Map Collections

Title Index

FromDie Chinesische Kuste : to Aero view of Port Jervis, New York 1920
FromAero view of Shelton, Connecticut 1919 to America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia
FromAmerica noviter delineata to Approaches to Fort Butte La Rose, Louisiana
FromApproaches to Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, on the Arkansas River : to Atlas of Allamakee County, Iowa :
FromAtlas of Andrew County, Missouri : to Bacon's new map of the seat of war in Virginia and Maryland. Showing the interesting localities around Richmond, Washington, Baltimore &c
FromBacon's standard map of Europe to Battle of Gettysburg, Penna
FromThe battle of Gettysburg, revised 1951, February 1948. to Bird's eye view of Asbury Park, New Jersey, 1881
FromBird's eye view of Aspen, Pitkin Co., Colo. 1893 to Bird's eye view of Pasadena and vicinity
FromBird's eye view of Pawtucket & Central Falls, R.I. 1877 to Bird's eye view of the city of McGregor and North McGregor, Clayton County, Iowa 1869
FromBird's eye view of the city of Memphis, Tennessee 1870 to Birds eye view of Franklin, Southampton Co., Virginia 1907
FromBirds eye view of Garfield, New Jersey 1909 to Boston & Maine Railroad and connections
FromBoston 1899 to Camp McDonald; a school of Instruction for the 4th Brigade Georgia Volunteers
FromCamp of the 196th Regt. O.V.I. Col. R. P. Kennedy comdg. Stevensons Station near Winchester, Va to Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionnale :
FromCarte de l'Amerique septentrionale pour servir a l'histoire de la Nouvelle France to A centennial map of the Lexington Presbytery of the Synod of Virginia of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, organized Sept. 26, 1786, centennial Sept. 26, 1886, at Timber Ridge Church
FromThe Centennial--balloon view of the grounds : to China
FromChina to The coast of New England
FromCoast of North Carolina & Virginia to Cooke's new map of the state of North Carolina :
FromCooperstown, N.Y. to Darlington District, South Carolina :
FromDavenport, Ia. 1888 to Detailed official atlas of Wayne County, Michigan :
FromDevelopment of the central area west and east of the Capitol--Washington D.C. 1941 to Egypt 1:50,000
FromEgypt and Arabia petraea to [February 18, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[February 19, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to Franklin--Tenn. profield [sic June 1863
From[Franklin-Folger chart of the Gulf Stream . to The geographic face of the nation--land cover :
FromGeographical Map of the Republic of Nicaragua to Great Barrington, Mass
FromGreat Bend, Penn. 1887 to Henrico, Co., Virginia, with additions showing the defensive lines and works of Richmond
FromLa herdike enterprinse faict par le Signeur Draeck D'Avoir cirquit toute la Terre to An illustrated atlas of Cecil County, Maryland
FromIllustrated atlas of Guernsey County, Ohio to Italy 1:250,000
FromItaly : to [July 13, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[July 13, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to [June 8, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[June 8, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to Lee County, Illinois showing rural delivery service
FromLee and Lee's atlas of Porter County, Indiana : to Major ethnic groups in predominantly Muslim areas
FromMalaysia to [Map of Atlantic Coast of North America from the Chesapeake Bay to Florida .
FromMap of Augusta Co., Virginia, 1738-1770 to Map of Frederick, Berkeley, & Jefferson counties in the state of Virginia
From[Map of Fredericksburg, Va., and vicinity . to Map of Mission [sic Ridge showing the position attacked by the forces under command of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman, Nov. 24th & 25th 1863
FromMap of Mississippi : to [Map of Shenandoah Valley from Winchester to New Market, Virginia and from Millwood to Waverly P.O., including parts of Frederick, Clarke, Warren, Shenandoah, and Page counties, Virginia .
FromMap of Somerset County, New Jersey to Map of battle-grounds of August 28th, 29th, & 30th, 1862, in the vicinity of Groveton, Prince William Co., Va.
FromMap of battlefield of Big Black River Bridge, Mississippi, showing the positions of the U.S. troops, May 17th 1863 to Map of reconnaissance of the valley of Brandywine Creek :
FromMap of route and positions, First Corps, Army of Va., Maj. Gen. Sigel comg., from July 7th to Septr. 10th 1862 to Map of the Mississippi at Island no. 10. Showing (corrected) line of the channel cut by the Engineer Regiment
FromMap of the Mosquito Shore, Nicaragua, Central America to Map of the United States, the British provinces, Mexico &c
FromMap of the Virginia Central R.R. and its proposed connections to Map of the city of Richmond, Virginia
FromMap of the city of Washington to Map of the mining district of California
FromA map of the most inhabited part of New England to Map of the state of Kentucky :
FromMap of the state of Nebraska showing the lands of the Burlington & Missouri Riv. R.R. Co. in Nebraska to Map showing from Richmond to Fredericksburg, Va
FromMap showing land holdings in Muddlety Cr. Coal Field in Nicholas Co., W. Va. to Map showing the line of the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad and its western and north western connections
FromMap showing the line of the New Haven, Middletown, and Boston Railroad and its connections to Mapa topografico de la provincia de Texas
FromMapa y plano del Seno Mexicano to [May 16, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[May 17, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to [Military training map, Mexico .
