered to the customer.

  2. Processes should be in place to ensure all returns are filed timely. The following process must be in place:

    • Retrieving e-file acknowledgements timely (preferred within 48 hours of transmission).

    • Promptly working e-file rejects

    • Timely notifying taxpayers within 24 hours if rejects cannot be corrected

    • Providing the taxpayer with the correct mailing address

    • Promptly notifying taxpayers if any other problems are identified with return processing

  3. Refer to Publication 3189, Volunteer e-file Administrator Guide, for further guidance on working rejects. This publication is designed as a resource guide to assist volunteer e-file administrators in implementing the correct electronic filing procedures at volunteer e-file sites.

  4. For paper processing, refer to the IRS web site, Publication 17 and/or 1040 instructions for processing center addresses.

  5. Timely Filing or delivering Tax Returns Non-Compliance:
    If the TC does not identify a process in place for timely delivery of returns that includes promptly working rejects, timely contacting taxpayers with unresolved rejects, providing taxpayers with the correct mailing addresses or promptly notifying taxpayers with any other problems with timely return processing, the TC should provide the Site Coordinator with the correct procedures depending on the situation. The TC should refer to Publication 3189 and the appropriate sections explaining the process. The RM should be notified

  6. Recommended follow-up action:
    The RM will make a follow-up phone call or site visit immediately, but no more than seven calendar days to confirm the processes for timely filing returns are understood and being followed. If the necessary procedures for timely filing returns are not being used at the site, the matter should be elevated to the TM for resolution.  (10-01-2008)
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Distribution Procedures for Partner Assurance Forms

  1. In August 2001, a referral was made to the Office of Chief Counsel asking for a legal opinion on three issues. These issues were:

    1. Does Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) apply to IRS taxpayer education and assistance programs and partnerships currently supported by the SPEC organization and those supported by SPEC under its Concept of Operations?

    2. If Title VI does apply to these programs and partnerships, what are IRS’s responsibilities under the statute to the public and to the partnerships?

    3. If Title VI applies, what actions can the IRS take to assist the intermediaries/partners in meeting their obligations under Title VI?

  2. SPEC received the formal legal opinion from the Office of Chief Counsel on December 13, 2001. The opinion stated that Title VI would apply to SPEC partnering operations, if the partner is involved in a federal program or activity located in the United States that has the purpose of providing benefit to others and receives federal financial assistance. Federal financial assistance is defined as grants and money, and other non-monetary forms such as loans of computer equipment, loan of IRS personnel, direct training of VITA volunteers, provision of supplies and equipment, use of federal property at no cost, grants of computer software, and waiver of fees for electronic filing of tax returns. The IRS must ensure that the recipient of government financial assistance does not discriminate against potential beneficiaries of the assistance. Also, recipients must prominently display posters explaining the procedures for filing complaints. A copy of the legal opinion can be found on the SPEC public folders under "Title VI" .  (10-01-2008)
Title VI Requirements

  1. Based on the legal opinion above, the External Civil Rights Unit (ECRU) in conjunction with General Legal Services (GLS), created a Title VI Assurance Form that is required to be signed by SPEC partners prior to receipt of Federal financial assistance as defined above. SPEC is required to solicit new assurance forms annually from partners. Some partners are exempt from Title VI requirements because their agency is already covered, e.g., federal agencies, military and the Coast Guard. While TCE partners are not exempt, they sign the Title VI Assurance Form as part of the grant application process.

  2. Follow the steps below to fulfill this requirement:

    1. Review current listing of partners to determine whether they receive Federal financial assistance as defined above. Procedures on how to send Title Vl assurance forms are located on the SPEC intranet page using the following link

    2. Area analysts should follow the Title VI procedures listed on the intranet .

    3. Order Title VI products for each partner. The following publications can be used to provide Title VI notification: Publication 4053, Title VI Poster; Publication 730, Important Tax Records Envelope; and Publication 4481 — Title VI Stuffer (to issue to taxpayers that are turned away from the site).

  3. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 information is displayed at the site or provided to taxpayers
    Title VI notification must be provided to the taxpayer at the point of contact between the volunteer and the taxpayer, even if a return is not completed. This information may either be displayed at the site by posting Publication 4053, Your Civil Rights are Protected, or by providing the taxpayer with Publication 730, Important Tax Records, envelope (or partner-developed envelope) or Publication 4481, Your Civil Rights are Protected, stuffer. TCE recipients are required to use Title VI language but are not required to use IRS developed products.

  4. Military Exception
    Per General Legal Services and the External Civil Rights Unit, Military Sites do not have a requirement to provide Title VI posters to their taxpayers unless they have sites that are operated by non-military private organizations such as a church, community or non-profit organization. The Military is required to use their own process for resolving Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) issues, they are allowed to use their process for resolving all alleged discriminatory actions.

