Stars in Nutrition and Cancer: Nanonutrition Frontiers- Lessons Learned from Imaging and Therapy (NIH-Only)


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Air date: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 3:00:00 PM
Category: NIH Only
Description: NCI Stars in Nutrition Lecture Series

The recent development of polymer nanoparticles for intracellular imaging has provided for nanometer-scaled measurements of important intracellular physiological ions and small molecules. Further refinements of the technology permit targeting of the nanoparticle to specific organelles and imaging of physical properties such as E-fields propagated by mitochondria and other cytoplasmic elements. The design of these nanoparticles requires the incorporation of high functionality, targeting and biocompatibility. These properties lend themselves to optimized pharmokinetic/pharmocodynamic properties while minimizing toxicity.

Nutritional status is a major modulator of morbidity and mortality for many cancers. Many opportunities exist for the development of nanotechnology approaches for nutrient-based management and treatment of several cancers. However, many of the considerations pertinent to the development of cancer imaging and therapeutic platforms will be critical for the safe development of novel delivery platforms for micro- and other nutrients, the preservation of healthy foodstuffs and the administrationof nutriceuticals.

Meeting Objectives:
  • To present configuration of polymer nanosensors, imaging nano-agents and photodynamic nanoparticles;
  • To show capabilities of sensors, imaging and photodynamic nanoparticles;
  • To present data on AD(M)E of polymer nanoparticles; and
  • To present a priori considerations of toxicity in the design of useful therapeutic/imaging nanoparticle agents.
This lecture series features extraordinary contributors or "stars" in the field of cancer and nutrition research. Speakers highlight the important role that nutrition plays in modifying cancer development. The lectures aim to facilitate interdisciplinary interactions among basic scientists, clinicians, and behavioral and social scientists. Lectures typically occur each fall and spring.

For more information, visit
Author: Martin Philbert, Ph.D.
Runtime: 120 minutes
CIT File ID: 14985
CIT Live ID: 7526
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