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Assessor Biography


Keith E. Russell is the 20th person to serve as your elected Maricopa County Assessor. Keith was first elected in November of 2004 and has been involved in the real estate market in Arizona since 1976. In 1985 he formed Sunset Appraisal which is an appraisal firm specializing in commercial real estate. Mr. Russell has done work throughout Arizona including a large number of the rural counties and communities.

Mr. Russell is a member of the Appraisal Institute and has earned the Institute's highest designation, the MAI. He is and has been very active in the Appraisal Institute on a local level as well as regionally and nationally. Mr. Russell served as the President of the Phoenix Chapter of the Appraisal Institute in 2002 and is an Associate Instructor with the Appraisal Institute. He is a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser with the Arizona State Board of Appraisal and had the opportunity to serve as a member of the State Board of Appraisal from 1998 to 2000.

Mr. Russell is a third generation native of Mesa, Arizona. He attended public school in Mesa and graduated from Westwood High School. He attended Mesa Community College and graduated from Arizona State University in 1983.

He and his wife Rebecca have three children.


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