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Publications on Major Findings By
Health Outcomes

ACE Study publications link adverse childhood experiences to a range of health outcomes. Each of the following topics will link you to publications which include that outcome as a major finding.

Overview/Commentaries Methodological Issues
Chronic Disease Reproductive Health/Sexual Behavior
Health Risk Behaviors Special Populations
Mental Health Victimization and Perpetration

Other Health and Social Issues



Anda RF, Brown DW. Root Causes and Organic Budgeting: Funding Health from Conception to the Grave. Ped Health. 2007;1(2):141–143.

Foege WH. Adverse childhood experiences: A public health perspective (editorial). American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1998;14:354–355.

Weiss JS, Wagner SH. What explains the negative consequences of adverse childhood experiences on adult health? Insights from cognitive and neuroscience research (editorial). American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1998;14:356–360.

Whitfield CL. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma (editorial). American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1998;14:361–363.

Edwards, VJ, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Anda RF. It's OK to ask about past abuse. American Psychologist. 2007 62(4):327328.

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Edwards, VJ, Anda, RF, Dube, SR, Dong, M, Chapman, DF, & Felitti, VJ. (2005). The wide-ranging health consequences of adverse childhood experiences. In Kathleen Kendall-Tackett and Sarah Giacomoni (eds.) Victimization of Children and Youth: Patterns of Abuse, Response Strategies, Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.

Felitti VJ, Anda RF, Nordenberg D, Williamson DF, Spitz AM, Edwards V, Koss MP, Marks JS. Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1998;14:245-258.

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Chronic Disease

Autoimmune disease

Dube SR, Fairweather D, Pearson WS, Felitti VJ, Anda RF, Croft JB. Cumulative childhood stress and autoimmune disease. Psychom Med. 2009;71, 243-250.

Health-Related Quality of Life

Edwards VJ, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Dube SR. Adverse childhood experiences and health-related quality of life as an adult. In: K Kendall-Tackett, ed. Health Consequences of Abuse in the Family: A Clinical Guide for Evidence-Based Practice. Washington, DC:American Psychological Association; 2003:81-94

Corso, PS, Edwards, VJ, Fang, X, Mercy, JA.. Health-related quality of life among adults who experienced maltreatment during childhood. Am J Public Health, 2008;98:1094-1100.

Liver Disease

Dong M, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Giles WH. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Self- reported Liver Disease: New Insights into a Causal Pathway. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2003;163:1949–1956.

Ischemic Heart Disease

Dong M, Giles WH, Felitti VJ, Dube, SR, Williams JE, Chapman DP, Anda RF. Insights into causal pathways for ischemic heart disease: Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Circulation, 2004;110:1761–1766.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Anda RF, Brown DW, Dube SR, Bremner JD, Felitti VJ, Giles WH. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Adults. Am J Prev Med. 2008;34(5):396-403.

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Health Risk Behaviors

Alcohol Abuse

Dube SR, Miller JW, Brown DW, Giles WH, Felitti VJ, Dong M, Anda RF. Adverse childhood experiences and the association with ever using alcohol and initiating alcohol use during adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2006;38(4):444.e1-444.e10.

Anda RF, Whitfield CL, Felitti VJ, Chapman D, Edwards VJ, Dube SR, Williamson DF. Adverse childhood experiences, alcoholic parents, and later risk of alcoholism and depression. Psychiatric Services, 2002;53(8):1001–1009.

Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Edwards VJ, Croft JB. Adverse Childhood Experiences and personal alcohol abuse as an adult. Addictive Behaviors, 2002;27(5):713–725.

Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Croft JB, Edwards VJ, Giles WH. Growing up with Parental alcohol abuse: Exposure to Childhood Abuse, Neglect and Household Dysfunction. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2001;25(12):1627–1640.

Drug Abuse

Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Dong M, Chapman DP, Giles WH, Anda RF. Childhood Abuse, Neglect and Household Dysfunction and the Risk of Illicit Drug Use: The Adverse Childhood Experience Study. Pediatrics, 2003;111(3):564–572.


