
Guidance for Existing CFARs

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Welcome to the CFAR Toolbox page. Listed below are the tools you will need when submitting your progress reports and studies for clearance.

  1. Please use these revised guidelines and spreadsheets when submitting your annual progress reports.
    Progress reporting guidelines (Word document, 113K)
    1. Previous Recipients of Developmental Awards (Excel spreadsheet, 18K)
    2. Existing NIH Core Facilities at the Institution (Excel spreadsheet, 16K)
    3. Core Utilization Table (Excel spreadsheet, 18K)

  2. Please use this checklist form when submitting any international studies for clearance.
    International Studies Checklist (for all CFAR-Supported International Studies) (Word document, 84K)
    1. Please refer to this document for Guidance on Research Objectives for CFAR-supported international studies, including human subjects' protection and examples (adapted from Fogarty):
      Research Objectives Guidelines (for CFAR-Supported International Studies) (Word document)
    2. Guidance for India projects (PDF)
    3. Guidance for Brazil projects

  3. For CFAR-funded clinical research, please refer to the revised Guidance on CFAR Clinical Research Studies (PDF)
    1. For clinical research studies above minimal risk or in vulnerable populations, please submit a Clinical Research Studies Checklist (Word document, 29K) for additional NIH approval prior to study initiation.

  4. For currently funded CFARs, please Acknowledge the CFAR in any CFAR-supported science. This includes abstracts, publications, grant proposals, and/or presentations which have been supported by the CFAR. Download and use the CFAR logo.

If you have any questions on the guidelines or checklists listed above, please don't hesitate in contacting Ann Namkung or Chau Nguyen.

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This page is in progress and any comments or suggestions are most welcome. Please forward to

Last updated 12.19.08 (alt)