  5. Recommended follow-up action for Title VI Non- Compliance
    If no Title VI information is posted at the site or provided to the taxpayers visiting the site, the TC should immediately provide the site with one or more of the required Title VI products:

    • Pub. 4053/4053 (English or Spanish) Your Civil Rights Protected, poster

    • Pub. 730, Important Tax Records, envelope

    • Pub 4481, Your Civil Rights are Protected, stuffer

    The TC should contact the RM who will assist the site with ordering any additional products needed using Form 2333V or the CAPS products ordering system.  (10-01-2008)
Individual Site Identification Numbers Must be Entered on All Returns

  1. E-file administrators should set up computer defaults to ensure the correct Site Identification Number (SIDN) automatically appears on the tax return. Refer to Publication 3189, Volunteer e-file Administrator Guide, for information on setting defaults.

  2. Volunteers should manually enter the correct SIDN on each paper return prepared. Sites generating paper returns should be encouraged to use the overprint form with the bold VITA/TCE format indicated in the Paid Preparer’s Section. If they use a tax form without the bold format, they should enter the correct SIDN in the space provided in the preparer’s SSN/Preparer’s Tax Identification Number (PTIN) field in the paid preparer’s section.

  3. SIDN Use Non-Compliance
    When a non-compliant issue occurs:

    1. The TC should sample check computers and/or paper returns to ensure the site is using a correct SIDN. If an incorrect SIDN or no SIDN is discovered, then all computers and returns should be reviewed.

    2. The TC should provide the correct SIDN and educate the Site Coordinator on the importance of using the SIDN on ALL returns prepared by the site. Show the Site Coordinator and/or volunteers where to include the SIDN on the returns.

    3. If electronic tax preparation software is being used, the TC should assist the Site Coordinator in setting the defaults. The RM should be notified immediately.

  4. Recommended follow-up action:
    The RM will review the weekly SIDN Cycle Report to verify return preparation is being reported using the correct SIDN. If the site refuses to use the SIDN, it should be elevated to the TM for resolution.  (10-01-2007)
Electronic Filing Identification Numbers Must be Correct at All E-file Sites

  1. Form 8633, Application to Participate in the IRS E-file Program, must be completed to obtain an Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) for a site. A separate EFIN must be requested for each physical location. E-file administrators should set up computer defaults to ensure the correct EFIN automatically appears on the tax return. Please refer to Publication 3189, Volunteer e-file Administrator Guide for further EFIN procedures.

  2. EFIN Use Non-Compliance

    1. When a non-compliant issue occurs:

    • The TC should sample check computers (Form 8453) to ensure the site is using a correct EFIN. If an incorrect EFIN is discovered, then all computers should be reviewed and corrected.

    • The RM should be contacted for assistance. The TC or RM will provide the correct EFIN to the site coordinator and find out who is the owner of the EFIN being used, notify the Area SPEC Office of the violation to determine what actions should be taken to notify the EFIN owner.

    • Each computer should be checked and if the EFIN default is not correctly set, the reviewer should assist the coordinator in setting the correct default. If Tax Wise® is used, contact UTS for instructions on re-setting returns prepared but not transmitted.

    Recommended follow-up action:
    The RM will check TPDS to ensure the site is using a valid EFIN. If the site refuses to use correct EFIN, it should be elevated to the TM for resolution. If an incorrect EFIN was used at the site, the RM will work with the site to resolve. Follow-up actions should be taken to resolve any issues.

  3. Inappropriate Actions or Violations
    Inappropriate actions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • VITA/TCE sites are prohibited from accepting tax account payments on balance due returns from taxpayers. Taxpayers must be advised to send all payments to the appropriate campus or provide the closest Tax Account Center (TAC) address for payment delivery. If the taxpayer prefers to mail their payment, the appropriate address based on the location of the taxpayer’s residence should be provided to the taxpayer.

    • Charging for VITA/TCE services

    • Requiring donations for return preparation services rendered

    • Selling or destroying government issued equipment and/or software

    • Creating false documents and/or statements

    In the event these and/or other inappropriate activities are observed, the following actions should be taken:

    1. When inappropriate actions occur:
      If there are inappropriate actions or violations out of the scope of the VRPP-QIP mission, the TC must immediately notify the RM and/or TM. The RM and/or TM must address any inappropriate actions or violations with the site coordinator and/or partner.

    Recommended follow-up action:

    • The TM will immediately review the circumstances and discuss them with the area director.

    • The Area SPEC Director will brief the SPEC Director of Field Operations and decide whether it is appropriate to refer the matter to either the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) or the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

    • In consultation with the SPEC Director of Field Operations, the SPEC area director will determine whether it is appropriate to withdraw support from the site, and if necessary, dissolving the relationship with the Partner. If it is determined that the Partner/SPEC relationship must also be dissolved based on the partners’ refusal to comply, the TM/RM may have to review and withdraw support from every site controlled by that Partner.

  4. Discontinuance of IRS Support

    1. If a site is non-compliant, the RM or TM will provide specific recommended corrective actions that can be taken by the site and/or responsible partner, which will enable the site, partner (if applicable), and the territory to remedy the situation.

    2. Sound judgment will be used to determine the appropriate follow-up timeframe for each case. In those rare instances when a site remains non-compliant, it will be the TM’s decision as to what IRS provided support should be discontinued, when it will be discontinued and the site location(s) involved.

    Area Office review and approval will be required before rendering a final decision to ensure all possible mediation attempts are considered. Upon Area Office review and approval, notification to Headquarters will be made before support is withdrawn.

