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5.13.4  Offer in Compromise/Embedded Quality Attribute Definitions  (04-25-2008)

  1. This document describes Embedded Quality Review System (EQRS) and National Quality Review System (NQRS) review guidelines for Offer in Compromise Specialists. It is critical that collection offer personnel carefully and thoroughly document all activities taken and decisions made throughout the course of their investigations. Many parties need to access a case file to obtain a clear picture of case issues and actions which have been taken or planned. NQRS reviewers are one of these parties since a centralized review site relies exclusively upon the case file and history documentation to determine adherence to the NQRS attributes.

  2. The EQRS/NQRS review guidelines are based on Collection Internal Revenue Manuals, handbooks, and other published Collection procedural guidelines. Developers relied heavily on the same published procedures in drafting specific EQRS/NQRS documentation guidance for Field Collection Offer in Compromise employees.  (04-25-2008)
Header Fields

  1. The Header Fields are arranged into four Header Screens:

    • Review Information Header Screen

    • Case Information Header Screen

    • Process Measures Header Screen

    • Special Use Header Screen

  2. Review Information Header Screen will identify who, what, and when of the review.

    • Specialized Product Review Group (SPRG)

    • Reviewer Name

    • Employee Name

    • Review Category

    • Reviewer Type

    • Review Type

    • Review Date

    • 1st Follow Up Date

    • Shared with Employee Date

  3. The Case Information Header Screen is designed to capture specific information about the case being reviewed.

    • Taxpayer Name

    • TIN

    • Case Grade

    • Employee Grade

    • Case Type

    • Balance Due

    • Resolution Type

    • Closing Date

    • BOD Code

  4. The Process Measures Header Screen is designed to capture information about processing time(s) for cases being reviewed.

    • Collection Assigned Date

    • Employee Assigned Date

    • First Attempted Contact Date

    • First Contact Date

    • Final CIS Completed Date

    • Offer Received Date

    • Offer Waiver Date

    • Date Forwarded to IAR

    • Date Returned from IAR

  5. The Special Use Header Screen contains three fields which will only be used during special reviews required by either local or headquarters management.

    • National Use

    • Local Use

    • HQ Tracking  (04-25-2008)

  1. The attributes along with their operational definitions are listed in this document. The latest revision of the Field Compliance Embedded Quality Field Collection Offer in Compromise (OIC) Job Aid (document 12360) is the companion document to be used by reviewers. The Job Aid is structured to provide the essential information needed to rate each attribute during a case review. Each attribute in the Job Aid includes Critical Job Element (CJE) linkage, the operational definition, the job aid definition, points to consider, a rating guide explanation, reason codes, IRM references, and examples.

  2. This handbook is intended only as an aid to effective case documentation as it relates to EQRS/NQRS attributes. It is not a substitute for Collection IRMs and Handbooks which outline the required actions that are tracked by EQRS/NQRS case reviews. It must not be cited as an authority for taking specific collection actions; those can be based only on the official procedural guidelines.

  3. There are five categories of attributes that are used by both NQRS reviewers and field offer managers in the EQRS process; these are Timeliness, Professionalism, Customer Accuracy, Regulatory/Statutory Accuracy, and Procedural Accuracy. The aspects are grouped in order to produce summary reports that focus on these specific areas of offer specialists' performance. Managers use two attributes which are not used by NQRS that are contained in below.  (04-25-2008)
Category One: Timeliness

  1. Four attributes fall within the Timeliness category.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 107: Timely Initial Actions

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to determine if the Offer Specialist (OS) completed an initial analysis and took necessary initial actions within established timeframes of the date of the receipt of the OIC case by an OS.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 504: Timely Follow-up Actions

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the employee took timely follow-up actions when the taxpayer failed to meet established deadlines.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 505: Timely Employee Actions

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify whether the employee took timely actions, driven by receipt of case information, to meet the needs of the taxpayer/POA.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 506: Timely Closing Actions

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the case was closed timely after all necessary actions were taken and case information secured.  (04-25-2008)
Category Two: Professionalism

  1. There are six attributes in the Professionalism category.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 600: Clear Action Dates

  1. Operational Definition – Use this field to determine if the employee clearly communicated to the taxpayer a specific date for required action(s).  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 601: Clear Taxpayer Expectations

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to determine if the employee clearly communicated expectations to the taxpayer.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 602: Advised of Consequences

  1. Operational Definition –Use this field to determine if the employee clearly communicated the possible consequences if the taxpayer fails to comply with the employee request.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 603: Problem Solving Techniques/Customer Point of View

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to determine if problem solving and analytical skills were used, taking into consideration the customer’s point of view, when attempting to reach successful resolution to issues/case.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 605: Clear/Professional Written Communication

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify whether all correspondence/documentation is businesslike and professional in tone, appearance and content.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 606: TP/POA Kept Apprised

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to determine if the employee kept the taxpayer/POA informed throughout the process.  (04-25-2008)
Category Three: Customer Accuracy

  1. There is one attribute in the Customer Accuracy category.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 800: Customer Impact

  1. Operational Definition –Use this field to identify if the employee took the appropriate action to arrive at a correct and complete tax/case resolution with no material adverse impact on the customer.  (04-25-2008)
Category Four: Regulatory/Statutory Accuracy

  1. There are two attributes in the Regulatory/Statutory Accuracy category.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 609: Confidentiality

  1. Operational Definition –Use this field to determine if the employee protected the confidentiality of the taxpayer and/or taxpayer information.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 610: Identified/Provided Appeal Rights or Statutory Letters

  1. Operational Definition – Use this field to identify if the employee appropriately identified, addressed, and/or provided appeal rights or statutory letters.  (04-25-2008)
Category Five: Procedural Accuracy

  1. There are eleven attributes in the Procedural Accuracy category.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 106: Initial Offer Actions

  1. Operational Definition – Use this field to determine if the OS completed an initial analysis and took appropriate actions upon receipt of the offer case assignment.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 108: Verify Full Compliance

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the employee verified full compliance through appropriate research or other means such as inspection, inquiry, etc. as appropriate.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 410: Lien Filing Determination

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the employee followed appropriate lien determination/filing procedures  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 413: Financial Documentation Complete and/or Verified

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the employee properly evaluated the thoroughness and accuracy of the financial information secured.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 414: Analyze Ability to Pay

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the employee determined the taxpayer’s ability to pay.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 415: Courtesy Investigations (OI)

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to determine if the OS appropriately initiated a courtesy investigation (OI).  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 418: ETA/DCSC Determination

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to determine if an ETA/DCSC offer was properly considered when the OS has determined that the TP does no qualify for consideration under Doubt as Liability (DATL) or Doubt as to Collectibility (DATC)  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 700: Appropriate Approval

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to determine if appropriate approvals were secured based on the type of closure.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 701: Appropriate Case Disposition

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the method of case disposition was consistent with the facts and circumstances of the case as reflected in the case file.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 702: Employee Case History/Documentation

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the employee completed the required case history/case documentation per IRM guidelines including accurate, clear and concise preparation of internal documents.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 703: Closing Reports & Supporting Documents

  1. Operational Definition - Use this field to identify if the file contained required closing reports and supporting documents.  (04-25-2008)
Managerial Review Attributes

  1. There are two attributes that are used only in managerial reviews and do not apply to NQRS.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 110: Inventory Management

  1. Operational Definition – Use this field to determine if the employee considered and resolved inventory management issues within established guidelines.  (04-25-2008)
Attribute 401: Field Visitations

  1. Operational Definition – Use this field to identify if the employee conducted work at the appropriate location.

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