Building Positive Relationships at Work


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Air date: Tuesday, March 03, 2009, 12:00:00 PM
Category: Work/Life Center
Description: NIH Work Life Seminar

In today's economy, the work environment is increasingly stressful, as the demand to do more with less becomes a reality. The truth is that in order to be productive and less stressed, you need positive, supportive relationships at work. Interactions at work are numerous, complex and sometimes difficult, yet, having a strong support network can help you maximize your own success. It is important to develop cooperative interaction with colleagues and team members to enhance the quality of your work experience and find ways to boost productivity. This session will help you assess your interactions at work and provide tools to build the relationships you need to be productive and successful.

Creating a network of supportive people can be invaluable in the workplace by helping you problem solve or deal with unforeseen challenges. This seminar will outline the fundamentals in building positive working relationships, including the time it takes to nurture mutual respect, cooperation, and effective communications - the cornerstones of healthy professional relationships. The trainer will present ways to handle difficult interactions, increase your own receptivity to feedback, and other communication tips for improving your working relationships.

For more information, visit
Author: Jennifer Alfonso, MBA, MSW, LCSW-C
Runtime: 60 minutes
CIT File ID: 14946
CIT Live ID: 7509
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