Williamson DF, Thompson, TJ, Anda, RF,. Dietz, WH, Felitti VJ. Body Weight, Obesity, and Self-Reported Abuse in Childhood. International Journal of Obesity, 2002;26:1075–1082.

Sexual Risk Behavior

Hillis SD, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Marchbanks PA. Adverse childhood experiences and sexual risk behaviors in women: a retrospective cohort study. Family Planning Perspectives, 2001;33:206–211.


Edwards, VJ, Anda RF, Gu D, Dube, S R, Felitti, VJ. Adverse childhood experiences and smoking persistence in adults with smoking-related symptoms and illness*. Permanente Journal 2007;11:57.

Anda RF, Croft JB, Felitti VJ, Nordenberg D, Giles WH, Williamson DF, Giovino GA. Adverse childhood experiences and smoking during adolescence and adulthood. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1999; 282:1652–1658.

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Mental Health

Autobiographical Memory Disturbances

Brown DW, Anda RF, Felitti VJ. Self-Reported Information and Pharmacy Claims Were Comparable for Lipid-Lowering Medication Exposure. J Clin Epidemiol. 2007 60(5):525529.

Edwards, VJ, Fivush, R, Anda, RF, Felitti, VJ, and Nordenberg, DF. Autobiographical memory disturbances in childhood abuse survivors. In J.J. Freyd and A.P. DePrince (Eds.) Trauma and Cognitive Science: A meeting of minds, science, and human experience. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. Also published in Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma (2001).

Depression/Depressed Affect

Anda RF, Brown DW, Felitti VJ, Bremner JD, Dube SR, Giles WH. Adverse childhood experiences and prescribed psychotropic medications in adults. Am J Prev Med. 2007 May;32(5):38994.

Chapman DP, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Dube SR, Edwards VJ, Whitfield CL. Epidemiology of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depressive Disorders In a Large Health Maintenance Organization Population. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2004;82:217–225.

Edwards, V. J., Holden, G. W., Anda, R. F., & Felitti, V. J. Experiencing Multiple Forms of Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Mental Health: Results from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 2003;160(8):1453–1460.

Anda RF, Whitfield CL, Felitti VJ, Chapman D, Edwards VJ, Dube SR, Williamson DF. Adverse childhood experiences, alcoholic parents, and later risk of alcoholism and depression. Psychiatric Services, 2002;53(8):1001–1009.

Edwards, VJ, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Anda RF. It's OK to ask about past abuse. American Psychologist. 2007 62(4):327328.


Whitfield CL, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Anda RF. Adverse childhood experiences and hallucinations. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2005;29(7):797-810.


Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Bremner JD, Walker JD, Whitfield C, Perry BD, Dube SR, Giles WH. The enduring effects of abuse and related adverse experiences in childhood A convergence of evidence from neurobiology and epidemiology. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2005; [Epub ahead of print]

Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Walker J, Whitfield, CL, Bremner JD, Perry BD, Dube SR, Giles WH. The Enduring Effects of Abuse and Related Adverse Experiences in Childhood: A Convergence of Evidence from Neurobiology and Epidemiology. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2006; 56(3):17486.


Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Chapman D, Williamson DF, Giles WH. Childhood abuse, household dysfunction and the risk of attempted suicide throughout the life span: Findings from Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2001;286:3089–3096.

Work Absenteeism

Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Fleisher VI, Edwards VJ, Whitfield CL, Dube SR, Williamson DF. Childhood Abuse, Household Dysfunction and Indicators of Impaired Worker Performance in Adulthood. The Permanente Journal, 2004;8(1):30–38.

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Methodological Issues

Age Cohort Differences

Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Dong M, Giles WH, Anda RF. The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Health Problems: Evidence from Four Birth Cohorts Dating Back to 1900. Preventive Medicine, 2003;37(3):268–277.

