reading room 



The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room is a searchable archive of Federal Housing Finance Board decision documents.  The archive includes documents dating from the Finance Board’s establishment in 1989 to the current date.  If you click on the document name, you will see a short description of the type of document and, separated by year of issuance, a list of each document of that type, including issuance date, identifying number, and title.  To view or print a document, click on the document title.  To view the Finance Board's FOIA Reading Room Certification, click here.

+ Advisory Bulletins
+ Approval Letters
+ Chairperson Orders
+ Federal Register Notices
+ FHFA Documents
+ General Counsel Opinions
+ Managing Director Orders
+ No-Action Letters
- Regulatory Interpretations
Regulatory Interpretations, which were first issued in 1998, are written guidance issued by Federal Housing Finance Board staff with respect to application of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act or a Federal Housing Finance Board rule, regulation, policy, or order to a proposed transaction or activity. The authority to issue, and the procedure for applying for, a Regulatory Interpretation are found in sections 907.5, 907.6, and 907.7 of the Finance Board's Procedures regulation (12 C.F.R. §§ 907.5, 907.6, and 907.7). Regulatory Interpretations are numbered in sequence by year with the prefix “RI”, e.g., 1999-RI-##.
+ 2007
+ 2005
+ 2004
+ 2003
- 2002
November 19 2002-RI-07: Classification of Fannie Mae Multifamily Assured Schedule Payment Trust Certificates (MAST Bonds)
November 5 2002-RI-06: Application of the Interim Capital Requirements Under 12 C.F.R. § 956.4
May 21 2002-RI-05: Obligations of State Housing Finance Agencies and Unsecured Credit Limitations
April 22 2002-RI-04: Accounting Issues: Electronic Distribution of the Combined Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports of the Federal Home Loan Bank System
March 6 2002-RI-02: Whether the Definition of “Acquired Member Assets” Includes Loans For Which the Servicing Rights Have Been Sold to a Participating Financial Institution Other Than the One Responsible for the Credit Enhancement
March 6 2002-RI-03: Use of Mortgage Pool Insurance as Part of a Credit Enhancement for Acquired Member Assets
February 13 2002-RI-01: Sponsors With Leasehold Interests in Affordable Housing Program Rental Project Buildings and Underlying Land
+ 2001
+ 2000
+ 1999
+ 1998
+ Resolutions
+ Supervisory Actions
+ Waivers