Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature
Reflecting the Use of Records in the National Archives: 2003

Current Issues
Volume 30, Number 1, January-March, 2003
  1. Andrews, Thomas G. "Turning the Tables on Assimilation: Oglata Lakotas and the Pine Ridge Day Schools, 1889-1920s". Western Historical Quarterly 33, no.4 (Winter 2002): 407-430.

  2. Baker, Pamela L. "The Washington National Road Bill and the Struggle to Adopt a Federal System of Internal Improvement". Journal of the Early Republic 22, no.3 (Fall 2002): 437-464.

  3. Barnard, John D. "The USS Constellation's Civil War". American Neptune 61, no.3 (Summer 2001): 283-298.

  4. Bearden, Russell E. "The Great Flood of 1927: A Portfolio of Photographs". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 61, no.4 (Winter 2002): 388-404.
    RG200/HH Library

  5. Beisner, Robert L. "SHAFR Presidential Address: The Secretary, the Spy, and the Sage". Diplomatic History 27, no.1 (January 2003): 1-14.
    RG059/HST Library

  6. Bonner, Robert E. "Buffalo Bill Cody". Western Historical Quarterly 33, no.4 (Winter 2002): 433-451.

  7. Borstelmann, Thomas. "The United States and the Final Years of White Rule in Zimbabwe". Diplomatic History 27, no.1 (January 2003): 155-161.
    JFK Library

  8. Boyle, Kevin. "The Price of Peace: Vietnam, the Pound, and the Crisis of the American Empire". Diplomatic History 27, no.1 (January 2003): 37-72.
    JFK Library/ LBJ Library

  9. Breitman, Richard. "New Sources on the Holocaust in Italy". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 16, no.3 (Winter 2002): 402-414.

  10. Buecker, Thomas R. "The Paper Trail at Fort Robinson: Researching the History of a U.S. Military Post". Journal of America's Military Past 29, no.1 (Spring/Summer 2002): 30-41.

  11. Buhs, Joshua Blu. "The Fire Ant Wars: Nature and Science in the Pesticide Controversies of the Late Twentieth Century". Isis 93, no.3 (September 2002): 377-400.

  12. Burr, William; Kimball, Jeffrey. "Nixon's Secret Nuclear Alert: Vietnam War Diplomacy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Readiness Test, October 1969". Cold War History 3, no.2 (January 2003): 113-156.
    RG059/GRF Library/Nixon Materials

  13. Carter, Dan T. "The Rise of Conservatism Since World War II". OAH Magazine of History 17, no.2 (January 2003): 11-17.
    DDE Library/Nixon Materials

  14. Cunningham, Roger. "The Court-Martial of James P. Yancey". Journal of America's Military Past 29, no.1 (Spring/Summer 2002): 58-71.

  15. Daniels, Roger. "Further Thoughts on the Japanese American Cases". OAH Magazine of History 17, no.2 (January 2003): 53,55.

  16. Dickson, Ted. "Comparative Decades: Conservatism in the 1920s and 1980s". OAH Magazine of History 17, no.2 (January 2003): 37-39.

  17. Drake, Sarah E. "Using Talking History to Teach Oral History and the Post-World War II Era". OAH Magazine of History 17, no.2 (January 2003): 46-48.
    NARA photos

  18. Duffield, Lathel F. "Cherokee Emigration: Reconstructing Reality". Chronicles of Oklahoma 80, no.3 (Fall 2002): 314-347.

  19. Dumbrell, John; Ellis, Sylvia. "British Involvement in Vietnam Peace Initiatives, 1966-1967: Marigolds, Sunflowers, and 'Kosygin Week'". Diplomatic History 27, no.1 (January 2003): 113-149.
    LBJ Library

  20. Faram, Mark D. "A Sailor's Classic Turns 100". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 129, no.2 (February 2003): 66-69.

  21. Feldman, Ellen. "FDR and His Women". American Heritage 54, no.1 (Feb/March 2003): 53-59.
    FDR Library

  22. Fliss, William M. "Wisconsin's 'Abolition Regiment': The Twenty-second Volunteer Infantry in Kentucky, 1862-1863". Wisconsin Magazine of History 86, no.2 (Winter 2002-2003): 2-17.

  23. Footner, Geoffrey M. "The Impact of Redesigning and Rebuilding U.S. Frigate Constellation in 1812, 1829, and 1839 on Currently Held Theories Concerning Her Age". Maryland Historical Magazine 97, no.4 (Winter 2002): 422-443.

  24. Gangarosa, Gene, Jr. "The AK-47 emerged from the Vietnam War with a legendary reputation it still enjoys.". Vietnam 15, no.6 (April 2003): 10, 66.
    NARA photos

  25. Gangarosa, Gene, Jr. "First Introduced in World War II, the Famous M-3 'Grease Gun' Saw Action in Vietnam as Well". Vietnam 15, no.5 (February 2003): 10-12, 54.
    NARA photos

  26. Gootenberg, Paul. "Between Coca and Cocaine: A Century or More of U.S.-Peruvian Drug Paradoxes, 1860-1980". Hispanic American Historical Review 83, no.1 (February 2003): 119-150.

  27. Graf, Mercedes. "Women Physicians in the Spanish-American War". Army History , no.56 (Fall 2002): 4-15, 28.
    RG015/RG094/RG112/NARA photos

  28. Greene, Jerome A. "Faces of War: Five Soldiers of General Crook's Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition, 1876". Nebraska History 83, no.2 (Summer 2002): 98-102.

  29. Grover, Linda LeGarde. "From Assimilation to Termination: The Vermilion Lake Indian School". Minnesota History 58, no.4 (Winter 2002-03): 225-240.

  30. Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd. "Women Writers, the 'Southern Front,' and the Dialectical Imagination". Journal of Southern History 69, no.1 (February 2003): 3-38.

  31. Hamilton, C.I. "The Character and Organization of the Admiralty Operational Intelligence Centre during the Second World War". War in History 7, no.3 (July 2000): 295-324.

  32. Harcourt, Edward John. "The Whipping of Richard Moore: Reading Emotion in Reconstruction America". Journal of Social History 36, no.2 (Winter 2002): 261-282.

  33. Herman, Ellen. "The Paradoxical Rationalization of Modern Adoption". Journal of Social History 36, no.2 (Winter 2002): 339-385.

  34. Hodes, Martha. "The Mercurial Nature and Abiding Power of Race: A Transnational Family Story". American Historical Review 108, no.1 (February 2003): 84-118.

  35. Hogue, Michel. "Disputing the Medicine Line: The Plains Crees and the Canadian-American Border, 1876-1885". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 52, no.4 (Winter 2002): 2-17.

  36. Jeansonne, Glen. "Gerald L. K. Smith: From Wisconsin Roots to National Notoriety". Wisconsin Magazine of History 86, no.2 (Winter 2002-2003): 19-29.