  5. Required Actions
    As stated earlier, the objective is to bring the site(s) into compliance with all of the Quality Site Requirements. Discontinuance of IRS support should be the last resort and only if the site coordinator or sponsoring partner adamantly refuses, verbally or through action/no-action to comply. There may be a need to conduct several follow-ups to assist the site in becoming compliant and if necessary, all responsible partner sites should be reviewed to ensure each of the Partner sites are following the QSR.
    The TM and RM should meet with the site coordinator and/or partner to explain compliance requirements and remedies. If this site is an AARP site and non-compliance issue(s) cannot be resolved at the local level (Local/District/State Coordinator levels), engagement of the AARP Tax-Aide National Director needs to occur prior to discontinuance of any support. The TM will contact the SPEC National RM for AARP to discuss any issues that cannot be resolved.
    The following actions should be followed to cancel the site relationship:

    1. All IRS software, financial assistance, grants, and VITA/TCE logo references will be withdrawn from the site.

    2. The Territory Office should delete the site or un-check the box marked "open in 2008" , in STARS so that the site information will be deleted from SERP.

    3. If the site is an e-file site, the Electronic Tax Administrator (ETA) must be notified to suspend the EFIN preventing the site from transmitting electronic returns. Refer to The Point guidance for disabling VITA/TCE EFINS.

    4. All publicity posters referring to the site should be removed.

    5. If the site is a TCE grant recipient, the TM will contact the Area Office who will raise the issue with the SPEC Field Operations Director and the National TCE HQ Relationship Manager.

    6. If the site is using IRS provided electronic return preparation and transmission software (currently TaxWise®), the software will be removed from the site. This includes returning the disk and removing the software (after backing-up) from any non-IRS computers. After removal of the software, the SPEC TM should notify the Area Office who will raise the issue with the SPEC Field Operations Director and HQ Analyst responsible for software to ensure no further transmissions are made to the vendor.

    7. Forms 8453 and 8879 not previously forwarded to the appropriate processing center or IRS office must be forwarded. Any copies should be maintained in the local SPEC office in accordance with Publication 1345, IRS e-file Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file providers of Individual Income Tax Returns and Publication 3189.

    8. If the site is using IRS loaned equipment (computers and/or printers), these items must be removed from the site. The local SPEC Territory Offices should follow procedures for returning the equipment to the computer depot.

    The physical safety of all parties at the site will be the highest priority. If in the process of discontinuing a relationship or removing government property from a site the environment becomes confrontational, SPEC employees should immediately leave the premises, contact the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) and the TM, and await their assistance and/or guidance on how to proceed. The TM will notify the Area Office who will raise the issue with the SPEC Director of Field Operations  (10-01-2008)
Security Guidelines for Sites

  1. Publication 4299, Privacy and confidentiality- A Public Trust, serves as the central document for providing guidance covering security of all information received a the VITA/TCE site. In addition to the primary publication, security is also mentioned in

    • Publication 3189, Volunteer e-file Administrator Guide

    • Publication 1084, IRS Volunteer Site Coordinator's Handbook

    • Publication 1101, Application Package and Guidelines for Managing a TCE Program

    • Publication 4491, Process Based Training Guide

    • Line & Learn Taxes

    • Publication 4473, Welcome to the IRS Equipment Loan Program Program

    • Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct

  2. Publication 4299 provides guidance on securing individual information on taxpayers, volunteers and partners. The Key security principles on the document are:

    • Partners and volunteers must protect physical and electronic data gathered for the return preparation both during and after the filing season.

    • Partners with a need to retain and use the information (for purposes other than the preparation of current year tax returns) must provide written notice to taxpayer outlining what information will be retained, for how long, how the information will be used, that it will be protected and obtain their approval. The taxpayer must be provided and option allowing them to refuse this use of their information. (Please see Publication 4299 for Suggested Notice Language that may be used to meet this requirement.)

    • Partners and volunteers who use IRS loaned equipment must delete taxpayers information after filing season tax return preparation activities are completed.

    • Partners and site coordinators must keep confidential any personal volunteer information provided.  (10-01-2008)
Quality Performance Review

  1. The TC Quality Performance Review is designed to provide territory managers assistance in ensuring all critical steps are addressed when reviewing tax consultants as they perform quality site and/or return reviews. Conducting field reviews of tax consultants will confirm that comprehensive reviews are being performed. The field reviews will also ensure the tax consultant is effectively promoting the VRPP- QIP, correctly assessing the accuracy of returns reviewed, and correctly accurately determining site compliance with the Quality Site Requirements. The results gathered from these reviews along with other reviews will be indicators of the strategic improvements in the VRPP-QIP program.

  2. Territory Manager Responsibilities:

    • The territory manager must perform at least one field review on each tax consultant (TC) conducting Site and Return reviews.

    • The territory manager must use the TC Quality Performance Review to ensure all critical steps are addressed. This form will standardize the review process and serve as evaluative recordation in the performance appraisal process. This document should not be the only tool used to substantiate a performance appraisal rating.

    • The territory manager and the tax consultant must sign and date the TC Quality Performance Review. Signing the form certifies that the review was shared with the tax consultant. The documentation should be shared immediately following the review, if possible, but must be shared within 15 workdays from the date of the performance review.

