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4.31.3  TEFRA Examinations - CTF Procedures (Cont. 1) 
Notice Packages  (02-29-2008)

  1. For key cases (whether agreed, unagreed or no-change) that have non-protested 60-day letters or for key cases that were protested but have not settled, the TS or Appeals must prepare an FPAA package for the TMP and for the power of attorney, if applicable.

    1. The TS or Appeals must insure that 120 days have elapsed since the last NBAP was mailed.

    2. The key case file remains in TS or Appeals.

    3. The package is forwarded to the key case CTF with a Form 3210.

  2. The key case CTF will receive the FPAA package, review it for completeness, and acknowledge the Form 3210 (within 3 days of receipt). The package should contain the following:

    1. One original FPAA addressed to the TMP by name to his address, and one original FPAA addressed to the TMP, by title only, to the partnership address, and one original FPAA for each other known TMP address;

    2. A Letter 1830 signed on behalf of the field Territory Director/Area Manager, or in the case of Appeals signed on behalf of the Commissioner by an Appeals Area Director. This letter may also be executed by Deputy Appeals Area Directors, Appeals Team Managers, and Appeals Team Case Leaders as to their respective cases, or Appeals Officers in campuses, but not as to their respective cases;

    3. A Form 870-P or Form 870-PT addressed to the TMP, including a schedule of adjustments which shows the adjustment amount for each item;

    4. An explanation of all adjustments (statutory notice language). Appeals generally does not use a separate explanation of adjustments on a no change FPAA, but includes the language on the schedule of adjustments.;

    5. If applicable, one copy of each original FPAA for the POA with cover letter;

    6. Three additional copies of each original FPAA;

    7. An envelope addressed to the TMP by name to his address;

    8. An envelope addressed to the TMP by title to partnership address;

    9. An envelope addressed to the TMP by any other known address, for each known address;

    10. An envelope addressed to the POA, if applicable;

    11. A Form 886-Z(C) with corrected amount for each adjusted item for each investor and correct profit or loss percentages. If the Schedules K-1 show various, then leave blank (Appeals does not use Form 886-Z(C) on a no-change FPAA.);

    12. Two return addressed envelopes or return address labels with the address of the TS or Appeals;

    13. A Supplemental Report for penalties, for tax years ending before August 5, 1997, including statutory notice language. If penalties are not applicable that fact should be noted in the package and on the Form 3210;

    14. A complete copy of the revenue agent's or Appeals report including Form 4605-A, the explanation of adjustments, and the appropriate distribution schedule. This will be sent whether a 60-day package was issued or not (Appeals does not use a Form 4605-A on a no change FPAA.);

    15. A Form 3210 noted as an FPAA package with all necessary information (See IRM Exhibit 4.31.2-9); and

    16. A completed check sheet verifying all required items are included in the FPAA package. (See IRM Exhibit 4.31.2-8 ) The check sheet will be included if the FPAA package is originating from the TS. If the package is originating in Appeals, there will be no check sheet.

    17. Form 5402, if the package is originating in Appeals.

  3. If the package is incomplete, the CTF will contact the TS or Appeals to take every action to perfect the package.

    1. As a last resort, packages with major omissions will be returned to the TS or Appeals for perfection if there is adequate time remaining on the statute.

    2. Where less than 90 days remain on the statute, the CTF and TS or Appeals will coordinate completion of the package and protection of the statute.

  4. Take caution to ensure that the statute is protected. If the statute will expire within 45 days, the TS or Appeals will mail the FPAA to the TMP using certified mail and simultaneously mail a copy of the FPAA and a copy of the certified mailing list to the CTF.

  5. The CTF will review the most recent Report 22-3 to ensure that all investors are linked. If any investors are not linked, determine what corrective action must be taken.

    1. Unlinked notice investors must be re-linked using CC TSLODA. The investor Schedule K-1 name and address must be input using CC TSCHG after research is done to secure the most recent address.

    2. All investors who have had partnership items converted to nonpartnership items should have the "TEFRA" indicator removed.

    3. Do not enter one-year assessment date to stop notices from being generated, as this will distort PCS reports.

  6. If penalties are being proposed and no 60-day letter was previously issued, the CTF will input the penalty indicator on the key case record using CC TSCHG.

  7. The FPAA to the TMP should be dated and mailed by certified mail. A copy mailed to a POA, if applicable, should be sent regular mail.

    1. The 60-day date, which is the date that the FPAA was mailed to the TMP, is input using CC TSCHG.

    2. If the FPAA was mailed to the TMP by the field due to statute considerations, the 60-day date should be computed to coincide with the date of the investor letters as generated by the PCS.

  8. The PCS CC TSNOT3 will generate letters for all TEFRA linked investors with no one-year assessment statute date. An additional spousal notice is generated on jointly filed returns. This provides the spouse with an opportunity to file a petition.

    1. The CTF will verify that all notice investors had a letter generated by the PCS by comparing the Certified Mail listing to the Form 886-Z(C).

    2. If any notice investor does not have a letter generated, a manual letter will be prepared.

    3. A copy of the schedule of adjustments and an explanation of adjustments (statutory notice language) that was attached to the TMP letter is attached to each investor letter.

  9. Investor letters will be folded and enclosed in envelopes bearing the return address of the CTF, including a return envelope for the investor unless Appeals specifically instructs otherwise and includes a return envelope for the investor. The FPAA to the TMP will be dated and mailed at the same time as the investor letters, unless it was previously mailed due to statute considerations.

    1. The investor letters must be mailed before the 60th day after the field mailed the dated letter to the TMP.

    2. All notice investor letters are mailed by certified mail because the courts accept the certified mail listings as proof that the notice was mailed.

  10. The key case administrative file will be noted and copies of the FPAA(s) issued to the TMP and the investors will be associated with the file. The CTF must mail the FPAAs to the investors within 30 days after the receipt of the package in the CTF.

  11. The CTF will ensure that the freeze code "H" is not removed from the key case AIMS record by CC AMFRZR until final action on the key case is completed. For example, the freeze code would be removed after the receipt of the FPAA default package or court decision package, but not until the one-year date is entered for the investors and Form 8339 is entered to reflect an item 08, Partnership Adjustment Amount, entry.

  12. The CTF will send the following back to the TS or Appeals:

    1. A Form 3210 addressed to originator of package (TS or Appeals);

    2. A dated copy of each FPAA issued to the TMP if mailed by the CTF; and

    3. One copy of each certified mail listing, both PCS generated and manually generated.  (06-04-2004)
Closing Packages

  1. The following subsections provide explanations on closing packages.  (08-01-2006)
FPAA Default

  1. If no petition is filed with respect to the key case, the TS or Appeals (whichever office initiated the FPAA) will default the FPAA. The area PCS Coordinator is notified to input the one-year assessment statute date using CC MSCHG. The TS or Appeals will forward a default package to the key case CTF to initiate the closure of the investor cases.

  2. The default package includes the following:

    1. A Form 3210 marked "Default Package" clearly showing the key case name, EIN, tax period, and the one-year assessment statute date;

    2. A Form 886-Z(C) stamped "Default" on all pages, showing the corrected amount for each adjusted item of the key case entity return (Appeals does not use Form 886-Z(C) on a no-change FPAA.);

    3. A completed Form 4605-A (Appeals does not use a Form 4605-A on a no change FPAA.); and

    4. Penalty information (not used for tax years ending after August 5, 1997, because the penalty issues must be in the Form 4605-A). If penalties are not applicable, note that fact in the package.

  3. Upon receipt of the default package, the CTF will ensure that the one-year assessment statute date is input. The one-year assessment statute date for a default package is one year plus 150 days from the date the FPAA was issued to the TMP.

    1. If the one-year assessment statute date is not on PCS, the CTF will input it using CC MSCHG.

    2. The CTF will ensure that Form 8339 is entered to reflect an item 08, Partnership Adjustment Amount, entry, and freeze code "H" is removed from the key case on AIMS.

    3. Use CC AMFRZR to remove freeze code " H" from the key case AIMS record, but not until the one-year date is entered for all investors, including tiers.

  4. The key case CTF will forward an investor default package to the investor CTF, if not the same as the key case CTF, within 30 days of receipt of the key case default package from the TS or Appeals.

  5. The investor default package will include:

    1. A Form 3210 marked "FPAA Default Package" which clearly reflects the key case name, EIN, and tax period. The Form 3210 will reference the fact that a TSUMYP print is attached to identify the investors and their one-year date.

    2. A Form 886-Z(C) stamped "Default" which indicates the investor's corrected amount for each adjusted item.

    3. A completed Form 4605-A, with all attachments and Explanation of Items.

    4. Penalty information, if applicable, (included in the Form 4605-A for key case tax years ending after August 5, 1997). If penalties are not applicable, note that fact in the package.

    5. Any recent correspondence issued to or received from the taxpayer.


      If the investor return is a corporate LMSB, CIC corporation, Joint Committee, and/or other corporate specialty case, the CTF will forward the information to the area office location that has the investor return in suspense as determined by the AIMS data base for that investor.

  6. If less than three months remain on the one-year assessment statute date and the investor CTF is different than the key case CTF, the Team Leader of the key case CTF will contact the Team Leader of the investor CTF to advise that a package with a short statute will be sent. The TEFRA Coordinators between the two locations may make the contacts instead of the two Team Leaders. If the package is not too voluminous, a copy should be sent by fax to the investor CTF.

  7. If the investor is a CIC corporation, other corporate specialty or Joint Committee case in Appeals jurisdiction, the Team Leader of the key case CTF will contact the Appeals Technical Guidance Coordinator - TEFRA to advise that a package with a short statute will be sent. The TEFRA Coordinator of the key case CTF may make the contact instead of the Team Leader. The Team Leader of the key case CTF will fax a copy of the package to the Appeals Technical Guidance Coordinator - TEFRA, or if too bulky, mail by overnight mail.

  8. After all packages are forwarded to the investor CTF's, the default package received from the TS or Appeals is filed in the key case administrative file which will be so noted.