Assessment of Mediating Pathways

Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Fleisher VI, Edwards VJ, Whitfield CL, Dube SR, Williamson DF. Childhood Abuse, Household Dysfunction and Indicators of Impaired Worker Performance in Adulthood. The Permanente Journal, 2004;8(1):30–38.

Dong M, Giles WH, Felitti VJ, Dube, SR, Williams JE, Chapman DP, Anda RF. Insights into causal pathways for ischemic heart disease: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Circulation, 2004;110:1761–1766.

Anda RF, Chapman DP, Felitti VJ, Edwards V, Williamson DF, Croft JP, Giles WH. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Risk of Paternity in Teen Pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2002;100(1): 37–45.

Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Chapman D, Williamson DF, Giles WH. Childhood abuse, household dysfunction and the risk of attempted suicide throughout the life span: Findings from Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2001;286:3089–3096.

Basis For ACE Score

Dong M, Anda RF, Felitti, VJ, Dube SR, Williamson DF, Thompson TJ, Loo CM. Giles WH. The Interrelatedness of Multiple Forms of Childhood Abuse, Neglect, and Household Dysfunction. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2004;28(7):771–784.

Felitti VJ, Anda RF, Nordenberg D, Williamson DF, Spitz AM, Edwards V, Koss MP, Marks JS. Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1998;14:245-258.

Bias Assessment

Brown DW, Anda RF, Felitti VJ. Self-Reported Information and Pharmacy Claims Were Comparable for Lipid-Lowering Medication Exposure. J Clin Epidemiol. 60(5):525529.

Dube SR, Williamson DF, Thompson T, Felitti VJ, Anda RF. Assessing the Reliability of Retrospective Reports of Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Adult HMO Members Attending a Primary Care Clinic. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2004;28(7):729–737.

Edwards VJ, Anda RF, Nordenberg DF, Felitti VJ, Williamson DF, Howard N, Wright JA. Bias assessment for child abuse survey: factors affecting probability of response to a survey about child abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2001;25:307-312.

Consistency by Birth Cohort

Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Dong M, Giles WH, Anda RF. The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Health Problems: Evidence from Four Birth Cohorts Dating Back to 1900. Preventive Medicine, 2003;37(3):268–277.

Interrelation of ACEs

Dong M, Anda RF, Felitti, VJ, Dube SR, Williamson DF, Thompson TJ, Loo CM. Giles WH. . The Interrelatedness of Multiple Forms of Childhood Abuse, Neglect, and Household Dysfunction. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2004;28(7):771–784.

Dong M, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Dube SR, Giles WH. The Relationship of Exposure to Childhood Sexual Abuse to Other Forms of Abuse, Neglect and Household Dysfunction during Childhood. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2003;27(6):625–639.

Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Edwards VJ, Williamson DF. Exposure to abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction among adults who witnessed intimate partner violence as children:implications for health and social services. Violence and Victims. 2002;17(1): 3-17.

Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Croft JB, Edwards VJ, Giles WH. Growing up with Parental alcohol abuse: Exposure to Childhood Abuse, Neglect and Household Dysfunction. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2001;25(12):1627–1640.

Felitti VJ, Anda RF, Nordenberg D, Williamson DF, Spitz AM, Edwards V, Koss MP, Marks JS. Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1998;14:245-258.

Severity/Frequency of Violent Experience

Whitfield CL, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felitti VJ. Violent Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Adults: Assessment in a Large Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2003;18(2):166–185.

Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Chapman DP, Croft JB, et al. Abused boys, battered mothers, and male involvement in teen pregnancy. Pediatrics, 2001;107(2):e19.

Test-Retest Reliability

Dube SR, Williamson DF, Thompson T, Felitti VJ, Anda RF. Assessing the Reliability of Retrospective Reports of Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Adult HMO Members Attending a Primary Care Clinic. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2004:28(7):729–737.

