Border line
Designed and maintained by Photius Coutsoukis.

. . Solid Backgrounds . .
Somalia Blue Libya Green Niue Yellow China Red Latvia Brown
. . STRIPES . .
GreeceBurkina FasoIndia FranceAlgeriaCameroon
. . All Others . .
CircleCrescentFlags with Union JackCrossFancyUncommonly shaped
Combos, Squares, Diagonal, Wedges, X, Cross, Stars, Circle, Crescent, Animal, Plant, Multicolor, Text, Irregular, Commonwealth, Fancy ...
    Whose flag is it? Click on a flag to see others of similar design.
    I have built redundancy, e.g., a flag with horizontal stripes and a wedge will be found in the stripe category and in the wedge category.

See also the Printable Version of the Flag Identifier PagesNew

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Revised 7-MAR-09
Copyright 1998-2009 Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved).

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