  9. The key case administrative file is filed in the TEFRA closed key case files for 18 months, after which all contents, which are not a duplication of the key case return file, are sent to the Federal Records Center for association with the key case return.  (05-31-2005)
Petitioned Cases

  1. A key case may be petitioned to the Tax Court, a district court where the partnership's principal place of business is located, or the Court of Federal Claims.

  2. The venue chosen and the rules of the particular court determine the procedures that must be followed.  (06-04-2004)
Petitioned Tax Court Cases

  1. The docket list and the taxpayers' correspondence should be monitored by the CTF to determine if an investor has filed a petition in the United States Tax Court. The CTF should also be sensitive to other indications that a petition has been filed, e.g., an AIMS update to a status 8X.

  2. When an investor has filed a petition, the key case CTF will notify the TS or Appeals (whichever organization initiated the FPAA) that a petition was filed. If the CTF receives a copy of the investor's filing from other than the TS or Appeals, it will be forwarded to the TS or Appeals to be associated with the key case administrative file. A copy will be retained for the campus key case administrative file. If less than 15 days remain on what would be the default date for the FPAA, a copy of the petition (without any attachments, if any) will be faxed to the TS or Appeals.

    1. If the key case is in TS, then only the key case administrative file is sent to Appeals as a docketed case.

    2. The CTF key case administrative file and the investor files will remain in CTF suspense.

  3. When the CTF receives notice that a petition was filed, either by an investor or by the TMP, the key case file will be noted to reflect the docketed case status. The docket number will be input on the PCS using CC TSCHG, item number 28. The campus key case administrative file is refiled pending the outcome of the court case.  (05-31-2005)
Petitioned District Court and Court of Federal Claims Cases

  1. When the CTF is notified of a petition filed with a district court of the United States, or the United States Court of Federal Claims, the key case is treated and processed as if the FPAA had defaulted. The key case is updated to status code 90 so the investor assessments may be billed and collected. In order for AIMS to be closed, the " H" freeze must be removed. These procedures are similar to the refund litigation procedures applicable to claims.

  2. Assessments are made for all investors based on the corrected amounts for adjusted items shown on the FPAA for the key case entity.

  3. The key case CTF will prepare a closing package for each investor file. The closing package will include:

    1. A Form 3210 noting that the closing package is a district court or Court of Federal Claims closing package and clearly indicating the partnership name, tax year, EIN and a "one-year" assessment statute date. The Form must also specifically state the investor cases are to be processed as partial assessments and must remain open pending the final outcome of the litigation.


      It is recommended a one-year date be input that is not more than 60 days from the date the packages are prepared to force the investor cases to appear on the PCS Report 4-4. The key case does not really have a one year date at this time, but the venue the partnership has selected to litigate the partnership issues requires the investors be assessed and part, if not all, of the tax be paid if they are to remain parties to the proceedings. The assessments must be made as soon as possible for the case to proceed in the courts.

    2. A Form 886-Z(C) with the corrected amount for each investor of each adjusted item of the key case return. This Form 886-Z(C) is the same one that was included in the FPAA package.

    3. A complete copy of the revenue agent's or Appeals report including the Form 4605-A, the explanation of adjustments and any other attachment that may be included in the report. If penalties were proposed, for tax years ending on or before August 5, 1997, they must not be assessed at this time. For tax years ending after August 5, 1997, penalties must also be assessed at this time.

  4. See IRM 4.31.4 of this Handbook for the procedures for petitioned AAR's.

  5. The key case is updated to status 90, but the 18-month period for filing the key case administrative file in the closed key case files does not begin until the litigation is final.

  6. The key case CTF will note the key case administrative file to reflect the docket status and input the docket number on the PCS using CC TSCHG, item number 28.  (08-01-2006)
Court Decisions Finalized

  1. The key case CTF will receive notification from Appeals (or in rare instances from Area Counsel) that a decision was entered with respect to a docketed case.

  2. The court settlement (stipulated decision) or court decision package will include:

    1. A Form 3210 noted as a court decision package which clearly indicates the partnership name, tax year, EIN, and one-year assessment statute date;

    2. A Form 886-Z(C) with the corrected amount for each adjusted item of the key case entity return that reflects the terms of the court decision or settlement;

    3. A copy of the court decision document;

    4. A completed Form 4605-A; and

    5. Penalty information (not used for tax years ending after August 5, 1997, since penalties must be included in the Form 4605-A). If penalties are not applicable, note that fact in the package.

  3. When the package is received it will be reviewed by the key case CTF who will acknowledge the Form 3210 within three days of receipt. If the individual who would normally acknowledge the Form 3210 is unavailable, the manager will ensure the Form 3210 will be acknowledged by another employee (or himself/herself) within that three-day period. The individual signing the Form 3210 is only acknowledging that a package was received. It does not mean that the package was complete or that everything listed on the Form 3210 was actually received.

  4. The one-year assessment statute date will immediately be input on the key case investors and all related tiers using CC MSCHG.


    The one-year assessment statute date is no less than one year plus 90 days from the date the court decision is entered or no more than one year from the date the decision becomes final. A Tax Court Decision is final 90 days after the decision is entered. No assessments can be made before the 90 days have passed. If the Tax Court decision is appealed, technically the case is not "final" , however the investors must be assessed after the 90-day period has elapsed. By appealing the Tax Court decision the case is similar to a refund litigation case in that the investors are looking to reduce or eliminate a Tax Court decision that increases the investor's tax liability. The assessments are processed as partial assessments like petitions originally filed in District Court or the Court of Federal Claims. The investor cases remain open pending the resolution of the appeal process. If a bond is posted in an amount equal to the entire amount of the increase in the tax liability(ies) from the Tax Court decision, the assessment(s) may be delayed until all appeals have been exhausted. If no bond is posted and assessments are being made a "one-year date" of 60 days from the date the packages are prepared should be input on the PCS. This forces the investor cases to appear on the PCS Report 4-4 and they should be worked as expeditiously as possible.

  5. The key case CTF will forward a court decision package to the investor CTF, if different from the key case CTF, within 30 days from the date the decision package is received from Appeals or Area Counsel.

  6. The package will include:

    1. A Form 3210 noted as a court decision package, which clearly indicates the key case name, tax period, EIN, one-year assessment statute date, investor name, TIN, and tax period.

    2. A copy of the court decision document.

    3. A Form 886-Z(C) showing the corrected amount for each adjusted item of the key case entity return.

    4. A completed Form 4605-A.

    5. Any recent correspondence issued to or received from the investor.

    6. Penalty information(not used for tax years ending after August 5, 1997, since penalties are included in the Form 4605-A). If penalties are not applicable, note that fact in the package.


    If the investor return is a corporate LMSB, CIC corporation, Joint Committee and/or other corporate specialty case, the CTF will forward the information to the exam location that has the investor return in suspense as determined by the AIMS data base for that investor. Appeals will prepare flow-through adjustments for corporate returns with an activity code of 219 or above, CIC corporation, and corporate specialty returns, which are any corporate return filed with a Form 1120 followed by a letter (for example, Form 1120L life insurance company) except Form 1120A, Form 1120S or Form 1120X. Appeals will also prepare flow-through adjustments for Joint Committee returns. Non-corporate returns, and non-CIC corporate returns with activity codes below 219, with flow-through adjustments, will have to be computed by the campus and forwarded to Appeals.

  7. If less than three months remain on the one-year assessment statute date and the investor CTF is different than the key case CTF, the Team Leader of the key case CTF will contact the Team Leader of the investor CTF to notify them that a package with a short statute will be sent. The TEFRA Coordinators between the two locations may make the contacts instead of the two Team Leaders. If the package is not too voluminous, a copy should be sent by fax to the investor CTF.

  8. If the investor is a CIC corporation, other corporate specialty or Joint Committee case in Appeals jurisdiction, the Team Leader of the key case CTF will contact the Appeals Technical Guidance Coordinator - TEFRA to notify them that a package with a short statute will be sent. The TEFRA Coordinator of the key case CTF may make the contact instead of the Team Leader. The Team Leader of the key case CTF will fax a copy of the package to the Appeals Technical Guidance Coordinator - TEFRA, or if too bulky, mail by overnight mail.

  9. After forwarding the packages to the investor CTF, the court decision package received from Area Counsel (through Appeals generally) is associated with the campus key case administrative file, which is so noted.

    1. The key case administrative file is filed in the closed TEFRA files in TIN order.

    2. The key case administrative file remains filed in the TEFRA closed key case files for 18 months, after which all contents, which are not a duplication of the key case return file, are sent to the Federal Records Center for association with the key case return.


      The key case is not closed until all investors have one-year dates, the "H" Freeze is removed and Form 8339 is entered to reflect an item 08, Partnership Adjustment Amount, entry.  (06-04-2004)
Processing Form 870 Agreements and Settlement Agreements

  1. The subsections below discuss the processing of agreements unique to TEFRA examinations.

  2. There are also new rules regarding accepting faxes and signature stamps as official signatures. Consents to assess additional tax ( Form 4549, Form 870, and others) of $25,000 or less can be accepted by fax if taxpayer contact has been made and the case history documents the date of contact and the desire of the taxpayer to submit the consent by fax. Consents to assess tax in excess of $25,000 should be secured with original signatures and delivered by mail or in person.  (05-31-2005)
Agreements Received at the Closing Conference

  1. The key case examiner may receive a signed Form 870-P, Form 870-PT, Form 870-L or Form 870-LT (or Form 870-S for S corporations) from the partners or shareholders in the key case. These will be transmitted with the RAR through the TS to the key case CTF for acceptance by the Commissioner.

    1. These Forms 870 will be forwarded by the TS to the key case CTF within 5 days of receipt and will be accepted for the Commissioner by the CTF within 5 days of receipt from the area.

    2. The one-year assessment statute date for all partners or shareholders who have signed agreements that have been accepted for the Commissioner must be input on the PCS using CC TSCHG within 10 days of receipt of the agreement package from the TS. If all of the partners or shareholders in the key case have signed the agreements and all of the agreements have been accepted for the Commissioner on the same date, PCS CC MSCHG may be used to input the one-year date for the partners or shareholders.

