The FDLP Desktop serves as a centralized resource for the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), which disseminates U.S. Government information to the American public through libraries across the nation. Stay up-to-date with the latest innovations and progress of the Program and utilize various tools in order to enhance public services.

Libraries, log in with your institution's number and internal password to access depository-only content (e.g., order promotional materials).

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General Announcements

Latest News Articles

GPO’s First Promotional Item in Spanish

GPO is pleased to announce the release of its first Easy as FDL promotional item in Spanish. These informational pocket cards inform the reader about the FDLP and direct them to their local depository....

Re-launch of GPO’s Agency Web Site

GPO is pleased to announce the re-launch of its agency Web site, This enhanced site includes separate Web pages for FDLP and LSCM information for the public. The new Web pages will help inform...

Depository Library Spotlight

In an effort to shed light on Federal depository libraries and the unique work each is doing for their community, GPO will be highlighting a different Federal depository library each month. This is called...

GPO Mar. - Apr. 15, 2009 issue of Administrative Notes

The GPO March - April 15, 2009 issue of Administrative Notes has been added to the FDLP Desktop in HTML and PDF formats. The updated cumulative table of contents is also available.

Public Printer Bob Tapella Visits FDLs Around the Country

The library community plays a critical role in working with the U.S. Government Printing Offie (GPO) to provide the public free, open and permanent public access to the documents of our democracy. Public...

Chat With GPO: New OPAL Sessions

New FDLP Videos: GPO Takes to the Streets

FDLP and C&I Metrics - March 2009

New Depository Coordinators Tutorial

Request from the Depository Library Council

GPO FY 2008 Annual Report

Public Printer’s Letter to President Obama Regarding Open Government

Public Printer Visits New Orleans Library Still Recovering From Hurricane Katrina

Salaries and Expenses Appropriation Budget Update

FDLP and C&I Metrics - February 2009

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Latest News Articles

MARC Records from GPO's Shelf List

LSCM staff have completed the processing of brief bibliographic records for 247 publications from GPO's historic shelf list. All the bibliographic metadata on the cards was transcribed and converted to...

Cataloging Information on the FDLP Desktop

The FDLP Desktop now includes a separate location for cataloging information. This can be found as a new tab in the top navigation bar, called "GPO Cataloging". Content from the legacy Desktop's Cataloging...

New Item Number Procedure for Selected Congressional Publications

GPO has begun to create separate item numbers for the online only (EL) format of U.S. Congressional Committee publications known as “Y 4s”, or those listed as “Hearings, Prints, Miscellaneous Publications”...

Display of Additional Federal Depository Library Directory Field

As of December 1, 2008, in response to requests from the depository community, more fields will display in the FDLD. These will include the Library Director's title and name and the Depository Coordinator's...

Separate Record Cataloging Policy

At the request of the Federal Depository Library community, the Government Printing Office, Library Services & Content Services, Library Technical Information Services (LTIS) staff has formulated a policy...

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Recent Enhancements

Item and Classification Changes to Library of Congress' MARC 21 Titles

SuDoc Classification Practice Change for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Hearings

Converting the Historic GPO Shelflist

GPO Cataloging Practice Change

MARC Cataloging Practice Change for Serial Titles

SuDoc Classification Practice Change for JCP Hearings

SuDoc Classification Practice Change for JEC Hearings

SuDoc Classification Practice Change for House Foreign Affairs Hearings

CGP "Locate in a Library" Enhancements

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Latest News Articles

U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, 2008

The 2008 U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual is now available from the U.S. Government Printing Office. The Style Manual is the product of many years of public printing experience and has served...

FY2009 Microfiche Shipping Lists

GPO has added all distributed FY2009 microfiche shipping lists to the Shipping Lister application. The microfiche shipping lists are now available in PDF format. These lists can be used to submit claims...

Packets to Library Coordinators

Packets for depository library coordinators will be sent this week in depository shipment boxes. The packets have not been classed, so they will not be included on a shipping list with an item number and...

2006 U.S. Code Printing Error Identified

GPO has been notified that some copies of the U.S. Code are missing pages 1159-1182: U.S. Code, 2006 edition, Vol. 12, Title 19-Custom Duties, 1701-End to Title 20-Education, 1-1482 SuDocs: Y 1.2/5:2006/v.12...

