var L_cwaServerUrl = "/"; var L_cwaServerVersionUrl = "/cwa/Client/3.0.6362.0000/"; var L_Product_Name = "Microsoft Office Communicator Web Access"; var L_Product_NameWithVersion = "Microsoft Office Communicator Web Access 2007"; var L_Product_ShortName = "Communicator Web Access"; var L_Product_RegisterName = "Microsoft%0 Office Communicator Web Access"; var L_Product_About = "About Microsoft Office Communicator Web Access"; var L_Product_CopyRight = "© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."; //----------------------------------------------------------- // Localized String //------------------------------------------------------------ // Logon page text var L_Logon_Security = "Security"; var L_Logon_Security_ShowExplain = "( show explanation )"; var L_Logon_Security_HideExplain = "( hide explanation )"; var L_Logon_SignIn = "Sign In"; var L_Logon_SignIn_DifferentUser = "Sign in with a different account"; var L_Logon_Shared_Computer = "This is a public or shared computer"; var L_Logon_Private_Computer = "This is a private computer"; var L_Logon_Shared_Computer_Details = "Select this option if you are connecting from a public computer. Be sure to sign out and close all browser windows to end your session."; var L_Logon_Private_Computer_Details = "Select this option if you are the only person who uses this computer. This option provides additional time of inactivity before automatically signing you out."; var L_Logon_Timeout = "Your session was closed due to inactivity. To continue, sign in again."; var L_Logon_AuthFailed = "Cannot sign in. The password or sign-in address may be incorrect. Make sure that your sign-in address matches your user account and try again."; var L_Logon_SessionGone = "The network connection was lost. Make sure you are connected to the network and try again."; var L_Logon_FormatWrong = "Cannot sign in. The sign in format that was sent to the server was incorrect. Contact your system administrator with this information."; var L_Logon_NoCookie = "Cannot sign in because your Web browser is not configured to allow cookies from this Web site. Change your browser's privacy settings and try again."; var L_Logon_ServerError = "Cannot sign in due to a server error. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."; var L_Logon_ReloginNeeded = "Sign in again."; var L_Logon_PasswordExpired = "Cannot sign in because your password has expired. Change your password and then try again."; var L_Logon_ACLCheck = "Cannot sign in. Your account is not enabled for this version of %0. Contact your system administrator with this information."; var L_Logon_PopUpBlocker = "Cannot sign in because pop-ups are currently blocked. Change your Web browser pop-up blocker settings to allow pop-up windows from this Web site."; var L_Logon_IWAMultiLogon = "Cannot sign in because someone is already signed in using this browser window. To sign in, open a new browser window."; var L_Logon_Throttled = "Cannot sign in because the server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."; var L_Logon_UserNotEnabled = "Cannot sign in because your user account is not enabled for access to %0 server. Contact your system administrator."; var L_Logon_ExternalNotEnabled = "Cannot sign in because your user account does not permit external access to %0 server. Contact your system administrator."; var L_Logon_DomainRequiredInURI = "Cannot sign in. Type a sign-in address that uses the following format: \"\"."; var L_Logon_LCSUnavailable = "The %0 server is not available at this time. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator."; var L_Logon_ServerBrowserNotSupported = "Cannot sign in because your Web browser is not supported. Update your browser to a supported version, or use an alternate browser."; var L_Logon_AuthBrowserNotSupported = "Cannot sign in because your Web browser does not support the authentication method used by the server. Contact your system administrator with this information."; var L_Logon_LegacyServerNotSupported = "Cannot sign in because your account is not enabled for use with %0. Contact your system administrator with this information."; var L_Logon_ClientBrowserNotSupported = "Cannot sign in because your Web browser is not supported. Update your browser to a supported version, or use an alternate browser."; var L_Logon_NoEnoughInfo = "Cannot sign in because the sign in information was incomplete. Type your sign in information and try again."; var L_Logon_UnExpectedError = "Cannot sign in due to a problem with the network or server. Please try signing in again. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator."; var L_Logon_ActiveXDisabled = "Cannot sign in because your Web browser is not configured to run ActiveX controls. Change your browser settings and try again."; var L_Logon_SignInNameExample = ""; var L_Logon_DomainNameExample = "fabrikam\\alice"; var L_Logon_Help_Pop_Text = "Get help with pop-up blockers."; var L_Logon_Sign_In_Text = "Sign-in address:"; var L_Logon_Domain_Alias_Text = "Domain\\username:"; var L_Logon_Password_Text = "Password:"; var L_Logon_Sign_In_As_Text = "L_Undefined_Text"; var L_Logon_Language_Text = "Language:"; var L_Logon_Private_Computer_Text = "This is a private computer"; var L_Logon_Log_In_Again_Text = "Why do I need to sign in again?"; var L_Logon_Log_Help_Text = "Help me sign in to Communicator Web Access"; var L_Logon_More_Info = "Find out more."; var L_Logon_Sign_In_Button = "Sign In"; var L_Logon_Sign_In_As_Button = "Sign In ( %0 )"; var L_Logon_Sign_In_In_Progress_Button = "Sign In..."; var L_Logon_WarningTitle = "Important"; var L_Logon_WarningText = "Before you sign in, turn off pop-up blocking software for this Web site."; var L_Logon_Warning_Ignore_Auth_Result = "The sign in process is taking longer than expected. Click OK to continue waiting, or Cancel to stop the sign in process and try again."; // Logon Text var L_Logon_Input_UserNameAndDomain = "Type domain\\username"; var L_Logon_Input_UserSipURI = "Type sign-in address ("; var L_Logon_Input_UserPassword = "Type password"; // Sign in text var L_Sign_In_Welcome = "Welcome to %0."; var L_Sign_In_Success = "You can safely close this window and remain signed in."; var L_Sign_In_Failed = "Cannot sign in. Please try again later."; var L_Sign_In_Again_Tip = "Sign In Again"; var L_ErrorPane_Connection_Text = "A server or network error occurred. Please try again."; var L_ErrorPane_Server_Text = "The server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."; var L_ErrorPane_CommandFailed_Text = "A server error occurred while sending the %0 request. Please try again."; // Presence text var L_Presence_Default = " "; var L_Presence_Offline = "Offline"; var L_Presence_AppearOffline = "Appear Offline"; var L_Presence_Online = "Available"; var L_Presence_IdleOnline = "Inactive"; var L_Presence_Away = "Away"; var L_Presence_Busy = "Busy"; var L_Presence_IdleBusy = "Busy"; var L_Presence_BeRightBack = "Be Right Back"; var L_Presence_DoNotDisturb = "Do Not Disturb"; var L_Presence_InMeeting = "In a meeting"; var L_Presence_OnPhone = "In a call"; var L_Presence_OutOfOffice = "Out of office"; var L_Presence_InConference = "In a conference"; var L_Presence_UrgentOnly = "Urgent interruptions only"; var L_Presence_Null = "Presence unknown"; var L_Presence_Auto = "Reset Status"; //----------------------------------------------------------- // Localized Font Family & Size //----------------------------------------------------------- var L_Font_Family = "'Tahoma', 'Arial', 'Helvetica', 'Verdana', 'Sans-Serif'"; var L_Font_Size = "11px"; //----------------------------------------------------------- // Localized Size //----------------------------------------------------------- // Logon page sign in button size var L_Size_LP_SignIn_Button_Width = "174"; var L_Size_LP_SignInAS_Button_Width = "31"; var L_Size_LP_SignIn_Button_Height = 22; // Sign in page re-sign in button size var L_Size_SP_ReSignIn_Button_Width = 180; var L_Size_SP_ReSignIn_Button_Height = 22; // Contact list window default size var L_Size_CL_Width = 322; var L_Size_CL_Height = 537; //----------------------------------------------------------- // Localized Images path //----------------------------------------------------------- // Online help folder path var L_OnlineHelp_Folder_Path = "/CWA/Client/Help/En/"; // !-- No Parse begin // Sign in Images var L_Sign_In_Logo = "Loc/Image/logon_cwa_logo.png"; var L_Sign_In_Button_Arrow = "Loc/Image/psn_button_arrow.png"; var L_Sign_In_Button_Divider = "Loc/Image/psn_button_divider.png"; var L_Logon_Divider = "Loc/Image/logon_divider_line.gif"; var L_Logon_Info = "Loc/Image/logon_info.png"; var L_Logon_Top_Left = "Loc/Image/logon_top_left.gif"; var L_Logon_Top_Right = "Loc/Image/logon_top_right.gif"; // Back ground image path var L_Logon_Back_Top = "Loc/Image/logon_back_top.gif"; var L_Logon_Back_Bottom = "Loc/Image/logon_back_bottom.gif"; var L_Logon_Back_Middle = "Loc/Image/logon_back_gradient_middle.gif"; var L_Logon_Back_Left = "Loc/Image/logon_back_left_edge.gif"; var L_Logon_Back_Right = "Loc/Image/logon_back_right_edge.gif"; var L_SignIn_Button_Left = "Loc/Image/signin_button_left.gif"; var L_SignIn_Button_Middle = "Loc/Image/signin_button_middle.gif"; var L_SignIn_Button_Right = "Loc/Image/signin_button_right.gif"; // Warning Icon var L_Warning_Icon = "Loc/Image/info_icon.gif"; // Error Icon var L_Error_Icon = "Loc/Image/warning_icon.gif"; // Presence Pawn Images var L_Presence_FreeImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/online.png"; var L_Presence_IdleFreeImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/idle.png"; var L_Presence_BusyImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/busy.png"; var L_Presence_IdleBusyImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/idlebusy.png"; var L_Presence_DoNotDisturbImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/dnd.png"; var L_Presence_TempUnAlertableImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/away.png"; var L_Presence_UnAlertableImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/away.png"; var L_Presence_UnAvailableImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/offline.png"; var L_Presence_NullImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/unknown.png"; var L_Presence_BlockImg = "Loc/Image/presence_icons/block.png"; // For Menu display var L_Menu_UpArrow = ""; var L_Menu_DownArrow = "";