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Reproductive Health/Sexual Behavior

Fetal Death

Hillis SD, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Marchbanks PA, Marks JS. The association between adverse childhood experiences and adolescent pregnancy, long-term psychosocial outcomes, and fetal death. Pediatrics. 2004; 113(2):320-327.

Hillis SD, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Marchbanks PA, Marks JS. The Association Between Adolescent Pregnancy, Long-Term Psychosocial Outcomes, and Fetal Death. Pediatrics, 2004;113(2):320–327.


Felitti VJ, Anda RF, Nordenberg D, Williamson DF, Spitz AM, Edwards V, Koss MP, Marks JS. Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1998;14:245-258.

Sexual Risk Behaviors in Women

Hillis SD, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Marchbanks PA. Adverse childhood experiences and sexual risk behaviors in women: a retrospective cohort study. Family Planning Perspectives, 2001;33:206–211.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Hillis SD, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Nordenberg D, Marchbanks PA. Adverse childhood experiences and sexually transmitted diseases in men and women: a retrospective study. Pediatrics, 2000;106(1):E11.

Teen Pregnancy

Hillis SD, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Marchbanks PA, Marks JS. The association between adverse childhood experiences and adolescent pregnancy, long-term psychosocial outcomes, and fetal death. Pediatrics. 2004; 113(2):320-327.

Anda RF, Chapman DP, Felitti VJ, Edwards V, Williamson DF, Croft JP, Giles WH. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Risk of Paternity in Teen Pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2002;100(1):37–45.

Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Chapman DP, Croft JB, et al. Abused boys, battered mothers, and male involvement in teen pregnancy. Pediatrics, 2001;107(2):e19.

Unintended Pregnancy

Dietz PM, Spitz AM, Anda RF, Williamson DF, McMahon PM, Santelli JS, Nordenberg DF, Felitti VJ, Kendrick JS. Unintended pregnancy among adult women exposed to abuse or household dysfunction during their childhood. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1999;282:1359–1364.

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Special Populations

Children of Alcoholics

Anda RF, Whitfield CL, Felitti VJ, Chapman D, Edwards VJ, Dube SR, Williamson DF. Adverse childhood experiences, alcoholic parents, and later risk of alcoholism and depression. Psychiatric Services, 2002;53(8):1001–1009.

Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Croft JB, Edwards VJ, Giles WH. Growing up with Parental alcohol abuse: Exposure to Childhood Abuse, Neglect and Household Dysfunction. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2001:25(12):1627–1640.

Child Sexual Abuse Victims

Dube SR, Anda RF, Whitfield, CL, Brown DW, Felitti VJ, Dong M, Giles WH. Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Gender of Victim . American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2005;28:430–438.

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Victimization and Perpetration

Intimate Partner Violence

Whitfield CL, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felitti VJ. Violent Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Adults: Assessment in a Large Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2003;18(2):166–185.

Dube SR, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Edwards VJ, Williamson DF. Exposure to abuse, neglect and household dysfunction among adults who witnessed intimate partner violence as children. Violence and Victims, 2002:17(1):3–17.

Anda, RF, Felitti, VJ, Brown, DW, Chapman, D, Dong, M, Dube, SR, Edwards, VJ, Giles, WH. (2006) Insights Into Intimate Partner Violence From the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study. In PR Salber and E Taliaferro, eds. The Physician's Guide to Intimate
Partner Violence and Abuse
, Volcano, CA: Volcano Press; 2006.

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Other Health and Social Issues

Anda RF, Brown DW, Dube SR, Bremner JD, Felitti VJ, Giles WH. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Adults. Am J Prev Med. 2008;34(5):396-403.

Dong M, Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Williamson DF, Dube SR, Brown DW, Giles WH. Childhood residential mobility and multiple health risks during adolescence and adulthood: the hidden role of adverse childhood experiences. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.2005;159:1104-1110.

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Date last reviewed: March 12, 2009
Date last modified: March 27, 2009
Content source: Division of Adult and Community Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion


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