Activation of Wnt Signaling with Inhibitors of GSK-3beta Promotes the Generation of CD8+ Memory Stem Cells


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Air date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 4:15:00 PM
Category: Immunology
Description: Luca Gattinoni's area of expertise is on the adoptive immunotherapy of cancer. Dr. Gattinoni received his medical training at the University of Milan School of Medicine and Surgery and went on to study Medical Oncology at the National Cancer Institute of Italy (Istituto Nazionale Tumori) in Milan, Italy. Dr. Gattinoni came to the Clinical Research Center of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda as a visiting fellow in 2003 in Nick Restifo's laboratory and was advanced to the position of Staff Scientist in 2008. He has done seminal work on the mechanisms of how immune ablation augments the homeostatic expansion and function of adoptively transferred T cells. His most recent work describes the phenotypic and functional changes that occur during post-thymic maturation of CD8+ T cells. He will describe exciting new unpublished evidence on the impact of WNT signaling on a T cell subset with "stem-like" characteristics. His findings have major implications for the development of new immunotherapies based on the adoptive transfer of T cells.

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The Immunology Interest Group
Author: Luca Gattinoni
Runtime: 75 minutes
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CIT File ID: 14921
CIT Live ID: 7448
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