Finders, Keepers: Recruitment and Retention of Research Participants in NIH-Supported Clinical Trials (HHS Only)


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Air date: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 8:30:00 AM
Category: HHS Only
Description: Clinical trials investigators have difficulties recruiting and retaining volunteers. Insufficient numbers, lack of diversity, and attrition pose threats to the progress and success of these studies. What motivates individuals to participate in clinical trials? What are the strategies for long term retention? What are roles for Scientific Review Officers, Program Officials, Grants Management Specialists, and Data and Safety Monitoring Board members related to study design and progress? This forum will explore challenges to the identification, enrollment, and retention of research participants in clinical trials; and discuss successful techniques for recruitment and retention of study participants.

For more information, visit
Author: Kay Dickersin, Leonard Abbeduto, Claudia Baquet and David Wendler
Runtime: 240 minutes
CIT File ID: 14924
CIT Live ID: 6934
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