Coastal States Organization

Supporting healthy coasts and strong coastal communities.

Featured Publications And News

Current Weekly Report
Date: 05/07/09
Abstract: Click below to read the current edition of the CSO Weekly Report. 
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National Coastal Area Workshop Report Released
Date: 04/01/09
Abstract: The Meridian Institute has released a report on NOAA's National Coastal Area Workshop, held February 26th in Washington, DC.  The workshop brought together fifty experts from federal agencies with coastal management responsibilities as well as representatives from state coastal management programs, national estuary programs, and national estuarine research reserves.  CSO Oregon delegate Bob Bailey spoke at the meeting on the need for reauthorization of the CZMA.   
Read the Report

CSO Funding Priorities FY 2010
Date: 04/01/09
Abstract:  CSO Fact Sheet on Funding Priorities FY 2010. Read the Priorities  

CSO Adopts Coastal Management Bill

Date:  10/23/08

Abstract: At its Annual Meeting in October, CSO Members adopted a draft bill, named the Coastal Management Act of 2009, which would serve as a reinvigoration and reauthorization of the Coastal Zone Management Act.  Based on principles from the Envisioning Coastal Management project conducted with NOAA, and extensive discussions and drafting by CSO delegates, the bill identifies four national priorities for effective coastal management and to meet the increasing complex challenges in managing coastal resources and communities.  It calls for a comprehensive planning effort by the states and increased coordination of federal, state and local actions.  CSO is receiving comments and ideas from partner organizations; comments on the bill should be sent to Bob Bailey at and Kristen Fletcher at

Read the Coastal Management Bill



The Coastal States Organization (CSO) was established in 1970 to represent the coastal states, commonwealths and territories on legislative and policy issues relating to the sound management of coastal, Great Lakes and ocean resources.  CSO represents the interests of the Governors from the thirty-five coastal states, commonwealths, and territories of the United States.