    • When completing the TC Quality Performance Review, it is highly recommended that the territory manager should refer to the TC Quality Performance Review Job Aid for assistance. This job aid is designed to provide line by line description of the how the activities are associated with the steps in the VRPP-QIP process.  (10-01-2007)
Volunteer Quality Alerts

  1. The purpose of Volunteer Quality Alerts (VQA) is to update, correct, and clarify tax law topics and/or procedures during the filing season. VQA messages have proven to be a useful educational tool and are most valuable when delivered immediately to their intended audience (VITA and TCE partners’ and their certified volunteers). VQAs are created by SPEC on an as needed basis. SPEC determines that a VQA is needed based on trend analysis, weekly reports, or feedback from the field. The following recommendations provide methods for distributing VQA:

  2. SPEC headquarters will ensure VQAs are distributed to all VITA and TCE-Non-AARP sites through TaxWise® using their program EFIN numbers. NOTE: VQA will not be issued to AARP sites in this manner. SPEC headquarters will provide all VQAs to AARP-National Office directly. AARP National Office is then responsible for the distribution of the VQA content through their internal channels. If non-receipt of the VQAs to AARP occurs, the relationship manager can provide them with the most current ones. Notification of this problem should be forwarded to the district or state coordinator immediately.

  3. The territory offices will distribute VQA messages to VITA and TCE Non-AARP partners in these ways:

    • Provide instructions on how to access VQA messages using

    • When discussing the partner package with partners, discuss VQA messages. Publication 4396, Partner Package, is the designated place assigned for storing VQA messages.

    • Relationship managers should ensure that each partner has implemented a process for distributing VQAs to their sites and volunteers.

    • Issue current VQA information to partners during partner relationship visits

    • E-mail or mail current VQAs using partner addresses in STARS.

    • Assist partners with a plan to distribute VQAs to their sites/volunteers, if necessary.

    • Establish a group code (by program) to be used for distributing VQAs

    • Provide a designated phone number that can be used by volunteers to secure information on all VQAs, when possible

    • Review and discuss with partners the following products that will include VQA information:

      Products with VQA Information to Discuss with Partners
      Form 6729, Quality Site Review Form
      Publication 4491/4555, Volunteer Student and Facilitator Training Guide
      Publication 1084, Volunteer Site Coordinator’s Handbook
      Publication 3189, Volunteer E-File Administrative Guide
      Publication 4012, Volunteer Resource Guide
      Publication 4396, Partner Package

  4. AARP National Office is responsible for distribution of the Quality Alerts through their internal channels. No distribution of Volunteer Quality Alerts should occur at the local AARP site level. If AARP sites are not receiving AARP quality alerts, the relationship manager can provide the site with the current AARP alert and/or the AARP district or state coordinator should be contacted.

  5. SPEC headquarters will distribute VQA messages to all SPEC employees via:

    • E-mail

    • Post all VQA on, The Point, and the Volunteer Program web page –Post VQA web page links to SERP to provide Toll Free assistors with current VQAs.

  6. During site reviews, Tax Consultant/Reviewer should validate VQA distribution by:

    • Reviewing the Volunteer Quality Alert process implemented by that a partner uses to ensure distribution of the VQA's to their volunteers.

    • Distributing current VQA's to the Site Coordinator doing the review if they are not being received. Provide feedback to the relationship manager regarding this issue..

    • Inquiring of the Site Coordinator if there is a process for the volunteers to review the VQA's. Have them explain the process.

    • Including a check off item "Is there a process in place for each site to receive SPEC Quality Alerts?" on all territory pre-filing season action plans.  (10-01-2008)
Quality Site Requirement Alerts

  1. The purpose of Quality Site Requirement Alerts (QSRA) is to update, correct, or clarify site operational procedures and/or processes as they generally relate to the ten Quality Site Requirements. Quality Site Requirement Alerts have proven to be a useful educational tool and are most valuable when delivered immediately to their intended audience (VITA and TCE partners and their certified volunteers). The following recommendations provide methods for distributing Quality Site Requirement Alerts:

  2. SPEC headquarters staff will ensure QSRAs are distributed to all VITA and TCE-Non-AARP sites through TaxWise® using their program EFIN numbers. NOTE: QSRA will not be issued to AARP sites in this manner. SPEC headquarters staff will provide all QSRAs to AARP-National Office. AARP National Office is responsible for distribution of the QSRA content through their internal channels.

  3. The territory offices will distribute QSRA messages to VITA and TCE Non-AARP partners in these ways:

    • Provide instructions on how to access QSRA messages using

    • When discussing the partner package with partners, discuss QSRA messages. The designated place for storing QSRA is in Publication 4396, Partner Package.

    • Relationship managers should ensure each partner has implemented a process for distributing QSRAs to their sites and volunteers.

    • Issue current QSRA information to partners during partner relationship visits.

    • E-mail or mail current QSRAs using partner addresses in STARS.