  2. Within 30 days of the execution (acceptance) date, a package containing the original agreements accepted by the Service will be transmitted to the investor CTF if different from the key case CTF, via Form 3210 with the one-year assessment statute date clearly shown on the face of the Form 3210. The investor CTF will acknowledge the Form 3210 within three days of receipt. If the individual who would normally acknowledge the Form 3210 is unavailable, the manager will ensure the Form 3210 will be acknowledged by another employee (or himself/herself) within that three-day period. The individual signing the Form 3210 is only acknowledging that a shipment was received. It does not mean that the shipment was complete or that everything listed on the Form 3210 was actually received.

  3. The agreement package sent to the investor CTF will contain:

    1. A Form 3210 transmittal with the one-year assessment statute date clearly indicated on the transmittal.

    2. The original executed Form(s) 870-P, 870-PT, 870-L or 870-LT (or Form 870-S for S corporations) including the schedule of adjustments.

    3. A completed Form 886-Z(C) showing the corrected amount for adjusted items of income, loss, or deduction of the key case entity return that will be used for the computation of the assessment or overassessment on the investor returns.

    4. A completed Form 4605-A.

    5. Penalty information (not used for tax years ending after August 5, 1997, since penalties are included in the Form 4605-A), if applicable.

    6. A TSUMYP print to verify the investor is established and the one-year assessment statute date has been entered.


    If the investor return is a corporate LMSB, CIC corporation, Joint Committee and/or other corporate specialty case, the CTF will forward the information to the area office location that has the investor return in suspense as determined by the AIMS data base for that investor.


    Appeals will prepare flow-through adjustments for corporate returns with an activity code of 219 or above, CIC corporation and corporate specialty returns, which are any corporate return filed with a Form 1120 followed by a letter (for example, Form 1120L life insurance company) except Form 1120A, Form 1120S or Form 1120X. Appeals will also prepare flow-through adjustments for Joint Committee returns. Non-corporate returns, and non-CIC corporate returns with activity codes below 219, with flow-through adjustments, will have to be computed by the campus and forwarded to Appeals.

  4. Copies of Form(s) 870-P, 870-PT, 870-L or 870-LT (or Form 870-S for S corporations) and the schedule of adjustments are distributed as follows:

    1. One copy is sent to the key case file in the area TS with Form 3210;

    2. One copy is mailed to the appropriate investor; and

    3. One copy must be placed in the campus key case administrative file.

  5. A list of the investors for whom agreements were executed is sent to the TMP.

  6. Note the actions taken on the history sheet or on the copy of Form 886-Z(C) already in the key case administrative file.  (08-01-2006)
Agreements Received as a Result of a 60-Day Letter or FPAA

  1. All Forms 870-P, 870-PT, 870-L or 870-LT (or Form 870-S for TEFRA S corporations) and the schedule of adjustments received directly from the partners or shareholders must be screened for altered documents or taxpayer initiated requests for settlement. The schedule of adjustments from the campus key case administrative file must be compared to the schedule of adjustments received from the partner or shareholder.

  2. All Forms 870-P, 870-PT, 870-L or 870-LT (or Form 870-S for TEFRA S corporations) will be executed for the Service by a Revenue Agent, GS-11 or higher (per Delegation Order 4-19), within five days of receipt in the key case CTF. Under no circumstances should a Form 870-P, Form 870-PT, Form 870-L or Form 870-LT (or Form 870-S for TEFRA S corporations) be executed by anyone other than the key case CTF.

  3. If the key case is in docketed status, coordinate with Appeals or Area Counsel.

  4. Within five days after acceptance for the Commissioner of the Forms 870-P, 870-PT, 870-L or 870-LT (or Form 870-S for TEFRA S corporations), input the one-year assessment statute date on PCS using CC TSCHG, item number 05.

  5. Process any accepted Form 870-P, Form 870-PT, Form 870-L or Form 870-LT (or Form 870-S for TEFRA S corporations) as stated in the text ( See IRM ) of this Handbook.  (06-04-2004)
Settlement Agreements Received as a Result of Appeals Letters

  1. A Form 870-P(AD), Form 870-PT(AD), Form 870-L(AD) or Form 870-LT(AD) (or Form 870-S(AD) for TEFRA S corporations) and Form 870-P, Form 870-PT, Form 870-L or Form 870-LT (or Form 870-S for TEFRA S corporations), when received for a key case in Appeals jurisdiction, must be accepted for the Commissioner by an Appeals officer in the CTF within 5 days of receipt in the CTF.

  2. Under no circumstances should an Appeals settlement or Appeals directed FPAA be executed by other than Appeals personnel.

  3. Contact Appeals when the settlement agreements listed in (1) above are received.

  4. Once accepted, forms listed in (1) above are processed as outlined in the text ( See IRM ) of this Handbook.  (06-04-2004)
Settlement Agreements in Docketed Cases

  1. In a docketed case, when processing a settlement agreement under, the notification to the TMP under must include the following:

    1. The identity of the parties to the settlement agreement and the date of the agreement;

    2. The year(s) to which the settlement agreement relates; and

    3. The terms of the settlement as to each partnership item, and the allocation of such items among the partners.  (02-29-2008)
Execution of Agreements

  1. Generally, agreements must be signed by the partner of the key case partnership. This can be tricky in some circumstances. If there is any doubt on who should be signing an agreement, contact the local TEFRA Coordinator.

  2. For tax years beginning before June 28, 2002, parent corporations that are part of a consolidated group must sign agreements of subsidiary partners. Even if the subsidiary is the partner, the parent must sign since any tax will ultimately impact the parent's return. The format for the name on the parent's agreement will read, XYZ Corporation, parent of ABC Subsidiary.

  3. For tax years ending on or after June 28, 2002 (see Treas. Reg. section 1.1502- 77), agreements secured from consolidated groups for partnership and affected item adjustments, should have both the subsidiary partner’s and its parent’s signatures on the waiver. If a subsidiary, who is the actual partner under state law, insists on being the sole signatory on the waiver, the examiner should contact local area Counsel before executing the waiver. A subsidiary partner that is the TMP can solely sign an agreement as TMP in order to bind non-notice partners.

  4. If there are multiple subsidiary partners linked to a key case that have the same parent, then separate agreement forms will need to be prepared and signed by the parent and the appropriate subsidiary.

  5. For partners who are non-subsidiary corporations, trusts, or partnerships, the agreements should be signed by an authorized corporate officer, trustee, or TMP/managing general partner respectively. The title of the person signing should be included on the appropriate line on the agreement form.

  6. When countersigned agreements are received by the campus or countersigned by campus personnel, Letter 2513 or Letter 2514 will be completed along with a listing of the taxpayers who settled and their date of settlement. The letter and listing are used to notify the TMP as to what partners have agreed so the TMP can meet the legal obligation under Treas. Reg. Section 301.6223(g)-1(b)(1)(iv). Use Letter 1908 to send a copy of the countersigned agreement back to the partner for their records. If the partner's Letter 1908 is returned as undeliverable, the campus should research for a current address.  (06-04-2004)
Acceptance of Faxed Agreements

  1. Consents to assess additional tax ( Form 4549 , Form 870, and others) of $25,000 or less can be accepted by fax if taxpayer contact has been made and the case history documents the date of contact and the desire of the taxpayer to submit the consent by fax. Consents to assess tax in excess of $25,000 should be secured with original signatures and delivered in person or by mail.

  2. For purposes of estimating tax for flow-through adjustments, the tax is figured by multiplying the partner's share of the adjustment by the highest tax bracket percentage. The estimated tax figure will be used for figuring the $25,000 tolerance for the acceptance of faxed agreements.  (08-01-2006)
Partial Agreements

  1. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 passed by Congress on July 31, 1997 and signed into law on August 5, 1997 changed portions of the TEFRA examination process. One notable change in particular provides that partial agreements can be secured for any settlements entered into after August 5, 1997. Partial agreements may be made for any tax year. By law, a partial agreement does not start the running of the one-year assessment date.

  2. In the normal processing of an agreed TEFRA case, once the investor has signed a settlement agreement form, the partnership items convert to nonpartnership items. The conversion of items from partnership items to nonpartnership items starts the running of the one-year assessment statute date. The statute of limitations for assessment of the newly converted nonpartnership items will not expire before the date which is one year after the date on which the conversion occurs.

  3. Since partial agreement cases do not have "one-year" statute dates, report writing may be delayed due to processing of cases that have established "one-year" statute dates. However, the idea behind a partial agreement is to have that portion of the deficiency assessed as soon as possible. TEFRA partial agreements may be secured by agents in the field or by an Appeals Officer during the appeals process.


    It is very important to remember when securing partial agreements and forwarding them for processing, they MUST be readily identifiable as a TEFRA partial agreement. This is critical.

  4. If the area negotiates a partial agreement with the TMP, partial agreements will be secured from all of the notice partners. If there are non-notice partners, the special language will be used on the Form 870-P or Form 870-PT ( Form 870-S for S corporations) signed by the TMP to bind all of the non-notice partners (not applicable for S corporations)

  5. TEFRA partial agreements must have the annotation "Partial Agreement" (hand written, typed or stamped) on all pages of the Form 870-P or Form 870-PT Form with the following statement added:

    This partial agreement becomes effective upon execution by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his delegate. It does not settle all of the partnership items. The remaining unsettled partnership items as well as any unsettled penalty, addition to tax, or additional amount that relates to an adjustment to a partnership item will remain subject to determination under the partnership-level administrative and judicial procedures. The period of limitations for assessing any tax attributable to the settled items shall be determined as if such agreement had not been entered into.


    If examining a TEFRA S Corporation that requires a partial agreement, please contact the local TEFRA Coordinator for assistance.

  6. The statement above will also be entered on the schedule of adjustments page. The Form 886-Z (or equivalent) will also be identified and marked as a partial agreement. The Form 3210 used to transmit the package will also be identified and clearly marked, "TEFRA Partial Agreement " and "Special Processing Required" to reflect that the attached package is for a partial agreement.

