A Chemist (Re)discovers How The Immune System Kills TB


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Air date: Wednesday, March 04, 2009, 4:15:00 PM
Category: Immunology
Description: Dr. Barry received his Ph.D. in organic and bioorganic chemistry in 1989 from Cornell University, studying the biosynthesis of complex natural products. Following postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Barry joined NIAID's Rocky Mountain Laboratories. In 1998, he was tenured as chief of the Tuberculosis Research Section (TBRS). He is very involved in international activities to develop new chemotherapies for tuberculosis, serving as an advisor to the World Health Organization and the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development. Dr. Barry is a member of several editorial boards and has authored more than 60 research publications in tuberculosis since entering the field 10 years ago.

The TBRS is an integrated group of chemists, clinicians, and microbiologists dedicated to improving the chemotherapy of tuberculosis. Through a detailed understanding of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)-the natural history of the disease, the advantages and shortcomings of current antibiotics, models for the evaluation of new antibiotics, and the underlying reasons for the development of drug resistance-section scientists work to identify new strategies to improve therapy. Translating these strategies into clinically useful drugs engages the chemistry portion of the group in areas such as chemical modification of promising new synthetic antitubercular compounds, identification and optimization of products derived from natural sources with antitubercular activity, and development of novel delivery methods and formulations.

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The Immunology Interest Group
Author: Dr. Barry Clifton
Runtime: 75 minutes
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