    • If necessary, assist partners with a plan to distribute QSRAs to their sites/volunteers

    • Establish a group code (by program) to be used for distributing QSRAs

    • Where possible, provide a designated phone number that can be used by volunteers to secure information on all QSRAs

    • Review and discuss with partners the following products that will provide QSRA information:

      Products with QSRA Information to Discuss with Partners
      Form 6729, Quality Site Review Form
      Publication 4491/4555, Volunteer Student and Facilitator Training Guide
      Publication 1084, Volunteer Site Coordinator’s Handbook
      Publication 3189, Volunteer E-File Administrative Guide
      Publication 4012, Volunteer Resource Guide
      Publication 4396, Partner Package

  4. SPEC headquarters will distribute QSRA messages to all SPEC employees via:

    • E-mail

    • Posted on, "The Point" , and the Volunteer Program web page –Post web page links to SERP to provide Toll Free assistors access.

  5. During site reviews, Tax Consultant Reviewer should validate QSRA distribution by:

    • Reviewing the Volunteer Quality Alert process implemented by that partner uses to ensure distribution of the QSRA’s to their volunteers.

    • Distributing current QSRA’s to the Site Coordinator doing the review if they are not being received. Provide feedback to the relationship manager regarding this issue.

    • Inquiring of the Site Coordinator if there is a process for the volunteers to review the QSRA's. Have them explain the process.

    • Including a check off item "Is there a process in place for each site to receive SPEC Quality Alerts?" on all Territory Pre-filing season action plans.  (10-01-2007)
Certification for VITA and TCE Volunteers

  1. The IRS Test
    Volunteers who answer tax law questions, instruct tax law training sessions, prepare or correct tax returns, and/or conduct quality reviews must pass the IRS test and be certified annually based on the level of return they prepare, reviewing, etc. A certified volunteer is an individual who annually has successfully trained and passed the IRS test each year with a score of 80% or higher. Volunteers cannot engage in activities that involve answering tax law questions, instructing tax law, preparing or correcting tax returns or conducting quality reviews until they have completed their annual certification requirements. Volunteers cannot perform activities outside of their certification level.

  2. Roles Requiring Test
    Volunteer roles which require annual certification:

    • Tax Preparer

    • Quality Reviewer

    • Screener (Screeners that provide assistance or answers with tax law related issues must be certified.)

    • Instructor

    • Electronic Return Originator (Transmitter), if responsible for resolving e-file rejects.

  3. Roles Not Requiring Test
    Not all volunteer roles will require certification. There are volunteers who assist in various roles which do not provide tax law assistance including, but not limited to:

    • Site Coordinator (If the Site Coordinator provides tax law assistance, works return rejects, or performs quality reviews, the coordinator must be certified at the highest level of returns prepared at the site.)

    • Greeter

    • Recruiter

    • Equipment Coordinator

    • Computer Specialist

    • Interpreter.

    Volunteers assisting in roles that do not require tax law knowledge do not require certification.

  4. Every VITA/TCE site must develop a process and guidelines to ensure that volunteers do not complete tax returns beyond their training and certification.

  5. Form 13615
    All volunteers (certified and non-certified) must sign Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct, and be included in the volunteer reporting. All partners/site coordinators are required to provide their local IRS SPEC territory office a list of all volunteers assisting at the volunteer sites. The list must include all the volunteers names, their volunteer position, date of certification (if required), levels of certification, and the volunteer’s address. IRS Form 13206, Volunteer Assistance Summary Report, was developed and is the preferred method for reporting volunteers; however other formats that provide the same information may be used. AARP tax Aide will provide volunteer information to SPEC territory offices by the 3rd day after the end of each month.

  6. Levels of Certification
    VITA/TCE non-AARP volunteers may choose their level of certification through the following IRS training Courses:

    • Basic

    • Intermediate

    • Advanced

    • Military

    • International

    IRS tests (paper or electronic) cover the courses listed above. The e-learning course Link and Learn Taxes includes a refresher course for returning students as an option for experienced volunteers. There is a separate certification supplement for foreign students and scholars and a separate certification supplement for bona fide residents of Puerto Rico. Refer to Publication 678 FS for foreign student and scholar certification and Publication 678 PR for certification guidelines for the Puerto Rico Supplement.

  7. Testing Methods – The two testing methods used to certify volunteers are:

    1. IRS paper testing - Using the associated test in the printed Student Test Materials (Form 6744 Test and Form 6745 Retest. See Publication 678-FS, for Foreign Student Test and Publication 678-PR for the Puerto Rico Supplement.)

    2. IRS Link & Learn Taxes. (

  8. Volunteer Wallet Card (Optional)
    Wallet Card, Form 13645, is recommended to acknowledge the accomplishment of certified volunteers as well as to assist internal and external stakeholders with identifying certified volunteers. The Wallet Card is provided to SPEC volunteers passing the IRS test who deliver return preparation or return quality review at a VITA or TCE site. The Wallet Card is a tangible symbol of volunteer achievement and readiness to assist in the volunteer return preparation program. The IRS, in close collaboration with partners and stakeholders, will continue to develop tools and resources to support volunteers. Specifics regarding the Wallet Card:

    • Wallet Card Approving Official - The territory manager or partner will be the approving official for the Wallet Card. The territory manager/partner may delegate this authority to the relationship manager or the instructor/training official of a VITA/TCE partner. The approving official (or designee) must insert the current tax season and the volunteer’s name on the card and sign in the designated area on the front of the Wallet Card. The certification level of the volunteer should be completed on the back of the card.