  7. The area will monitor the receipt of the signed partial agreements and retain them until all are received. The area will sign for the Commissioner and send all of the partial agreements to the key case CTF for processing at one time. The area will sign the agreements and not the CTF, since the area is fully aware of the agreed issues. Prior to signing for the Commissioner, the area will ensure both the notation " Partial Agreement" and the statement above are on all of the forms and attachments as required.

  8. When the partial agreements are submitted to the CTF unit for processing, a 60-day package will be included that includes all agreed and unagreed items. The CTF will send the all inclusive 60-day package to all of the investors, whether partially agreed or not, because all adjustments must be included in the schedule of adjustments.

    1. When the signed partial agreement forms are received by the CTF, they will be processed as normal, but after photocopying, the "Partial Agreement" notation and the statement at the bottom will be highlighted (preferably in yellow). If the agreements have not been signed for the Commissioner by the area and have not been marked " Partial Agreement" , but it is known that they are in fact partial agreements, the agreement forms will not be signed by the CTF. The agreement forms will be returned to the originator for reissuance. Subsequent modifications to agreement forms already signed by the taxpayer cannot be made. The CTF will give the partial agreement forms expedited handling. In lieu of entering a "one-year" date, the CTF will input a date that is 5 months from the acceptance date on the agreement forms. This will be done to ensure timely processing. Instead of inputting a "Y" on the PCS an "M" will be input. This ensures better control over these cases and will be used until a unique code can be obtained to indicate a partial agreement. There is currently an informal procedure in place to utilize the "M" as an indicator for partial agreements as well as for manual assessments.

    2. For these partial agreements only, the CTF will only be required to process packages for the investors and to notify the area. No TMP notification ( Letter 2513 or Letter 2514) will be required since the TMP is fully aware of who accepted the partial agreements. However, the taxpayer should receive their copy with Letter 1908 or Letter 1909 if the area did not already send the taxpayer an executed copy.

  9. When the area submits the 60-day package for processing and the area has solicited partial agreements, the CTF cannot and will not process the package until all investors have signed and agreed to the partial report unless the area specifically instructs the CTF to do so. Advance coordination with the CTF in this situation is required. Keep in mind that an undue burden is placed on the CTF if not all of the partial reports have been signed and agreed. PCS won't generate a 60-day letter with a "one-year " date still remaining on the investor. The CTF will request the 60-day letters prior to inputting the "one-year" date for the partial agreements. If a 60-day package is not included with the partial agreements, the partial agreement package will be returned to the area.

  10. The 60-day package the area prepares and submits to the CTF will address all issues, i.e. both agreed and unagreed. The schedule of adjustments page will include all of the issues. The package will include all of the items listed in ( See IRM ) this Handbook. The CTF cannot prepare a separate Form 870-P, Form 870-PT or Form 870-S to reflect the remaining flow-through items for those investors who previously agreed and a different, all inclusive, Form 870-P, Form 870-PT or Form 870-S for those investors who did not agree to the partial report.

  11. When final closing packages are received from the area or Appeals, the CTF will check TSUMYP to ensure all investors were previously worked for the partial agreement. It is anticipated that no investor will have either a "one-year" date or " 11's" in the "one-year" date field when the final agreement is received. The CTF must pay particularly close attention to the TSUMY print to verify no investor has a "one-year" date with the TEFRA (T) indicator removed. In those instances the " one-year" date will not be changed. If the CTF is unsure of the research, the TEFRA Coordinator or technical personnel should be consulted for guidance. The campus report writers can compare the final closing package with any prior packages and/or reports to see if any issues were previously processed as partially agreed and prepare the final reports accordingly.  (02-29-2008)
One-Year Assessment Dates

  1. A one-year date is a statute expiration date that affects a taxpayer's account as the result of a TEFRA examination. It is exactly one year from the date a partner's partnership items become nonpartnership items. The only exception to the one year rule is if a taxpayer's partnership items convert on February 29 in a leap year. The one-year date in that instance would be February 28 of the next year and not March 1. (If a taxpayer's partnership items converted on February 28 of a year immediately preceding a leap year, the one-year date would be February 28 in the leap year and not February 29.) The Code ( IRC 6229(f)) specifically states the period for assessment "…shall not expire before the date which is 1 year after the date on which the items become nonpartnership items." This date also applies to affected items that are computational in nature such as any percentage limitation based on adjusted gross income (i.e. deductible medical expenses change with a change to adjusted gross income or a change to a net operating loss carryback or carryover due to a change in adjusted gross income). Affected items that are factual in nature require a partner level proceeding and an agreement by the taxpayer. If the taxpayer doesn't agree to these affected items a 30-day or 90-day letter will be issued to the taxpayer. This partner level proceeding must be initiated before the expiration of the one-year date. Examples of factual affected items are penalties (for years ending before August 6, 1997 only; for years ending after August 5, 1997, penalties are treated as partnership items), basis issues, at-risk issues and passive loss issues.

  2. The one-year date is not 365 (or 366) days, but is exactly one year. The one-year date is easily determined. It is simply one year from the date the partnership items become nonpartnership items . The date partnership items become nonpartnership items is not as easily determined and it may occur in many ways. The most common event where items convert is when the taxpayer signs a settlement agreement such as a Form 870-PT, Form 870-LT or Form 906 and it is accepted by the Commissioner.

  3. Some items do not become nonpartnership items immediately upon completion of an event by either the taxpayer or the Service. There is a "waiting period" between an event date and the conversion date. It is not a "suspension" period in the normal context, but until this waiting period has passed, no assessments can be made. The event causing the conversion determines the length of this waiting period.

  4. Events that occur where partnership items will convert to nonpartnership items on the date of the event include:

    1. The Secretary mails the partner a notice that partnership items will be treated as nonpartnership items.

    2. The partner files suit under IRC 6228(b) after the Secretary fails to allow an AAR.

    3. The Secretary enters into a settlement agreement with the partner. (The date the Commissioner signs the agreement, not the taxpayer.)

    4. The Secretary fails to provide proper notice under IRC 6223(e).

    5. Special enforcement areas under IRC 6231(c):

    • Termination or jeopardy assessments.

    • Criminal investigations. (Although not automatic, written notification of our intent to convert the partnership items to non-partnership items is required.)

    • Indirect method of proof cases.

    • Bankruptcy and receivership situations.

    • Request for prompt assessment.

  5. Events that occur where partnership items will convert to nonpartnership items on a date after the event occurs include:

    1. A defaulted FPAA - The date of the conversion (default date) is the 151st day after the FPAA was mailed to the TMP.

    2. A Tax Court decision - The date of conversion is 90 days from the date the decision is entered. This 90 day date is also the same date the Tax Court decision becomes final.

    3. A court decision from a District Court, Court of Federal Claims, a United States Court of Appeals or the United States Supreme Court - The date of conversion is 30 days from the date the decision is entered.

  6. The simplest way to compute a conversion date (if the conversion does not occur on the same day as the event that caused the conversion) is to use Julian dates. The date of the event is converted to a Julian date. The appropriate waiting period is added to the Julian date of the event. This new Julian date is converted back to a calendar date. This is the conversion date. The one-year date is one year after this conversion date.


    As a matter of practice, the campuses will subtract one day from the true one-year date when the one-year date is entered on the PCS. This is done to help ensure the assessments are made prior to the expiration date.

  7. If the Julian date with the waiting period added to it is over 365 (366 for a leap year), then 365 (or 366) is subtracted from the total. (If the total is exactly 365 (or 366 if the event occurs in a leap year, then no subtraction is made.) The remainder is then converted back to a calendar date. Here are two examples of the calculation of a one-year date for a Tax Court decision:

    Date decision entered April 9, 2001 November 30, 2001
    Julian date 99 334
    Add 90 days 90 90
    Subtotal 189 424
    If over 365 (366) - subtraction amount   365
    Julian date as adjusted 189 59
    Calendar date (also decision final date) July 8, 2001 February 28, 2002
    One year date July 8, 2002 February 28, 2003

  8. In the above example for the April 9, 2001 decision entered date, no assessment may be made before July 9, 2001. Also, generally, no assessment may be made after July 8, 2002. For the November 30, 2001 decision entered date, no assessment may be made before March 1, 2002 (There is no February 29 in 2002) and generally no assessment may be made after February 28, 2003.


    This only applies to those taxpayers who did not previously sign an agreement form converting their partnership items to nonpartnership items. If they did sign an agreement form they would have had a one-year date computed from the date the agreement form was signed for the Commissioner.

  9. Below is a calculation table to assist in computing the One-Year Date.

    Calculation of One-Year Dates Where the Date of the Conversion of Partnership Items to Nonpartnership Items (the Conversion Date) is not Simultaneous With the Date of the Event Causing the Conversion
    Type of event (a)      
    Date of the event    
    Date of the event converted to a Julian date    
    Number of days for the waiting period (b)    
    Subtraction for subtotal over 365 (366) (c)    
    Julian date as adjusted    
    Julian date converted back to a calendar date    
    One year date (d)    

    1. The event may be:

      • A defaulted FPAA
      • A Tax Court decision
      • A District Court decision
      • A Court of Federal Claims decision
      • A United States Court of Appeals decision
      • A United States Supreme Court decision

    2. The number of days to add for the waiting period is:

      • For a defaulted FPAA - add 150
      • For a Tax Court decision - add 90
      • For a District Court decision - add 30
      • For a Court of Federal Claims decision - add 30
      • For a United States Court of Appeals decision - add 30
      • For a United States Supreme Court decision - add 30

    3. The Julian date for any year cannot be more than 365 (366 for a leap year). If this calculation yields a number in excess of 365 (366), then 365 (366) must be subtracted from the subtotal to compute the date in the next year.


    As a matter of practice, the campuses will subtract one day from the true one-year date when the one-year date is entered on the PCS. This is done to help ensure the assessments are made prior to the expiration date.  (05-31-2005)
Undeliverable Correspondence

  1. NBAP (Notice of Beginning of an Administrative Proceeding):

    1. If any NBAP is returned as undeliverable, associate it and the envelope with the key case file.

    2. An undeliverable NBAP will not be reissued or re-mailed if the NBAP was mailed to the investor's address as reflected on the Schedule K-1 filed with the partnership return.

