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The Joshua Lederberg Papers

Launching a New Science: Exobiology and the Exploration of Space: Documents

[Joshua Lederberg in front of Mars Lander chart]. [1973].
Background Narrative Visuals
Click Metadata Record to see detailed information about each document.
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua. "Genes and Antibodies." Science 129, 3364 (19 June 1959): 1649-1653. Article. 6 Images. pdf (1,054,478 Bytes) ocr (39,176 Bytes)
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua, and Carl Sagan. "Microenvironments for Life on Mars." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 48, 9 (September 1962): 1473-1475. Article. 3 Images. pdf (307,701 Bytes) ocr (9,166 Bytes)
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua. "Signs of Life: Criterion System of Exobiology." Nature 207, 4492 (3 July 1965): 9-13. Article. 13 Images. pdf (1,186,121 Bytes) ocr (34,919 Bytes)
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua. "Are There Bugs on Mars?" Washington Post, (26 February 1967): sec.E, p. 7. Article. Newspaper Column. 1 Image. pdf (119,258 Bytes) trs (4,054 Bytes)
Metadata Record Levinthal, Elliott C., and Joshua Lederberg. "Relationship of Planetary Quarantine to Biological Search Strategy." Life Sciences and Space Research VI. A Session of the Eighth International Space Science Symposium, edited by Marcel Florkin and A. Dollfus. North-Holland Publishing Company, 1968. Pp. 136-145. Article. Proceedings. 10 Images. pdf (906,220 Bytes) ocr (22,958 Bytes)
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua. Letter from Joshua Lederberg to Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 6 June 1969. pdf (68,149 Bytes) ocr (1,990 Bytes)
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua. Letter from Joshua Lederberg to Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Letter (correspondence). 1 Image. 25 June 1969. pdf (54,003 Bytes) ocr (1,175 Bytes)
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua. "Mars Through A Crystal Ball." Applied Optics 8, 7 (July 1969): 1269-1270. Article. 2 Images. pdf (302,601 Bytes) ocr (9,835 Bytes)
Metadata Record Klein, Harold P., Joshua Lederberg, Alexander Rich, Norman H. Horowitz, Vance I. Oyama, and Gilbert V. Levin. "The Viking Mission Search for Life on Mars." Nature 262, 5563 (1 July 1976): 24-27. Article. 4 Images. pdf (794,489 Bytes) ocr (20,923 Bytes)
Metadata Record Lederberg, Joshua. "The Ontogeny of the Clonal Selection Theory of Antibody Formation." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 546 (30 December 1988): 175-187. Article. 13 Images. pdf (1,621,959 Bytes) ocr (58,891 Bytes)

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