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Copyrights and Permissions Statements

Materials digitized for the American Indians of the Pacific Northwest collection are drawn from the diverse holdings of the project partners (see below). Copyright of the site is held by the University of Washington. Send inquiries regarding the essays and materials not specifically listed below to or fax to (206) 685-8727.

Copyright and Restrictions for Images

The nature of historical archival photograph collections means that copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine, the owning respository would like to hear from anyone who may have additional information regarding the images found in this collection. The owning repository is listed in the "Repository" field of the metadata for each photograph.

  • Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture/Eastern Washington State
    Historical Society

    Via smail: Research Collection Center
    Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture/Eastern Washington State
    Historical Society
    2316 West First Avenue
    Spokane, WA 99201

  • Museum of History and Industry
    Via email:
    Via fax: (206) 324-1346
    Via smail: Library
    Museum of History and Industry
    2700 - 24th Avenue East
    Seattle, WA 98112
    For information on photo ordering and copyright see:

  • University of Washington Libraries
    Via email: photos at u dot washington dot edu
    Via fax: (206) 543-1931
    Via smail: Special Collections Division
    University of Washington Libraries
    Box 352900
    Seattle, WA 98195-2900

Additional images from the following repositories were included in the image collection:

  • Seattle Public Library
    Via e-mail:
    Via s-mail: Seattle Public Library
    Fine and Performing Arts
    1000 4th Avenue
    Seattle, WA

  • Washington State Historical Society
    Via e-mail:
    Via s-mail: RESEARCH CENTER
    315 Stadium Way
    Tacoma, WA 98403

Images from the American Indians of the Pacific Northwest collection may be downloaded for noncommercial educational and research purposes. For permission to use a particular item for any other uses, such as publishing, video production, exhibits, product presentations, interior design, advertising, or similar commercial purposes, you must send an inquiry to the owning repository. This is identified in the "Repository" field of the description for each item. Contact information is listed above. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item.

Copyright for Text

  • Pacific Northwest Quarterly
    Inquiries regarding the Pacific Northwest Quarterly articles should be sent to:
    Via email:
    Via smail: Pacific Northwest Quarterly
    Box 353587
    University of Washington
    Seattle, WA 98195-3587
    Permission to digitize photographs reproduced in the digitized articles was requested and granted by the individual repositories. Inquiries about these photographs should be addressed to the owning repositories.

  • University of Washington Publications in Anthropology
    University of Washington Publications in Anthropology appear by arrangement with the University of Washington Press. Queries concerning copyright or permissions should be addressed to:
    Via fax: 206-543-3932
    Via smail: Rights and Permissions Manager
    University of Washington Press
    PO Box 50096
    Seattle, WA 98145-5096

  • Government Publications
    The U.S. Office of Indian Affairs Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of Interior and the Indian treaties digitized for this site are government publications and not in copyright.

  • Study Topic Essays
    The study topic essays are copyrighted by the University of Washington. For permission to use in activities beyond fair use, such as publishing or commercial purposes, please contact:
    University of Washington Libraries
    via email:
    via fax: (206) 685-8727
    Via smail: Preservation
    University of Washington Libraries
    Box 352900
    Seattle, WA. 98195-2900

Copyright for Other Materials

Additional items were identified by the study topic authors to complement their essays. An article from Harper's Weekly, an article from West Shore Magazine, two transcribed newspaper articles, and three pages of archival material from the National Archives are not in copyright. Permission was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution to include two maps from the Handbook of North American Indians and from High Plains Publishing Company (P.O.Box 1860, Worland, WY 82401) to include "Coyote and Monster" and the map, "Nez Perce Homeland and Their Neighbors" from Deward Walker's "Nez Perce Coyote Tales: The Myth Cycle."

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