Red Sox Recognize 9/11 First Responders

9/11 Responders recognized at Red Sox game

The Boston Red Sox organization hosted a ceremony prior to the Sept. 10, 2008 Red Sox/Devil Rays baseball game to remember the victims of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.  The ceremony included a moment of silence in remembrance of the victims.

The Red Sox also recognized the numerous federal, state, local, private and volunteer staff members that responded to the event.  Seventeen members of a variety of emergency response organizations including the following were present for the ceremony:

FEMA's participation in the incident included the deployment of numerous response coordination staff to the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center and response coordination support from the Federal Regional Center in Maynard, MA.  Region I provided initial response coordination for the initial 48 hours in support of Region II, which includes New York and New Jersey,  as their office was in close proximity to Ground Zero and had lost power and communications capabilities.  This transition of coordination responsibilities went very smoothly due to the hard work of representatives from numerous federal agencies, voluntary organizations and the military.

FEMA and our emergency management partners appreciate the recognition the Red Sox organization provided to all the emergency responders from New England.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 16-Sep-2008 14:09:24 EDT