Bipolar Disorders: Towards a Pathophysiology


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Air date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 1:30:00 PM
Category: Special
Description: Dr. Soares will discuss most recent findings from ongoing studies that examine fronto-limbic brain pathways as possibly involved in pathophysiology of bipolar disorders. He will review findings from both adult and pediatric studies with neuroimaging tools (MRI, MRS, DTI), as well findings from neurocognitive studies. These findings will be discussed as related to a hypothesis that abnormalities in brain fronto-limbic pathways may be central to pathophysiology of bipolar disorder.

    1) Understand brain neuroanatomy and regions involved in regulation of emotions.

    2) Learn about applications of human brain imaging to the study of psychiatric disorders.

    3) Understand available findings and limitations from neuroimaging studies of bipolar disorders
Author: Dr. Jair C. Soares
Runtime: 90 minutes
CIT File ID: 15070
CIT Live ID: 7643
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