Publisher of Innovative Educational Software



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Featured Products:

Voyages Through Time
This high school integrated science curriculum takes students on an epic journey from the origin of the universe, planets, and life, through the evolution of science and technology. The curriculum is delivered on 6 CD-ROMs with print readers.

Knowledge Forum 4
This electronic group workspace is designed to support the process of group knowledge building. Knowledge Forum provides the tools for groups to share information, launch collaborative investigations, and build networks of new ideas together.

Primary (preK-3) Software

To Market, To Market
This program builds on students initial understanding of quantity and introduces students to numbers 1-100. New Signer Version! features animated American Sign Language, closed captions, and visual clues

Piggy in Numberland
award-winning math program

Piggy’s Birthday Present
practice numbers and letters with Piggy!

Secondary (5-12) Software

Measurement in Motion
Most measurement-based learning activities pretend that the world stands still. It doesn't! Measurement in Motion brings the mathematics of real life into the classroom. This dynamic tools lets students measure and analyse anything that can be pictured or filmed. New version for Mac OSX and Windows!

Mathematical Modeling
Using Graphs & Matrices

use matrices to explore real world math

assess all levels of understanding

Variations in Life Science Investigations
24 life science investigations

Variations in Life Science
apply scientific knowledge to current research

career discovery in science, math, engineering, and technology

Learning in Motion is proud to pioneer the research and development of educational software. By-products of our development role are modules of code and functionality we're happy to share. Sample our tools for deaf and hard-of-hearing. These free tools and resources are available for projects or personal use.


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