NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Topic

Emotional stress

Job stress can pose a threat to the safety and health of workers. One-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives and three-fourths of employees believe the worker has more on-the-job-stress than a generation ago. Job stress results from the interaction of the worker (including worker characteristics) and the conditions of work. Stress may be part of a miner's response to the everyday workload in the dangerous mining environment or to an emergency situation or mine disaster. Stress awareness and the development of interventions for miners and the industry contribute to worker safety and health. From a psychological perspective, preparation is the most important activity in which to engage to mitigate the effects of a disaster.

The work in this topic area is supported by the NIOSH Mining Emergency Response and Rescue program. See the NIOSH Mining Products page for software, guides, training materials or other items related to this topic.

Emotional Stress Spotlights

Workplace Stress (PDF, 512 KB, 2007-05)
Describes proven methods that individuals and organizations can use to reduce stress levels.

Data & statistics

A Study of Burnout in Accident Investigators in the US Mining Industry (PDF, 796 KB, 2002-01)
Reports on the results of administering the Maslach Burnout Inventory assessment to 154 MSHA accident investigators.

Diseases, injuries & disorders

Workplace Stress (PDF, 512 KB, 2007-05)
Describes proven methods that individuals and organizations can use to reduce stress levels.

Measurement & analysis

Judgment and Decision-Making Under Stress: An Overview for Emergency Managers (PDF, 711 KB, 2003)
This paper discusses human judgment and decision making under stress. The authors assert that stress is one of the factors that decision makers must contend with in most life-or-death situations.

Overtime and Extended Work Shifts: Recent Findings on Illnesses, Injuries and Health Behaviors (PDF, 2300 KB, 2004-04)
This document presents an integrative review of the methods and findings from 52 studies that were published between 1995 and 2002 and examined the relationship between long work hours and selected health outcomes. The review indicates that the influence of long working hours on health and safety involves a complex interaction of a number of factors. The authors recommend issues and priorities to consider in future research.

Toward a Typology of Dynamic and Hazardous Work Environments (PDF, 265 KB, 2001-12)
The most hazardous work environments share one feature in common: constant change. Many different, but constantly changing hazards are found in agriculture, construction, mining, and transport. The authors propose a preliminary typology of dynamic and hazardous work environments, along with a schema to systematically observe the dynamic characteristics of these hazards.

Information gateways

Stress at Work
This is NIOSH's topic page for job stress research.

Page last updated: January 14, 2009
Page last reviewed: January 30, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division