  37. Jung, Patrick J. "Judge James Duane Doty and Wisconsin's First Court: The Additional Court of Michigan Territory, 1823-1836". Wisconsin Magazine of History 86, no.2 (Winter 2002-2003): 32-41.

  38. Knetsch, Joe. "Fort Cross on Cape Sable: Controlling Trade Between Cuba and the Seminoles in the Third Seminole War". Journal of America's Military Past 29, no.1 (Spring/Summer 2002): 16-29.

  39. Kranig, David. "The Screaming Eagles at Trung Luong". Vietnam 15, no.6 (April 2003): 34-40.
    NARA photos

  40. Kruse, Elizabeth. "From Free Privilege to Regulation: Wireless Firms and the Competition for Spectrum Rights before World War I". Business History Review 76, no.4 (Winter 2002): 659-703.

  41. Kumar, Martha Joynt. "Source Material: 'Does This Constitute a Press Conference?' Defining and Tabulating Modern Presidential Press Conferences". Presidential Studies Quarterly 33, no.1 (March 2003): 221-237.
    HST Library

  42. Laird, Frank N. "Constructing the Future: Advocating Energy Technologies in the Cold War". Technology and Culture 44, no.1 (January 2003): 27-49.
    Nixon Materials

  43. Lauck, Jon K. "George S. McGovern and the Farmer: South Dakota Politics, 1953-1962". South Dakota History 32, no.4 (Winter 2002): 331-353.
    DDE Library/LBJ Library

  44. Linn, Brian McAllister. "The Pulahan Campaign: A Study in US Pacification". War in History 6, no.1 (1999): 45-71.

  45. Lockley, Timothy J. "Public Poor Relief in Buncombe County, North Carolina, 1792-1860". North Carolina Historical Review 80, no.1 (January 2003): 28-51.

  46. Lubetkin, M. John. "The Forgotten Yellowstone Surveying Expeditions of 1871: W. Milnor Roberts and the Northern Pacific Railroad in Montana". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 52, no.4 (Winter 2002): 32-47.

  47. Madonna, G. Terry; McLarnon, John Morrison, III. "Reform in Philadelphia: Joseph S. Clark, Richardson Dilworth and the Women Who Made Reform Possible, 1947-1949". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 127, no.1 (January 2003): 57-88.
    FDR Library

  48. Morgan, Chad. "Progressive Slaveholders: Planters, Intellectuals, and Georgia's Antebellum Economic Development". Georgia Historical Quarterly 86, no.3 (Fall 2002): 398-422.

  49. Muse, Clifford L., Jr. "Howard University and U.S. Foreign Affairs During the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration, 1933-1945". Journal of African American History 87, no. (Fall 2002): 403-415.
    RG059/FDR Library

  50. Neal, Valerie. "Bumped from the Shuttle Fleet: Why Didn't Enterprise Fly in Space?". History and Technology 18, no.3 (2002): 181-202.
    JC Library

  51. Ngai, Mae M. "The Strange Career of the Illegal Alien: Immigration Restriction and Deportation Policy in the United States, 1921-1965". Law and History Review 21, no.1 (Spring 2003): 69-107.

  52. Nickerson, Michelle. "Women, Domesticity, and Postwar Conservatism". OAH Magazine of History 17, no.2 (January 2003): 17-20.

  53. Owens, Robert M. "Jeffersonian Benevolence on the Ground: The Indian Land Cession Treaties of William Henry Harrison". Journal of the Early Republic 22, no.3 (Fall 2002): 405-435.

  54. Preston, Andrew. "The Soft Hawks' Dilemma in Vietnam: Michael V. Forrestal at the National Security Council, 1962-1964". International History Review 25, no.1 (March 2003): 63-95.
    JFK Library/LBJ Library

  55. Preston, Andrew. "Balancing War and Peace: Canadian Foreign Policy and the Vietnam War, 1961-1965". Diplomatic History 27, no.1 (January 2003): 73-111.
    JFK Library/LBJ Library

  56. Puisto, Jaakko. "'We didn't care for it': The Salish and Kootenai Battle against Termination Policy, 1946-1954". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 52, no.4 (Winter 2002): 48-63.

  57. Ribuffo, Leo P. "The Discovery and Rediscovery of American Conservatism Broadly Conceived". OAH Magazine of History 17, no.2 (January 2003): 5-10.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  58. Rutan, Dick. "General Bob Worley was the only U.S. Air Force general officer killed in action over Vietnam". Vietnam 15, no.6 (April 2003): 16-64.
    NARA photos

  59. Share, Michael. "From Ideological Foe to Uncertain Friend: Soviet Relations with Taiwan, 1943-82". Cold War History 3, no.2 (January 2003): 1-34.

  60. Sproul, David Kent. "Environmentalism and the Kaiparowits Power Project, 1964-76". Utah Historical Quarterly 70, no.4 (Fall 2002): 356-371.

  61. Storey, Margaret M. "Civil War Unionists and the Political Culture of Loyalty in Alabama, 1860-1861". Journal of Southern History 69, no.1 (February 2003): 71-106.

  62. Tanglen, Larry. "Terror Floated over Montana: Japanese World War II Balloon Bombs, 1944-1945". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 52, no.4 (Winter 2002): 76-79.

  63. Toll, Roger W. "Chief Investigator of Proposed National Parks and Monuments: Setting the Standards for America's National Park System". Journal of the West 42, no.1 (Winter 2003): 82-90.

  64. Truss, Ruth Smith. "The Alabama National Guard's 167th Infantry Regiment in World War I". Alabama Review 56, no.1 (January 2003): 3-34.

  65. Villard, Erik B. "Battle for Kontum". Vietnam 15, no.5 (February 2003): 28-33, 64.
    NARA photos

  66. Warne, Douglas. "George Prince Kaumuali'i, the Forgotten Prince". Hawaiian Journal of History 36, no. (2002): 59-71.

  67. Watson, Samuel J. "Knowledge, Interest and the Limits of Military Professionalism: The Discourse on American Coastal Defence, 1815-1860". War in History 5, no.3 (1998): 280-307.

  68. Wertheimer, Andrew B. "Admitting Nebraska's Nisei: Japanese American Students at the University of Nebraska, 1942-1945". Nebraska History 83, no.2 (Summer 2002): 58-72.

  69. Wilford, Hugh. "Playing the CIA's Tune? The New Leader and the Cultural Cold War". Diplomatic History 27, no.1 (January 2003): 15-34.
    DDE Library

  70. Williams, Heather Andrea. "'Clothing Themselves in Intelligence': The Freedpeople, Schooling, and Northern Teachers, 1861-1871". Journal of African American History 87, no. (Fall 2002): 372-389.

  71. Wilson, Steven H. "Brown over 'Other White': Mexican Americans' Legal Arguments and Litigation Strategy in School Desegregation Lawsuits". Law and History Review 21, no.1 (Spring 2003): 145-194.

  72. Wondrak, Alice K. "Wrestling with Horace Albright: Edmond Rogers, Visitors, and Bears in Yellowstone National Park, Part II". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 52, no.4 (Winter 2002): 18-31.