A New Era of Responsibility: Renewing America's Promise (FY10 Budget Overview Document)

A New Era of Responsibility: Renewing America's Promise (FY10 Budget Overview Document) is now available from the U.S. Government Printing Office. This document provides a description of the Obama Administration’s...

World Factbook

Census Recall: Deadline Extended

Economic Report of the President, 2009

Census Document Recall

Publication of the Congressional Record

New Member Pictorial Directory: 111th Congress

2007 Privacy Act Issuances

Extra Copies of 2008 Red Book Available to Depository Libraries

2008 Plum Book

U.S. Government Manual, 2008-2009

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Latest News Articles

Spring 09 DLC Proceedings Posted

The Conference Proceedings for the Spring 2009 Depository Library Council Meeting are now available. Available resources include session presentations, the Library Services & Content Management...

Public Printer’s Address at the Spring DLC Meeting

At next week’s Spring 2009 Depository Library Council Meeting, GPO’s Public Printer, Bob Tapella, will speak about GPO’s role in Government transparency. Mr. Tapella will discuss the successful public...

2009 Interagency Seminar: Preliminary Schedule of Events Posted

The 22nd Annual Interagency Depository Seminar will be held in Washington, DC from July 20, 2009 through July 24, 2009. During the week-long seminar, representatives from various Federal agencies will...

Sunday Reception for the Spring DLC Meeting

Come to a kick-off reception for the Spring Depository Library Council Meeting on Sunday, April 19 at the University of Tampa’s historic Plant Hall. From 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in Fletcher Lounge, tasty...

Depository Library Council Meeting Update

The Spring 2009 Depository Library Council Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel located in Tampa Bay Florida. The 3-day meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, April 20, 2009 with registration...

2009 Annual Interagency Depository Seminar

Nominate the 2009 Library of the Year

2008 Interagency Depository Seminar Presentations

ALA Annual Conference

2008 Fall Depository Library Conference

Depository Library Council Meeting Hotel Reservations

Exploring, Learning, & Growing at the Fall 2007 DLC Meeting

Spring 2007 DLC Meeting Focuses on Partnerships

43 Land-Grant Universities Celebrate 100 Years in the FDLP

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Latest News Articles

Marketing GPO’s Partnerships

GPO is pleased to announce the release of a new page on the FDLP Desktop dedicated to marketing GPO’s partnerships. GPO has created new marketing strategies as a way to help our partners expand awareness...

Access STAT-USA’s Online Services

As was mentioned in a listserv posting on 02/10/2009, GPO has been working with STAT-USA to issue new passwords, create FAQs, and revise the validation form for Federal depository libraries wanting to...

GPO Announces New Partnership with GAO

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to provide permanent public access to the GAO Reports and GAO Comptroller...

PACER Access

In 2007, GPO and the Administrative Office of the United States Courts undertook a pilot to provide free public access to Federal court records at 17 Federal depository libraries through Public Access...

Homeland Security Digital Library questions

GPO wishes to clarify how IP authentication is being implemented for access to the Homeland Security Digital Library. Depository libraries eligible for IP authentication to HSDL may include the IP addresses...

List of Federal Agency Internet Sites Partnership Renewed

Census 2000 Partnership Renewed

Browse Topics Redesign

World War II: A Digital Library

DOSFAN Partnership Renewed

"Point of Need" Services

Access to the Homeland Security Digital Library

NTIS Broadens Access to DARTS: Depository Access to Reports, Technical & Scientific

National Needs & Offers List Partner Search

Banking & Economic Data Available through FRASER Partnership

New Item Number Procedure for Selected Congressional Publications PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Last Updated on Sunday, 18 January 2009

GPO has begun to create separate item numbers for the online only (EL) format of U.S. Congressional Committee publications known as “Y 4s”, or those listed as “Hearings, Prints, Miscellaneous Publications” in the List of Classes. This does not apply to Committee Rules or Calendars or other Congressional publications. Separate item numbers are already available for paper (P) and microfiche (MF). These changes to the item numbers do not affect SuDocs classification stems. All changes will be announced in WebTech Notes and Administrative Notes Technical Supplement.

For example:

Select Committee on Intelligence (Senate)
Y 4.IN 8/19: Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications
(P) ESSENTIAL TITLE    1009-B-07
Y 4.IN 8/19: Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications
Will now include:
Y 4.IN 8/19: Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications

GPO sees two significant potential impacts on libraries from this procedure

  1. Selective libraries may opt to drop from their item selection profile tangible Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. This may affect a state or region’s access to these types of publications in the future. Libraries are reminded that they may not claim a print or microfiche format if they do not select it. Alternatively, libraries that do not normally select these publications may choose to acquire them for their electronic collection.
  2. Selective libraries may opt to assess their existing tangible Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications collections and request official substitution to withdraw tangible versions in favor of providing access through the electronic versions. This will also affect a state or region’s access to these publications.