    3. If the undeliverable NBAP was mailed to an investor's address other than the address shown on the Schedule K-1, it will be mailed to the investor's address shown on the Schedule K-1.


      All NBAP's originally sent by certified mail that are required to be re-mailed must be done so by certified mail.

  2. 60-Day Letter:

    1. If any 60-day letter to an investor is returned as undeliverable, the CTF will perform all necessary research to identify a new address.

    2. If research identifies a new address, the 60-day letter will be re-mailed; however, the original letter date must be used. Do not re-mail to the new address if the FPAA has been issued.

  3. Appeals Settlement Letter:

    1. If any Appeals Settlement letter to an investor is returned as undeliverable, the CTF will perform all necessary research to identify a new address.

    2. If research identifies a new address, the Appeals Settlement letter will be re-mailed; however, the original letter date must be used. Do not re-mail to the new address if the FPAA has been issued.

  4. FPAA (Notice of Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment):

    1. If the FPAA to an investor is returned as undeliverable and a new address was previously available but not used, reissue using certified mail with a new letter date and mail to the new address. Notify the area that initiated the request to issue the FPAA as of the new letter date.

    2. If the FPAA to an investor is returned as undeliverable and a new address is obtained subsequent to the initial mailing, re-mail the original correspondence using certified mail.

    3. The primary address to which an FPAA is mailed is the address on the partnership Schedule K-1. This is applicable to all notice investors and to the entity. A re-mailing to the partnership Schedule K-1 address, after a notice to the last known address is returned, may not meet the 60-day mailing requirement of IRC 6223(d).  (08-01-2006)
TEFRA Report Writing Procedures

  1. The following subsections provide guidance on TEFRA report writing procedures. Also refer to IRM 4.19 and the Training Guide 5717 as needed.  (02-29-2008)
TEFRA Report Writing Tolerances

  1. See LEM for information on tolerances.  (06-04-2004)
Receipt of Closing Package

  1. The following subsections cover closing package procedures.  (08-01-2006)
Review Closing Package

  1. Upon assignment, the report writer should check the case file to determine if it includes the following items:

    1. The original tax return, or a copy;

    2. A Form(s) 870-PT, 870-LT, 870-S, 870-PT (AD), 870-LT (AD) or 870-S(AD) (Forms 870-P, 870-L, 870-P (AD), or 870-L (AD) for tax years beginning before August 6, 1997) with the schedule of adjustments, default documents, or other assessment documents;

    3. A Form(s) 886-S, 886-W, 886-X, or 886-Z(C) showing the corrected ordinary income or loss; any basis or affected item adjustments; any penalty information;

    4. Form(s) 886-S, 886-W, 886-X, or 886-Z must be notated with the 6404(g) date, and whether an agreed closing package (executed Form 870-P/PT/L/LT) is the result of an FPAA or 60-Day Letter.

    5. IMFOLT (or BMFOLT) and TSUMY prints;

    6. Schedule K-1;

    7. Prior assessment information such as a Form 1040, partial assessments, or other changes to the investor's account;

    8. Any related tax returns for carryback and/or carryover issues; and

    9. Any related tax returns with Form 8615.

  2. The Report Writer should review the Closing Package by verifying the investor’s percentage on Form 4605-A to the percentage identified on the related partnership Schedule K-1. Math verify the adjustment amount, which is the difference between "as reported " and the "corrected figure" on Form 4605-A and compare to the amount on Form 886-Z. In addition, a complete review should be done of the entire Closing Package for any other information that would need to be included in the report of adjustments being issued to the taxpayer i.e. basis, at-risk, penalties, special allocations, etc. This information is not necessarily on Form 886-Z, but could be found anywhere in the closing package.

  3. Verify 100% reconciliation of Schedules K-1 for all investors in the Key Case. The percentages for all investors listed on Form 886-Z should add up to 100%. Cross-reference this information from Form 886-Z with the investor's Schedule K-1 for discrepancies. Add the percentages in their entirety. Example: 37.2% + 42.8% + 10.1% + 9.9% = 100%

  4. Both Form 886-Z and Form 4605-A should have the same corrected amounts. Take the "corrected" amount from the "Totals" line on either Form 886-Z or Form 4605-A, Schedule of Adjustments, and multiply it with each investor’s "Percentage of Profit" from Form 886-Z, to arrive at the adjustment amount for that investor. Compare this verified adjustment amount to the amount identified on Form 4605-A for that investor.


    There are times when 100% reconciliation of all investors may not be achieved. These instances occur when the Revenue Agent has determined " Pure percentages" , re-allocations, etc., will be applied. The closing package should clearly state the terminology "Pure Percentages, Re-Allocations" .

  5. The report writer also needs to ensure that the IRC section 6404(g) date is notated on the Form 886-Z. The date is the earlier of the date the 60-day letter or FPAA was sent to the TMP. Generally, this is the same date that the letters were sent to the investors. If the field sends out a TMP letter, the dates will differ. In that case, the field will have to provide the letter date with the closing package.

  6. Agreed packages with Forms 870 included need to have a notation as to how the agreement Form 870 was received. This information is necessary to ensure the report writer has the information needed to determine the correct disposal code. Without that information, the report writer has no way of knowing whether the agreement form was secured via a 60-day letter or an FPAA.

  7. If any of these items are not present in the investor case file, the report writer must secure the information necessary for the preparation of the examination report. Depending on the statute, this may require returning the case file to another unit to secure the necessary information.

  8. The report writer must verify that the one-year assessment statute date is correct, and determine whether the IRC 6501 statute of limitations is still open.


    Chief Counsel may need the flexibility to pursue a case under IRC 6501 rather than IRC 6229.  (05-31-2005)
Verify Statute

  1. For agreed packages, the one-year assessment statute date is one year from the date the Form(s) 870-PT, 870-LT, 870-S, 870-PT (AD), 870-LT (AD) or 870-S(AD) (Forms 870-P, 870-L, 870-P (AD), or 870-L (AD) for tax years beginning before August 6, 1997) was executed;

  2. For defaulted FPAA packages, the one-year assessment statute date is one year plus 150 days from the date the FPAA was mailed to the TMP.

  3. For court decisions, the one-year assessment statute date is no less than one year from the date the decision document is entered plus the waiting period as mentioned in IRM ( See IRM or no more than one year from the date the decision becomes final.

  4. If the IRC 6229(a) statute is barred, a IRC 3999-T should be in the key case CTF administrative file. A copy of the Pattern Letter(s) P-430 and/or P-431 (pro-forma) should be in the barred statute package received from the key case area.

  5. An investor barred statute package will be prepared for the investor CTF, if any. The package will include a legible copy of Pattern Letter(s) P-430 and P-431, if applicable.  (02-29-2008)
Check for Penalties and Affected Items

  1. The report writer must determine whether penalties and/or affected items were recommended for the key case.

    1. For tax years ending after August 5, 1997, all penalties are determined at the partnership level and are agreed to on a Form 870-PT or Form 870-PT(AD) .

    2. For tax years ending after August 5, 1997, all other affected items are still determined at the partner level and are agreed to on Form 870-LT or Form 870-LT(AD).

    3. For tax years ending before August 6, 1997, both penalties and other affected items were determined at the partner level and were agreed to on Form 870-L or Form 870-L(AD).

    Penalties and affected items that are agreed to on one of the above reports must be assessed via a computational adjustment. If affected items, or penalties for tax years ending before August 6, 1997, are not agreed to (default package, etc) then they must be assessed using deficiency procedures with Letter 3219, Notice of Deficiency. A computational adjustment can be made for disputed penalties not agreed to for tax years ending after August 5, 1997 after a defaulted FPAA or court decision.


    For tax years ending after August 5, 1997, penalties that are computed on any affected-item deficiency must be assessed as part of the computational adjustment, and not included in the affected-item notice of deficiency.  (06-04-2004)
Schedule K-1 Reconciliation

  1. The report writer will reconcile the Schedule K-1 to the return.

  2. If the taxpayer has not reported income or loss consistent with the Schedule K-1, and has not responded with information, which explains the difference, the file will be referred to a revenue agent for consideration of the IRC 6662 penalty.  (06-04-2004)
Referring Complex Issue to the Field

  1. If, due to the complexity of the case, an employee believes that they cannot adequately prepare an investor audit report, the employee should consult with the campus TEFRA Coordinator. The campus TEFRA coordinator will provide the employee with assistance, or work with the appropriate field TEFRA coordinator in order to have the case worked in the field. Campus personnel should make every effort to work all campus controlled investors at the campus. However, there are times when the complexity of the case will require assistance from the field. It is the complexity of the issues, and not the size of the case, that will dictate whether a case gets sent back to the field.  (08-01-2006)
Tier Report Writing

  1. Technical personnel in the CTF will prepare examination reports for investors that are flow-through entities (tiers). Tier files will be forwarded for report writing using the guidelines in the text ( See IRM of this Handbook.

  2. Tier reports must be written on a priority basis so as not to adversely impact on the one-year assessment statute date of the tier investors.


    All BMF cases with tier investors need to be given priority over all other cases except for statute cases. It is important that multiple tier cases not be worked in normal statute date order. Doing so can create an unnecessary hardship on the BMF and IMF report writers as little time can be left on the one-year assessment date to work bottom tier investors. It also creates unnecessary expense as short statute cases require manual assessments.

  3. Form 4700-T or Form 4318, Examination Workpapers, may be used for report writing workpapers. The report writer will attach the Form 886-Z(C) and other documents received from the key case CTF to the workpapers.

  4. The report writer will generate a Form 4605-A, which will reflect the adjustments to the tier from the key case. The report writer will prepare a Form 886-S, Form 886-W, or Form 886-X to reflect the correct amount of income or loss for each investor. (See IRM 4.10.8, Examination of Returns, Report Writing.) If the key case examination results in a no-change, no Form 4605-A will be prepared for the tier; however, a Form 886-S, Form 886-W, or Form 886-X must be prepared in order to transmit the results to the related investor CTF's.

