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Found 11 studies with search of: (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (dementia) [CONDITION]
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1 Active, not recruiting Ginkgo Biloba Prevention Trial in Older Individuals
Conditions: Dementia;   Alzheimer's Disease
Intervention: Drug: Ginkgo biloba
2 Completed Preventing Cognitive Decline With Alternative Therapies
Conditions: Dementia;   Memory Disorders
Intervention: Drug: Ginkgo Biloba Extract
3 Active, not recruiting Women's Isoflavone Soy Health (WISH) Trial
Conditions: Atherosclerosis;   Cardiovascular Diseases;   Heart Diseases;   Osteoporosis;   Menopause;   Breast Cancer;   Dementia
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: 25 g soy protein supplement;   Other: Matching placebo
4 Completed High Intensity Light Therapy in Alzheimer's Disease
Conditions: Alzheimer's Disease;   Dementia
Intervention: Device: high-intensity light therapy
5 Active, not recruiting Development of NIC5-15 in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
Conditions: Alzheimer Disease;   Dementia
Interventions: Drug: NIC5-15;   Drug: Placebo
6 Completed Fish Oil and Alpha Lipoic Acid in Treating Alzheimer's Disease
Conditions: Alzheimer's Disease;   Oxidative Stress;   Dementia;   Hyperlipidemia;   Inflammation
Interventions: Drug: Fish oil;   Drug: Alpha lipoic acid
7 Recruiting The Balance Study Balancing Life and Reducing Stress For Those Providing Elder Care
Conditions: Dementia;   Caregivers;   Stress
Interventions: Behavioral: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction;   Behavioral: Caregiver Education and Social Support
8 Recruiting Effects of Sage on Memory and Mental Performance in Alzheimer's Disease Patients
Condition: Alzheimer Disease
Intervention: Drug: Salvia officinalis (sage)
9 Completed Creatine Therapy for Huntington's Disease
Condition: Huntington's Disease
Intervention: Drug: Creatine
10 Active, not recruiting Vitamin E in Aging Persons With Down Syndrome
Conditions: Down Syndrome;   Alzheimer Disease
Interventions: Drug: Vitamin E;   Drug: multivitamin;   Drug: Placebo
11 Completed Phytoestrogens and Memory Decline in Menopause
Conditions: Memory Loss;   Postmenopause
Intervention: Drug: Isoflavones

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