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The mission of Maricopa County is to provide regional leadership and fiscally responsible, necessary public services so that residents can enjoy living in a healthy and safe community.

  • Ensure safe communities and a streamlined, integrated justice system.

  • Promote and protect the public health of the community.

  • Provide regional leadership in critical public policy areas.

  • Carefully plan and manage land use in Maricopa County to promote sustainable development and to preserve and strengthen our environment.

  • Continue to exercise sound financial management and build the County’s fiscal strength while minimizing the property tax burden.

  • Maintain a quality workforce and equip County employees with the tools, skills, workspace and resources they need to do their jobs safely and well.

  • Continue to improve the County’s public image by increasing citizen satisfaction with the quality and cost-effectiveness of services provided by the County.

Click here to view the full Strategic Plan

Share information and empower others for the overall good of the County.

Trust and encourage others.

Exercise collaborative decision-making.

Willing to be a guardian of the public's trust.

Act timely to obtain results.

Relentless dedication to providing total customer service.

Dare to take prudent risks to promote continuous service.

Set examples of leadership daily.

Honor public service with integrity beyond reproach.

Inspire yourself and others to achieve the common vision.

Praise and recognize others and yourself for positive achievements.


Citizens serving citizens by working collaboratively, innovatively, efficiently and effectively. We will be responsive to our customers while being fiscally prudent.

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