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CONSER Standard Record for Serials PDF Print E-mail
Written on Monday, 07 May 2007
Last Updated on Monday, 23 February 2009

Library Services & Content Management (LSCM) staff members attended the Library of Congress, Program for Cooperative Cataloging meetings held at the Library of Congress the week of May 1.

At the CONSER (Cooperative Online Serials) meeting, a date of June 1, 2007 was announced as the implementation date for the new CONSER standard record for serials. As announced in previous FDLP Listserv messages, LSCM planned to implement the use of the standard record in accordance with CONSER recommendations. Bibliographic Control staff will receive some additional training on the new record requirements and will begin using the new record standards on June 1. LSCM received several comments from the community and will be slightly modifying the MARC 300 field treatment for electronic resources serials to accommodate the needs of the documents community. Please check the GPO Cataloging Guidelines, April 2007 revision for further explanation. Congressional and essential titles that are serials will continue to receive full-level cataloging. All new serials, except in those two categories will be cataloged under new CONSER standards. Existing serial records will not be downgraded.

You can expect to see cataloging records for serials in this new format in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) on June 1.

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