FromMillers Falls, Mass to Neue Karte de Staates Texas fur 1881
FromDie neuwen Inseln, so hinder Hispanien gegen Orient bey dem land India ligen to A new map of the United States
FromNew map of the West Indies for the history of the British colonies to Northern Pacific Railway 1900
From[Northern Virginia with adjacent parts of Maryland and West Virginia to [October 12, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[October 13, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to [Overlay to the map of the siege of Petersburg, 1864-5 .
FromOverzichtskaart van het eiland Borneo : to Partie de l'Amerique septentrionale, qui comprend le cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland, la Virginie, la Caroline
FromPartie des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique septentrionale to Peruuiae avriferae regionis typus
FromPeterborough, N.H. 1886 to Plan de la ville et du port de Nangasaki =
From[Plan de la ville, du port, et de la rade de New-port et Rhode Island to [Plan of Kingston
FromA plan of Mr. Clifton's neck land platted by a scale of 50 poles to the inch to Plan of the Rebel position at Howard's Bridge, April 4th 1862
FromPlan of the Rebel prison pen at Savannah Georgia to Plan of the seat of war
FromPlan of the second Battle of Bull Run Va to Plano de la Sonda de Campeche
FromPlano de la Ya. de Sn. Carlos descubierta por Dn. Phelipe Gonzalez de Haedo, Capitan de Fragta. y Comte. del Navio. de S.M. nombrado Sn. Lorenzo y Frgta. Sta. Rosalia, acuya expedicion salio del Puerto del Callao de Lima el dia 10 de octubre del ano de 1770 ... : to Plano del Puerto de Sn. Gregorio situado en la latitud S. 45p0s4 y en la longitud 310p0s54 segun el meridiano de Tenerife
FromPlano del Puerto de Sn. Julian en la costa patagonica en la latitud de 49p0s 21 S y en longitud de 310p0s, meridiano de Thenerife to Planta guia da cidade de Sao Paulo
FromPlat "B", Charter Oak lands, Clifton Forge, Alleghany Co., Va., showing the Clifton Forge tract of 1695 acrs., 1 to 15 to Position of the Army of the Tenn., July 23d, 64
FromPosition of the army on the 8th Octbr. 1777 to Provincetown
FromProvincetown, Mass. to Rebel line of works at Blakely captured by the Army of West Miss., April 9, 1865 :
FromThe Rebel works at Howard's Bridge to Route from Manassas to Centreville, August 28th to 31st
FromRoute of 3rd Corps from Cattlet's [sic to Greenwich, Va to Seattle birdseye view of portion of city and vicinity
FromSecond Battle of Bull Run to Sistersville, West Virginia 1896
FromSituacion respectiva de las Yslas Salvages segun las determinaciones de los Bergantines de S.M. to Sketch of the battle of Fredericksburg, Dezember [i.e. December 13th, 1862
FromSketch of the battle of Fredericksburg, Saturday, Dec. 13th 1862, Right Wing, C.S.A., Lt. Gl. Jackson's corps to South America
FromSouth Asia to State of Florida; base map
FromThe state of Georgia to Terra Sancta sive Palaestina exhibens no folum Regna vetera Iuda et Israel in fuas XII Tribus diftincta, fed etiam eorundem diverfarum aetatum conditionem et facta in Sacris Paginis idicat
FromTerra sancta sive promissionis, olim Palestina recens delineata, et in lucem edita per Nicolaum Visscher to Topographic view of the city of Reading, Pa. 1881
FromA topographical chart of the bay of Narraganset in the province of New England to Twentieth century Boston
FromThe twin ports, Superior, Wisconsin, Duluth, Minnesota to Vicksburg National Military Park
FromVicksburg National Military Park and Vicksburg National Cemetery to View of the city of Providence as seen from the dome of the new State House
FromView of the city of Stockton to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 1889
FromWilliams' commercial map of the United States and Canada with railroads, routes, and distances to Zui xin Beiping quan shi xiang tu