  5. If a tier is an investor in more than one key case or is a key case in its own right, special care should be taken in preparation of the flow-through reports. The Form 4605-A and Form 886-S, Form 886-W, or Form 886-X must clearly indicate that related investor cases should be processed as partial assessments and suspended pending subsequent adjustments. Tier reports should also reflect whether penalties are applicable to the partners. If penalties are not applicable, it should be noted in the report.

  6. The tier CTF will forward a report package to the related investor CTFs within 30 days from completion of the flow-through entity report. The package will include the following:

    1. A Form 3210 which clearly reflects the tier name, EIN, and tax year; the investor name, TIN, and tax year; the one-year assessment statute date, and the type of package being sent;

    2. A copy of the schedule of adjustments for the tier which reflects the adjustments flowing through from the key case (including the Form 886-S, Form 886-W, or Form 886-X which lists the tier as an investor and the tier's correct distributive share of each adjusted item);

    3. A Form 886-S, Form 886-W, or Form 886-X showing the corrected distributed share to the related investors; and

    4. Penalty information (not used for tax years ending after August 5, 1997, because the penalties are included in the Form 4605-A). If penalties are not applicable, note that fact in the package.

  7. If less than three months remain on the one-year assessment statute date, the Team Leader of the tier CTF will contact the Team Leader of the related investor CTF to advise that a package with a short statute will be mailed. The TEFRA Coordinators can make contact instead of the Team Leaders.

  8. If the investor is a CIC corporation, other corporate specialty or Joint Committee case in Appeals jurisdiction, the Team Leader of the key case CTF will contact the Appeals Technical Guidance Coordinator - TEFRA to advise that a package with a short statute will be sent. The TEFRA Coordinator of the key case CTF may make the contact instead of the Team Leader. The Team Leader of the key case CTF will fax a copy of the package to the Appeals Technical Guidance Coordinator - TEFRA, or if too bulky, mail by overnight mail.

  9. After the packages are forwarded to the related investor CTFs, the tier return is closed with the Form 5344 prepared in accordance with the text of this Handbook ( See IRM If the tier return has other TEFRA linkages, it will be returned to suspense in the CTF files.

  10. The PCS CC TSCHG is used to update the one-year assessment statute date and assessment results as follows: 05-11111111$TIER,EC. If the AIMS status code is less than 80, time must also be entered. Since no assessments are made at the tier level, preparing multiple Form 8339 in the event of multiple key case adjustments is not necessary. Simply input one Form 8339, with an "S" in the key case EIN section when closing tier investors.  (06-04-2004)
Preparation of Investor Examination Report

  1. The following subsections provide information on the preparation of investor examination reports.  (02-29-2008)
Determining Adjustments

  1. The investor return will normally be adjusted to reflect the corrected amount shown on the Form 886-S , Form 886-W, Form 886-X, or Form 886-Z(C), unless the adjustment document reflects an allowable loss and the investor did not report any activity from this flow-through return on the original return.

    1. In this situation, the report writer must consider the correspondence in the file, which explains the difference between the amounts shown on the Schedule K-1 and the return.

    2. If the investor did not respond to the inquiry or responded that the loss was not claimed because of a limited basis or previous execution of a Form 906, the examiner should allow no loss as a result of the examination of the flow-through return.

  2. TEFRA report writing is unique in that a separate report will be issued for each linkage if they close at different times. This is done so as not to jeopardize the one-year assessment statute date. Each report is prepared based on the income as adjusted on the prior report.

  3. The Form 4549-A should list each issue and the EIN of the partnership from where the adjustment came. The EIN provides a unique identifier to help the taxpayer understand where the changes came from. It also provides clarity when there are multiple partnership adjustments with similar names.

  4. Assessments must be made as soon as possible after the completion of the Form 4549-A. If there are penalties or other linkages that prevent a full closure from being made at this time, a partial assessment will be made.

  5. Form 8339, PCS Change, is used to update the one-year assessment statute date on PCS and to enter the amount of any partial assessment that is being made. A separate Form 8339 will be prepared for each linkage. In addition, more than one Form 8339 may need to be prepared if the investor's assessment is attributable to adjustments from more than one key case.

    1. If penalties are assessed at a later time than the tax, after update of the one-year assessment statute date to " 11111111" and entry of the assessment amount, the one-year assessment date will be updated to the correct one-year assessment date for the penalties (YYYYMMDDP) These entries are completed in sequence on the same Form 8339 (TSCHG, 05). This is the only time that 11111111s can be overlaid.


    For tax years ending after August 5, 1997, penalties in a closing package are assessed as part of the computational adjustment.

  6. In reference to Accounts Receivable Dollar Inventory (ARDI), the procedures in IRM 4.20, Examination Collectibility Handbook, must be followed, subject to the provisions of the LEM.

  7. Each time a report is written, the report writer will determine whether a partial or complete closure should be made.

  8. All reports sent to taxpayers must be sent with an appropriate letter.  (02-29-2008)
Examination Report with Penalties and/or Affected Items

  1. The report writer will generate a Form 4549-A, Income Tax Examination Changes, for tax and penalties, if the taxpayer has signed Form 870-PT, Form 870-P(AD). ( Form 870-L or Form 870-L(AD) for tax years ending before August 6, 1997). The 4549-A must include the name, telephone number and the unique identifying number of the person to contact.

  2. If any other document has caused the report to be issued ( Form 870-P or Form 870-P(AD) (for tax years ending before August 6, 1997) or a default package), the Form 4549-A will be prepared only for the tax. A separate examination report, Form 4549, will be prepared to address any penalties applicable to investors in TEFRA partnerships.

  3. Affected Items are handled similarly. Affected items must be agreed to via Form 870-LT or Form 870-LT(AD) ( Form 870-L for tax years ending before August 6, 1997).

  4. The following table will help explain how penalties or affected items are agreed to by the taxpayer.

    Reports With Tax year ending before August 6, 1997 Tax year ending after August 5, 1997
    No Penalties or Affected Items Form 870-P, Form 870-P(AD) Form 870-PT, Form 870-PT(AD)
    Penalties Only Form 870-L, Form 870-L(AD), both Parts I and II must be signed. Form 870-PT, Form 870-PT(AD)
    Affected Items Only Form 870-L, Form 870-L(AD), both Parts I and II must be signed. Form 870-LT, Form 870-LT(AD) , both Parts I and II must be signed.
    Both Penalties and Affected Items Form 870-L, Form 870-L(AD), both Parts I and II must be signed. Form 870-LT, Form 870-LT(AD) , both Parts I and II must be signed.
  5. Each agreement needs to be reviewed carefully to determine the procedures to use. An FPAA is only issued with a Form 870-PT ( Form 870-P for tax years ending before August 6, 1997). Any affected items (and/or penalties for tax years ending before August 6, 1997) must be agreed to separately using deficiency procedures with Letter 3219, Notice of Deficiency.

  6. All reports sent to taxpayers must be sent with an appropriate letter.  (02-29-2008)
IRC Section 6404(g), Suspension of Interest and Certain Penalties

  1. In the case of an individual who files a return on or before the due date for the return (including extensions), the Service has 36-months (18 months effective on or before November 25, 2007, and one year for tax years beginning before January 1, 2004.) beginning on the later of

    1. the date on which the return is filed; or

    2. the due date of the return without regard to extensions,

    in which to provide notice to the taxpayer specifically stating the taxpayer's liability.

  2. If notice is not provided to the taxpayer before the close of the 36-month period, (18 months for notices issued on or before November 25, 2007, and one year for tax years beginning before January 1, 2004.) then the imposition of any interest, penalty, additions to tax or additional amounts that are calculated by reference to the period during which any failure relating to the return is suspended.

  3. The term suspension periods means the period:

    1. beginning on the day after the close of the 36-month period (18 months effective on or before November 25, 2007, and one year for tax years beginning before January 1, 2004.) under (1) above and

    2. ending the date which is 21 days after the date on which notice is provided to the taxpayer. A notice for purposes of IRC 6404(g) must contain sufficient information for the partner to calculate his or her portion of the partnership liability and the reason for the adjustment(s). Counsel has determined that sending such a notice to a TMP is sufficient notification. Generally, this will be the date the 60-day letter is sent to the TMP. In some instances, a 60-day letter may not be sent before the issuance of an FPAA. In that case, the date the FPAA is mailed to the TMP will be the date the notice is provided to the taxpayer.

  4. The exceptions to the 36-month notice (18 months effective on or before November 25, 2007, and one year for tax years beginning before January 1, 2004.) requirement are:

    1. any penalty imposed by IRC 6651;

    2. any interest, penalty, addition to tax, or additional amount in a case involving fraud;

    3. any interest, penalty, addition to tax, or additional amount with respect to any tax liability shown on the return

    4. any interest, penalty, addition to tax, or additional amount with respect to any gross misstatement;

    5. any interest, penalty, addition to tax, or additional amount with respect to any reportable transaction with respect to which the requirement of section 6664(d)(2)(A) is not met and any listed transaction (as defined in 6707A(c)); or

    6. any criminal penalty.

  5. The notice date must be annotated on the Form 886-Z(C) of the investor closing package prepared by the CTF, and also annotated on the partner's Examination Report in the "Other Information " area with the following statement: " IRC 6404(g) does apply and notice was provided on (mail out date). "

  6. The earlier of the date the 60-day letter was sent to the TMP or the date the FPAA was sent to the TMP will be the IRC 6404(g) date. That date will apply to all notice or non-notice partners directly or indirectly invested in the partnership.

  7. TC 971 with Action Code 64 will be input on Master File for the identified cases to record the notice date. Master File will automatically compute the interest with only one notice date. Cases with additional notice dates will require manually computed restricted interest (TC 340).