Top of Page

Volume 30, Number 2, April-June, 2003
  1. "Treaty of Alliance with France, 1778". Prologue 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 76.

  2. "'Our Documents' Captures America's Milestones". Prologue 34, no.4 (Winter 2002): 285-290.
    RG046/RG094/RG241/RG326/RG360/JFK Library

  3. "Lee Resolution". Prologue 34, no.4 (Winter 2002): 336.

  4. Alexander, Thomas G. "Red Rock and Gray Stone: Senator Reed Smoot, the Establishment of Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, and the Rebuilding of Downtown Washington, D.C.". Pacific Historical Review 72, no.1 (February 2003): 1-38.

  5. Alsobrook, David E. "The Mobile Streetcar Boycott of 1902: African American Protest or Capitulation?" Alabama Review 56, no.2 (April 2003): 83-103.

  6. Atkins, Annette. "At Home in the Heart of the City". Minnesota History 58, no.5&6 (Spring/Summer 2003): 286-304.

  7. Beattie, Taylor V. "Corporal Freddie Stowers: An Appointment with Eternity on Hill 188". Army History no.57 (Winter 2003): 14-20.
    NARA photos

  8. Blondo, Richard. "Historic Murals Conservation at the National Archives Building". Prologue 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 26-29.

  9. Bloxham, Donald. "British War Crimes Trial Policy in Germany, 1945-1957: Implementation and Collapse". Journal of British Studies 42, no.1 (January 2003): 91-118.

  10. Burin, Eric. "Rethinking Northern White Support for the African Colonization Movement: The Pennsylvania Colonization Society as an Agent of Emancipation". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 127, no.2 (April 2003): 197-229.

  11. Candee, Richard M. "'Old Portsmouth... Home of the Stocking Business': A Forgotten Nineteenth-century Industry and Its Inventors". Historical New Hampshire 57, no.3&4 (Fall/Winter 2002): 85-107.

  12. Carter, Kent. "A Faithful Public Servant: J. George Wright and the Five Civilized Tribes". Chronicles of Oklahoma 81, no.1 (Spring 2003): 54-77.

  13. Cave, Alfred A. "The Shawnee Prophet, Tecumseh, and Tippecanoe: A Case Study of Historical Myth-Making". Journal of the Early Republic 22, no.4 (Winter 2002): 637-673.

  14. Cimbala, Paul A. "Lining Up to Serve". Prologue 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 38-48.

  15. Clymer, Kenton. "Jimmy Carter, Human Rights, and Cambodia". Diplomatic History 27, no.2 (April 2003): 245-278.
    JC Library

  16. Creswell, Michael. "'With a Little Help from our Friends': How France Secured an Anglo-American Continental Commitment, 1945-54". Cold War History 3, no.1 (October 2002): 1-28.

  17. Cunningham, Roger D. "'They Are as Proud of Their Uniform as Any Who Serve Virginia': African American Participation in the Virginia Volunteers, 1872-99". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 110, no.3 (2002): 293-338.

  18. Davis, Karl. "'Remembering Fort Mims:' Reinterpreting the Origins of the Creek War". Journal of the Early Republic 22, no.4 (Winter 2002): 611-636.

  19. Davis, Robert S. "Research Needs and Opportunities: Blountsville, Alabama: A Case Study in the Use of the R.G. Dun & Company Credit Reports, 1847-1880". Alabama Review 56, no.2 (April 2003): 125-135.

  20. Davis, Robert Scott. "The Georgia Odyssey of the Confederate Gold". Georgia Historical Quarterly 86, no.4 (Winter 2002): 569-586.

  21. De Cesar, Wayne T.; Page, Susan. "Jefferson Buys Louisiana Territory and the Nation Moves Westward". Prologue 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 31-36.

  22. Dean, H. Clark. "Thornton Violett: Two Men or One?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 91, no.1 (March 2003): 31-39.

  23. Dietl, Ralph. "'Une Deception Amoureuse'? Great Britain, the Continent and European Nuclear Cooperation, 1953-57". Cold War History 3, no.1 (October 2002): 29-66.
    RG059/HST Library/DDE Library

  24. Edmonson, Elizabeth A. "Without Comment or Controversy: The G.I. Bill and Catholic Colleges". Church History 71, no.4 (December 2002): 820-847.

  25. Everitt, David. "1871 War on Terror". American History 38, no.2 (June 2003): 26-33.
    NARA photos

  26. Foster, Gaines M. "Conservative Social Christianity, the Law, and Personal Morality: Wilbur F. Crafts in Washington". Church History 71, no.4 (December 2002): 799-819.

  27. Freeman, Wes; Sullivan, Geoff; Weierud, Frode. "Purple Revealed: Simulation and Computer-Aided Cryptanalysis of Angooki Taipu B". Cryptologia 27, no.1 (January 2003): 1-43.

  28. Gedalecia, David. "Letters from the Middle Kingdom: The Origins of America's China Policy". Prologue 34, no.4 (Winter 2002): 260-273.

  29. Geselbracht, Raymond H. "Harry Truman, Poker Player". Prologue 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 6-11.
    HST Library

  30. Giangreco, D.M. "'A Score of Bloody Okinawas and Iwo Jimas': President Truman and Casualty Estimates for the Invasion of Japan". Pacific Historical Review 72, no.1 (February 2003): 93-132.
    RG107/RG160/RG165/RG218/HST Library

  31. Giangreco, D.M. "Harry Truman and the Price of Victory". American Heritage 54, no.2 (April/May 2003): 13-14.
    HST Library

  32. Gladwin, Lee A. "Alan M. Turing's Critique of Running Short Cribs on the US Navy Bombe". Cryptologia 27, no.1 (January 2003): 50-54.

  33. Gustafson, Milton. "Travels of the Charters of Freedom". Prologue 34, no.4 (Winter 2002): 274-284.

  34. Hanson, Thomas E. "The Eight Army's Combat Readiness Before Korea: A New Appraisal". Armed Forces & Society 29, no.2 (Winter 2003): 167-184.

  35. Hartwig, D. Scott. "Antietam's Fury Remembered". America's Civil War 15, no.4 (September 2002): 38-45.

  36. Holcomb, Julie. "Confederate Express Agent James P. Hawkins Got Caught Up in the Evacuation of Richmond". America's Civil War 16, no.2 (May 2003): 58-60.
    NARA photos

  37. Hong, Syuk-Ryule. "Reunification Issues and Civil Society in South Korea: The Debates and Social Movement for Reunification During the April Revolution Period, 1960-1961". Journal of Asian Studies 61, no.4 (November 2002): 1237-1257.

  38. Hughes, R. Gerald. "'We are not Seeking Strength for its Own Sake': The British Labour Party, West Germany and the Cold War, 1951-64". Cold War History 3, no.1 (October 2002): 67-94.
    JFK Library

  39. Jefferson, Robert F.; Reyes, Angelita. "History Telling at the Kitchen Table: Private Joseph Shields, World War II, and Mother-Centered Memory in the Late Twentieth Century". Journal of Family History 27, no.4 (October 2002): 430-458.

