Region I Hosts Boston College Irish Institute Delegation

Group Include Emergency Response Personnel from Ireland and Northern Ireland

Region I Administrator Art Cleaves receives a gift from the BC Irish Institute delegation

Region I welcomed a delegation of emergency management officials from Ireland and Northern Ireland.  The visit included a short tour of the Region I facility in Boston and an overview of FEMA presented by the Region I staff.  The event was coordinated by the Boston College Irish Institute.

The FEMA Region I staff explained how the disaster response process works in the United States, notably the coordination and roles of the federal government in relation to state and federal partners.  This was of particular interest, as Ireland and Northern Ireland face similar coordination issues, both between the two countries and then also with their respective jurisdictions.

The delegation included officials from all levels of government from both countries.   They also came from various backgrounds, including law enforcement, fire service, city council, and health care.  The stop at FEMA Region I was one of the first locations the group will visit on their 10-day tour.  They are also visiting state and local response operations in Massachusetts, and similar groups in the state of Oklahoma.

The Irish Institute is a division of the Center for Irish Programs at Boston College. Professional development programming by the Institute introduces Irish and Northern Irish participants to successful models of best practices in the U.S., as well as offering an opportunity for cultural exchange that promotes mutual understanding among the U.S., Ireland, and Northern Ireland.

Last Modified: Thursday, 06-Nov-2008 10:40:59 EST