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Work Groups

  • Alternative Energy Work Group
    Rising energy costs, growing demand, and increasing instability in foreign energy supplies have led the nation to reconsider the viability of alternative energy sources.  Once considered too costly to provide a significant portion of the nation's energy requirements, alternative energy projects are now economically competitive and are under development across the nation.  While these projects have the potential to provide clean, reliable power and reduce the need for traditional fossil fuels, a number of questions regarding their impact on coastal resources remain unresolved.  The Alternative Energy Work Group focuses its work on how coastal communities can play an integral part in the changing dynamic of our nation's energy needs.  
  • Appropriations Work Group
    The Appropriations Work Group is a new, short-term Work Group that will devise an effective strategy for future appropriations work at CSO.  The Work Group will make recommendations to the CSO Executive Committee and Membership on an appropriations strategy for FY 2010, including design of the CSO Appropriations Fact Sheet(s) and supporting materials. 
  • Chair's Initiative Work Group
    As a result of U.S. Congressional committee staff observations that the ocean and coastal community is not speaking with one voice to advocate for the large-scale needs for ocean and coastal resource management, the Chair's Initiative Work Group crafted a Call for Action to focus national attention on priorities for the ocean and coastal community.  CSO identified three top priorities for protecting our oceans, coastlines, Great Lakes and estuaries: (1) establish a national ocean trust fund to provide new money to support ocean and coastal management; (2) obtain support to state and local governments in their efforts to address the impacts of climate change; and (3) support the re-authorization of a strong national Coastal Zone Management Act. As appropriate, the Work Group will work with CSO Staff to identify and implement targeted opportunities for the supporters of the Call for Action to influence pending legislation and the activities of the new administration.
  • Climate Change & Sea Level Rise Work Group
    Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, especially with respect to accelerated sea level rise and lake level changes, shoreline erosion, increased storm frequency and/or intensity, and changes in rainfall and related flooding.  Coastal states already play a major role in the development of strategies for adaptation to climate change at the state and local level.  As federal, state, and local governments consider climate change policies and strategies, state coastal zone management programs will continue to play an integral role in the identification of vulnerabilities and adpatation strategies.  The Climate Change Work Group focuses its work on how coastal communities can prepare for changes occuring in our coastal states and territories due to climate change, sea level rise, and lake level changes.
  • CZMA Reauthorization Work Group
    For more than 30 years, the Coastal Zone Management Act has provided coastal states with resources and legal tools to protect and restore valuable habitat, provide public access to coastal waters, guide coastal development, and promote citizen stewardship of coastal resources.  Coastal states face new and increasingly complex social, environmental, technological, and governance challenges, including impacts from climate change; increasing pressures to develop in high risk areas and valuable habitats; wind, wave, and tidal energy development; and maintaining the infrastructure of the Nation's ports.  Successful management of the Nation's coasts requires a commitment among all levels of government, to cooperate and integrate programs and activities to meet national objectives, to leverage financial and technical resources, and to engage non-governmental organizations, stakeholders and the public. Following the Visioning Process led by CSO and NOAA, the CZMA Reauthorization Work Group is analyzing the future of coastal management, discussing concepts for a revitalized CZMA and drafting language for reauthorization of the statute.
  • Habitat & CELCP Work Group
    The Habitat & CELCP Work Group focuses on the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP).  The Work Group seeks to advance legislation to authorize CELCP, H.R. 1907 and S.1142, and update the guidance for the next round of competitive funding.  The Work Group serves as a sounding board for issues as they emerge from negotiations in Congress over legislation, and provides feedback on the state perspective on proposed bill changes.  The Work Group also identifies state experts on land conservation to assist with guidance revisions.
  • Islands & Coral Reefs Work Group
    The islands and territories face unique challenges in coastal management.  There is a need for increased communication among islands and territories, particularly surrounding the Coral Reef Conservation Act.  The Work Group serves to inform CSO Members of pertinent issues to the islands and territories.
  • Regional Ocean Governance Work Group
    The Regional Ocean Governance Work Group seeks to advance legislation that recognizes existing regional partnerships, establishes new efforts as needed, and provides funding for regional ocean partnerships around the nation.  The Work Group collaborates with environmental NGOs on principles for regional ocean governance, educates CSO Members and Congressional staff, submits officaial comments, provodes Congressional testimony, and provides drafting assistance to Congressional staff on subsequent revisions of pending legislation.  The Work Group also reaches out to potential partners, such as Fishery Management Councils, to discuss their potential role and participation in regional ocean governance.
  • Resiliency Work Group
    The concept of "coastal resilience" is a new way of thinking about how to better protect coastal communities from a range of natural hazards.  Resilience incorporates elements of coastal management, emergency response, and community development.  It incorporates a broad range of elements: land use planning, hazards mitigation, resource protection, community cohesiveness, and cultural preservation, that contribute to overall coastal community health.  The Resiliency Work Group focuses on identifying what resiliency is and the important role it can play in the future of our coastal communities.
  • Strategic Planning Work Group
    The purpose of CSO is to support the shared vision of the coastal states, commonwealths and territories for the protection, conservation, responsible use ans sustainable economic development of the nation's coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes resources.  Recognizing the need for a focused approach to complex coastal management issues, CSO designs its strategic plan to identify priorities and benchmarks for success in leadership and member services, governance and management and funding.  This Work Group develops the Strategic Plan for CSO, identifying the priorities to be pursued by the CSO staff and CSO members of the states, territories and commonwealths.                                                       

Work Group Forums

CSO Weekly Report

The CSO Weekly Report is a newsletter that informs our members on activities in Congress, the federal agencies, and throughout the coastal, Great Lakes, and ocean communities.  To receive the Weekly Report via email, follow the directions below.



Hall of the States; 444 North Capitol Street NW; Suite 322; Washington, DC 20001; (202) 508-3860
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