  40. Johnson, Robert David. "The Unintended Consequences of Congressional Reform: The Clark and Tunney Amendments and U.S. Policy toward Angola". Diplomatic History 27, no.2 (April 2003): 215-243.
    RG059/GRF Library

  41. Jupiter, Del E. "Matilda Madrid: One Woman's Tale of Bondage and Freedom". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 91, no.1 (March 2003): 41-59.

  42. Kepley, David R. "AAD: A New Tool to Search NARA Databases". Prologue 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 50-54.

  43. Lindberg, Kip; Matthews, Matt. "'The Eagle of the 11th Kansas': Wartime Reminiscences of Colonel Thomas Moonlight". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 62, no.1 (Spring 2003): 1-41.

  44. Madden, Ryan. "The Shapiro Family, Old World and New: Establishing a Russian Jewish Community at Puddle Dock, 1898-1912". Historical New Hampshire 57, no.3&4 (Fall/Winter 2002): 109-121.

  45. McAleer, Margaret H. "In Defense of Civil Society: Irish Radicals in Philadelphia during the 1790's". Early American Studies 1, no.1 (Spring 2003): 176-197.

  46. Medoff, Rafael. "Felix Warburg and the Palestinian Arabs: A Reassessment". American Jewish Archives Journal 54, no.1 (2002): 11-36.

  47. Mills, Elizabeth Shown. "Roundabout Research: Pursuing Collateral Lines to Prove Parentage of a Direct Ancestor- Samuel Hanson of Frontier Georgia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 91, no.1 (March 2003): 19-30.

  48. Mintz, Steven. "Using Primary Source Documents". OAH Magazine of History 17, no.3 (April 2003): 41-43.

  49. Mollan, Mark C. "Honoring Our War Dead". Prologue 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 56-65.

  50. Murphy, Edward F. "Combat Medic Thomas W. Bennett Became the Second Conscientious Objector in History to Earn the Medal of Honor". Vietnam 16, no.1 (June 2003): 16, 62.
    NARA photos

  51. Nicolet, Claude. "The Development of US Plans for the Resolution of the Cyprus Conflict in 1964: 'The Limits of American Power'". Cold War History 3, no.1 (October 2002): 95-126.
    RG059/LBJ Library

  52. Patterson, Gerard A; Shoaf, Dana B. "Hangman Pickett". America's Civil War 15, no.5 (November 2002): 38-44.
    NARA photos

  53. Pemberton, David M. "'Blisters on My Heels, Corns on My Toes': Taking the 1930 Census of Population". Prologue 34, no.4 (Winter 2002): 306-317.

  54. Pfannestiel, Todd. "The Soviet Bureau: A Bolshevik Strategy to Secure U.S. Diplomatic Recognition through Economic Trade". Diplomatic History 27, no.2 (April 2003): 171-192.

  55. Potter, Lee Ann; Needles, Karen; Wilairat, Marisa. "The Purchase of the Louisiana Territory". Social Education 67, no.2 (March 2003): 100-104.

  56. Pula, James S. "The Writing on the Walls: Badger Graffiti in Civil War Virginia". Wisconsin Magazine of History 86, no.3 (Spring 2003): 39-49.

  57. Purcell, Aaron D. "Struggle Within, Struggle Without: The TEPCO Case and the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1936-1939". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 61, no.3 (Fall 2002): 194-210.

  58. Ragsdale, Bruce A. "Incited by the Love of Liberty: The Amistad Captives and the Federal Courts". Prologue 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 12-24.

  59. Schulman, Holly C; Nelson, Anna K. "Public Documents and Public History: An Interview with Anna K. Nelson". Public Historian 25, no.1 (Winter 2003): 29-50.
    DDE Library

  60. Smith, Gibson Bell. "Guarding the Railroads, Taking the Cossacks". Prologue 34, no.4 (Winter 2002): 294-305.

  61. Smith, Jason Scott. "New Deal Public Works at War: The WPA and Japanese American Internment". Pacific Historical Review 72, no.1 (February 2003): 63-92.
    RG069/FDR Library

  62. Tumilty, Victor. "'Old Joe Hooker, Won't You Get Out of the Wilderness!'". Civil War Times 42, no.2 (June 2003): 30-31.
    NARA photos

  63. Warren, Louis S. "Cody's Last Stand: Masculine Anxiety, the Custer Myth, and the Frontier of Domesticity in Buffalo Bill's Wild West". Western Historical Quarterly 34, no.1 (Spring 2003): 50-69.

  64. Wegner, Dana. "Exhuming the Constellation". Naval History 17, no.3 (June 2003): 24-30.

  65. Werum, Regina. "Matching Youth and Jobs? Gender Dynamics in New Deal Job Training Programs". Social Forces 81, no.2 (December 2002): 473-503.

  66. West, Elliott. "Reconstructing Race". Western Historical Quarterly 34, no.1 (Spring 2003): 7-26.

  67. Whitaker, Matthew C. "'Creative Conflict': Lincoln and Eleanor Ragsdale, Collaboration, and Community Activism in Phoenix, 1953-1965". Western Historical Quarterly 34, no.2 (Summer 2003): 165-190.

  68. White, Willis H. "Using Uncommon Sources to Illuminate Family History: A Long Island Tuthill Example". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 91, no.1 (March 2003): 5-18.

  69. Worsham, James. "Jefferson Looks Westward". Prologue 34, no.4 (Winter 2002): 254-259.

Top of Page

Volume 30, Number 3, July-September, 2003
  1. "Pieces of History: Korean War Armistice Agreement, 1953". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 76.

  2. Armstrong, Richard L. "The Battle of McDowell". Blue & Gray 20, no.5 (Summer 2003): 6-21, 44-49.

  3. Bell, Michael W. "'First Rate & Fashionable': Handmade Nineteenth Century Funiture at the Tennessee State Museum". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 62, no.1 (Spring 2003): 5-63.

  4. Bennet, Judith A. "Local Resource Use in the Pacific War with Japan: Logging in Western Melanesia". War & Society 21, no.1 (May 2003): 83-118.

  5. Bergherm, Brent Gary. "The Little Osage Captive: The Tragic Saga of Lydia Carter". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 62, no.2 (Summer 2003): 123-152.

  6. Bernstein, Barton J. "Reconsidering the 'Atomic General': Leslie R. Groves". Journal of Military History 67, no.3 (July 2003): 883-920.
    RG059/RG107/RG200/RG218/RG227/HH Library/HST Library

  7. Bonner, Robert E. "Local Experience and National Policy in Federal Reclamation: The Shoshone Project,1909-1953". Journal of Policy History 15, no.3 (2003): 301-323.