  8. If IRC 6404(g) applies, a TC 971 with reason code 064 must be input on the tax module using the notification date.

  9. All IRC 6404(g) cases where a second assessment is being made will require special instructions on Form 3198. If a second assessment is necessary, it must be stated whether IRC 6404(g) applies, and if it does, the notice date for the second assessment must be entered in the "Special/Restricted Interest Features" section.  (06-04-2004)
Completion of Workpapers

  1. The report writer will complete Form 4700-T, Examination Workpapers, on all cases (see IRM 4.10.9, Examination of Returns, Workpapers) to reflect the investor's applicable adjustment from the flow-through return. The report writer will attach Form 886-S, Form 886-W, Form 886-X, or Form 886-Z(C), and other documents received from the key case CTF, to the Form 4700-T as part of the workpapers.  (06-04-2004)
Innocent Spouse Relief - TEFRA

  1. Innocent spouse requests for relief from TEFRA proceedings will be considered only after there is a final determination concerning the treatment of partnership items (e.g., a settlement is entered into, or the decision of the court becomes final). In addition, an innocent spouse request for relief will be considered for each assessment made, rather than limiting requests to one for each tax year.  (02-29-2008)
Passive Activity Losses (PAL)

  1. Examiners need to ensure that all applicable forms are completed when computing the PAL adjustments. The Form 8582 worksheets do not need to be completed for all cases, but should be completed when needed. For example, they should be completed to communicate changes to the taxpayer in the case of dispositions or PAL carryovers.  (02-29-2008)
Carryover/Carryback Adjustments

  1. Case files for carryback and carryover years need to have copies of the workpapers from the source year supporting the adjustments. Adjustments such as Schedule A (contributions), NOL, possibly credits and PAL Credits would also require the closing documentation from the source year and computations for any carryback or carryover.

  2. When there are PAL carryovers, for example, the case files for those years need to have all of the necessary work papers to support the PAL adjustment. The carryover case file should have the closing documents from the source year as well as the Form 8582 reflecting the PAL carryover changes. Without the source documentation, there is nothing in the carryover year file to support the changes. This information is necessary in the event a subsequent taxpayer inquiry is made.  (06-04-2004)
Processing of Adjustments

  1. If there are no other TEFRA linkages on PCS, the return is sent for final closure. If TEFRA linkages are present, a partial assessment (AMCLS F) is made, and the return file is suspensed pending completion of the other related partnership examination(s).

  2. Form 5344, Examination Closing Record, is prepared by the investor CTF to process partner or shareholder return flow-through adjustments each time an executed Form 870-PT, Form 870-LT, Form 870-PT(AD), or Form 870-LT(AD) , ( Form 870-P, Form 870-L, Form 870-P(AD), or Form 870-L(AD) for tax years beginning before August 6, 1997) defaulted FPAA, or court settlement is received by the investor CTF from the key case CTF.

    1. A copy of the Form 5344 will remain in the file until all flow-through issues have been resolved.

    2. The closing function will input the PCS CC TSCLS as part of the final AMCLS E procedure. See IRM 4.4 , AIMS/Processing Handbook, for general instructions.

  3. Some exemptions to the Form 5344 preparation and processing are:

    1. Adjustments received for investor returns that are linked to more than one partnership return will be processed individually as "Partial Closures" each time a flow-through adjustment is received (see IRM 4.4, AIMS/Processing Handbook);

    2. Only one TC 30X per week per module can be accepted at Master File; one exception is when the adjustment received is for the last linked flow-through entity; in this situation the adjustment will be processed as a final closing;

    3. Adjustments received for investor returns with no other issues or linkages are processed as final closings;

    4. TEFRA assessments must be separately identified to ensure proper Master File identification; place the word TEFRA in red at the top of the Form 5344.  (02-29-2008)
Completion of Form 5344–Examination Closing Record

  1. Special attention must be given to certain entry items on Form 5344.

    1. Notate in RED, on the top of the Form 5344, "TEFRA"

    2. CC TSCLS - This block should be checked when an investor return is linked on PCS.


      This portion will only be completed at the time of the final closing.

    3. Item 8 - Agreement Date (partial or final closings). This entry will be completed for tax years beginning after August 5, 1997. (IRC section 6601(c).) Enter the date as reflected on the Form 870-PT, Form 870-LT, Form 870-PT(AD), Form 870-LT(AD) or Form 906. The agreement date is the date the form is signed on behalf of the Commissioner. The date the agreement was received is required to be entered on agreed deficiency cases if the disposal code is 03, 04, or 09 and Item 12 contains an increase in tax and the MFT is 02, 05, 30, 51 or 52. See IRM For tax years beginning before August 6, 1997, cases will be closed using disposal code 08 and no agreement date.

    4. Item 13 - Disposal Code. Cases closed no change should use disposal code 01 or 02. The adjustment amount on the Form 5344, Examination Closing Record, should be blank. Cases closed agreed or unagreed will generally use disposal codes 03, 04, or 08. The adjustment amount on the Form 5344, Examination Closing Record, requires an entry other than zero. If you have a situation where the adjustments made to the entity net to zero, enter $1.
      01 - No Change with Adjustments
      This code should be used when no changes are made to the entity's ordinary income, loss, or separately stated items reflected on the return or Schedule K-1, and an investor's return is adjusted as a result of the flow-through examination. This would include adjustments to basis, at-risk, passive loss rules, taxable loan repayments, or adjusting the investor's return to match the Schedule K-1 flow-through amounts. Applies to de minimis adjustments.


      An audit report is not required for cases closed below the tax tolerance in the Campus TEFRA Function (CTF). An exception will be when the tax changes impact a prior or subsequent tax year (NOL, PAL, etc.) or if the taxpayer is linked directly to the key case and would not otherwise receive notification.

      02- No Change
      This code should be utilized when the examination results in no changes to the entity or any investor. This would also be appropriate if you make adjustments to one of the investor's returns as a result of compliance checks which are not related to the flow-through examination.


      Investor work papers are not needed with streamline no change cases. When the flow-through entity is a no-change, and all partners will be no-changed, streamline no-change procedures can be implemented.

      03 - Agreed Before 60-Day Letter
      Used when agreements are secured after the closing conference and before issuance of a 60-day letter or an FPAA.
      04- Agreed After the 60-Day Letter
      Used for 1998 and subsequent TEFRA agreed cases (with or without penalties) with an agreement date.
      08 - Other
      Used for 1997 and prior TEFRA agreed cases (with or without penalties). Also used for AARs and stipulated decisions.
      09 - Agreed
      Applies only to returns if an agreement is received after the issuance of a 90-day letter, or FPAA.
      10 - Default
      Applies only to returns if the taxpayer fails to file a petition or sign an agreement after the issuance of a 90-day letter or FPAA, or the notice goes unclaimed by the taxpayer.
      13 - Undeliverable - Notice of Deficiency

    5. Item 14 - Statute Extended to Date (partial or final closings). Because of the various situations that can exist on TEFRA closures, care should be used to ensure that the correct information is shown on the database. If the IRC 6501 statute date has sufficient time remaining to make the necessary adjustment, no entry will be required. If the IRC 6501 statute has insufficient time remaining to allow an adjustment to be made, or the IRC 6501 statute has expired, the Statute Extended to Date should reflect the one-year assessment statute date. On partial assessments, after the partial closure has been completed, the statute date on AIMS must be corrected to the original date. If AIMS has "872-A" as the statute date, the Statute Extended to Date should reflect the one-year assessment statute date. On partial assessments, after the partial closure is completed, the statute date on AIMS must be corrected to " 872-A" . If the statute date on AIMS contains alpha characters in the statute date, such as BB, DD, or HH, that date must be updated to the one-year assessment statute date. On partial assessments, after the partial closure is completed, the statute date on AIMS must be corrected to the appropriate alpha code to reflect the true condition of the statute date, and prevent the case from showing as an action item on the AIMS 4.0 listing. To compute the ASED after a notice of deficiency, refer to IRM 4.8.1-5.

    6. Item 28 - Examiner's Time (final closing only). Enter the technical time spent processing the return. This will include the report writing time and any technical research time. Local procedures must be developed to record the cumulative time applied to each return by the CTF technical employees so Form 5344 will record all time applied (except the 631 or 632 "below the line" time) by technical employees, whether in the area or in the CTF. Campus technical employees are defined in IRM 4.31.1.

    7. Item 30 - Examination Technique (final closing only). See IRM 4.4, AIMS/Processing Handbook.

    8. Item 31 - Examiner's Grade (final closing only). Enter the grade of the examiner that corresponds to the employee group code entered in Item 29.

    9. Item 34 - Adjustment Amount. Not used with Disposal Code 01 or 02.

    10. Item 48 – Primary Business Code (final closing only) of the CTF making the adjustment.

  2. See IRM 4.4, AIMS/Processing Handbook, for instructions on reporting adjustments. Items 12, 18, and 34 may be involved.

  3. In an instance where a investor must be fully closed after a partial assessment, and no other action has been taken, that investor needs to be closed using the disposal code of the most recent partial closure.  (02-29-2008)
Case File Assembly

  1. After completion of the required reports, Form 4549-A or Form 1902-B and closing documents, Form 5344 and Form 8339 (if return is linked on PCS), the report writer should prepare the case for processing by clerical personnel. The case file should contain the following documents:

    1. A Form 5344; (required)

    2. The taxpayer's return or an electronic copy; (required)

    3. Form 5546 or AIMS print; (required)

    4. An Examination Report ( Form 4549-A, a PC Report, or computer report input documents) or No-Change Letter;

    5. Other correspondence in descending date order; (if present)

    6. Form 4700-T, work papers, closing package with current TSUMY attached to the top and Schedule K-1,in descending date order of OYD’s(required);

    7. A Form 8339, or in lieu of the Form 8339 a TSCHG print notated with the name of the person who did the input, for each key case adjustment impacting the assessment; (required)

    8. Miscellaneous papers; (if present)

    9. Form 895; (if present)

    10. Form 3198; (if present) and

    11. History Sheet. (required)

  2. The report writer will indicate on the history sheet what letters should be issued or any additional actions that may be required. The history sheet will also indicate the appropriate closing action. The report writer is responsible for instructing clerical and closing operators of the appropriate actions required based on the type of closure.  (06-04-2004)
TEFRA Assessment Prior to NonTEFRA Closing

  1. For purposes of the discussion below, the investor's division is determined by the Primary Business Code (PBC) where the investor is being worked, not the PBC of the key case.  (06-04-2004)
TEFRA Investors in SB/SE or W&I

  1. If the TEFRA partnership examination is completed prior to Examination or Appeals completing action on the nonTEFRA issues, the investor CTF will make a partial assessment based on the copy of the return.