    • Card Security - Wallet Cards should be physically controlled by the territory manager and/or the partner responsible for monitoring the training of volunteers. Blank Wallet Cards must be kept secured at all times to ensure they are only issued to volunteers who have been properly trained and certified using the IRS test.

    • Issuing the Wallet Card – The Wallet Cards should be issued by the approving official or if so designated, by the instructor after grading the IRS test or by a site coordinator under any of the following conditions:

      Allowable Conditions Under Which Wallet Cards May Be Issued
      When a volunteer has provided proof of certification from the Link & Learn Taxes and the IRS relationship manager has verified the certification; OR
      When the site coordinator has secured the test results from the partner or instructor; OR
      When the site coordinator has contacted the partner and the volunteer’s name was verified as certified.

  9. Volunteer Requirements - The approving official, (IRS, site coordinator or partner ) certifies the test results, level of certification and testing method by signing Form 13615 (excluding AARP). Once the volunteer certification has been verified, the volunteer must agree to the standards of conduct by signing Form 13615. All Volunteers, regardless of certification requirement, must sign Form 13615 prior to working at a site. Non-certified volunteers will list their position and answer "No" for test taken. The signed Form 13615 should be maintained at the partner or site level and appropriately destroyed on the date the site closes or no later than April 15th of each year. If the site will remain open after April 15th, the Form 13615 should be maintained until the site closes or no later than one-year from the date the form was signed. This form should be maintained at the partner or site level to be used as proof of volunteer certification.

  10. Proof of Certification - The site coordinator must be able to identify all certified volunteers prior to allowing them to perform certified duties which include preparing returns, conducting quality reviews, answering tax law questions etc.). Proof of certification can be validated by reviewing the following documents:

    • Form 13206 completed by using Form 13615

    • Partner created volunteer certification list (testing results must be recorded for all VITA and TCE-Non AARP volunteers)

    • Form 13615 (testing results must be written on the form)

    • Link & Learn Taxes Certification list

  11. Completing Form 13206
    During the month the volunteer first reports to a site, after verifying certification of VITA and non-AARP volunteers, the site coordinator will add the volunteer’s name and certification date to Form 13206, Volunteer Assistance Summary Report. A similar partner created form containing the same information may be used in lieu of Form 13206. The certification date for Form 13206 is the date the volunteer signed Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct. Volunteers who do not require testing/certification will be included on the Form 13206. For volunteers not requiring testing/certification, check the "Not Certified" box under the certified date section, and do not enter anything in the "Date Certified" box. Adding the volunteers address to this form is optional.

  12. Completing Form 13206, Continued
    All volunteers (excluding TCE-AARP) are reported on Form 13206 for the first month they report to the site. Form 13206 or similar document completed by the site coordinator is sent to the territory office by the 3rd business day after the end of the month. Each volunteer must be reported on Form 13206 only once during the filing season. Therefore, if each volunteer in the site was captured on a previously filed Form(s) 13206 during the filing season, there is no requirement to file a new Form 13206 until a new volunteer reports to the site. This form should be maintained in the territory office for a minimum of one year.  (10-01-2007)
Foreign Student and Scholar Program (formerly Foreign Student Outreach)

  1. International students and scholars are Wage and Investment customers. International students and scholars are temporary visitors to the United States who are in F, J, M, or Q immigration status. These visitors must file at least one form with the IRS as long as they remain nonresident aliens for federal income tax purposes.

  2. SPEC's role in the foreign student/scholar program is to encourage universities and colleges to establish self-sufficient VITA sites specializing in the preparation of Form 1040NR/1040NREZ and Form 8843.  (10-01-2007)
Responsibilities for Foreign Student/Scholar Program

  1. The SPEC territory office will:

    1. Develop relationships with partners who are willing to provide assistance to foreign students and scholars.

    2. Encourage established VITA sites to expand their service to include assistance to foreign students and scholars.

    3. Provide statistical information relating to activities performed in relation to this program.

    4. Promote partner self-sufficiency.

    5. Provide assistance with ordering of materials and supplies for the VITA sites as necessary.

    6. Promote the use of Publication 678 FS Self-Instructional Guide for Site and Volunteer Training needs. The territory office should direct training questions to the area analyst.

    7. Direct technical questions to the IRS toll-free number 1-800-829-1040.

    8. Conduct periodic visits to VITA sites.

    9. Other activities performed relative to the foreign student/scholar population are at the discretion of the territory manager.

  2. The SPEC area office will:

    1. Develop, coordinate, and monitor all activities related to foreign students/scholars on a national level as they relate to the VITA program.

    2. Act as a point of contact on questions, concerns and/or problems.

    3. Establish and maintain reporting requirements.

    4. Request reports, i.e. statistical, as needed from the territory offices.

    5. Provide reports on a National level to interested functions.

    6. Conduct periodic visits to VITA sites.  (10-01-2007)
Technical Inquiries

  1. Volunteers assisting foreign student/scholars should not use the "VITA hot-line" with questions about international issues.