  8. Brinkley, Douglas. "Thomas Jefferson's Empire of Liberty". American History 38, no.3 (August 2003): 78-81, 94-97.
    NARA photos

  9. Broadwater, Robert P. "One Last Try". Civil War Times 42, no.4 (October 2003): 25-29, 57.
    NARA photos

  10. Brodhead, Michael. "'This Indian Gibraltar': The Battle of the Infernal Caverns and Other Incidents of George Crook's Campaign of 1866-1868". Journal of America's Military Past 29, no.3 (Spring/Summer 2003): 60-87.

  11. Brown, Paul B. "'The Senior Leadership Cadre of the Geheime Feldpolizei, 1939-1945'". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 17, no.2 (Fall 2003): 278-304.

  12. Brubaker, Jack. "Defending The Susquehanna". Civil War Times 42, no.3 (August 2003): 74-80.
    NARA photos

  13. Buecker, Thomas R. "Dakota Resources: Fred W. Power, 1874 Black Hills Expedition Diarist: The Rest of the Story". South Dakota History 33, no.2 (Summer 2003): 180-191.

  14. Bustard, Bruce I. "20 July 1969". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 7-9.
    RG255/RG306/RG472/Nixon Materials

  15. Butchart, Ronald E; Rolleri, Amy F. "Iowa Teachers Among the Freedpeople of the South, 1862-1876". Annals of Iowa 62, no.1 (Winter 2003): 1-29.
    RG029/RG105/HH Library

  16. Camp, Gregory S. "The Dispossessed: The Ojibwa and the Metis of Northwest North Dakota". North Dakota History 69, no.2/3/4 (2002): 62-79.

  17. Campbell, Eric A. "Hell in a Peach Orchard". America's Civil War 16, no.3 (July 2003): 38-44.
    NARA photos

  18. Carlin, John W. "The National Archives Experience: Reopening the Rotunda". American History 38, no.4 (October 2003): 20-24, 70-71.
    NARA photos

  19. Carmichael, Peter S. "'So Far from God and so Close to Stonewall Jackson': The Executions of Three Shenandoah Valley Soldiers". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 111, no.1 (2003): 33-66.

  20. Carnevale, Nancy C. "'No Italian Spoken for the Duration of the War': Language, Italian-American Identity, and Cultural Pluralism in the World War II Years". Journal of American Ethnic History 22, no.3 (Spring 2003): 3-33.

  21. Castel, Albert. "'Captain We Will Meet You on the Shore': The Story of Some Black Union Soldiers from Georgia as Told by a White Union Officer from Michigan". Georgia Historical Quarterly 87, no.2 (Summer 2003): 275-296.
    RG094/NARA photos

  22. Chandler, Robert J. "An Uncertain Influence: The Role of the Federal Government in California, 1846-1880". California History 81, no.3/4 (2003): 224-271.

  23. Clow, Richmond L. "'We Do Not Always Agree': Eugene Little, the Indian New Deal, and Changing Rosebud Leadership". South Dakota History 33, no.2 (Summer 2003): 155-179.

  24. Cohrs, Patrick O. "The First 'Real' Peace Settlements After the First World War: Britain, the United States and the Accords of London and Locarno, 1923-1925". Contemporary European History 12, no.1 (2003): 1-31.

  25. Cubbison, Douglas R. "'Look Out for Hell Some Place Soon': The 2nd Colorado Cavalry in Missouri February-September,1864". Military History of the West 32, no.1 (Spring 2002): 1-24.

  26. Cumfer, Cythia. "Local Origins of National Indian Policy: Cherokee and Tennessean Ideas About Sovereignty and Nationhood, 1790-1811". Journal of the Early Republic 23, no.1 (Spring 2003): 21-46.

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  28. Currie, James T. "Operation Hajji Baba". Air Power History 50, no.2 (Summer 2003): 4-15.
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  29. D'Souza, Dinesh. "How the East Was Won: A Senior Reagan White House Policy Analyst Looks Back on Why Ronald Reagan Won the Cold War". American History 38, no.4 (October 2003): 37-43.
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  30. Dalstrom, Harl A. "'I'm Never Going to be Snowbound Again': The Winter of 1948-1949 in Nebraska". Nebraska History 83, no.3&4 (Fall/Winter 2002): 110-166.

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  32. David, James. "Soviet Secrets in the Ether-Clandestine Radio Stations at the New York and San Francisco Consulates in World War II". Cryptologia 27, no.2 (April 2003): 135-147.

  33. Davis, John Martin, Jr. "Bankless in Beaufort: A Reexamination of the 1873 Failure of the Freedmans Savings Branch at Beaufort, South Carolina". South Carolina Historical Magazine 104, no.1 (January 2003): 25-55.

  34. DeJong, David H. "A Scheme to Rob Them of Their Land: Water, Allotment, and the Economic Integration of the Pima Reservation, 1902-1921". Journal of Arizona History 44, no.2 (Summer 2003): 99-132.

  35. Dekel-Chen, Jonathan. "An Unlikely Triangle: Philanthropists, Commissars, and American Statesmanship Meet in Soviet Crimea, 1922-37". Diplomatic History 27, no.3 (June 2003): 353-376.

  36. Denson, Andrew. "Muskogee's Indian International Fairs: Tribal Autonomy and the Indian Image in the Late Nineteenth Century". Western Historical Quarterly 34, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 323-345.

  37. Dore, Elizabeth. "Debt Peonage in Granada, Nicaragua, 1870-1930: Labor in a Noncapitalist Transition". Hispanic American Historical Review 83, no.3 (August 2003): 521-559.

  38. Eales, Anne Bruner. "The National Archives Goes to War". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 29-39.

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  40. Fenster, Julie M. "Lawyer Lincoln's Winning Ways". American History 38, no.4 (October 2003): 60-65.
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  41. Fisher, Linda A. "A Patient's Point of View Nineteenth-Century Syphilis Treatment". Documentary Editing 25, no.1 (Spring 2003): 15-31.

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  44. Gangarosa, Gene Jr. "Arsenal: The French-made MAT-49 Submachine Gun was a Favored VC Weapon During the Early Years of the War". Vietnam 16, no.3 (October 2003): 10-12.
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  45. Gladstone, William. "Private Lewis Martin and His Brief War". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 44-49.

  46. Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. "Displaced Archives and Restitution Problems on the Eastern Front in the Aftermath of the Second World War". Contemporary European History 6, no.1 (1997): 27-74.

  47. Grinev, Andrei V. "The Dynamics of the Administrative Elite of the Russian-American Company". Alaska History 17, no.1 & 2 (Spring/Fall 2002): 1-22.

  48. Grunbacher, Armin. "Sustaining the Island: Western Aid to 1950s West Berlin". Cold War History 3, no.3 (April 2003): 1-22.

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  50. Hanson, Marin F. "The Eva Wight Crazy Quilt: Late-Nineteenth-Century Quiltmaking in Central Kansas". Kansas History 26, no.2 (Summer 2003): 79-89.