  2. A copy of the examination report, any other workpapers relating to the flow-through adjustment, and Form 5344 will be forwarded to the function working the nonTEFRA issues. If there are no unresolved TEFRA links, see (5) below.

  3. All investors being worked in the field that are not in a 3XX PBC will have a report prepared by the campus as explained above. The agent in the field should be contacted about the TEFRA closure to determine the status of the case. The agent may want to incorporate the TEFRA adjustments into the RAR, or wait for the campus to make their adjustments.

  4. When other TEFRA linkages exist, the investor file will be returned to suspense after the partial assessment. The investor CTF will retain copies of Form 5344 and Form 4549-A each time an assessment is made until the nonTEFRA examination is closed. This is necessary so that each deficiency is computed on the revised taxable income.

  5. When no other TEFRA linkages are open, but another function has control of the investor return, the CTF will forward the complete file to the function that has control of the investor return. The file will be clearly flagged with a Form 3198, Special Handling Notice, showing the special instructions: "TEFRA linkage has been closed by the Campus TEFRA Function. Report enclosed reflects those adjustments and has been provided to the taxpayer. When other issues are resolved, please list PCS linkage on reverse of Form 5344. The TEFRA assessment(s) has (have) been made" .  (05-31-2005)
TEFRA Investors in LMSB

  1. Corporate TEFRA investors that are in LMSB and are open in field exam will be worked by the field when TEFRA issues are complete before closure of the case. Due to the complexity of the returns, all LMSB agents working corporate investors for nonTEFRA issues will prepare their own TEFRA adjustments. LMSB agents need to be made aware of the TEFRA one-year assessment date and the need to make the adjustments promptly when TEFRA issues are complete before closure of the case.


    Appeals will prepare flow-through adjustments for corporate returns with an activity code of 219 or above, CIC corporation, and corporate specialty returns, which are any corporate return filed with a Form 1120 followed by a letter (for example, Form 1120L life insurance company) except Form 1120A, Form 1120S or Form 1120X. Appeals will also prepare flow-through adjustments for Joint Committee returns. Non-corporate returns, and corporate returns with activity codes below 219, with flow-through adjustments, will have to be computed by the campus and forwarded to Appeals.

  2. A corporate investor in LMSB is any corporate investor being worked in field exam that is in a 3XX PBC. The fact that an investor is linked to an LMSB key case does not make it an LMSB investor.

  3. Team Managers should be contacted before a package is sent to the field. The reason for contact is that even if AIMS shows they have control, they may have already sent the case for closing. If the case was closed, contact the local TEFRA Coordinator to locate the case.

  4. Once the package is sent to the field and the campus receives an acknowledgment from the field on a Form 3210, the field will assume the responsibility for monitoring of the one-year date.  (06-04-2004)
Processing Partial Agreements

  1. When the CTF report writing or technical unit receives a partial agreement, the agreement will receive expedited priority treatment.

    1. The report will be prepared and mailed immediately.

    2. Normal partial report procedures will apply. ( See IRM

    3. Form 8339 with 11111111, amount and time will be input.

    4. Immediately after the input of the 11111111, amount and time, an 05-T and a 22-D will be input. This will allow for the next one-year date to be input when necessary and removes the package received indicator.

    5. Since no actual one-year date exists, manual processing is not needed as with other cases closed with less than 60 days remaining on the statute.

    6. After the partial assessment document is returned, the investor file should be suspensed.

    7. Appropriate documentation must be in the file to identify the existence and processing of prior partial reports before resuspensing the case.

  2. When the CTF report writers receive the final closing package for the investor, they will compare it with any prior packages and/or reports to determine if any issues were previously processed as partially agreed and prepare the final reports accordingly.  (06-04-2004)
Non-Filer TEFRA Closing

  1. If a return was not filed by an investor and one has not been secured by the CTF, and a one-year assessment date was entered on PCS, the CTF should not assess the tax on the TEFRA adjustment unless there is evidence that the investor's taxable income would be increased by the partnership adjustment.

  2. If such evidence does exist, the CTF report writer will assess the tax on the TEFRA adjustment by applying the highest tax bracket applicable for the tax period to the amount of the adjustment without benefit of exemptions or deductions. This assessment will be made on non-Master File and the investor file closed.

  3. This procedure will not be applicable if the partnership items have previously converted to nonpartnership items other than due to a settlement. In that situation, a Letter 3219, Notice of Deficiency will be issued within the one year period.  (06-04-2004)
No-Change Investor Returns

  1. Investor tax returns can be no-changed under the following circumstances:

    If Then
    The TEFRA key case is no changed, i.e., (a Letter 2064(DO) was prepared by the area). The key case CTF will issue a no change FPAA ( Letter 2064(SC)) to the TEFRA notice investors. Because investors have been notified of the results of the examination, the investor CTF will prepare no Form 4549; however, workpapers, Form 4700-T, Form 5344, and Form 8339 will be required, and the file will be appropriately noted.
    The TEFRA key case is no-changed, but the Technical Support/QAB prepared a Letter 2621. The key case CTF will not issue an FPAA to all notice investors. A copy of Letter 2621 will be placed in the file of TEFRA partnership investors, all of whom must be fully linked on the PCS. The TMP is required to notify the investors of the results of the examination. Because investors have been notified of the results of the examination, no Form 4549 will be prepared by the investor CTF and returns are closed No Change (No Change with Adjustment is not valid for this procedure). Form 5344, and Form 45498339 will be required, and the file will be appropriately noted. No change packages will be provided to investor CTFs, and a copy of the final examination report and Letter 2621 will be maintained in the key case administrative file.
    The TEFRA key case examination results in a material change, but it does not change the investor's tax liability in any year (including carrybacks or carryovers for NOL, credits, etc.). The investor CTF will prepare a Letter 2083(SC), workpapers, Form 4549, and other documents as outlined in the text of this Handbook ( See IRM Form 5344 is prepared to process as a partial adjustment so that the Reference Code 888 is updated to reflect the correct amount of adjusted gross income on the return. Reference Code 886 is updated to reflect the correct amount of taxable income. A copy of the Form 4549 and the closing document must remain in the file. If future changes result in a need to recompute the tax liability, these adjustments will be included in the computation.
    The key case adjustments result in a de minimus change to the investor's tax liability. The investor CTF will prepare workpapers, and other documents as outlined in the text of this Handbook ( See IRM ). The Form 5344 will reflect no adjustment.  (06-04-2004)
Quality Responsibilities

  1. The CTF should ensure that an acceptable level of quality on the CTF reports is maintained.

  2. A sample review for quality must be made. The sample review will be analyzed to detect error trends, and recommendations for corrective action will be made. Errors will be recorded on Form 3990, Reviewers Report.  (06-04-2004)
Barred Statute Reports

  1. The investor CTF is responsible for determining the correct assessment statute dates on all investor inventory and immediately identifying cases with barred statutes. Responsibility for the preparation of the Form 3999, Statute Expiration Report, or Form 3999-T (Statute Expiration Report for TEFRA Key Case), in tier situations, and the related processing procedures are found in IRM 25.6.14, Statute of Limitations, Barred Assessments.  (06-04-2004)

  1. The employees of the CTF are to receive standardized training, which will include the areas of the PCS, AIMS, report writing, and necessary TEFRA law needed for their positions, no later than six months after their selection.  (06-04-2004)
Reports and Accomplishments

  1. The Partnership Control System (PCS) generates the administrative reports used to monitor the suspensed returns and the related key cases.

  2. The level to which unit and dollar accomplishments are distributed is now restricted to the National Headquarters and the area.  (05-31-2005)

  1. Each CTF will use PCS reports to monitor linked returns. Specific information is provided on PCS reports in IRM 4.29 Partnership Control System (PCS) Handbook. The CTF personnel should use the PCS Handbook if they have questions about PCS generated reports.

  2. Cases in status code 34, Employee Group Code 58XX, or with a "T" indicator will be included on the CTF PCS reports. These three criteria, although not all three for every report, are also used to determine CTF staffing levels and for specific measurements.

    1. All investors linked to TEFRA key cases will be listed on PCS Report 22-3, which should be worked quarterly or monthly for updates and filed in the key case administrative folder.

    2. TEFRA related partner or shareholder returns that are in area office possession for examination of nonTEFRA issues will not be in the CTF physical inventory.

    3. However, these returns (not Joint Committee, CEP, or other corporate specialty cases) are sent to the CTF for suspense if the nonTEFRA examination is completed before the TEFRA entity examination.

    4. Centralized Case Processing will update the case to Employee Group Code 5817, Status Code 34, and the Primary and Secondary Business Codes before shipping the case.

    5. When received the Employee Group Code should be updated to any other valid 58XX employee group code.  (06-04-2004)
Accomplishments and Inventory

  1. Accomplishments for CTF closures where the report writing was done in the campus will be closed in employee group code 58XX according to the designated breakouts.

  2. The results for returns are found on AIMS Table 38 using Special Project Codes 013, 015, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 114, 118, 121, and 122; the following codes are no longer used: 105, 108, 110-113, 115-117, and 119-120.

    1. PCS Report 8-3 reflects CTF TEFRA results by links closed; it also reflects inventory as of the report period for Report Writing and Suspense.

    2. PCS Report 2-2 is the weekly Report Writing TEFRA inventory; the inventory differs from the PCS Report 8-3 in that returns with a package indicator other than "Y" are not included in the 2-2 Report. Also included on the 2-2 Report are returns with one-year dates (other than 11111111) and where the package indicator is blank.

    3. Report Writing inventory is determined from those returns that have a numeric one-year date in the one-year date field.

    4. Suspense inventory is determined from those returns where the one-year date field is blank.

    5. Report 8-3 is a weekly report, and Table 38 is a monthly report.


    Remember: PCS reports deal with linkages; AIMS Tables deal with returns.

Exhibit 4.31.3-1  (08-01-2006)
Form 8340, PCS Establish or Add

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