  2. Volunteers should be directed to one of the following resources:

    • Contact the toll-free number at 1-800-829-1040.

    • E-mail: selecting the category for alien issues

    • In addition, there is an IRS number available, 215-516-2000, that specializes in international tax issues. Please note that this number is not accessible from an IRS phone line, and is not a toll-free line.  (10-01-2007)
Electronic IRS - Overview

  1. The concept of Electronic IRS is to provide a central source for all online transactions that can be accomplished electronically with the IRS. The Electronic IRS is a gateway to the many electronic options available to individual and business taxpayers, tax professionals, software companies, and tax exempt organizations. Electronic IRS encompasses electronic filing options, electronic signature methods, electronic payment options, e-services (online application) and Direct Deposit, to name a few.  (10-01-2007)
SPEC and Electronic IRS

  1. SPEC is impacted by the following Electronic IRS components:

    1. Electronic Filing (e-file)

    1. IRS e-file is a process by which tax returns are submitted to the IRS by way of data communications and processed electronically through front-end edits. Tax return data is transmitted over telephone lines in the form of electronic records to a designated Submission Processing Center. Returns filed may include both individual and business income tax returns.

    2. Electronic filing options include: filing through an authorized IRS e-file provider, and filing using a personal computer (On-Line Filing). Taxpayers can also e-file through using the Free File and low-cost provider (Partners Page) options. Refer to IRM 3.42.1 located at or visit for additional information concerning the available e-file options.

  2. Federal/State E-file
    Federal/state e-file allows the electronic filing of both federal and state income tax returns at the same time. The electronic filing software places the Federal and State return data in separate packets. These packets are transmitted to the IRS in one taxpayer "envelope." The IRS functions as an electronic post office for the participating state, receiving and processing the state returns electronically. Federal/State e-file is available in 37 states and the District of Columbia. There are a number of states that mandate state electronic filing. They include: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

  3. Electronic Signature Options

    1. Policy Change for Volunteer Sites -Beginning with the 2008 filing season, EROs (including volunteers) will be required to use either the Self-Select PIN or Practitioner PIN to electronically file an individual tax return. The Form 8453 will no longer be used as a signature document to e-file a return. A new Form 8453 is being developed which will be used as a transmittal record for specific documents of the Individual tax return that cannot be e-filed. For a listing of the supporting documents, refer to Publication 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns. The following Key Messages have been shared with the State tax agencies, software developers, and practitioner groups to provide them with some initial information regarding the new requirements.


      This change only applies to individual e-file returns submitted by EROs. Taxpayers who submit their returns online will continue to use Form 8453-OL, U.S. Individual Income Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file Online Return, or the Self-Select PIN method. First time filers and taxpayers younger than 16 years can use the Practitioner PIN method.

    2. Key Messages -Beginning with the 2008 filing season, Electronic Return Originators (EROs) can e-file individual income tax returns only if the returns are signed electronically using either the Self-Select or the Practitioner PIN method. The Self-Select PIN method is a paperless signature by a taxpayer who uses a self-select PIN. The Practitioner PIN method is an electronic signature by authorization to third party using Form 8879 that is retained by the ERO. Nearly 90 percent of tax professionals already use PINs to sign returns electronically, and it’s time to take this step towards paperless filing. EROs will no longer use Form 8453 as a signature document, but will continue to use a newly designed Form 8453 to transmit supporting documents that are required to be submitted to the IRS.

    3. Self-Select PIN
      The Self-Select PIN method allows taxpayers to electronically sign their e-filed return by using a five-digit PIN as their signature. The five-digit PIN can be any five digits except all zeros. The taxpayer will need their original Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) or PIN from their prior year tax return and their Date of Birth for verification purposes. Taxpayers can use their PIN whether they do their own taxes using a personal computer, or have a tax professional prepare them.

    4. ) Practitioner PIN
      Taxpayers can authorize the Electronic Return Originator (ERO) to enter their PINs in the electronic return record by completing the appropriate IRS e-filesignature authorization Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, or Form 8878, IRS e-file Authorization for Application of Extension of Time to File. The taxpayer is not required to provide their original AGI or PIN from their prior year return or their Date of Birth. SPEC policy guidance for utilization of the Practitioner PIN can be found on the Volunteer Programs web page of SPEC’s web site at

  4. Online Application
    Form 8633, Application to Participate in the IRS e-file Program, allows the application to be saved in progress and send an acknowledgement of completion via e-mail. Applications can be maintained and updated electronically and a new delegation of authority feature now allows principals, or responsible officials of the firm/organization, to delegate e-services to their employees.

  5. Direct Deposit
    Taxpayers have the option of receiving their refund through the Direct Deposit method. If a taxpayer wants IRS to deposit their refund into one account, they can use the direct deposit line on their tax form. A taxpayer can also choose to split their refund among two or three checking or savings accounts using Form 8888, Direct Deposit or Refund to More than One Account. Visit www.irs.govfor more information on the available Electronic IRS options. Also refer to Publication 3189, Volunteer e-file Administrator Guide, for specific guidance for volunteer e-file sites.  (10-01-2007)
E-file Technical Publications

  1. There are several publications that support the IRS e-file Program. They include:

    • Revenue Procedure 2007-40 (Informs Authorized IRS e-file Providers of their obligations to the IRS, taxpayers, and other participants in the IRS e-file Program.)