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  52. Hawkins, Susan. "The African American Experience at Forts Henry, Heiman, and Donelson, 1862-1867". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 61, no.4 (Winter 2002): 223-241.

  53. Holcomb, Julie. "Eyewitness to War: Confederate Express Agent James P. Hawkins Got Caught Up in the Evacuation of Richmond". America's Civil War 16, no.2 (May 2003): 58-60.
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  54. Hunter, G. Howard. "The Politics of Resentment: Unionist Regiments and the New Orleans Immigrant Community, 1862-1864". Louisiana History 44, no.2 (Spring 2003): 185-210.

  55. Hussey, Michael. "Letter From Archibald MacLeish about Relocating the Charters of Freedom during World War II". Social Education 67, no.5 (September 2003): 248-253.

  56. Irwin, Manley R. "Harding Policies Foster Future Naval Success". Naval History 17, no.4 (August 2003): 28-31.

  57. Jacobsen, Philip H. "Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor? No!: The Story of the U.S. Navy's Efforts on JN-25B". Cryptologia 27, no.3 (July 2003): 193-205.

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  63. Lause, Mark A. "Turning the World Upside Down: A Potrait of Labor and a Military Leader, Alonzo Granville Draper". Labor History 44, no.2 (May 2003): 189-204.

  64. Lavender, William; Lavender, Mary. "Suffragists' Storm Over Washington". American History 38, no.4 (October 2003): 30-35,76-78.
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  65. Leong, Karen J. "Foreign Policy, National Identity and Citizenship: The Roosevelt White House and the Expediency of Repeal". Journal of American Ethnic History 22, no.4 (Summer 2003): 3-30.
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  66. Martin, Tony. "Eric Williams and the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission: Trinidad's Future Nationalist Leader as Aspiring Imperial Bureaucrat, 1942-1944". Journal of African American History 88, no.3 (Summer 2003): 274-290.

  67. McDougal, Larry. "Redcatchers' Day of Valor". Vietnam 16, no.3 (October 2003): 20-25, 53.
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  68. McKeown, Adam. "Ritualization of Regulation: The Enforcement of Chinese Exclusion in the United States and China". American Historical Review 108, no.2 (April 2003): 377-403.

  69. Meixsel, Richard B. "The Philippine Scout Mutiny of 1924". South East Asia Research 10, no.3 (November 2002): 333-359.

  70. Mengel, David J. "Science Resources in the Nixon Presidential Materials". American Institute of Physics 35, no.1 (Spring 2003): 4.
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  71. Morrison, Michael A. "American Reaction to European Revolutions, 1848-1852: Sectionalism, Memory, and the Revolutionary Heritage". Civil War History 49, no.2 (June 2003): 111-132.

  72. Newborg, Gerald G. "Going to the Source". North Dakota History 69, no.2/3/4 (2002): 81-112.

  73. Nickerson, Michelle. "'The Power of the Morally Indignant Woman': Republican Women and the Making of California Conservatism". Journal of the West 42, no.3 (Summer 2003): 35-43.
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  74. Pfaff, Christine. "Safeguarding Hoover Dam during World War II". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 11-21.

  75. Plante, Trevor K. "Enhancing Your Family Tree with Civil War Maps". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 53-61.

  76. Plotkin, Stephen. "Sixty Years Later, the Story of PT-109 Still Captivates". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 23-26.
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  77. Porter, Maura P. "Presidential Tapes Allow 'Eavesdropping on History'". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 40-43.
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  78. Potter, Lee Ann. "Letter from President Lyndon B. Johnson to John Steinbeck". Social Education 67, no.4 (May/June 2003): 196-199.
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  79. Powers, Richard Gid. "The FBI Marches on the Dreamer". American History 38, no.3 (August 2003): 42-47.
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  80. Preston, Andrew. "Operation Smallbridge: Chester Ronning, the Second Indochina War, and the Challenge to the United States in Asia". Pacific Historical Review 72, no.3 (August 2003): 353-390.

  81. Prusin, Alexander Victor. "'Fascist Criminals to the Gallows!': The Holocaust and Soviet War Crimes Trials, December 1945-February 1946". Holocaust and Genocidal Studies 17, no.1 (Spring 2003): 1-30.

  82. Ratcliff, R.A. "How Statistics Led the Germans to Believe the Enigma Secure and Why They Were Wrong: Neglecting the Practical Mathematics of Cipher Machines". Cryptologia 27, no.2 (April 2003): 119-131.

  83. Ray, Arthur J. "Native History on Trial: Confessions of an Expert Witness". Canadian Historical Review 84, no.2 (June 2003): 253-273.

  84. Robinson, Peter. "'Mr. Gorbachev, Open this Gate. Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down this Wall!': The Inside Story of Reagan's Berlin Challenge". American History 38, no.4 (October 2003): 45-48, 79.
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  85. Rottinghaus, Brandon. "Reassessing Public Opinion Polling in the Truman Administration". Presidential Studies Quarterly 33, no.2 (June 2003): 325-332.
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  86. Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan. "The Royal Air Force on Okinawa: The Diplomacy of a Coalition on the Verge of Victory". Diplomatic History 27, no.4 (September 2003): 479-502.

  87. Simoes de Carvalho, Paul M. "Gunboat Diplomacy on the Orinoco". Naval History 17, no.4 (August 2003): 42-47.

  88. Skaggs, David Curtis. "A Historian at Work: Thomas Macdonough's Relief From Command". American Neptune 61, no.4 (Fall 2001): 411-421.
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  89. Smith, Susan L. "Women Health Workers and the Color Line in the Japanese American 'Relocation Centers' of World War II". Bulletin of the History of Medicine 73, (1999): 585-601.

  90. Smith-Norris, Martha. "The Eisenhower Administration and the Nuclear Test Ban Talks, 1958-1960: Another Challenge to 'Revisionism'". Diplomatic History 27, no.4 (September 2003): 503-541.
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  91. Snead, David L. "Obscure but Important: The United States and the Russell Islands in World War II". Journal of America's Military Past 29, no.3 (Spring/Summer 2003): 5-30.

  92. Snider, Christy Jo. "The Influence of Transnational Peace Groups on U.S. Foreign Policy Decision-Makers during the 1930s: Incorporating NGOs into the UN". Diplomatic History 27, no.3 (June 2003): 377-404.
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  93. Songster, E. Elena. "Cultivating the Nation in Fujian's Forests: Forest Policies and Afforestation Efforts in China, 1911-1937". Environmental History 8, no.3 (July 2003): 452-473.

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  96. Tassava, Christopher James. "Weak Seams: Controversy over Welding Theory and Practice in American Shipyards 1938-1946". History and Technology 19, no.2 (June 2003): 87-108.

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  98. Taylor, Lenette S. "Uncle Sam's Landlord: Quartering the Union Army in Nashville in the Summer of 1863". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 61, no.4 (Winter 2002): 243-265.
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  99. Utley, Robert M. "The Bozeman Trail Before John Bozeman". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 53, no.2 (Summer 2003): 21-31.