New cataloging policy and impact

  • It is the policy of GPO to create separate cataloging records for each individual format of a publication. The single record approach is no longer being used.
  • As a result, libraries getting their catalog records directly from GPO that do not select the new EL formats of the Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications will no longer receive the PURL or URL in their catalog records. If a library wishes to have PURLs in their catalog records, they will likely need to modify their tangible format records by adding an 856/PURL field to the record. For more information, see the article entitled “Separate Record Cataloging Policy".
  • GPO continues to distribute hearings and prints from earlier Congresses as they become available and will process these incoming publications using the separate record cataloging approach and assign new item numbers.

What it means for item selection profiles

  • If your library currently selects either a P or MF format (or both P and MF if a regional depository library), a new item number for the EL format will automatically be added to your item selection profile. If you do not want to select the EL format, you must deselect those item numbers.
  • Selectives may select one tangible format in addition to the electronic format.
  • You may deselect any unwanted item numbers at any time. Drops become effective within 2 or 3 business days.
  • Additions to your item selection profile may be made during the next Item Selection Update Cycle in mid-year 2009. Adds will take effect on October 1, 2009.
  • If your library wants to rely only on the electronic format, it may drop the P or MF format, however it should have copy cataloging procedures for the EL format in place prior to the drop, and/or have commercial vendor services arranged for EL records, if applicable. Otherwise a gap may occur in collections between when tangible distribution ceases and electronic access begins. (Note: regional depository libraries must select at least one tangible format.)
  • Libraries that purchase cataloging records from commercial vendors may wish to contact their vendor to arrange for the addition or deselection of these new EL item numbers from their batch loads.
  • It is not sufficient to just select an EL item number and not provide access to individual publications through your catalog or Web site. Libraries that choose to provide electronic only access to Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous publications should plan on promoting the electronic collection through their catalogs and/or Web pages.

Caveats on dropping a tangible format item number in favor of an online only (EL) format

  • Some Committees do not issue electronic equivalents of their Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. A separate item number for the online only format will not be created for these publications.
  • Some Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications are incomplete online. The Congressional Committee determines if the publication is disseminated online. Online and tangible formats do not necessarily have a one to one correlation; there are tangible versions of Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications that have no online equivalent. If a library needs to provide access to all Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications for a particular Congressional Committee, selecting the EL item number will merely supplement existing collections, but cannot replace it.
  • If you choose to deselect an item number associated with the paper format, deselection takes approximately 2-3 days. Deselection of microfiche typically takes a bit longer, approximately 1-2 weeks, as we work to notify the microfiche contractors and they make changes to their records.

Substitution considerations

  • Selective depository libraries may officially substitute publications when the EL version is complete, official, and permanently accessible.
  • Because online electronic Hearings, Prints, Miscellaneous Publications is not a complete “series”, libraries must verify the completeness of each individual Hearing, Print, & Miscellaneous Publication in the electronic format before substituting them. GPO suggests you compare the full-text of each publication you have identified for potential substitution by identifying them on GPO Access or in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. Compare the pagination of PDF versions and examine the electronic file to determine if all images, tables, and other graphics are included. If the electronic version is incomplete, it cannot be used for official substitution.
  • The superseding instructions must be followed. Libraries must ask for permission from their regional library to substitute Hearings, Prints, Miscellaneous Publications that have not been superseded per the Superseded List (very few are ever updated, revised or corrected).
  • Regionals may not substitute P or MF with EL formats.
  • Depository libraries should consider patron characteristics, usage patterns, community needs, research requirements, and the library’s collection development policy when determining which format of these Congressional publications best meets the U.S. Government information needs of the library users. Libraries may select one tangible format in addition to the electronic format if they so choose.

If changes are made to the House and/or Senate committee structures with the 111th Congress, GPO will make corresponding revisions in the List of Classes.

Related information

Additional reference information

Costello, Barbara. “Moving in the right direction: Developments in the online availability of full-text Congressional committee hearing transcripts.” Government Information Quarterly 25 (2008): 104-117.

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