    • Publication 3112, IRS e-file Application and Participation

    • Publication 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns

    • Publication 1345A, Filing Season Supplement for Authorized IRS e-file Providers

    These documents can be downloaded from using the key search words "e-file publications."  (10-01-2007)
SPEC Business Plan Electronic IRS Strategy

  1. The Electronic IRS Strategy replaces the former e-Brand Strategy. The primary focus is to optimize Electronic IRS marketing efforts at the national and field levels. In FY 2008, the focus will be to:

    • Continue to work with W&I Research to identify the most effective way to reach low income, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), and baby-boomer populations

    • Reduce v-coding (computer-prepared returns)

    • Promote Electronic Signatures (Practitioner and Self-Select PINs)

    • Promote use of Direct Deposit

    • Promote e-filing through October 15, 2007

  2. SPEC will continue to partner with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank to promote Go Direct, a national campaign designed to motivate more Americans to choose direct deposit for Federal benefit payments.

  3. Visit SPEC’s web site at to obtain more detailed information on the SPEC Business Plan and Electronic IRS.  (10-01-2007)

  1. A Memorandum of Agreement between SB/SE Communications, Liaison and Disclosure (CLD) and W&I Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC) proposes a partnership designed to optimize Electronic IRS marketing efforts in the field. It provides formal guidance for managers and employees, and offers a framework for ongoing CLD/SPEC e-commerce collaboration.

  2. A joint training program is being developed for CLD and SPEC field and headquarter employees which will enhance the communication and presentation skills of both SB/SE and W&I employees. The completed training will include content about both SB/SE and W&I Electronic IRS options. Employees of both organizations will have access to a "universal" outreach product/PowerPoint® for consistent, effective delivery of information to both SB/SE and W&I customer segments.

  3. Electronic IRS pilot training was successfully delivered to a select few CLD and SPEC employees. Feedback from class participants will be considered for incorporation into the final training materials.

  4. The training may be delivered through a combination of methods including classroom, self-study, CENTRA, IVT’s, and train-the-trainer classes.

  5. Electronic IRS training will be evaluated to determine its effectiveness. The results will be used in the development of future year’s training.  (10-01-2007)
Filing Season Measures

  1. SPEC supports the Service’s goal of increasing electronically filed returns through practitioner and partner outreach and the Volunteer Return Preparation Program (VRPP).

  2. Individual Marketing Services (IMS) is responsible for the reporting of filing season measures associated with the Electronic IRS Strategy. The measures include counts for PIN utilization (Self-Select and Practitioner PINs), and Direct Deposit refunds for accepted e-filed returns originating at volunteer sites. The data source for the measures is the ELF 1541 Non-Project Organization Summary Report.  (10-01-2007)
Reporting requirements

  1. There are reporting requirements relative to the SPEC Electronic IRS Strategy. The data sources include:

    1. ETA reports (ELF 1541)

    2. STARS (outreach activities)

    3. SETR (time spent on e-IRS activities, including training)

    4. W&I Research (results/findings of outreach efforts).  (10-01-2007)
SPEC Electronic IRS Strategy Internal Communications

  1. IMS has the responsibility of communicating Electronic IRS related information to SPEC employees keeping them abreast of the latest technical updates, news and other important topics that impact the field’s ability to effectively market electronic products and services. In Touch with IMS, e-Connection, e-Clips and the e-team are the primary communication vehicles used to convey this information.  (10-01-2007)
Marketing/Communication Products

  1. A variety of marketing/communication tools/resources exist that support SPEC employees in the marketing of electronic products and services to tax practitioners and partners. These products are web-based, easy-to-use, and they are designed to support SPEC employees with marketing and outreach activities. They include:

    • Electronic IRS outreach materials located at

    • IRS e-file Marketing Tool Kit,,id=97538,00.html

    • e-Connection web page

    • ETA’s web site

  2. Also refer to IRM Online Resources for additional sources to assist with marketing/outreach efforts.  (10-01-2007)
Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Specific roles and responsibilities covering various aspects of the SPEC Electronic-IRS Strategy have been defined for SPEC HQ-IMS, HQ Atlanta, area offices, and territory offices. These roles and responsibilities are crucial to the execution of the Electronic IRS Strategy.  (10-01-2007)
Individual Marketing Services

  1. The roles and responsibilities of Individual Marketing Services (IMS) include:

    • Develop and serve as point of contact for SPEC Electronic IRS Strategy and supporting documents.

    • Coordinate Electronic IRS Strategy and maintain relationships with SPEC P&PD, SB/SE CLD, ETA, W&I C&L NPL, Multi-Lingual, EITC and ITIN Program offices.

    • Develop joint training and maintain a relationship with SBSE CLD.

    • Prepare Electronic IRS activity reports for the Director of Field Operations.

    • Identify components of the Research Plan and submit to ETA.

    • Develop materials and participate in Nationwide Tax Forums.

    • Participate in Tactical Advisory Group (TAG) meetings.

    • Facilitate e-Team conference calls.

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