  100. Veeser, Cyrus. "Inventing Dollar Diplomacy: The Gilded-Age Origins of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine". Diplomatic History 27, no.3 (June 2003): 301-326.

  101. Wakefield, Laura Wallis. "'Set a Light in a Dark Place': Teachers of Freedmen in Florida, 1864-1874". Florida Historical Quarterly 81, no.4 (Spring 2003): 401-416.

  102. Warner, Deborah Jean. "Political Geodesy: The Army, the Air Force, and the World Geodetic System of 1960". Annals of Science 59, no.4 (October 2002): 363-390.

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  107. Zaim, Craig. "Trail by Ordeal: The Willie McGee Case". Journal of Mississippi History 65, no.3 (Fall 2003): 215-247.

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Volume 30, Number 4, October-December, 2003
  1. "Four Days in November". American History 38, no.5 (December 2003): 30-52.
    NARA photos/JFK Library

  2. Allison, William. "War for Sale: The Black Market, Currency Manipulation and Corruption in the American War in Vietnam". War and Society 21, no.2 (October 2003): 135-164.

  3. Badash, Lawrence. "From Security Blanket to Security Risk: Scientists in the Decade After Hiroshima". History and Technology 19, no.3 (September 2003): 241-256.

  4. Belknap, Michal R. "Alarm Bells from the Past: The Troubling History of American Military Commissions". Journal of Supreme Court History 28, no.3 (2003): 300-322.
    FDR Library

  5. Bigler, David. "Mormon Missionaries, The Utah War, and the 1858 Bannock Raid on Fort Limhi". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 53, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 30-43.

  6. Birkner, Michael J. "'He's My Man': Sherman Adams and New Hampshire's Role in the 'Draft Eisenhower' Movement". Historical New Hampshire 58, no.1&2 (Spring/Summer 2003): 5-25.
    DDE Library

  7. Blackwell, Stephen. "Britain, the United States and the Syrian Crisis, 1957". Diplomacy and Statecraft 11, no.3 (November 2000): 139-158.
    DDE Library

  8. Bolton, Charles S. "Jeffersonian Indian Removal and the Emergence of Arkansas Territory". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 62, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 253-271.

  9. Cheatham, Gary L. "'Within the Limits of the Southern Confederacy': The CSA's Interest in the Quapaw, Osage, and Cherokee Tribal Lands of Kansas". Kansas History 26, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 172-185.

  10. Clapp, Elizabeth J. "'A Virago-Errant in Enchanted Armor?': Anne Royall's 1829 Trial as Common Scold". Journal of the Early Republic 23, no.2 (Summer 2003): 207-232.

  11. Conley, Richard S. "George Bush and the 102d Congress: The Impact of Public and 'Private' Veto Threats on Policy Outcomes". Presidential Studies Quarterly 33, no.4 (December 2003): 730-750.
    GHWB Library

  12. Dalleo, Peter T. "'Both Pockets Full of Letters': Thomas M. Rodney, John M. Clayton, William R. King, and Whig Patronage Politics". Delaware History 30, no.2 (Fall-Winter 2002-2003): 85-119.

  13. Darragh, Shaun M; Nicoud, Mireille. "French Foreign Legion Infantry Units in Indochina". Vietnam 16, no.4 (December 2003): 26-32,63.
    NARA photos

  14. Davis, Robert S. "Escape from Andersonville: A Study in Isolation and Imprisonment". Journal of Military History 67, no.4 (October 2003): 1065-1081.

  15. de la Cova, Antonio Rafael. "Fernandina Filibuster Fiasco: Birth of the 1895 Cuban War of Independence". Florida Historical Quarterly 82, no.1 (Summer 2003): 16-42.

  16. DuVal, Kathleen. "Choosing Enemies: The Prospects for an Anti-American Alliance in the Louisiana Territory". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 62, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 233-252.

  17. Erskine, Ralph; Freeman, Peter. "Brigadier John Tiltman: One of Britain's Finest Cryptologists". Cryptologia 27, no.4 (October 2003): 289-318.

  18. Fain, W. Taylor. "'Unfortunate Arabia': The United States, Great Britain and Yemen, 1955-63". Diplomacy and Statecraft 12, no.2 (June 2001): 125-152.
    RG059/DDE Library/JFK Library

  19. Ferren, John M. "Military Curfew, Race-Based Internment, and Mr. Justice Rutledge". Journal of Supreme Court History 28, no.3 (2003): 252-269.
    FDR Library

  20. Fortmann, Michel; Haglund, David G. "'Public Diplomacy and Dirty Tricks: Two Faces of United States 'Informal Penetration' of Latin America on the Eve of World War II'". Diplomacy and Statecraft 6, no.2 (July 1995): 536-577.
    RG165/FDR Library

  21. Giberson, Art. "Dustoff Pilot and Medal of Honor Recipient Mike Novosel was the Last World War II Pilot Flying on Active Duty". Vietnam 16, no.4 (December 2003): 48,62.
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  22. Goldfield, David. "Writing the Sunbelt". Magazine of History 18, no.1 (October 2003): 5-9.
    JC Library

  23. Hanhimaki, Jussi M. "'Dr. Kissinger' or 'Mr. Henry'? Kissengerology, Thirty Years and Counting". Diplomatic History 27, no.5 (November 2003): 637-676.
    RG059/Nixon Materials

  24. Hendrix, II, Henry J. "T.R.'s Virtuoso Performance". American History 38, no.6 (February 2004): 44-51.
    NARA photos

  25. Holley, Jr., I.B. "Blacktop: How Asphalt Paving Came to the Urban United States". Technology and Culture 44, no.4 (October 2003): 703-733.

  26. Hone, Trent. "The Evolution of the Fleet Tactical Doctrine in the U.S. Navy, 1922-1941". Journal of Military History 67, no.4 (October 2003): 1107-1148.

  27. Hughes, Michael. "The Virtues of Specialization: British and American Diplomatic Reporting on Russia, 1921-39". Diplomacy and Statecraft 11, no.2 (July 2000): 79-104.

  28. Humphrey, John T. "Minimum Resources, Maximum Yield: Reconstructing the Schuck Family in Eighteenth-Century Pennsylvania". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 91, no.3 (September 2003): 165-182.

  29. Jackson, Ian. "'The Limits of International Leadership': The Eisenhower Administration, East-West Trade and the Cold War, 1953-54". Diplomacy and Statecraft 11, no.3 (November 2000): 113-138.

  30. Jacobsen, Lieutenant Commander Philip H. "Who Deceived Whom?". Naval History 17, no.6 (December 2003): 27-31.

  31. Kelly, Brian. "Sentinels for New South Industry: Booker T. Washington, Industrial Accomodation and Black Workers in the Jim Crow South". Labor History 44, no.3 (August 2003): 337-357.

  32. Key, Joseph Patrick. "'Outcasts Upon the World': The Louisiana Purchase and the Quapaws". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 62, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 272-288.

  33. Kimball, Jeffrey. "Fighting and Talking". Diplomatic History 27, no.5 (November 2003): 763-766.
    Nixon Materials

  34. Krowl, Michelle A. "'In the Spirit of Fraternity': The United States Government and the Burial of Confederate Dead Arlington National Cemetery, 1864-1914". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 111, no.2 (2003): 151-186.

  35. Launius, Roger D. "Kennedy's Space Policy Reconsidered: A Post-Cold War Perspective". Air Power History 50, no.4 (Winter 2003): 16-29.
    DDE Library/JFK Library

  36. Litchman, William M. "Scattered Pieces: Assembling a King and Queen County, Virginia, Taylor Family from Scanty Records". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 91, no.3 (September 2003): 183-195.

  37. Madsen, Chris. "Limits of Generosity and Trust: The Naval Side of the Combined Munitions Assignment Board, 1942-1945". War and Society 21, no.2 (October 2003): 77-108.
    RG038/RG080/RG218/FDR Library

  38. Marsh, Robert M. "Tactics Rule at Empress Augusta Bay". Naval History 17, no.6 (December 2003): 42-47.
    NARA photos

  39. Matusow, Allen J. "Richard Nixon and the Failed War Against the Trading World". Diplomatic History 27, no.5 (November 2003): 767-772.
    Nixon Materials

  40. Melendy, H. Brett. "The Competition for Trans-Pacific Air Routes to Hawai'i, 1945-1959". Hawaiian Journal of History 37, no. (2003): 199-216.
    RG126/HST Library

  41. Mentzer, Elizabeth. "'Made in Montana': Montana's Post Office Murals". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 53, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 44-53.

  42. Miller, Kristie. "'In This Company of the Renowned': The Story of the John C. Greenway Statue in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda". Journal of Arizona History 44, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 243-264.
    FDR Library

  43. Morgan, Michael. "The Beast at His Best". Civil War Times 42, no.6 (February 2004): 24-31.
    NARA photos

  44. Nash, Philip. "'A Woman's Touch in Foreign Affairs'? The Career of Ambassador Frances E. Willis". Diplomacy and Statecraft 13, no.2 (June 2002): 1-20.
    RG059/RG084/DDE Library

  45. Nelson, Paula M. "'In the Midst of Life We are in Death': Medical Care and Mortality in Early Canton". South Dakota History 33, no.3 (Fall 2003): 193-234.

  46. Nordmann, Christopher A. "Jumping Over the Broomstick: Resources for Documenting Slave 'Marriages'". National Genealogical Soceity Quarterly 91, no.3 (September 2003): 192-216.

  47. Nutting, P. Bradley. "Selling Elegant Glassware During the Great Depression: A.H. Heisey and Company and the New Deal". Business History Review 77, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 447-478.

  48. Paschall, Rod. "The Armed Forces and the Assassination". American History 38, no.5 (December 2003): 54-56.
    NARA photos

  49. Percoco, James A. "Primarily, It's Serendipity". Social Education 67, no.7 (November/December 2003): 401-404.
    FDR Library

  50. Petersen, Tore Tingvold. "How Not to Stand up to Arabs and Israelis". International History Review 25, no.3 (September 2003): 616-635.
    RG059/DDE Library/LBJ Library/Nixon Materials

  51. Potter, James E. "A Cow on the Roof and a Bullet in the Head?" Nebraska History 84, no.1 (Spring 2003): 42-47.

  52. Potter, Lee Ann. "Connecting with the Past". Social Education 67, no.7 (November/December 2003): 372-377.
    RG109/RG255/HST Library

  53. Potter, Lee Ann. "Online Resources from the National Archives". Social Education 67, no.7 (November/December 2003): 390-393.
    RG111/RG208/LBJ Library

  54. Preble, Christopher A. "'Who Ever Believed in the 'Missile Gap'?' John F. Kennedy and the Politics of National Security". Presidential Studies Quarterly 33, no.4 (December 2003): 801-826.
    DDE Library/JFK Library

  55. Rempe, Dennis M. "The Origin of Internal Security in Columbia: Part I - A CIA Special Team Surveys la Violencia, 1959-60". Small Wars and Insurgencies 10, no.3 (Winter 1999): 24-61.
    DDE Library

  56. Rempe, Dennis M. "'An American Trojan Horse?' Eisenhower, Latin America, and the Development of U.S. Internal Security Policy, 1954-1960". Small Wars and Insurgencies 10, no.1 (Spring 1999): 34-64.
    DDE Library

  57. Robbins, Susanna. "Keeping Things Cool: Air-Conditioning in the Modern World". Magazine of History 18, no.1 (October 2003): 42-46.
    NARA photos

  58. Rulli, Daniel F. "Big and Famous is Not Always Best". Social Education 67, no.7 (November/December 2003): 378-380.

  59. Seegmiller, William Garth. "Pardo's Push". Vietnam 16, no.4 (December 2003): 42-47.
    NARA photos

  60. Senter, Jim. "Live Dunes and Ghost Forests: Stability and Change in the History of North Carolina's Maritime Forests". North Carolina Historical Review 80, no.3 (July 2003): 334-371.

  61. Shewmaker, Kenneth E. "Neill S. Brown's Mission to Russia, 1850-53". Diplomacy and Statecraft 12, no.4 (December 2001): 81-98.

  62. Shockley, Megan Taylor. "Working for Democracy: Working-Class African-American Women, Citizenship, and Civil Rights in Detroit, 1940-1954". Michigan Historical Review 29, no.2 (Fall 2003): 125-157.

  63. Tal, David. "'Eisenhower's Disarmament Dilemma': From Chance for Peace to Open Skies Proposal". Diplomacy and Statecraft 12, no.2 (June 2001): 175-196.
    DDE Library

  64. Tiratsoo, Nick. "The United States Technical Assistance Programme in Japan, 1955-62". Business History 42, no.4 (October 2000): 117-136.

  65. Voegeli, V. Jacque. "A Rejected Alternative: Union Policy and the Relocation of Southern 'Contrabands' at the Dawn of Emancipation". Journal of Southern History 69, no.4 (November 2003): 765-790.

  66. Waller, Robert A. "The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Emergence of South Carolina's State Park System, 1933-1942". South Carolina Historical Magazine 104, no.2 (April 2003): 101-125.

  67. Wehrle, Edmund F. "Welfare and Warfare: American Organized Labor Approaches the Military-Industrial Complex, 1949-1964". Armed Forces and Society 29, no.4 (Summer 2003): 525-546.

  68. Wert, Jeffry. "November and December 1863". Civil War Times 42, no.5 (December 2003): 8-9.
    NARA photos

  69. Yochim, Michael J. "'Snow Machines in the Gardens': The History of Snowmobiles in Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 53, no.3 (Autumn 2003): 2-14.

  70. Zmijewski, David. "The Conspiracy That Never Existed: How Hawai'i Evaded Annexation in 1868". Hawaiian Journal of History 37, no. (2003): 119-138.

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